I’m prepared with tons of alcohol…F1’s spouse does some Tequila shots. We ladies have a vodka cocktail and F2’s spouse is drinken’ nothing’…He’s driven’.
We have our beverages and head downtown to meet our other friends…there are a total of 13 of us…13 is a lucky number…I was glad to help them out;)…and make it a great odd number.
Side note…I was fine hanging out with all my married friends I do it all the time. I did NOT feel like the 13th wheel.
I did not tell my friends that I had a goal…a picture goal…and a Facebook goal.

I wanted to take pictures of myself with my friends doing…really not that outrageous things…but could be construed as such through the eyes of jackasses.
...no drinks in hand.
The reason I wanted to do this was because I had read an article awhile back about a teacher being fired because while she was on vacation (
The school had a
If I was a teacher I would drink a lot…
Can I drink more than I already do?
People are getting fired over Tweets, Status Up-dates and such on social networks.
I live my life on-line-ish…
The other day on the Today Show someone said you should never post any picture of yourself with ANY drink in hand.
I don’t have a real job, don’t want one. Well, I do, just not a 9-5 gig.
The pictures I sent via my Spyder (my phone) and posted on FB were SO not that innocent but I did not have ONE drink in my hand.
I have over 500 pictures of myself on FB…many of them…drink in hand.
Drink shmink…
I was wasted! So were many of my freinds … and it was obvious!
Some of my friends were completely sober…they look drunk though.

Who really fucking cares?
Get your panties out of a wad!
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