Friday, March 31, 2023

Note Placement


Funny thing I just wanted to jot down and not for fun. 

I've expressly explained that it's going to get bad. People around me don't seem to grasp this. 

I've shown people actual Karma for their doings in this life. 


When people* say to me 'doctors know what they are doing' I laugh in your face. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Company Culture


The crimson and forest houndstooth patterned dress fit neatly around her bosom, cinched in at the waste, it hit 3 inches below her knees, her calves shapely, practical flat black and white shoes tied tightly around her feet. Her hair is short. She gathers her white gloves from her pocket in her dress and stands tall and straight at the front door as she knocks gently. Behind the door she can hear the scuffle of feet and a baby crying in the back ground. 

The door opens with trepidation from the young mother. The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress relaxes her shoulders, raises an eyebrow and with a secret smile puts out her arms to the mother. The young mother takes the embrace which is tight and long, a hug of life shared, a hug that says 'everything is going to be ok, it's gonna be work and you are not alone'. The two women stand there for a solid minute and then move inside. 

The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress looks around the room as the young mother apologizes for the mess. The woman in the dress, "Stop." In an understanding 'been there done that' way, "How are you?" The babies in the back room could be heard, no longer crying but cooing right before they would fall asleep for their mid morning nap. The mother falls into the sofa with a basket of toys by her feet that had been strewed across the floor not moments ago, as the woman in the dress sits in a chair near by. "Sometimes I'm at my wits end, other times I feel like I have it together, normal I guess." The mother smiles a beautiful toothy smile, sits up straight in excitement and says, "I'm gonna peek in on them, I use a mirror under the door so they can't see me and get all restless, they haven't figured it out yet." The mother gets up and walks towards a hallway and heads down it. The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress expertly pulls her white gloves on, stand straight and eyes an area in view of the young mothers favorite seat; there is a picture of the attractive couple, he in military garb and she in an off the shoulder gown of dark blue, her hair piled on her head and gloves donning her own arms. The woman in the dress reaches her white gloved hand, ring finger down ever so slightly and gives the top of the frame a swift sweep. The woman removes her gloves, pockets them and ganders into the kitchen as she sits back down on the chair. 

The young mother returns, "They are sleeping like two little cherubs, and you and I both know they aren't angels." The ladies have a laugh and the woman in the dress says to the mother, "Do you and the kids want to come over tonight? I'm making spaghetti with a tomato sauce, we'll let the babies throw it everywhere and you won't have to worry about a thing." The young mother looking exhausted and delighted at the idea of a night off, and sort of out. "Can we do it early? I find keeping the babies on a tight schedule helps them and me." The woman in the dress, "I'd have it no other way. You know I believe in a good schedule for babies and children, gives them a nice order to move around in."  As she raised her self from the chair and straightened her dress down with her palms, "I'll get out of your hair so you can get a nap yourself maybe. We can visit later. Show up when it works for you." 


The husbands were away, it seemed they were always away. For some of the women, marrying into the military was an old hat way of life, for others they had no idea how much of the system actually worked and that they were an important part of it. Good company culture could look like system controls or mandatory parties, systems where explosions were bound to happen so you had controlled valve releases when walking the tight rope of life and death. The old hats, even if they were young, were sometimes looked at by the new breed with contempt. The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress did give thoughts to the new breed; they made problems by sticking themselves like sticks in well run cogs. It was becoming more of a problem as the days and years melted together. 

The life of a military wife was not for the feint of heart and the thought that times would improve on the global scale, well, old hats knew the truth, and some of the new ones learned fast that it was also company culture and not a job that kept the system running. The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress walked down the path with one less worry, the young mother actually did have it together, if she realized it or not. 


The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress looked forward to a good report she would be able to send. Being able to send a good report was getting more rare. The ones with older children it was worse, the infection from the outside was getting in, add on to that teenagers being teenagers and constant intrusiveness of strange worlds compounded the weight. 


The woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress was an old hat to the military way and living in what others called foreign lands, those she called homey. There was not a time in her life that she had not been around war. He father, brothers, and sisters all had served their part; for the woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress though it was a way of life she wore like a second nature. She knew that the system was no longer working. The years of mis use and misunderstanding that the whisper of the wife in the ear of her husband as they lay thoughtfully embraced, 'hey, check in on so and so, somethings up', or the other way around was a key component. The need to believe in or let go and how to manage those in yourself and others, on the tight rope between life and death was being dismantled from the inside. She shook off the feeling of dread and gathered her thoughts to prepare dinner for a young mother and her 2 little babies while the husband of the young mother was tightening his shoe laces, his gear gathered by his single mattress. He wouldn't be coming back. Neither woman knew but the woman in the crimson and forest houndstooth dress was always ready, she wore an old hat. 



Friday, March 17, 2023

Corruption Cause


The stone of Alexandria on her finger, she watched the snow flakes dancing in the air to a song of a shaman beat; from chaos to order. She walked with purpose towards terraced steps made for a Goliath. She had found unseen foot holds which made the climb effortless these days. She recalled needing help the first time and being help too. At the top she was welcomed by doors she knew well to touch of dark and bright of sun. The doors were white, speckled with gold and tall made for the Titans to move through. The handles suspended in the middle of the heavy doors were made of the largest stag antlers curved and wrapped in vines of stinging nettle. She gazed up at the doors and with the key in her mind they opened wide for her to enter. 

The walls were water cascading down, fresh and cool for drinking. Bowls of fire kept the air warm from the open air above. In the distance and the air hummed enlightenment. 

In this open space were doors to places hidden in time surround by the ever flowing water if you have a key. 

In the centers were pillows of clouds of soft fur that when fallen into you would sink into a place of bright glory that caresses you and recharges you batteries in the knowing of Gods love; Always a shroud of things to know and where to find; to move the future.

She glided across the marble stone floor and eyed a space she believed to be the opening to a place she was required to travel. She cupped her palms and clapped them with out touching, with rhythm required. She felt the push and pull of the matter between her hands as she magnetized the air. She looked to the wall of water and she could see it pull towards her ever so slightly showing her the path to walk to get to the artificially cold room surround by metals of all kinds flattened to perfection. She makes forward toward her duty. 

The hum is corrupted cold movement with inconsistent order. This kind of energy always made her skin crawl for longer then she cared for, much like the stinging nettle she had to battle the first time she opened the Titans doors. She knew it was temporary uncomfort. She stands in the bright grey cold room alone with a metal door behind her now. The air still magnetized making the base code easier to read, separating the free radicals in to proper lines of code. She walks around the nonsense noise towards the left side of the room, near the middle toward the back against the wall, there is a table with a screen looking back at her. She stares at the screen a moment having a conversation with a being beyond the screen but no thing can be seen or heard. She smiles at it, as an old friend does that knows they won't be seeing each other again. She bends down and reaches under the table and unplugs the cord connecting the room from the space. In the darkness she can see a dim light now and makes the trek toward the back door where she was told it would be and to open it. 

She opens the door and another light shines down from the heavens for all to know...

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Wednesday, March 15, 2023



Did someone ask for new conspiracy there is no way that it could possibly be true but could in fact be true but like always if we are aware we can take care theories?

Man is not to leave the bubble of his existence. Seriously, that's a real thing, that we are being stopped from traveling to the moon and beyond by all means necessary.  

If this is even a thing, its reeeeediculous. 

Don't we have people getting ready to go the moon soon? Supposedly Scheduled 2024, Artemis 2.

Such a conspiracy it would take to stop space. Really? Keep your radar on, just for the fun. 

Also "why" would be a big question when you can actually see with your eyes, and feel it under your bum as you fly your helicopter a safe distance if a rescue is in need. This progress is being made in preparation for a future of farther space travel. Dec 1972 was the last time we walked on the moon. Some more supposedly because in true fact 'we' have never seen the other side of the moon. To see something you have to know to look for it or a way to see around a barrier?

The Space Station is in orbit around earth, or I like to imagine it as always falling as the earth spins and pushes matter out ward like a soft breeze to hold her up. 

It's way better to focus on the fun of space travel then deal with the debacle here on earth; which earth? The one were you have a cell phone and an electric car and they systematically block black out your city because they can't or won't manage even a city with thought, or was it organic as in a bunch of people got together with out you and planed a future, again, you aren't included. Or do you live in an apartment in a small town, driving a Buick with rust colour worn velvet seats? Or do you live in a place where the carpet covers a dirt floor and you have to fill your plastic jug of water from the faucet down the street? 


it'll be a peer to peer fight

no more space travel




I find myself on repeat.

I love the ideology of the United States of America; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't care for the Federal State..."Erase the State". that's a challenge to be sure. most people (is red tape a skill?) work for the state. are you sure that statement is accurate? Yes, numbers indexed properly, what the State pays contractors + State workers (including the post office and in most counting when you do a quick google search the number presented is almost aways minus the postmen, including contractors (logistics, maintenance, services, research and development et all (I'm sure I just used 'et all' incorrectly, I hope you get the flow.) do they have hobbies? those could be skills, if they have talent. Some one needs to fix the roads. The roads built quickly and cheaply. The quickest newest is not the best. the state supplies approves the space travel. if we cease the state you erase the space? Why do we need space travel? if you don't know why we need to spread far and wide through the galaxy and the off farther, this is our purpose...leave our mother. 

Modernity is the retardation of intelligence and health and at the same time the expanse of both. at what cost? intelligence is that what separates you from animals. Are you really just an animal? your chatbot can read this and judges you and every website you have ever visited in an instant. or does it?  

Can you see the thoughts with your eyes or can you hear them when you close your eyes?  You have to be still nothing can be in the way

I said awhile back if Russia went into Ukraine no one would do anything because after China went into Hong Kong everyone stood back and let it happen. If I say a 'same same' joke would ya get it? Why did we let it happen? Crimea too. We are in big trouble. They want this war to engulf the world while they battle their citizens on their home turf. There is no place to go. There are no good guys but if you think Russia started this mess you are a moron...find someone who actually knows something and can explain 'We' via OTAN want Russia to start a war...that's why it's called the special military operation and not a war. If you don't know about 2014 and bankers and Biden in Ukraine then I don't know how to point to the actual path of corruption that is in front of your should be a topic of open conversation that WE are encroaching. Make sure you know the truth when you tell your suppose you are deploying, then your children, not like the last times. (just an fyi to add to conspiracies, war is good for economies, and you know it. Russian, European, US (we are masters)

My brothers used to play a game with me. They would stand in front of me as close as they could and circle their long arms around me with out touching me; the game of dare began..."Don't touch me!" I would giggle. "Don't touch me!" in the stern voice of a bigger brother as he tested me...and I giggled some more. "Don't touch me!!!" I always refused the game, I didn't want to hurt them.

A long time ago in a space and moment of people deciding for others we built our military to fight 2 hold 1, then after some erosion... fight 1, hold 2; those were Empire building days. Now it's what happens if China and Russia joining forces. Are you a real person? I know I am as our my Children and yours. Are you ready for this? will they put you in an <odd limbo?>

There were battles yes but all for the baubles of people you will never meet or know, meanwhile it was our friends, your son, daughter, brother, sister, mother or father that was mangled or blown to pieces while they built their Empire on the backs of regular people looking for a way into a system because we know that is the way out from the bottom...become the system. This is what systematic racism is

I am of the understanding we are in the midst of a global revolution where peace is not allowed. You should revolt against that.

I'll keep saying it. 


What's the uniform of the day?

And just to add that touch of honesty to the conversation I am having with me, Our Lady of Fatima chimes in and says 'hey, sweetie, remind them again.' Our Holy Mother by any other name and her command is my duty.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Time is Always Now



Some live in a reality where they know every word uttered and movement is tracked.

Some live in a reality where every thought is tracked by every word uttered and each movement.

Some live in a reality where they believe they are free to think and be. 

Some live in a reality where they watch and listen to every move you make and track your breath for words un spoken.


Will you please take my hand

as we drift



Exodus  22:2        He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.”

So... It wasis known of the day to sacrifice your first kid*, preferably the first born male. It was a space of mixed religious beliefs and belief systems..."I don't know if ya know the stories of old for true, but I do yea?" 'Those around him were doing it for their deity's', he thought, with the absolute understanding that those around Abraham were known to *literally* sacrifice their first born child. I hear once in a while someone say, "The Bible is so violent." Sometimes in regards to a Passion Play (I'm not writing about that book today) but in the Old all the Children of Abraham and before him Noah and before him Adam and before him...Object origin Object destination Book God commands his Children, his Chosen Children mind you, since the beginning of our time, I repeat for fun God Commands his Chosen Children to eradicate whole nations. 

“In the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them — the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites — as the LORD your God has commanded you. Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God” 

Why? What could possibly be so bad about them? Do you know who those peoples were? What sort of child sacrifice in reality was the Truth that God would not allow disavow. Did they practice and encourage heathen ways that created no Good? Asking for a friend.

It doesn't matter what language it was written, it is our history. All of the old books and writings are our history, you can't pick and choose what history. Can you rewrite history? The Protestants sure did, the Catholics melted. When everything is digital it's easy to write over; we still know the truth. These are things that are passed down even if you've watered it down

If you practice lent... true sacrifice old school; your child for your God. I want you to roll that around on your tongue. Some people sacrifice theiryour child for yourtheir God. Only in hard times of course, "What's a hard time for some is not a hard time for another." Said in my best White Plaines Rabbi voice. Anyway...the children of Abraham were to not sacrifice their children because God did not wish this...where did all this take place? Oh yeah, The Temple Mount. 

These next three lines are to show you... 

Remind you of Our Father Abrahams line, how far can we go? 7 generations? it's forgotten in 3

Genesis 16:3         "So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife."

For fun I enjoy the life span of the old before times children...

"When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, in his own image. He named him Seth. 4 After Adam became the father of Seth, he lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. 5 Adam lived a total of 930 years; then he died."

yada yada yada

it's actually an easy book to read.

The All the Old Testaments 

"When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah. After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God for 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Enoch lived a total of 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was gone because God took him."

"When Methuselah was 187 years old, he became the father of Lamech. After he became the father of Lamech, Methuselah lived 782 years and had other sons and daughters. Methuselah lived a total of 969 years; then he died."

Genesis 16:16       "Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram."

Genesis 21:5         "Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him."

I just checked out bible hub for a quote instead of picking up the Book next to me, it's on top of the Mormon book I look forward to reading (I'm glad it's in a language I understand easily?) 

...and there once again it is shown to me the hubris of man kind...from the beginning... Is it bold of me to point out how many versions of a book you have edited to keep up with the times? 'ESV, NV, and such like that', Why? So people can understand better? Is it you think you can touch God? and the only way is to put His words by your hand? (when you utter the words they are blasphemy from your forked tongue) Man always wants to be editor and chief dismissing the man on the street. ..."but Kristin you can't say that..." Me, "Yes I can. God actually requires commands this of me. How can you not see that which is right before your eyes?" I sound read like an asshole most of the time, I am self aware; I think it's because I have clear base lines on which to build systems. They have no base lines, we can't have nuance until we have a base. I am under a strong impression your base line is corrupted. No one at all ever wants to hear that the code they wrote over someone else's code is bad and they should have left it alone. No one ever in the whole world want's to hear that everything they were taught is wrong. "Kristin! You can't say it's wrong because they believe in something different." I said what they are taught is wrong so yeah I guess what they believe would be wrong. As a fundamentalist with an outward view and inward some people are wrong, some shit people think is ok is not ok to do. There is a lot of that going around still, it's what they have been taught is wrong-this creates situational, multi generational, national, and mayhaps global issues. Capture a belief system capture a people. Remove a belief system Add a belief system It is our base line system. There are consequences when there is no punishment, your sins have not been forgiven

Our history needs to be written away

Wheew that was a diversion down a meandering path, I hope you were holding my hand. Let me continue...

Back in time all the way and a bit forward

Isaac son of Abraham, in turn, fathered Jacob, also named Israel, the father of the Israelites. 

At this moment in time the Israelites have been freed and are back in the land God has chosen for them. 

Moses comes down the mountain

'God says you should have no king'

the people insist

they want to be like everyone else

So long story short (it's actually a short story) God tells Moses to tell the people that if they insist on having a King make sure he is an Israelite, ya know the thing with the King David line and all that. There is criteria for a King, "Because God knows why...". 

How far back can we see?

The sacrifice of Children almost to the insistence in some way or another is almost strange...oh you thought Jesus was your Messiah? Just a little wiggle and a shake and a twitch of my nose, not said rudely but matter of factly that you may read Revelations but that book is fiction to one and two things can be true at once and both can be true at the same time.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

The time is aways now there is no time

There once was a time when the children were instructed to don their door ways with blood to mark them from the destruction of the destroyer.   

Friday, March 10, 2023

Screen Sign Scenic.


The white police truck pulls into the center of the intersection from above the hill, if the breaks go out it would end up in part of the ocean no one should swim in. In the bed of the truck a soldier with a white uniform, black flack vest and helmet, mans the machine gun centered near the front. Another police truck with another manned machine gun rumbles down the cobble stone road that has been in disrepair for many years now. Every colour of man's rainbow plasters the walls, fresh paint on some and plaster peeling off others. The crumbling walls behind the passerby's are looked at and ignored, looked at and recalled from a different time, looked at in disgust of human nature, looked at in awe and beauty.

The store fronts and restaurants are wide and inviting and not a space has been wasted to try to sell you something on these busy streets where Americans and Canadians discuss their near and dear with their Mexican brothers and sisters.   

There is a woman and man up the street, they look like tourists in a busy town. They are standing under a tree that has lights strewn and weaved through out. She's taking a picture of something, it looks like it could be something in the tree. She signals to the man with her she is disinterested in her at the moment subject matter and they turn and walk down the street past the police trucks. On the street are a few more soldiers, all with long guns donned across their shoulders. There are trash bags gathered and thrown on one of the street corners. On another a small tan skinned man with a wide nose is wearing a red t-shirt and kaki shorts, he's peeling a mango for a hungry local. 

The 6'1 mocha skinned man walks by the pharmacy door, his blue shirt a hew with touches of bright sky to draw your eye in comfort draped lazily over his shorts. His shoes old scuffed white sneakers that have walked roads that tell stories.

There is a ruggedly loved mutt meandering behind him, it's not his. 

From another direction and with greater drama and speed another police truck barrels around the corner, this one doesn't have plates on the front. 

"I saw you takin' pictures up there..." the tall mocha skinned man in a familiar land said to the tourist woman.

"It's perfect here. I love it." She answered as she looked at her husband and then the tall mocha skinned man. 

In her regular expat fashion, "Where are ya from?" As friendly and inviting as she possibly could.

"New York."

"City or State?" She inquires...

"There is only one and that's the city, the real city."

Thank you Randy Fletcher, it was our pleasure to hear your stories. Randy creates screen scenes. He creates an event in time that is cut from reality but in reality did actually happen, but only from the angles the director wishes you to see to tell you a story. 

Be still and listen

They told you a story

Joe Rogan in a very recent podcast I believe was with Michael Malice in which something with concerns to the FBI and their interference (?) was just a few bad apples... the question mark is not a question of their interference it's that I don't think it's the appropriate word for this organization that we pay for that terrorizes US citizens not to mention the CIA and every other alphabet soup directive. 

He said, "some individuals may have stepped over the line"...or something of the sort.


"Knock, Knock?"

"Bock, Bock?"

"Anyone home?"

So we are crystal clear,

1. The United States Federal government and entities that were elected by the people were and are censoring and erasing your speech. Your speech is not free. The only reason there was not more tyranny during covid was because many Americans are armed. That is the only reason. Not the laws. They disregard those; haven't you noticed? Here in Colorado they desire to expand our Red Flag laws so that "psychologists, social workers, family therapists, counselors, doctors, physician assistants, teachers, school counselors, administrators, school nurses and college faculty, and district attorneys, among others" will have a say. The fuck you say?!  Here is a quick link to a story regarding the expansion of Red Flag laws here in Colorado.

b. They control what you see and hear, I don't care if you are an individual or a group.

three. They are throwing smoke screen after smoke screen. Do you really think any sane doctor would think it was a good idea to medically stop a Childs puberty? Nah...nope. No sane one with a moral code based on actual real biology. From Antifa to BLM to the story that became Jan6, a lie cloaked in the Truth. It's hard to get your house in order when they have brainwashed your Loves, your Children. The Children have no idea what has happened...most adults have no idea. A little advice not asked for, get your house in order and know your priorities. 

This is not a few bad apples. This is a serious problem. You think it's just here in the States but you know it's other places clean elections around the table, from Canada, to the US, to Peru, to Brazil, was Italy? (I don't know). Are you going with the flow of the New One World Order? They put a rush on 2030...have you ever seen a bureaucracy make the trains run on time? 

They destroyed all institutions from within; if you can't see it yet and the implications I hope you ask some questions. Pregnant women don't even get the flu shot why would they say get gene therapy? 

May I ask a serious question now that everyone* agrees it was probably a lab leak? 





How many scenes have they set for you to see?

enter the Book of Judges 

when looking through time

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Ready. Set.

Are you ready?


The seamstress rips the threads of connection while keeping the cloth whole.


She takes the whole cloth and shakes the wrinkles out before she folds the weave.


She inspects the piling across the folds and gently scrapes the fabric to see through the weave.


A gander across the weave she sees the weak spaces and the strong ones.


Would a new fold help strengthen the cloth?


The seamstress folds the cloth in a place not folded yet through time.


In this new fold the communication lines of movement will be solid in mass illusion.

A look closer at the weave the squares become spiral and she folds it again.


Is it a myth the cloth was folded differently before?


Did one thing become another?


One thing is one thing made up of many.


The seamstress gathered her tools.


She thought to herself, 'modernity is the death of humanity'.


The grace extention of the whole cloth, she thought, command O.


<Command O> No more extension