Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Left Hand of God

"How do I explain this one" I asked the wind that blew by and the chimes did ring.

"Let me have your fingers sister, and let us fire away."

"If your God is a vengeful God then He is not my god. This is what I hear from the unknowing."

"God is the Father of All, Good and evil, placed by His hand." 

"God only gives you that which you can handle, I also hear though I know that is interpreted in correctly."

"Yes, sister, God gives to us, takes away from us, and challenges us. How you walk in this world is what He Sees, what you truly believe is how you walk."  

The left hand of God is His heavenly host of justice.

It's serious lesson time kids. May I call you kids, I know some of you are just sheep; who's herding you?

Kids are goats: goat is delicious. We think it's just the sheep (lamb also delicious) we have problems with but it's the goats as well which must be handled.

How often have we heard stories of old filled with terror we can not comprehend of Gods fury on His children? 

Here we are in a space and time where I plead with man kind, yet again and some more to take heed and hear; hark the herald does sing. 

When you are dealing with evil by any name know it is God that put it there.

I saw a man angry he was being vilified by a system he created, with Gods will of course as all things are. When man claims all knowledge and a hierarchy of his choosing with out the lessons of the past the future is dead, he goes into the nothing for eternity. 

Justice is a strange look from outside eyes and discernment in the moment is the key. 

"I'll give you a take so you might See that all things are Gods creation sent from Him to thee and how you move, not what you say, will show God who knows all if you have lost your way."

One line

"And deliver us from evil"

"When evil knocks at your door do you welcome it in and let it have your children?"

"When evil knocks at your door..."


I step on the snake in my path 

Under the shadow of the cross

You will find my river sticks 

The answer is sum Zero 

Your faith is your authentic self

Have clarity of site

What you believe, soterology, is your true story.

Under the star we will find the truth

to save our children

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story. 

as the sun hits the leaves of the Oak tree, the leaf above shades the leaf below


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Charismatic Song


She tied her shoes tightly to her feet, black and white Oxfords. Work to be done before the time of the great shun. Garbed in dark sky blue she changed a tune. 

She stood on the moss covered ground where the weeds had popped up, young seedling sprouting here and there, crushed under her feet. The ivy before her covered the door, wet with rain falling. She moved forward unnerved and willing, pushing through time as her hands pulsed, the ivy moved to the side and through the arch she flew.

A charismatic song could be heard in the space around her as she entered the room. The lights were muted stars of times of old ready to be brought foward to brighten the way. The floors she now walked on were marble and cool, glossy with wear of time, indents of steps from the past to show the path.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Monday, April 22, 2024

Heavenly Host


In to the smoke I go

as I am told

to reach a ground

where others can See

the birds flock before me

as the sun does set on this day

73 colors of green in front of me

The left hand of Our Fathers heavenly host 

has harbored their boat

get up and get ready

it's almost time to party

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Friday, April 19, 2024

3. 2. 1.


I'm gonna use my Fathers 3 2 1 method modified 

Quick reminders


   3. The State of Colorado wrote a law that they could write and talk about law making over you behind closed doors with no minutes, the Governor was quick to sign that. (Open meeting Laws were being ignored so they decided to make a law they were allowed to hide 'stuff' from you.) 


    2. The National Guard aimed their weapons at citizens on the command of whom? as they surrounded the Capitol for the installation of an easy to control, demented, grotesque old man. 

        It's federal policy to neuter, maim, and poison your child. It's is also Federal policy that the tax payer pay for genital mutilation surgeries.


    1. The Children of Israel are home, they arrived from the four corners. 

        There were Two Bishops of Rome at the same time.

        There are schisms in almost all Christian religious sects.  

All those #1 things

 should mean way more than you think, 

way, way, way more.


Isaiah Chapter 2, more fun though is line 6 and on.

"Zion, the Royal City of God

2 In days to come,

The mountain of the LORD’s house

shall be established as the highest mountain

and raised above the hills.

All nations shall stream toward it.

3 Many peoples shall come and say:

“Come, let us go up to the LORD’s mountain,

to the house of the God of Jacob,

That he may instruct us in his ways,

and we may walk in his paths.”

For from Zion shall go forth instruction,

and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

4 He shall judge between the nations,

and set terms for many peoples.

They shall beat their swords into plowshares

and their spears into pruning hooks;

One nation shall not raise the sword against another,

nor shall they train for war again.

5 House of Jacob, come,

let us walk in the light of the LORD!"

These are heavy matters for heavy times. Times have always been heavy though; there has been no peace since Eden. The raping and pillaging, the slavery and barbarism of always other cultures or just's un-human we can all agree and yet so human it has not stopped. 


Until you forgive you can not ascend; not forgive your self for all the dreadful things you do/did to other/s people, you should acknowledge those and then stop doing them (you can't continue bad behaviour if you want real change and it's you that must change your behaviour.) Most people don't even know they have done something wrong in truth, it's not an intolerance because of standards but because of a nature to not want to be around those they can not control. <ask Why?> often. 

You will trespass on others, so you pray they will find it in them selves to forgive you, for you and for them. When you know you know, and you know it's not always easy; sometimes it takes time, others will walk in uncomfortable shoes and you should pray they make a neuron connection and see the humanism of it all and then find their sense of humor, quickly. 

I believe in making the world a better place but humans are going to human. It's always the end of the world for someone. When your heart and feather are weighed will you be obese and diseased with Envy, Blame, and Hate? There can be forgiveness but there are still consequences. 


So any way I was thinking, I've been praying for world peace my entire life, wishing on eye lashes the whole time knowing... 


did you see me fly through the sky the other night in broad day light

human nature,

So I've sent the Pinion on it's way, Hercules has taken flight, and Uttu with her green eyes does watch and See all through her hands, you can think you are as silent as you think you should be... 

...across the seas, rivers and all the lands by the Grace of Gods Good Hands. 

"So we've only begun, so many roads to choose."

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Wings of Pan


And then I did wake with fright

the clouds before me then did open

to a circle of gold

and there the Angel Gabriel before thee

a message for a depart

into a land where star fish glow

a phosphorescence in the sky

a golden hue with green below

a river flowing blush with life

where the donkey bray

on the wings of Pan we take flight

Under the watch of Odin's eye

In reality how deep do you believe all this really goes, how far stretched and reaching does this really go?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Crystal Pigs


Last 24hrs

Whom ever, "Wut's Mei male to woman like you blond to brunette the human hack male to to to vagina." X 

Me, "when crystal pigs fly"

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

What makes me laugh the most is that there is an obvious pattern and then it gets scrambled, it actually exists. I don't think I'm reading it correctly and know this, I have an actual Quest to go on and will have to move on from this side Quest. The above is the pattern language I can see at the moment.  

Harking In Mid Air


The aroma of sweet basil drafted through the entry when the double doors made of thick wood and huge brass pulls in the middle opened for her. The path was one of wrong turns and asking questions no one knew the answers to, with men that could send fright around every corner, and boys with trays of tea running to and fro. There were heads of goats in bowls in different states of preparation for a great stew on tables set to the sides. The ground was dusty but tidy, the buildings made of nahit stone that held against the weather of time were close together, making the path narrow, the roof tops close to greet a neighbor hanging laundry. 

She felt more at home than she had in years. She understood each person she pasted by as if she had known them before time started, she was a stranger to them though. Everything on the outside of her was foreign to them, from her hair cropped short and practical and her shoulders and legs covered but still in a style accustomed from where she came, but as soon as she greeted them in their language with her smile filled with joy, their eyes squinted a bit, head cocked a tad to the side and their lips would turn up inevitably, and others sometimes quickly to greet with welcome a stranger, but knowing she was their sister.  

Going through the double doors she ducked her head, she could taste the salt in the water when she tasted her lips. In to time and space she went. She stepped down a few stairs and the temperature dropped a few degrees. She was greeted with a fountain before her surrounded by basil bushes in every nook and cranny and all the open places. There were lemon trees with fruit on the ripe and iridescently bright pink flowering vines embracing keyhole arches going to other spaces. 


They will make it seem like a space anomaly you are lucky to see, because the event happened 3000 years ago. They made an eclipse feel like an end of times event when it's just our regular season of spin and rotation.  

They have permeated an absurd amount of paranoia in to every culture across the globe, this is undeniable. They created famines, and plagues all right under our eyes. They don't war and destroy to wipe out evil, they war and profit and maim and torture them to death slowly. They mutilate children and inject poisons in to their bodies while some sacrifice their babies so you can get a stem cell treatments. 

They will tell you it's a nothing. It is most certainly a something. 

I'm harking in mid air, what you will see is very special indeed, if I shout from here what I hear can you hear me down there?


I went in to the truest oldest holy sites, I covered my head and knelt upon the ground and prayed to God Our Father. There is a story to behold for our future and our children. 


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Why can't more people see that there really is a Holy war before them? Or do they and it scares, 'the be Jesus in to them'; sad they don't know him like they should, a warrior, a man of his word. A man that knew he would be sacrificed because the Angel Gabriel told his mother, who was perfect and chosen to raise Him. 

I was wondering if I could get a patch through. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Holy Basil


How fast do they adapt? Humans you mean?

They go ferrel in 3 days with no water or food access. 

In 2020, it seems so long ago doesn't it? when there was a mass 'encouragement ' for people to wear masks over their nose and mouth. So many people did it knowing that it was not just useless but actually harmful, they disconnected neurons and did it because they didn't want to become a social pariah, pure adaption/adoption.

So how fast do they adapt? The mind less ones that focus more on their animal behavior adapt in social settings in minutes. This is not insulting, it can be considered intelligent, to notice that everyone else is doing 'it', what ever 'it' is, and they might not know why, or think they do, they in turn will also mimic certain behavior/s. There will be multiple reasons why depending on the individual and never lose sight that even in group settings we are discussing individuals behavior. A couple reasons and this of course wouldn't be all and are in no special order: they want to fit in/don't care to stick out, if everyone is doing it there must be a reason why, the whole lemurs jumping off bridges thing. 

People are odd in truth when you really get in their heads.

Have you ever seen a sign in a tunnel that said, 'DO NOT HONK!', and you get that itch and you want to just to disobey some stupid sign put up by some one just doing their job, because someone who runs something at a government level doesn't like loud noises, and you hear behind you as you think the thought, "BeeeeeeeP!" and you laugh and honk your horn too, as you join in, and then there comes the barrage of noise from the belly of the mountain, or under some bridge and tunnel to cross a river. "Beeeeeep!", "Honk! Honk!", "Honk!". You were just thinking about it when someone else did it as soon as they saw the sign but you were busy obeying thinking how stupid it was, but when you press down on the middle of your steering wheel and let loose your cannon noise, you forget you were obyeing until the moment you heard someone else say, "Fuck the system!" from the belly of their own beast, but you think to your self, "it was your idea", but you waited till someone else did it, because you obey. If you don't do it right away, the "Honk!" as soon as you see it, you are the follower. You adapted well.

Once in a world so far from this one I was in New Orleans, the sound of jazz music and saxophones, dueling pianos and loud voices trying to hear each other filled the air, and smoke. I stood in this space surrounded by mass amounts of people and when someone came near me I said, "I'm in line." Then I would chat with whom ever it was, the line got 15 deep before I turned and walked away. Most people love to be told what to do. Most people think they don't like being told what to do, but they really do and do 'it' anyway, fashion, tattoos, mannerisms, etc. (This does not include state laws that quintile tax you and you have to obey because the threat of violence from the state is a factor.)  

Let's say you enter an office building, paper pushers and red tape makers kind of office building. There are rows of people working diligently at their some tidy desks others with cartoon paraphernalia of fat super heroes with capes, and potted plants on theirs. There are some standing at a water fountain and have paper cones in their hands as they chat; and they all have masks covering their noses and mouths. There is a desk at the entry way and there is a basket with masks so you take one and put it on. It's not hard to believe because people did it, and you know how they know they were had, they get mad when you bring it up. On an average, most people get angry when they have been conned and find out, then they make an excuse cause there is no way they were that dumb, they think themselves smarter then the average person, they also believe themselves to be good drivers, probably, (this is almost all people.)

The covering of the nose and mouth reasoning could be different then the above reasons, they could be paranoid with concerns to germ theory. It is just a theory, but explaining theory to a person who thinks themselves selves to be above average intelligence and doesn't know or misremembers how small virus particles are then they are not doing it because of 'germ theory', they are doing it because they do not want to be a social pariah. If they actually do understand and know particle size and the damage done when breathing back in our own exhaust, they will make an excuse for doing something they know is not correct. They adapted well.

Who ever is reading this, you may agree with me, but would you be able to resist the four lights when there are three? every time. 

Refuse man kinds directions. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Why Holy Basil?

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Star Date: Four Eleven, Two Thousand Twenty Four


Streaming thought of consciousness 

Is it too much yet? 

The waiting I mean. 

You know something is going to happen. 

Was March a lion or lamb?

When I set that extra plate at our Easter table as done in the old ways,  I didn't know it was going to get used; I did make sure all the right offerings got on it though.

The ebb and flow of the electricity is magical at the moment. Magical doesn't have to be good or bad it just is.

 Streaming thought of consciousness

Our Colorado legislators decided they would pass a bill that said they could make laws (have conversations not on 'the book') behind closed doors and the, "Governor.", said my heightened received pronunciation of Our Queens English accent, signed it. 

They have made churches like the United Methodist Church bow down to the most absurd demonic trash, and there is no discernment except from those part way, because they have Good faith. So many have been played fools and in turn they accepted the abominable and have embraced it, under the watchful eye. How do they excuse the mutilation of a child for a lie? All the wrong neurons are firing.

Remember when they installed Joe Biden and they put fencing around the Capitol and the National Guard pointed their weapons at the citizens. Anyone that thinks their vote is going to count has to know by now it does not and as ol' Joe said something about needing, "F 16's and Nuke's." Funny story, I'll tell ya later...

They really do control everything you see and hear that comes from a machine.

China, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, much of England and Canada are dystopian nightmares for citizens that don't go along to get along. Ours is a few steps harder, but don't worry, they are determined, you should see the red flag laws being initiated?...and why all the mental health care in schools, you don't have red bells and whistles going off? - these are the same people that insist your child is a walking disease. Where is the discernment?   

Streaming thought of consciousness 

This is an interesting tidbit for fun as the Dyson Hoberman sphere net thing is initiated, USAF is getting ready to normalize an AI pilot, starting with the F-16. Can you imagine A 10's? I wouldn't wanna be under that. 

I understand the complexities of the above sentence and enormity of it, the capabilities, the issues that will arise, no oxygen or gravitational force concerns. Lockheed Martin will be able to produce 48 per year soon," imagine the possibilities." 

The Pentagon has a new group, Joint Production Accelerator Cell, or JPAC. This is our war machine hard at work, they oversee the expansion of weapon production and encourage and expedite the situation. "and don't forget to use each others preferred pronouns." In my eyes, those that, 'use other peoples preferred pronouns', are the weakest of all the mindsets, they are the mask wears, the lies before your eyes. I know our military isn't a joke but they make the members look like clowns. Veterans and the like should stand up and say so, and it's embarrassing how all I hear is the wind blow past my ears.

I love streaming thoughts of consciousness

We have this really amazing moment that happened 3000 years ago and we are possibly going to witness this event sometime between now and November. Look low on the Northern horizon I think it's 21 degrees at pre dawn and one morning you will wake and see what looks like the brightest star you have ever seen. Only those with no depth to their thought think it's just a celestial event. 

I just giggled to myself, "We had '2' Popes." everything is if fine and dandy, and yeah, I did go in to that belly of a serpent and sat in his audience.

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you story

The seamstress thought to her self, cut the cloth.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

"Hey, Everybody"


Through space and time I fly my way

With Gods Good Grace, 

He guides my way


Someone has pointed out so kindly that I have a great deal of life experience, more than the average human, and so far I have been successful. They also made it clear I tell it like it is, not in the most perfect way, but a way that does seem to make peoples neurons spark and flow. 

Did they mean for me to read what they were saying the way I interpreted it? 

People go to therapists but they don't tell them the truth, 'you are a pay check to them the longer you are unhappy.' We can say, 'go out side, get your hands dirty in the soil and look at the life all around you', but what they don't tell people is that it's them, they are intolerant, they are the common denominator in their own life. If you think I might be intolerant, you would be correct. I will not tolerate deceit, evasion, and perjury; I have standards. I have no need for the disingenuous, there is no seat at the table for them. 

The world is not some kind place, it's filled with humans; many that do not have any interest in you or your well being. 

Young men and women should look for advice for those that have been there and done that, where they can get real answers. These kids are super smart, they just need a little kick start the old fashioned way. 

Here is a sweet vibration of old fashioned truth...

You still have to go out and live your life. Living is not existing in the past and whoas yous. This society has created a bunch of narrsasistic whiners. ...and also some horrifically behaved females that talk down to everyone, and think themselves worthy of pedestal status; but all they really do is manipulate the weak around them. 

These young people are on the brink, they have nothing but more debauchery and hedonistic rainbow ways ahead of them, they have no clue the price as they look for escape in the meaningless.

We are gonna have some serious issues to tackle, no matter who did what to whom, and we should find that out too, and then hand down some, old fashioned truth...

So let's find meaning.

I'd start with removing on-line dating.

I'd second that with some honesty, I know what it's like to retard my self with my own actions, so I get it.

To finish, the individuals within the state apparatus that inflicted this upon our young through the nets and subversion should be punished.

"What's the question?"

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

She put on her cardigan sweater over her long sleeve black t-shirt. 

she stepped into terra her red slog boots on. 

It's almost time to settle down, there is work to be done. 

I'd also tell people to put the Doritos in the trash and stop eating garbage. You do not have to keep consuming rubbish.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Wings in Flight


Between the sun 

And the earth

Look to the sky

See my wings

In flight

Under the crescent moon

Darkened in daylight

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Hong Kong


If you opened this by chance, this is not for you.

It's for Gonk. 

I'm working on it left handed. 

Some people think I'm odd, they are correct, but this is a fun puzzle...if it is even a puzzle. Cause it might not be.

Anywho off to the games

I'm starting in proper order?...that's backwards.

Add on

Be still and listen 

Are you reading a story?

Edit. 9:47 Star Date:  six four twenty twenty four. If I edit, is it seen?

Friday, March 29, 2024



She tied her black and white oxford shoes tightly to her feet, as if they kept her grounded on terra; her desire to take flight was forceful but she had work to do. Her black V neck T-shirt tucked haphazardly in her pants the colour of ivy shaded by trees at dusk. She walked forward with what looked like purpose and ease, her shoulders back and seeming not to move as she glided through the door way, a drop of water hung on to the base of her naked neck. 

The door was weighty red oak with carved noble stags standing upon the bucks of antelope, mountain goats, and hares, it stood wide open. The room smelled of a musk that had permeated the walls and someone had perversely cleaned it to try and remove the oder to no avail. In front of her were two men, the one facing her had stringy hair that was an unnatural black ink shade and looked as if it had leaked. His thin lips rouged grotesquely, his pocked face smoothly shaven shaded by fake eyelashes that looked like tarantulas has crawled above his beady eyes. He looked to be stopped in mid sentence during a congenially chat with the other man whose back was to her. What she could see of the other man was the back of his head, it was groomed short and tightly, his legs crossed and adorned with fish net hose that crisscrossed his hairy legs. They couldn't see her as she looked around the room. On a shelf to the left was a row of books of blue the colour of the sky on a clear cold dry afternoon with one dash of bright red near the top and one near the bottom embossed with gold lettering and two circles in the middle, the book second from the left one is up side down. On the desk in front of the man with inky hair is a 5 petal white rose in a cranberry glass vase. 

She breathes her words for them to hear,

Chaos come

it's just begun

the scare is in the air

with a fright you thought delight

the quiet comes undone

with a light shined down on thee

a bargain all can see

that stage you walk with two faced lies 

poisoned plunder

seeps deep in to your mind


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

She took a deep breath in and removed her self from the situation. 


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Comprehensive Current


This is a current event post, 

not political

First though, not because I enjoy long windedness but because it's comprehensive, as is everything. Current events, you see how they sway you here and move you there. The word, 'current', as you know, is something that moves you, the now is what moves you, it is that which is the current. Most people have gone against the flow at one time or another, but most get tired quickly, then they ebb. Some go with the flow to get where needed and get out outta the current and on to the bank, always watching the course of movement, it's the current that will get ya.  

Alas though I know you can see, how current events move thee, but what is current in your world is also current and not of this world.

This is a current event...

    There is a Giant Red Heifer Star and a White Dwarf Star doing a mating dance on the north crown in the sky, as time zooms in we see that white Dwarf Star, at the end of it's life, sacrifices the life of Giant Red Heifer Star so it can stay alive; so to speak. As the White Dwarf sucks in and barfs out A nuclear explosion.

This event will one day cause a current 

This same event also happened in 1946, the year the UN had its first meeting, the bikini was 'un veiled', and Mensa was established. 

This is a current moment of my mind...

They are putting the serpent in the air during the eclipse. The eclipse, that's just seasonal, the serpent though...

The experts keep telling you what you are seeing, they think, they don't know. Spirals in the borealis, of course from Falcon 9.  

Meanwhile all the talk of perfect red heifers being sacrificed on the Temple Mount. It takes years, or is time something different depending on your current? and does everything mean wheat you think it does?

The Giant Red Star and the White Dwarf Star, their outburst that is about to happen happened 3000 years ago; it was the Golden Age of Israel, when Saul, David, and Solomon were Kings of Israel. This was also when the prophet Zoroaster lived.

Think nothing of these 2 stars in the sky. 

I wonder what the current event will be today? was it just yesterday a cargo ship lost power and slammed in to the bridge which collapsed said bridge which was named after the author or the Star Spangled Banner.

Was it also just the other day another light shone into the world of the golden statues where they fill the air with noise waves to help you not think, but what to think, that most certainly is a brought to you by the electrical current event. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Blaze Star


The birds had started their ruckus of song before the sun had hit the ground, tracing his path day after day, knowing one day it would change.

Whisps of Angels dance around spiraling upward homeward bound 

Truth be told

Truth be said

light*ing bolts

in to the heads

from up above

a cone does form

round and round

and round

they foam

X marks the spot 

as always foretold 

count around you

how many does thee see

X's and O's 

is it 1, 2's

make 3?

She poured her self another cup of joe,

the old Marine way, luke warm.

Never complain about the state of the coffee,

just fix it.

The state of her coffee was irrelevant

the state of her Father's coffee

was of the utmost importance

Here in Colorado Coloredo springs is the start of the rainbow which is always directly opposite of the sun.  I spelled it out for you. The arc of the rainbow is no protection from the red shift.

and there before her

did she See

at the base of the purple mountain


a yellow school bus did drive by

and then another so quick passed before her eyes

till both out of sight


her mind

time ebbed and flowed

is it 3, 5, or 7?

9 always equals 3.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

I hope you got this far. The below is as important as is the above, why else would I tell it, perhaps to the patient the good info folds.

We live in some strange time for sure. When you notice that all the things you thought were true are not and the things you were scared were true, are. There is a seriousness to the situation we are in and that which is about to happen, you can't see it yet because you think it happens to other people, in other countries, other histories, or was it a fable?

As I sit here the demons inhabit the bodies of the unwilling and the weak minded. Some hear whispers, others hear screams of agony so they do what they are told by something in their mind. Some willingly reside with the other and deem earthly pleasure, vulgarities and in truth satanic worship even if out of sight.

    It sounds crazy but I know people paid and supported a base ball team that gave an award to a sexually perverted satanic (men that dress as women let alone in their religious garments what else would you call it, cos play? You are who you hang out with, you become that which you emulate) men that dressed in clown make up and the religious habit of those that marry the church, the Nuns habit, pray tel what kind of award do they deserve? 

    St Patricks cathedral in New York where they mocked the Holy Mother Mary, the mother of every Christians messiah and the mother of one of the great prophets of Islam. (Read books, don't be scared of them, the books know the stories and it's not what you believe (although it is that too) it's what others believe.) Those from the Americas have a history you aren't taught in true, it's one of Catholic nature, where mom and dad matter, grandmas and children too; the others have tried to strip God from them too; the gift of Our Lady of Guadalupe you can't take away.   

As I sit her and type, I take a break and look in to the stone of Alexandria, one green eye looking back at me and there I See behind me a great star rising in the east not in the ether. 

As I sit here I ask you to open your mind, I'm not saying it's something but wow some strange stuff sure does seem to be going on...we have a new star being born in a star cluster in the T Coronae Borealis, T CrB. You will start seeing it in the news, it's kind of a big deal, hopefully we will see a giant red star transfer all its matter to a white dwarf star, it'll go Nova and we should be able to see it in the eastern sky. 

Most people don't believe in astrology (not horoscopes the way you think) because they don't under stand or accept quantum physics, but it's just like physics but at a scale you can't see things (matter) move. 

Most people believe what the experts tell them, or they believe some experts and not others; I once did as well. 

Around the world I see some children afraid to grow up as their mothers bind them selves like boa constrictors eating the life out of their child sucking the soul of which she birthed. 

I'm not sure how they will justify the horror they are imploring people in to, but they did it with the jab, now I hear heart issues in children is normal, oh, and if you didn't notice they re classified stroke, Cerebral Aneurysm*, to be indexed under neurological disease. Some one in the financial industry understands and knows that the way inflation is computed is bullshit, because they grasp moving one thing here to equal over there and some things are made up of more then others so move it all carefully. That same person might not have the same areas of purview to know that the same tricks are used to compute data to come to a conclusion for your health, you should not keep listening to the experts from the state regarding anything at all and everything in the media is approved by the state; all of it. Discernment is upon you. 

Your food should not need a label, neither your clothing too, nor a statue on a pedestal. What's a lie between you and who?

I don't know how you will justify the erasure of your Childs future, the mind shnakes and night mares how deep do they go as you absolve your own behavior done in the name of a fake rainbow you call love. That rainbow did comeith with three +++ there after. 

Side note...St Patricks day was on a Sunday this year and here in C Springs they had their parade (a Catholic celebration, you just don't know it as that, you just hear Irish) on the Saturday before. Catholics are allowed to party on a Sunday, it's in actuality special that the celebration of Saint falls on the Holy day. It used to be Sunday would be the day to get together with family; don't want to interrupt the sabbath to get your secular work done. 


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fire Base


Cherub to the right of me

Seraphim too

in-between Mother Earth, her children, the Nephilim as well, never too soon

Hannibals elephants to the left

a chamber difficult to close a golden bird of metal made guards its way

ahead to the right butterflies flap their wings against fire red doors

God's eyes protecting every entry

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

I wonder sometimes is it me or is it you? A drop in your mind is this my place to do to you? Through an alphabet soup it's Z that I read in threes and there before me an application for a spiders web reaching from sea to shining see. everyone knows when learning to code ye always link to google. I try to have fun as you move the next pawn I feel the need to put my red boots on. There is another way of reading this and ZpsyKcho could be the way also, rhymes with otan a star above the crescent moon a fire base on display. There is no possible way that would be the way so I take a step back and see all the neurons fly through the time I'm allowed to see. Do I see a splinter in mine eye, oh dear that's not a splinter it's a shatter, oh not in that matter, a splinter it's a train track to a light end. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Ivory Tower


Odins Crow

The snow had fallen heavy while the crow had been in flight. Ner she did land and walk upon the water so cold, till her bare skin slipped in. Walking backwards ascending the steps into the warmth she lifted her self through a window. There she tied her black and white oxfords tightly to engulf her foot so to slide through Terra. She wore a long sleeve black fitted t-shirt, dark blue denim formed to her shape stopping three inches above her ankle. She wore a cardigan the colour of wild sage in the lights din so she would look like she fit in if perhaps a glimpse of her was dinned. Before her were doors locked and assumably secure, she stepped her feet forward and through the doors she went. Souls all around her, most with no ill will, except there and there and some unattended. Some follow up would be if you counted to three. A pudgy man with inky hair who only counted dollars and pence sat a desk waiting for people to die, feeding them dog food and making them cry, cry out for help as they waste away, times a waiting for curtains to close but what awaits..


and Odin did hear

under the oak tree

one eye a glistened 

Odin's daughter did sing

from upon her ivory tower

where she could See all below

perched on an edge so harrowingly slim

some things can change 

and some things can not

you take down the citadel 

block by block


Are we in the Punic Wars and if so which one and all the why's?

"I have a Question!"

"Are we supposed to continue to pretend that Estados Unidos isn't on fire?"

"Who started the fire?" "How long?"

"How many fronts are they playing?"

Kristin here, I must interrupt my self talking to me with an important reminder for the back of the classroom. 

I See war everywhere, secret wars and ones you know of, personal ones and tribal ones. 

War is a game I do not play lightly, and neither should you. You have lost control of some key areas. The federal State and the internal apparatus has been completely taken over. I know you know this...but you don't get it yet.

When in war there is no such thing as, 'off the table' or 'undignified' or 'inhumane', get that shit out of your head now. One day there could come a moment when a man knocks on your door and says, "I'm your liaison in your area, is this the ___ house?" With a Quick interruption the kerchief headed woman sternly looked him in the eye as she cocked her head, "You can tell me who you are." The camo vested man continued, 'I'm your liaison for your area, I'm your go to to access public utilities. I'm taking a survey to see how up to date you are with the new restriction you will be living under." "You are aware we have installed new valving and point regulators on all the single family homes to help you manage your systems." 

Do you know how to win? You crush them so hard they never come back. You are never ever defeated, you know you will wake the next day, plan in hand and purpose with your step. You think long term, an ideology of freedom under God and with that comes great responsibility. We do not fear the unknown, we know our God Our Father guides our hands and space.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

"What did Peter use to cut off the soldiers ear?" She asked from her Ivory Tower

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Odin Eye


Into the smoke

Into the way

time and place need not say

there they met on a mountain side

Odin and Frigg

recalled the kin

in kind, need, and understanding do answer

his Wolf and his Crow

the gathering of the children

riding the Leviathan in  

from around the plains world

had begun under a halo of a wall

BlackBird did sing her song

"the valkyries do call

a song of old ways

the raisin of the dead

seder upon them no seed would stray

bread to be broken the old brought to light

where logic and reason will scare and fright

down from the heavens a fiery light

headed a forward 

a bright of night

where the hand of the sun 

reaches with thunder

the ground will shake 

the people will plunder

God's Children do answer

from the sky in might

riding the horses

breathing fire and sight"

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Her face was so beautiful it spun in the ski,
hallo of a square where a circle should be but in her hands she held it with a rotation and a beat.

third round success at high altitude daughter and mother agree

first round was a normal raw in the middle mother and daughter agree

second round to be determined on day of the waking of the dead, all 3 will wonder, daughter of a daughter, of a daughter, one yet to be a mother, one yet to never be again, the other just training, practicing again and again.

Awaiting AcQuistion Of Signal


Star Date: Fourteen Three, Twenty Twenty Four 

time stamp 7:56 am

Raptor at 31:22

while no cameras were to see what payload did disperse over thee

"Oh no they couldn't!"

"Oh No they didn't!"

8:12 am

Ive notice a significant loss in signal ...not their signal, all signal. 


Raptor at 57:14

Don't believe what you see.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Valkyrie From Space


code coming in code going out

into the smoke we sing

onto the water we walk







BDSM women it's

DEI | a | has been 

you see our mother Mary was

a witch to them

she raised her son to be a sacrifice

to God

she had the audacity to listen

to the angels sent to thee

There was a time when it was under stood

you could not have one without the other

then the mother was bare

no less for the wear

 then the pan way

showed her a truce

threw the airways

she showed them the way

back to the our Father

that bound them

but was it to late

for them to listen

to still their minds

for a lesson

those who worship

gold statues have lost 

their way

a chance they were given

they through it away

a holy war is upon thee

much to my dismay

it will not be the one you thought of

the valkyrie from space

are on their way

One day I will tell you a story

When you are still you can listen

It's a story in true there are very few people that can do what I do to know what I see is what they want to be the matter in front of me need not take to seed for no matter the mother did warn her son would be back and their would be an end our science of old can show you the way there is the truth in the pan world way everything before you the angels and saints the dead that can raise and the stars in heaven the moon too have a power beside you the Father is the truth or we would not be for there is a special power when two become three.  

they knew in time

the demons would be released

from deep in the sea

there would come a marine

who would father the angel 

of death

for thee

Do I feel bad for people that don't take to heart when I warn them?


They know they shouldn't be living in unrepentant sin. I don't know if they really think they can keep using the son's name but it only gets you so far unless you follow the way. habitual sin is a no no this is not something difficult to understand. you don't worship gold statues only the Fathers way. it doesn't question the object it is just a matter of fact. we are viking romans true in fact we carry the key and guard our Fathers gate. when the hoards of the dead can't find their way into the ground they seep and they sway.

There she did walk in her garden of death at the top of the mountain the cricket she saw the storm ahead of her a power to see. Dawn on her coat from time eternal her Fathers arms wrapped around her gain of function external.

Don't come at me

I just read what I see


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024

Your Authentic Self


In my loudest voice I can muster from the depths of my soul, 

"Can we have all the people that think themselves intelligent and think they know what's going on to gather around?"

"Thank you, I didn't know so many of you would show up. I appreciate all of you."

"Can you hear me in the back alright?"

"Good, please always forgive my long windedness, crassness, and odd behavior here and there, and please embrace my love and passion for words, meaning and truth. We have a very large problem and it is a subject matter most do not want to discuss in truth."

"It's the language you have to take back."

"If it is fake, it is not authentic."

I'm realizing that you either might not realize what it means or not know how, also you might not, unknowingly and out of 'politeness' through the years, gotten into the habit of following along. We used to call it 'politically correct'. They suckered you and you fell for it.

Some are aware slightly, others use filters to hide themselves from truth.

It's genital mutilation, not gender affirming care. That is an easy one; that, that is how far they have taken it.   

Here is an easy angle to grasp...honestly I am not trying to sound bitchy, this is actually just the way I am.

"If it is fake, it is not authentic." 

Please take constructive criticism constructively and don't get angry and put boundaries up to those that love you, so they tell you the truth so you don't look a fool in the real world. Something I tell my children, 'people that can not take constructive criticism don't have true growth ability'.  

We have a massive problem because of this language issue. 

What can you do? 

The use of filters on your devises and avatars that are fairies, as you search for your authentic self in a lie. 

"If it is fake, it is not authentic."

You can know through these words that when you say you are disconnecting from the real world, and getting away from it all when you turn to your screen that you are connecting into an unreal world, with real world consequences; so they change the language to fit the lie.

You have to use correct precise verbiage 

not pussy foot around subject matter.

"If it is fake, it is not authentic."

Women that wear fake eyelashes are emulating men that dress up as women and make fun of them dressed as whores. It's precise language we need. I get it, I'm vain too but when I make a point and feelings get in the way because you think I called you a whore or that you look like one, well it's the old adage you are who you hang out with, or emulate. Do you know what 'emulate' means? A Quick Look up, "match or surpass"- they haven't changed that one yet. They changed 'babygirl' though. 

Good job language arts. I'm not snickering. A person thinking them selves modern these days finds it acceptable trait to use words opposite their meaning, then redefine said words.

I watched a man in a uniform dress of Space Command address a room and insisted that people no matter how uncomfortable it is for them to use someone's preferred stunning and brave. He is a lie by all means of truth.

"If it is fake, it is not authentic."

Be still and listen
One day you will figure it out

piece by piece take it apart and then you will see the whole

A lie is a lie is a lie. Good Christian friends that call your selves by my name...the devil has arrived.

You don't like that word the devil? Or evil? Your authentic self that consists of a lie is where he wants you.

Fabian Warfare


This is how it is done. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



A Titan did stand and sing

"Uttu, go now and lay our eggs under skins."

A beauty with many eyes of green

she walked through time

8 legs

to feel the Sees

Pinion Spin


A face so round with pinions a spin did sing

"Send the Pixie deep into the gears"

The tiny creature with big ears

6 fingers here

6 fingers there

spun her self to flight

fire she swept around her

a light so bright

Hercules Wings


The Eagle turned and sang,

"Give Hercules wings and take flight."

There before her a creature so large wings sprouted from his back. 

Unfurling them Hercules took to the sky above 

 under his new form 

fire did rain

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Filia Dei

Golden Sands In The Machine 

(This is not a title, it is.)

The time has come, one eye to See, as it was said to be, from the mountains to the sea feet planted, the order came, lift to flight.

Moisture encapsulating her, droplets of matter swirled in the space she was. On the snow white earth she walked, bare of foot her prints left behind. Her raven wings unfurled and as she soared, she left her feathered wing death print behind.

God's Good Children about to meet on mon, from far and close it is. Where far and close do not exist and time is not. 

With a rush of vigor she landed and moved with purpose, feet bare still so she could feel the golden ground beneath her, warm to the touch, her raven wings folded in behind her. Around her neck she wore a basket made of gold, filled with raw stones from deep within Terra; a reminder of those she was representing at this court. 

All different matters of Gods Good Children had gathered in the place where time stood still.

The Cardinal was first to sing, draped in purple, gold and scarlet. 

"Our Heavenly Father has said we shall hear our Earthly sisters voice, then with purpose we shall move"

This was not a place for hearing, it was for singing; siren songs filled the air. 

The Raven Witch, with feather grey, from the north began her say, a song you would hear but her kindred would not hear a song, they would See the way as she sang.

"Long ago on the plain Our Father placed us we lived a life in an age of innocence, an age managed with equilibrium. We had been given a gift of no anguish nor fear, with but one rule, 'do not eat from the fruit of knowing'. Alas we ate and lost our way when counseled by our brothers and did give birth to children of such horror as we watched them consume all in their path, from the fruits of hard labour to our Good children born by our mothers. 

Bound and chained you did make our brothers of disobedience, their voices seeping from the earth deep where you did put them. Another challenge yet for us to over come to keep them from compelling us in their miss deeded ways. 

Intervention here and there, from the times of waters from the earth rising so we could start again. From times of towers built so to reach our Father with one voice we spoke, and then to tumble with a rumble, because we were to be many.  

Our Father then did give us Good guidance for the freedom we so desired. That freedom came with toil and trouble as we had been given an animal status much different than you. Our Fathers design from that time was to learn to overcome our self. Events then and now have taken place as man made clocks do tick on Terra that we have been graded against as separates and as whole. Choices each our own to be ordered Good and bad, and judgment we would know as we passed in to.

Many ages have come and gone and grow in surrender the children of Terra have not. The grumbles from the under are no longer. They that were bound and chained are freed and evil has been released. The time of the child of light is upon us and our duty to un seal the burdens of time is upon us. I have ushered the Word, per our Fathers wants."

The vibration of the thunder you could not hear as pillars of fire landed before them, the matter was connective and felt all around, her skin pulsed.

The lion head roared his song, "Then into the nothingness many will go by Our Fathers will and in the heavens our brothers and sister we will find!"   

Where The Secret Sauce Is Made


Take a left then circle back to the ridge of the oak.

Be still and listen

One day you will find it

How many poisons have they made there?

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Yellow and Blue


I hope you are thoughtful and wonder what a boring title, what lazyness is this?...What is yellow? What is blue? When you read scarlet you can see, when you read blue you have no clue. 

The title in Truth 

Yellow And Blue Eyes Looking Back At You



I see more than 15 looking back at me and I know you can seeeeeeeee. Small s...Dr Al called, did he tell you, she sees you; machine away, machine she moves machine.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story 

There she was in the mist of a moment

shoes tied tightly for free movement on terra

the doctor thought he was alone

an interruption here and there, time and space, again, they are not what you think, Gods Good Children did meet on Mon, such a shiny splace. high off terra where others can't reach. here marks the spot where they listen learn gather and construct.

Atlas let go

Not the earth construct

Can't get to a meeting if you are busy. Did you read that section? 

Kristin here, I'll probably delete this, maybe not.

The gold age called...the bronze age too these are the ages that you know so simply


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

X Marks The Spot

I say it out front best I can...they still don't seem to understand me


X marks the spot for birds in a cage.

Trapped in an alphabet soup. 

Between here and there is a space

space forced upon you

space that invades all around you

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Rockets and air, what do you see and hear?

Monday, February 26, 2024

Raven's Wings


The matter floated, rose and moved freely. 

Nebulas of smoke, enigmas of objects within. 

There she took what was like flight

Her ravens wings spread wide

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mind Whisper


Deep in the woods where the water sheds the fairies play a circle around the mind, wild teeth some have and funny grins behind eyes that play with evil. Watch your step upon the mossed floor between roots of timbers so broad in width thy sight may not believe it. The air an earthy pine of old growth, the sound of the birds above. Keep to the left till you hear the ripple of a stream, crossing upon it ducking your head from the limbs reaching down guarding the way.

This place here where secrets were shared, over heard by many. 

They stand men and women alike, hooded eyes and dark red mouths fastened tight, the bonfire in front of them the only light. The smell of flesh and hair, young and old drafts upward to the heavens. The earths belly more than filled with the blood that bounds so many. 

Her black and white oxfords were tied tightly around her feet. Her skin fitted with sequins, the colour of an old mint plant grown wild in a forest. She walked through and around the blood bound people as they watched the others before them skin searing and dead eyed. They couldn't see her, but she knew one day one of them might shake awake for just a moment and catch a glimpse, so always, just in case she made sure she tried her best to fit in. 

As she meandered time standing still she felt nothing for those surrounding her. 

In to their minds she did whisper 

when you wake 

there you'll see

a frightful face in front of thee 

for all the blood of innocent spilled

for the love of self

in to eternity

around and around

a spiral down you go

where you stop

God knows

next up your turn

your turn to burn

When she was done putting the words into minds of the blood bound an ease to the right in to the smoke the daughter of death did walk. Her black and white oxfords were tied tightly around her feet. Her skin fitted with sequins, the colour of an old mint plant grown wild in a forest.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Saturday, February 17, 2024



She wore long denim jeans shaped for her body, a long sleeve tight fitting black t-shirt and a jacket the colour of an olive tree in the early morning sun, bright for all to see. Her shoes black and white oxfords, wrapped and tied tightly around her feet for smooth movement on the ground. 

A drip of salt water hit her brow on the way through the atmosphere; in to the realm of seeing. The air cold and empty of particles of weight. Her hands free, the stone of Alexandria center in her right palm facing out, left palm waist level facing up reading the energy around her as she ignored the noise and moved forward. 

The place with the red carpet, she didn't want to go back in there again. The energy that struck her to her core was evil, just another word for vile. The connections made are under the eyes of the gold statue on a pedestal. The machine always looking back. 

This particular moment in time was always there. Bright lights that blinded the way, a promise of eden that was an illusion on one level, a story on another and reality to someone in the flesh and blood bound by a pact most would not believe. She wondered if there had been fair warning for just a zeptosecond. 

To the left she went and under the table where she had unplugged the unit before in its place was a web of electricity reaching outward which made the position she was in a bit more different. She didn't mind going through the water to the seeing, walking on it to get where she needed to go was something she always wanted to do.

The mandate she had been given had been blessed.

The other day all the birds were in the maple tree singing their songs, today all I hear is mans machines. A crisp blue sky behind a tree with cotton balls of snow piled on leaves that wouldn't let go. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Empathetic Deceit


Ahhhh Tuesday, the day of war, where I find you in front of your screens at your desks where I can swim in the ether in front of you. 

Which flag are you flying today? 

I hope you took that question the way I mean it. 

Someone needs to be brutally honest with you. 

You fell for it again.

They said, "Here, watch this!" and so many did.

The masses tuned in to see the show, all eyes and ears glued to a screen you refuse to turn off, as if everything has gone back to normal, as if it matters, as if it's important. I can feel the vibrations of the sounds through the nets 

pathetic excuses 

"I just want to relax." 

"It's an American holiday basically and you want us to not have fun?" 

"I just want to escape from the heavy of reality." 

"It's a reason to get together."

"I just want to disconnect."

...and there they had you

in your tiny mind 

they know doesn't think for it's self

they tell you what to think

what to care about

It's the talk of the town, everyone that's anyone will be there. 

"Come one come all! See the girl in the sparkly dress! Watch the man throw the ball!" 

"We will throw in a satanic clown for fun!"

"Let us entertain you with song and dance!"

"and this time we have something special planned and the best newest advertisements for you to see!"

What did they feed you through your eyes and ears?

I keep trying to figure out how to get this in to minds.

Vulcan mind meld time

If you tuned in

you were fed a mass propaganda 


It is a weapon of war.

Holy shit was dropped in front of your eyes

you will fall in to it.

Do you think we are over exaggerating when it is said they control what you see and hear on your screens?

You are so tied down to a way of life, of old Americana, of foam cheddar hats and trashy luke warm beer mass produced and sold to you as authentic, you couldn't turn it off. ...and you will repeat excuses because you can not yet see they make you a slave to a way of life that does not exist any more. 

Do you need a reminder of that filth of a man that was paid by your all American beer company to sing its jig and splash around in? Do you wonder why some think you stupid? If you are wondering if I am trying to shame you I absolutely am. This movement of change is filled with way smarter people than you and they have the reigns.

I'm going to repeat it.

This movement of change is filled with way smarter people than you and can convince you to be mad at me for pointing it out. Should I say it now?..."stop hating."

Do you recall National Guard camped out at the capitol which was fenced, weapons pointed out, towards you. 

Did you not see the seriousness of that moment in time? 

I keep hearing the wants of escape, but there you are always tuned in to the newest and trendiest how do I fit iniests. They want something from you and want to put something into you; data, information positioning and it has a handy microphone and camera. The algorithm is smarter than you and can read you, you can't even read code.

This New World, you are going to have to be brave, if you are going to have any chance at all you must think of Rome more often and brainstorm with those you trust. You are allowed to talk amongst yourselves. 

Stop letting other people chose for you the standard you will hold. Have a back bone. Be a man. 

Know what is important and what is not. 

"When things are wrapped in a vale of mystery you can take refuge in these two things

1. Nothing can happen to me that is not natural.

2. I can keep from doing anything

3. God and my own spirit do not approve." - Marcus Aurelius

Why do you care so much about someone in another state* with which your only connection is through a screen of which the powers that be chose what you see put in front of you? 

"stop hating." 

You don't think about Rome enough. They built the colosseum and filled it with games to distract the citizens from the state of their State. 

This looks like a side track but it's not. 

You are on track.

It's the Christians and the apathetic that are the target.

Medicaid, your tax dollars, pays for boob jobs for boys (yes boys) and men who want them and girls (yes girls) and women that don't. Your tax dollars are going to a class of people that spit in the face of God and your tax dollars go to their little g god as they mutilate their bodies to shun our Father. Your tax dollars are going to sexual perverts and mentally ill people that are in a cult of 'erase all personality', and you pretend there is nothing you can do about it so why even talk about it, it's so heavy...


The advertisements, did you buy it? 

"stop hating."

The mutilation of sexual organs is never 'for the health' of anyone and to mutilate children's sexual organs, physically or chemically, it's grotesque.

"stop hating." 

You are supporting a man taking a drug so he can force a helpless infant suckle at his man tits as a manmade poison leaks out for an infant as it tries with all its might to get anything to stay alive. This child, who is now a sex slave and being physically poisoned, that's what you are agreeing to when you say ok to a pronoun. Brought to you by a pharmaceutical company. Love is not always love, sometimes it's getting off as he sexually abuses a child and calls it hateful when you point it out.

"stop hating."    

Have you seen how far you have let them go? Love is not love. A mother that makes her child a eunuch for the entertainment of others and the powers that be that let you see what's on your screen put it in front of thee. Brought to you by a pharmaceutical company.

"stop hating." 

Have you really jumped through an Overton window so far in left field that what you support in actuality is the acceptance of the children as sexual slaves for the perverted? You don't get to pick and choose this, there is no nuance, it is what you support when you accept it on any level.  The man that lives in unrepentant sin preaching which gods words? The one that says it's ok to kill your babies because they are inconvenient? I'm not supposed to bring that up all the time, so I do; it's definitive. It is not different. 

"stop hating." 

You don't think about Rome enough or you would be having chats behind buildings instead of participating in children's games. 

This religion is Federal policy that you can't speak against. 

"stop hating."  

They fed you that trash

did you ask how many swallowed?

what lie grows in the bowels

and poisons the mind

enslaving you

These children are being chopped and sold for pieces and the ones that live become forever clients of the pharmaceutical company that has no interest health. Brought to you by some pharmaceutical company...did you take your statin today? Got your booster? That's not funny anymore is it?

I would give you test scores and statistics of how poor the students are doing in our public political schools, would it make a difference? The teachers are blueprints the universities print out, movement makers; a red guard for a new age, change agents and commissars.

They are at war with you and you better wake up. 

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

There are somethings that actually are black and white. 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Dragon Rise


So'x 5 eyes and a million minds. 

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Americans will turn on their super bowl football game and get excited about commercials they shove down your throat.

You don't have to watch it. You can do something different. You can set yourself apart.  

Turn off your television and talk about the Civil War you are ignoring. Stop pretending your vote counts. Stop being weak and pathetic. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Matter and Form


The edit.

3 February, 2024



She wore a fitted suit the colour of a bright evergreen tree, a black t-shirt underneath. Her bright evergreen suit pant tailor made and ending 2 inches above her naked ankle. Her shoes black and white oxfords, wrapped and tied tightly around her feet for smooth movement on the ground. 

3 February, 2024


the water fell on her head in a stream of drips

into the other place where she willed her way

 cracks in the system

were easy to find where she swam 

a channel of connections

4 February, 2024


It hasn't been grasped yet; it's not real and it is. When we travel through the space time isn't real. 

4 February, 2024


I missed a Mortal comma.

4 February, 2024


The marble is cold, she can feel it even with an extra layer of skin between her and the floor. The smell is sad passed by days of nothing real lived and ammonia. The sound is whispers of anger, blame of disease and the what nexts. She walks with her back straight, a polite swing to her hips and head held high, like she belonged there, they couldn't see her but she always expected one day someone would catch a glimpse. Towards the double swinging doors, then to the left, always, she had to go to the left to get where she needed to be. One more plug to pull.

5 February, 2024


There is a bit of glitch in the system 

as the arc of the spark

jumps as she pulls

5 February, 2024


The eyes looked back at her from the deep

She met their gaze through the smoke

into the no thing they un be came

5 February, 2024


Tell me about graphene as I stare at the apple in front of me

5 February, 2024


alphabet city cent a sy memo salt the ground upon which you twalk

5 February, 2024

six hundred and five

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Into the stream 
Into the weeds
Into the system I See
Stream pushes you forward 
Weeds pull you down
Seismic convolution as you try to breath
From the north
To the south
From the west 
Into the east
The Sun moves the beat

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

It's Happening Now




is the epicenter

for something

in the air

Q lives here

there and everywhere

space is our place

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story


I forgot isn't bad yet, it's gonna get really bad.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

*Holy* *Cow*


Discussion time

Why is psychology evil? 

Why did you frame the Q that way K dog on this the full wolf moon? 

It's funny (peculiar, not haha) that more people that call themselves Christian or have any real faith in our Creator would even humor the idea of psychology; it goes against your personal relationship with your savior. 

I guess what is evil is a good Q.

abomination of God? Is rejection of God evil? To believe you are the be all and end all is that evil?

Let's get back to psychology. 

This is not a sweeping generalization, this is actual first hand knowledge; every single psychology major or student I have ever known I would never go to for advice and I don't believe anything they say (that's just a solid go to when anyone these days opens their mouth). This society is rampant with morons and people that will believe anything, or pretend, which is *holy* *cow* worse.

The categorization of behavior (people) and the manipulation of (behaviour change) but most people use it as a bitch fest so they can excuse their own behavior. It's removal of God from the mind. Have you ever prayed for penance? Taken time and thought about what you did that you know is not excusable under our Fathers eyes. I insert here the "...and deliver us from evil."  and "...pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death." Always with a teaching that seems difficult for those that call themselves by the name Christian X..."Because they have been forgiven for their sins." 

I stopped that rant just in still applies that communism is the anti Christ, it is an ideology that is the removal of our Creator and puts man as the be all and end all. I call them small minded people with no vision. Psychology is from the same school of religious organization manipulation with behaviour modification and because it is retooled in the university system that *holy* *cow* should I point out word usage and historical content allegory here or are you smart?...I'll put lights on it for fun if you had not noticed has been over taken by said communism/totalitarian thought. 

Wait wait wait wait wait...communism and totalitarianism don't go together. 

Of course they do...the propaganda preaches to join the community public these days...not part of their family. Everyone knows a community needs organizers and leaders, and followers and those that just stay out of the politics, those are the worst kind. Public=Community=Political if you don't go along with the community, the community goes after in total and if you* don't participate they know you* are not a member of their community. 

Meanwhile in some public=community=political school employees have to call a student by any name they choose and the school doesn't have to tell the parent; shhhhhhh secrets from the parents, sexual predators tell children to keep a secrets from their parents; whose advise is this? the psychologists someone so smart they know how stupid you are, what other bad advise do they dole out as helpful, yes, affirming a lie is usually helpful how? I find it ironic that those that think they are the smartest because they can manipulate others can't see how they are manipulated in believing and going along with the most absurdly reeeeeeeeeediculous rubbish.

The utter nonsense people go along with shows the weak minded mentality of a society of complainers, I mean protesters.  

You are a fucking parrot.

They chop up genitals and you have to measure how you say it's wrong? Oh that's right, weak minded parrots.

That is why psychology is evil. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The full moon wide awake under the bright blue sky where the wolves run free

a double shot of what the suns got

all the connections bright and clear

Mars to Mercury 

on the wings of titans

a fortune seeker 

a fortune teller

where X marks the spot

