Sunday, May 30, 2021

Event Horizon

Enlightenment; a new age of knowing. Knowing a religion has taken that what we call science and desecrated it. Where you can't ask questions or are called a heretic. For True. 

Look around and ask why those that are questioning are erased from the digital world...our modern day village square. How many will see this because I have a different thought, belief, idea...that I want to conserve science and question the methods the universities and governments are using. 

Where you can not question the ethics of the mrna vaccine. You are allowed a second opinion, even a third...they are just PRACTICING medicine. 

You may not question the lack of long term studies.

We just got the 'ok' that you can ask if Covid 19 came from a lab and it might not be zoological. How many were condemned because they asked just that question? There are more questions...


If you are White and western you are told you are a racist and if you do not agree you are shouted down, called names ...and erased. 

We are dealing with a large scale religion, bigger and scarier then we could have imagined. 

When did man shake his animal tendencies and start thinking and knowing? Did it happen gradually? (that darlings is a clue...)

What is the oldest structure man has built?

How old is the Earth?

Where is Earth in the big scheme of things...from its proximity in space as we know it to the daily happening of the ache of your arm, the birth of a child, the seed you just planted and the shade it will give another years down the road? 

How many cataclysmic events have erased time lines? Whole cultures wiped off...the face of the map.

We can not change the the way the UN and the World Economic forum have said we can...that is control of its inhabitance to work for them. This is a world wide problem and we are gonna have to call in our brothers and sisters to stand up with us

If I ask these questions and I don't follow what the scientists say today is true via consensus, a consensus is what put the Bible together over hundreds of years... I'm called a kook. In reality people do not like being wrong. In science this is dangerous. 

If you want to dig deeper and question the ideas of those that came before you...well...that is science denial. Also math is real...I actually think we have many more dimensions to learn from it. I'm only guessing as math is sorcery...Ha! Multiple level funny to me.

This is one of those Arenas that looks chaotic and all over the place...warriors battling in what looks like separate battles but is a war in front of you. Are the good guys or the bad guys going to win? Those that want to control what you do, where you go, how you live and burn your knowledge to the ground through censorship? Through a lack of real education this is happening now. To deny it is to not see what is front of your face.

A man can not be a woman and a woman can not be a man. We can not change gametes. Perhaps this is inconvenient for some...that is the truth. I'll probably be extra nice to you when I see you...I know life is hard and don't talk to me about science until you understand what it is. You can ask me;)...I'll show you some paths and maybe you can find a different one. A different one that makes things fit. 

It's ok to get new information like a puzzle piece that was hidden from you. Just accept it. It can be a hard pill to swallow but the other side knows what this is like. We get new information all the time and have to stop and reassess ...we just accept we were wrong and move forward (some of us enjoy warp speed capacity). Use the past as a lesson to build the future better. 

Be still and listen

They are telling a story that is false.

I saw a couple of newly birthed baby deer today in our yard. There legs were shaky as they took their first steps. I watched one baby drink from the Mother, her milk of life. 

Discover a new delight when we shift to the red. Redshift 

Friday, May 28, 2021

The Other World Hypothesis


All this UFO (UAP) stuff in the news is super fun for me... 

What if...

It's not Aliens like you think. I like to think of humans as aliens...-but in the future sense not the sense of the now or the past on Earth. Our bodies are from here, our souls are not-this is a tenet of my life. In the future we WILL BE the alien life form on other planets. If that is not a fact then I am scared for the future. SpaceX under Elon Musk will be putting Starship with a booster in orbit soon with the new Raptor engine. (I like to think dinosaurs are back when I hear the raptor roar its engine.) Also please keep in mind a new super alloy was created to withhold the heat we need to lift a Starship as big as planned. It's a math thing I don't's a concept I do. 

What if...

We...people (us) have accomplished things we (here) haven't yet in another universe of ours. In another universe I don't have dyscalculia;). In another universe you are the same with different experiences. We have choices always but our lives are different; playing out in ways imaginable by some, not by all. 

The theory of quantum mechanics- super small things and how they move...In reality we think particles move in one way but when we look at them they do not behave how we think they should. The electrons in atoms do not move the way we think.  Just because you can't see something does not mean it does not exist. This is all a work in progress. The smallest particle we know of so far is a Quark. I love that name; "Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he has not got much of a bark. And sure any he has it’s all beside the mark."- James Joyce. Quorks (Quarks) come in threes.

Hypothesis time...

In a different universe we have advanced more in an area of quantum aviation than we have here in our universe. 

Quantum aviation-riding the wave function of the universe, where we travel in something that can move differently. Where we can move from one point of a universe to another point in a different universe (not interplanetary yet? Ha!). By switching electron placement (entanglement) around and using the magnetic force (energy) of them and the fields around them to move in our atmosphere with out Bernoulli. Two things can be true at a time. 

Or we have done it here and now. 

Or it is aliens not of this Earth.


I believe in the power of the human mind. Mind over matter. The mind controls matter when it can see it and understand it; maneuvering a chair with someone on it from one room to another with our hands and feet, pushing or pulling... 


Deep in the jungle the drums beat and the people sang along in two pitch. The insects all around bothered them not, a force field surrounded them to keep the disease away but the habitat clean. The field was created by switching electron balance at miniscule levels; just to the side a bit. They were able to do it with their mind. Either by thought of creativity or thought control of the aura surrounding them. E8bythepowerof3


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Beginning is just as hard for some to imagine as Infinity. 

Think out of the box and kick it to the curb

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bang to Rights

Shall I speak in the ways of a prophet for you? in the old ways or new? Ha!

What happens when the people finally see the wrong doing of their governments? The harm they have caused, the havoc across the Globe, the pandemonium created by media and a mass mob of idiots. You voted in the stupid people because the smart people were busy building their future...and the other not good smart people were building yours for it or not. FuckyouJohnKerry

What we have next is called...a bang to rights. 


Fuck fuckingJosefMengeleFauci can you see who he is yet? What he has actually done in coordination with others? Gain of Function is now in your vocabulary. What they were doing was not for the good, it doesn't matter what they tell you. They made a weapon. 

There are two hypothesis on the table...lab leak and zoonotic. It's quite unscientific to have only two on the table. There are two more...a total of four possible answers to... 'Where did the virus come from?' 

A true scientific mind takes nothing off the table until disproven...and even then there is always more to discover. 

I've circled myself with salt. 


Lab Leak

Bio Weapon


I can't think of another possibility. I know one of those sounds preposterous. It was the third though. I know this, I know man kind. Just because you can't see something doesn't make it not true or not exist. 

Tariffs start wars. The USA imposed tariffs on goods from China. China replied. The CCP does not care what happens to the people of China, you have to let go of western thought process for this and put your mind into the likes of Mao and Lenin something the #communistteachersunion does not teach. They did not teach the lessons of communism. They taught the lesson of communism. It's comparable to Keynesian economics...FuckyouJanetYellen 

Tarif is an Arabic word meaning to declare a list of fees that will be imposed-simply put.


They are taking your right to work away. That which gives meaning in life. They are taking away your ability to grow your future the way you want. They are bringing in cheaper labor. Paying you a scrap to not work...welfare. Welfare is slavery of the mind and body. 


The People of the World need to take a risk and start owning. Lift yourself and you lift others. Let's use Bernoulli principle here;)... 

אֲשֶׁר־ בּוֹ֙ ר֣וּחַ חַיִּ֔ים מִתַּ֖חַת 

Where do we come out on the other side and what we make of it is a choice. 


2,700 National Guardsmen are still 'guarding' the Capitol...that fence is still up. The Capitol does not belong to those behind the wall...they MADE THAT WALL to keep you out of the Peoples House.

Bang to Rights

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The mask made it easier to see into your soul. Your distorted speech like another language, a distant noise to not bother. 

See Infiniti and the Minim at the same moment. 


Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Big Lie

I chose this title, 'The Big Lie' to cloak the a Lie...I will shed my skin for you and you will see underneath; like a Lizard person...Note....I'm peeling from a fantastic sunburn. Jokingly I call it a natural chemical peel. Note 2...I always tell the truth, you just might not see it. Note 3...I think I'm hilarious.


Let's dive in to the cool clear sea water, where the sandy bottom isn't being churned by the winds above. Where you can see every red tipped coral, every rock and urchin and know where to step and not hurt your feet. The salt water will sting at first and then it will cleanse your wounds.


Your western styled religion is a sham; all of them. I don't care which one it are doing it wrong at a base level and your foundation is in crumbles. 

If you are a modern day puritan that believes in flagellation of others for wrongs yelling 'Witch!' or self flagellation as you cry out in pain publicly in show of a false belief, thinking it makes you better - let me give you the Gold Pill. It doesn't make you better in anyway to beat yourself up. If you do that you have done no good for your Self and the future that should be you. 

Martin Luther was trolling and it went to far. I don't know if it should be called an insurrection or heresy or a mix. A good life depends on how you live your life through deeds (hard work) but not deeds someone has on you. Note...just because the Catholic Church also does and did wrong does not negate Martin Luther also being wrong. You have to work towards's not free, nothing is ever free. 

Switching the tempo of my tread.


    There was a young man dressed as an Anime girl, he felt so welcomed when he saw us. His smile I couldn't see under his mask but I saw his eyes. We had no masks on...but that is not what he saw. His walk was practiced but exaggerated to an extreme so you knew it was fake. Underneath his effeminate makeup was a boy afraid to be a man.

    The next place we went there was another young man trying his hardest to be a girl with a wig so fake I thought mice lived in it. He might have been making fun of his peer at the place next door. I don't know which is worse. God help us all no matter which the answer...

    I know someone who's child went away to University for a year. He left a healthy boy and came back succumbed to a strange new Cult. If his parents don't go along with his lie that he is pretending to be female they will be disowned. That is a Cult. 

The season is over.


Inflation is actually 19+%...not 4.2. Goods and services are intermittent if you haven't noticed. The government pays people not to work. The US dollar is not worth the paper it is printed on. You might wanna invest in something other then any government monetary system. Even if it seems like you are taking a gamble, if enough of us dive in we will all find a life boat waiting. Time to crumble the streets of your Dilmun.

Critical race theory is a joke. My son, Love Bug, just graduated from a 'diverse' school; a charter school. One of the most academically rigorous high schools in The United State of America. Fuck thecommunistteachersunion. Don't you dare tell me those young adults of all races and creeds can not succeed on merit...because they just did. Crush time.

Institutional media only shows you what they wish for you to see. The Mirage Army works in tandem with social media...I call them mind fuckers. It's an often out sourced campaign of disinformation. It's sourced now. ZEM. Quash the system.

UFO's or UAP''s a government run program; a quantum physics avionic program;) I believe they are made with something like mercury, but not heavy, that can move through our atmosphere and water in the same way. Think of magnetic fields and wave functions. They are flown with AI. I believe in the capacity of the human win. Just to be sure you know I am of a critical could also be Aliens and Aliens could have been visiting us for thousands of years and we called the Angels and Djin, Ghosts and Gods, Giants, Devas and Devis, Ek Balam and Amesha Spentas, Yazatas, and Fravashis. Two things can be true at once. The clocked stopped here.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

from the beginning of time I have not seen a religion that did not stray from the path of intended good no matter how it started

The Voodoo warrior unsheathed the Khanjar, she raised her glass in her other hand. The trumpet blared in the distance. The people covered their ears from the bray. They covered their eyes to hide the flood of light. They were mute of truth.

The military attaché of God; Sovereign above all men had arrived...she was dressed for a blowout. 

Look up.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Rising Wave


a whisper here 

a whisper there

a truth 

a lie

what do you hear

in the dark of night

a hum in your ear

rising waves of sound

motions take you to and fro

rise above

or take you away

Saturday, May 1, 2021


This is not just a case of an out of control Federal Bureau of Investigations, and is just that. 

Mapped out in 3D.

1. The FBI are looking for what they have named, Domestic Terrorists. They felt terror when the People came knocking on the door of the People's House the Squatters were holding hostage. 

2. They had pictures of everyone at the Capitol on January 6th, The Epiphany as I call it.

3. A. Marilyn is a case of mistaken identity. She is just an example- read that in the many ways it can be interpreted- I mean them all. 

4. How do they find Marilyn from the picture? Tech. A program scans every face, they have been doing this for years...for your safety they take pictures of you walking around minding your business. Facial recognition; they find a 'match' from ALL the faces they have scanned with names attached via a program, a written code.  

5. Except it's a bad tech and didn't work correctly this time. So they must implement superior tech. How do they do it in the open?

6. The Squatters afraid of losing control of the Peoples House must now implement more laws for the FBI and other State Agencies to hang their crime, to protect themselves, not you...they are taking YOUR picture and tracking what YOU do. The normie. As they make more laws to control what you can and can not may smoke regular cigarettes but not menthol ones, WTF?

7. B. Back to Marilyn's mistaken identity. When the new tech, a bigger better database, doesn't work and there are more mistaken identities, the one the State told the Mass Mob with which to put their Faith, it won't matter. The Mass Mob will find something in Marilyn's past they don't like and crucify her they take over. The State is never wrong. The Mass Mob doesn't know it is listening to the State.

C. Note to all... That poor Jeopardy guy....don't apologize when someone projects their miss mark on you. You are not responsible for that.

8. D. The Squatters, tell you to be afraid for your life, but the only groups attacking The PEOPLE is Antifa...Anti-Facists-that one cracks me up, and BLM, what a disingenuous name; all of them. The groups attacking the People have free rein. The People that killed no one on January 6th at the Capitol are the Domestic Terrorists. I know, it's almost comical, except it isn't.

I. The laws do not equally apply to those roaming the streets destroying neighborhoods and killing People. Scaring People into submission; peace through submission.  

E. II. The Mass Mob of which if you don't comply become tyrants. They just need something to Hate, it's their Religion. If this makes you mad when you read it...yeah... The State tells you who to Hate via the Corporate Media, Facebook, Twitter and the likes, so they can keep makin' those dolla' bills yo. They know they have taken good meaning away in life and where there is a must be filled. A Mass Mob that had lost control of their lives looking for anything to believe in, so someone made a new Religion for them.

F. The Mass Mob is too busy with their Hate to see what is really happening to their Future. 

9. G. III. Back to Marilyn again, she was just a normie, like the Jeopardy guy. They came for them, they will come for you. 

...but wait, there's more...

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story