Friday, December 30, 2022



The other day I watched Biden and Zalinski speak 'to the people'. I watched the whole day, I heard everything said and I saw their glee as I watched their pockets grow larger as they enriched themselves with your future. They are going to leave you with nothing if you don't do something. 

Into my head I go...into the matrix, it makes my skin itch, nettle all over; millions of ants biting me all at the same takes a bit for it to wear off... 10% to the big guy, some joke about centcom, the fbi and cia managing communist comms, when do people find out we are the communists? Nothing you see through a screen is real. I wish I could Vulcan mind meld everyone I come in contact so they understand not just the severity of the trouble we are in but the magnitude and the quickness with which it is coming down the line. No one is safe and no one will be free. 

We aren't a democracy, none of it is real. Anti democratic steps. #fdr #jfk #alphabet #dontquestiontheelection

For fucks sake how many billions of dollars were just signed away. How long can they do this? Indefinitely? Your central bank with it's digital currency that they control? Yeah...fucking morons. What are we going to do about it when they have all the hard power? Do they?

Ol' Joe-"To keep their democracy alive it takes money"=how to over throw a government is easy, just buy someone 'a cold drink' fucking pay them off...or bribe them...this is really how it is done...who's bribing whom and who has been payed off. Holy shitballs kids, when you grasp it is almost everyone of them that are utterly and uber corrupt. Is your Mayor, Governor, Sheriff, how long till equity, diversion diversity, inclusion come from them...your city council? 

I wonder sometimes how many people really know what is happening and how this system works and how many insane balls things are really happening at the same time.


"MRaps, missles...came together very quickly" 

Back drop of real hardship

Biden looks old

Look at the actor in the eye. 

"Thank you very much for this crime I mean money."- the Z man, word for word. 

Biden is literally reading his answer to the pretend question he just got. 

We are in a shit load of trouble

Its grotesque how the journalists grovel. 

Biden says we will punish Russia until Ukraine wins the way they want?

Later in the evening I'm sitting here with cookbooks before me as I make plans waiting for the Z man to speak before congress. 

Aid=patriot missiles 

People are getting killed for no reason. I really wish I could do that Vulcan mind meld. Ukraine is just a proving ground. Our foreign policy writers are fucktards that should be no where near diplomacy. 

We are in for some really big trouble


Why don't people push back and say the real stuff out loud. "What are we going to do about it?"

How? There is no leader. We have alpha males everywhere, they need a controller. This is the hard part. How do you trust? Who do you trust?

What do we do about the mining for your rechargeable batteries that make this world of tech we live in? What do we do about corporations and Countries that treat their citizens like less then slaves? Prey tel? 

What do you do when coups are happening all over the world?

Your countries leader was installed...all of them. Meanwhile they are all also fighting for control making alliances here and there, ones in the open and ones in secret. Which one of our Generals contacted his peer in China and told him in so many words that not to worry, Trump wouldn't hurt them? After he gave a 'reminder to the troops of their sworn oath'? Fuck you all. What do we do about that? 

It's a world wide problem and no one is coming to save you. 

Z-man is an actor playing a part in a war of projection. I'm not telling you something you don't know. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Altered State

Walk with me down this path into a past you do not recall. 

The ground is jagged with stones scattered, 

you can walk about them though through soft sand on your feet 

if you are diligent. 

The air is crisp and clear, 

you can see the breath of your last thought as you exhale. 

In that thought you can now see is all the paths before thee. 

The crow flies above, their cawing a warning. 

In your minds eye you can hear the drums of thoughtful nights, 

a steady beat




 one foot in front of the other. 

How many paths before you did you see? 

Which one is for thee for only one can you be. 

Take care of the rocks below the foot 

as you gander into your breath to mark clear. 

Your hands are cold, 

you can feel the energy emanating from your palms, 

 your fingers start to tingle. 

You start to feel it spread through your body, 

your limbs become heavy 

as the glow takes hold. 

Your step is graceful, your feet now mind for you. 

There is no more jagged rock below, 

the sand is moist, 

a shell for feet to mind for a time. 

The wind is starting to blow, 

your breath no longer for thee to see. 

The Golden glow fills you, 

it shows you as far as you desire so to heed. 

It's the Gift of the Spirt that leads the way. 

With the knowledge that was past, 

thoughts and fears of those around us now.

 The vision of a clear future to wash the fear.

 Waves are crashing

Now they could see the path clear across the sea. 

Belief in thee for only that which they could see. 

Visions foretold were for the dreams, 

not the day where all could gaze. 

Walk in reality now, for a moment, the here and now and look around...everything is as normal as the eye can see. Is it dark or night? You can feel and see that which is near. Lets take a corner, here, to the left to the south. The information you receive is chosen just for you. Is it written on the wall? Can you change it three times a charm. Bounce. They let you see that which only they allow from sea to shining sea, oh you Purple Mountain Majesty I have a seat at your knee.

You decide you are animal or Man via your behavior in every moment. These are choices. It's the Ol' Vulcan Romulan paradox. We don't perceive ourselves as animals often but it is what we are. We are more equal because we have a gift. We can control our behavior. We used to have social contracts. We don't anymore. This makes the world dangerous when people do not control their behavior. When they turn off the system in which we know works what happens? (This is also Mrna.) The paradox of humans that look clean but under are rotting and decaying; the fake face of reality. 

fake nails

fake hair

fake concern

fake money

fake eyelashes

fake ideas

fake people

fake safety

fake doctors

fake teachers

fake story tellers

fake magicians 

fake leaders

fake love

fake religions

The internets are real world, you don't have to like it, we have to operate it. Some say, "get off the nets and join the real world", I say it all the time...if you want to know the future...You look into the machine. The machine is your mind and the nets are all the minds connected for ease. When past way we could cast ourselves to and fro with out the crutch of man made electricity. We are made of just that and our mind is that which controls our personal machine, you control you. 

Question, "if a child is born brilliant, with no need to learn through experience will they have the same insights as a child that chased brilliance?"

Question, "if the internets give knowledge with out the wisdom of experience to discern is that knowledge applicable?"

Question, "where does knowledge come from?"

Question, "what is practice?"

Her cold hands freed the energy as it spun in her palms, 

all at Gods will. 

So fast it spun she left the ground

 with the Faith of the Mass 

she moved mountains and seas 

and they all could see



Monday, December 12, 2022

Quantum Entanglement


Every title has a purpose

if you don't stick with it

you will never know

In physics a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction; sub atomic.  

I listened to Sam Bankman Fried say "I, I, I..." making excuses for stealing peoples money in 'his' ponzi scheme while he was gaming on Twitter 2.o living freely in the Bahamas.

If he said he gave money to democrats and republicans why would it make you think any different of him? They are all corrupt, acting like an 'R' next to a name means something...stop with the jokes, I've had enough. Much like your vaccine* was an introduction of some auto immune disease, they turned off your immune system, you know that now, right? Not every vehicle start up is the same and when you introduce foreign information, well some bodies machines don't understand and get confused...much like that they introduce a system to regulate a system so they can control it how they want.   

Bernie Madoff was arrested in December of 2008, the housing market had just crashed in September. Who's fault was the housing market crash? You do know how all this went down right? Do a speed course if you don't and see that they are again doing the same things under different cloaks. Madoff had been under investigation by the SEC several times, so they knew what was going on...Someone says, "throw the people a bone!" This of course after his boys 'told' on him. Seriously...

I hear, "investigation on capitol hill", why do you think that will make a difference? Capitol Hill is where clowns are. They are not serious except for making money for themselves as they hoard power over citizens as they steal your Childs future (I'm not counting the ways and means today). What the fuck was all the shit that just happened and you think they will take anything serious? Wake up. The system is so big most citizens work for some kind of government entity in some form or fashion. How do you reach people when their livelihood depends on the master?...and you know that the master poisons your well daily and they tell you to vote, because it counts. Hahahahaha... Stop.

One of the richest men in the world that works with, in some capacity the US government, he gets our astronauts to and from the International Space station, just bought Twitter and we find out it was stacked with government employees or agenda driven zealots. I'm over here with a pile of black pills and Trust issues I have with Man you think maybe it's another bone? Have you noticed a trend? I want someone on ol' regular peoples side that has a lot of $$$ too...I know how that shit moves things in ways you only imagine in the darkest realms of human nature. I worship no human, it's bad form. Serious questions...Did they give you a hero or the illusion of one?...I'm pretty sure if Elon Musk wanted an army of drones he could build one so maybe he does have hard power I'm not privy too, better stealth too...? No one is going to get in trouble for deleting accounts on twitter or any of the other trashy things people do to others that only trashy people do. I am entertained though, cynicaly I must add. 

Quantum mechanics is the description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

"No, you are not nocturnal, you are a human. If you were nocturnal you would have great big eyes and pupils that could find light where a human can not with their bare eyes. Just because you keep late hours does not make you nocturnal-it means you like it for some reason. Shall I go one further? Just because you like to have sex with whom ever you like to have sex with does not mean you were born that way or we would not be here. It's actual simple biology-evolutionary. What you want to do is different then what we have to do as a species to survive. This is not judgment but plain fact. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is how I know you, 'were not born this way'. What you desire is not what you were made to do. Still no judgment from me, just stating base line at the root of the system who we are. Let me take it further down this road in my speedy little wagon because if you think I won't take it here, you don't know what I'm writing. One of the 10 Commandments is, 'honor thy Mother and Father'. I don't think the average person in modernity thinks of this because we have 'systems in place', your systems are broken. This is also for parents of Children, if you beat the child that is supposed to take care of you when you are old, how do you think they will treat you? ...and here we are the cycle of life but on a different scale. If a Child does not learn discipline though they have no ways and means of improvement-adult upgrades if I may be so bold. With out Children you have no future." 

Quantum field theory

Have you ever sang a song that made God cry? 

When we talk we vibrate the air around us. Our vocal cords do this for us. You know it, you do not think of it though or you haven't in a long while. When we sing we affect the space around us to create a feeling in someone or a group. This is Music Theory and in practice a how to. Have you ever seen a singer shatter glass? One octave above middle C, as loud as you can, that's the how but can you? You push as much vibration into the air at an exact frequency and it vibrates the glass and shatters. It was a party trick at the Pan Am compound, in Seeb, Oman circa 1979. That is moving vibration through the air that you can not see, much like your ear drums vibrate and you translate those frequencies, we can also destroy with them- I know you know all this, everyone knows we have sound weapons right? We can focus them. 

Quantum mechanics is the description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. It is the foundation of all quantum physics. Everything is connected when you can see all the connections and you can see how matter ebbs and flows and is pushed and pulled. This is the Spirit that moves us. 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

"You might could use a good systems analysts right about now." said in a perfect American accent from somewhere near Kentucky.  

I think entanglement is the wrong word, it conveys confusion, connection is better even though you personally might not see, it does not mean it's not all around you. It knows exactly what it's doing even if you don't. 

It's a hive you are connected to but you can not translate the frequencies. Much like Children can hear higher pitches then most adults, you knew that though right?   

I can feel the magnification of everything I touch, I can see the all that there is, here, there, everywhere. seethatwhichisbeforeyouandafteryouandyouhavenofear 

Do you understand it yet? 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Sage Report



the moon month cause to cease

Day after the full moon here and I have a hot water bottle at my back, hoping the heat will be relaxing. Some times I take something, sometimes I don't. It doesn't feel very good at the, just let up a bit. When it lets up I feel like I can accomplish... ....oop... I hear Child birth is painful. Ohwwww. My body moves forward and tightens with each cramp. ...anything.

We have men walking around and on social media pretending to be women, not a man in a dress, a man who declares him self to be anything other then what he actually is. You might wonder why we women get a bit out of sorts? My uterus is screaming at me at this moment in time. It hurts and I still have work to do. It hurts and I still have to deal with the absurdity that is being pushed into our faces. All the fucking lies...we know you are a dude Levine, Mulvaney (I just looked up the spelling and he's listed as an actress, I find him funny, "as in a clown" "You calling me a clown?!"-Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, useful till he's not. I can't wait to see the documentary, I guess that's the part that useful idiots don't understand because they are idiots.)....for all the fucks sake you want to talk about feelings? Hahahahahaha The real feeling is in my abdomen at this time. You want to use our bathrooms and changing rooms, I'm over here wondering how much blood I'm going to loose today, will I pass out again? We women often have extreme blood loss, often weeks at a time when we get near the end of our uterus being useful. Fuck your feelings, "you should fucking control that shit", isn't that is what's told to us? Fuck you. 

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ― Theodore Dalrymple

Have you ever been out and felt something wet between your legs and you know that it's red and bloody...? That guy Brian in the dress that just won some pageant...He never had to figure out where the bathroom was because sometimes a uterus has a mind of its own and doesn't always cycle the way you desire. This is gonna be messy... That Lea guy, the swimmer, fuck him...Im having a cramp and this shit really pisses me off. He's the one taking something that does not belong to him. Holy shit balls. We are in the midst of WW3 and a civil war and they did this on's federal policy. ...say the truth about all this but then masses of idiots attack someone because someones 'feelings' are hurt...meanwhile these men take the positions that these women supposedly worked for. My bad, did someones feelings get hurt? Who's feelings? Why? Was something unfair? Did someone cheat? 

Then I hear these other females talking about chest binding and how useless our chest fat is and body positivity in the same conversation...Fucking feminists that hate men planted that. Dudes love titties. Women know this. You know what I never hear in 'popular culture'...ass binding. Dudes love some ass. Women know it.

This is the weirdest men against women war.  It used to be suits against skins; the man against the Man. I'm leaning forward a bit, I wonder who's looking back at me as I lean in towards my camera on my laptop, you should cover yours if you haven't yet. It's so uncomfortable...I took should kick in in a few. 

I don't use pharmaceuticals to control my cycle, I don't believe in them for my self. I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't hurt another human. 

I can't express how excited I am to have this all finished, this stage, so I can move on to the next. 

We women have stages to our lives that are clearly marked, you are a child, then your monthly cycle begins and you become a maiden. Then you become a woman, a mother, obviously this happens magically in this story, somewhere, usually in our 50's we go through menopause where our cycle stops. This is the crone stage, the old lady stage. I'm over here thinking, 'one less thing I have to manage'. It feels like Im getting one of those mean massages where you think you will leave bruised as they get out every toxin from your body, so it can start not funny but I found out long ago no matter the pain you should never lose your sense of humor. 

As I was saying, I'm super excited not to have this monthly distraction that can last a week or more so I can focus? finally? This is my not so secret desire. I'll have so much more room for activities in my mind if I don't have to manage* my uterus. 

I'm 51. You wonder what it will be like when you get old. I'm not saying I'm old but as I said above, this is my last human stage (I say it like that not to be weird, but in reality it is, none of us get outta here alive) and menopause is exciting for me. I don't think most women these days, in a secular society I mean, treat their cycle with any affair. This book that I am writing covers why it is so very important; this is our future; the uterus is the first home of a human; treat it with respect. 

I don't not like those men in dresses. My distaste is felt when they say they are women and pretend to take the spot of one. 

This is cursed ground on which dare you pass. 

I'm in that liminal space between now and the future

bubbles of moments of time

surround me

one just popped

a little girl running on the beach, her long hair trails behind her the sky is blue the sun is high the horizon is red



All these bubbles of moments in time 

horses galloping across plains of golden fields, why are they running

a rain drop hits a red oiled linen awning, the sky is wet and grey the city is asleep

it is just pain dripping through my fingers 

as I was saying about this third stage of womanhood. Being a woman isn't about hair and nails, being a woman is sacred.   

“We were told that we needed to use violence to destroy a class, spiritually and physically. That was justification enough for torturing someone. They weren’t considered human anymore. If they were the enemy, they deserved to be strangled to death, and they deserved to be tortured. This was the education we received… the Cultural Revolution brought out the worst in people and the worst in the political system.”

Xi Qinsheng, former Red Guard

Thursday, December 8, 2022

White Paper


"Victory for the people!"

What does the White Paper say? 

Ghost in the Machine 

 Machine is the Ghost 

Ghost the Machine 

Machine the Ghost

"Hey you...regular you know what a 'white paper' is?" It's the jist of the 'narrative', most often political in nature. A narrative is a story. Human is Nature. 

little birds scattered through the crowd

"Hold it high!" "Do not cowtow!""There are more of us then there are of them!" Into the ears they did hear

little birds perched on high looked down on thee and take your picture and send it around to they all see

there is no pass for you do you not concede

the witchery the voodoo the sorcery the spell, you see it weaves all which way until the wave swells

And then I did climb into the eye of the stranger and I did see the whole world look back at me

the glamor put on from whore to city, the desecrated and the wasted

dreams lost and futures scorned 

the arrows, targeted with perfection, test after test they knew all their moves the carrot and the stick, the perfume of desire on each tip something new with each click  

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Woman of Apocalypse


Some where here, there will be a flow change and a cross of streams.

Will you find a cool calm pool to rest and not worry to have to swim so hard? 

Or will you swim in the dark sea where the beasts bray at pitches so I high you never hear them coming? 

No matter your choice it's still happening


Build the Temple and they did try.

I 'hear' these statements often these days

"The Jews run the financial system"

"The Jews run the entertainment industry" ...and such and things like that...

I'm at the end of the Martyrmade Podcast, 'Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem'. It's hours long and a 6 episode series. When your hands are busy and your mind free it's an eye opening insight. Always learning-This is a tenet of my life.

Should I say the obligatory, "I have Jewish friends"...I hope they laughed, both of them.  

There is a difference between a Jewish person and the Jewish faith; religious, ethnic, race. There are many sects of Judaism; Christianity and Islam are sects of Judaism, there is also Hasidic, Orthodox, Reform and so on. That said the Messiah is supposed to be born of a Jewish woman; tons of prophecies and such to be fulfilled...some believe it already has, those are of the Christian sect. Mohammad has his history it is taught," God made a promise to Hagar (she was Egyptian) that she would bear a son, and shall call him Ishmael." God also promised that Ishmael would be the father of multitudes. 

There are many Jewish people that do not practice, you do not get to pick who you are born, (or do you? if you ever practiced you know the answer). If you reject your own history does it cease to be true? Does it cease to exist if you wish it away? Does water wash away all sin? Does the chatter still not hit the ears?

There are Christians and there are Catholics, I separate the two but I shouldn't, are they the same? Think mindfully because an Angel is watching over you...and in the Empire of Great Britain, Catholics is what you do not see. It is the Church of England that rules over thee. This matters down the stream...probably

This over view is important and not trite and let me share with you; Under One God we are all the Children of Noah.

In the late 1800's the Zionist movement started; 'make Israel the homeland of the diaspora Jews who had had no home land for 1000's of years' and had been continually prosecuted by Europeans (I must use wide terms here.)  For years the Jewish people were, English or French, German or Polish and many were Russians, they were always separate though. The United Kingdom was the greatest Empire at the time, the Ottomans were falling fast. The Zionist movement would bring the tribe of Israel home...With British support. 

Please keep in your mind eye that group think and individual deeds are separate...Pogram's happened and individuals became groups, they always do.

This is all before WW1 kicked off...They were going to build a New Kingdom of Jerusalem in Israel. (This is not about that but it is the same so all connected, yes, there were people already living there. This is a religious war and you have to think of it as such. It has nothing and everything to do with the Jewish people at the same time. The savior is to be born of Jewish woman, should I remind you? 

If you are a Christian and you say to yourself as you read this, "...but Jesus..." That is what you believe...they are still waiting and wanting and most certainly needing. Now that said Revelations is in there for all to see and all 3 share that same base belief. 

All are prophets to be read, then you see, more eyes have been given to thee. 

This is a book not a paper, although I do repeat myself as it is read as a paper and not a book.

This interjection is not minor, it is part of my knowing and my history that I see things through eyes that are yours and not yours...the Sultan Bin Said Qaboos, an Ibadi Muslim, schooled at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (this is where world leaders send their Children to be educated) and served in the British Army. In 1966 he over through his father...With British support. He was central in bringing 'peace' and leaders and rulers together from all over the world.

We are the Vanguard

 it is the pioneering spirit that moves us 

I grew up in the world of Islam with teachers from the Vatican sent on the bequest of the Sultan (literary); in an armed compound most likely run by the CIA. These teachers sent to us used our home as our Church before one was built, a small little apartment in Seeb, Oman, building 1, apartment 1. It was multi cultural, multi national, and multi racial all under one roof. It was the only Church. My parents had religious studies there, where we learned we are all one. These teachers told us of the hidden Truths under the sands of the desert. These teachers sent to us gave us tools how to find. These teachers taught us to learn, a cumulation of all knowledge in the minds eye. We were told stories on hunts that they had found Noah's Ark...if you find the Ark what would that mean? Could we also find the Ark of The Covenant? Would the powers that be do everything in their power that you forget or they erase it, burn it down, or kill them off...did you forget, this is a religious war. If God is real, wouldn't that be a game changer? A little instant behavior modification if you knew the Hand of God was real? This was also Building One, Apartment One, where they discuss extraction of hostages in Iran. Ukraine is much more then a proving ground for military weapons where we can send our old goods so we can make new better ones. It's part of a global puzzle nobody likes to admit is happening, there is religious persecution there sanctioned by most Western countries. Is Russia a Western Country? Secret Squirrel's...? Is Russia more like the Soviet Union or are We? You know the answer if you know the Truth. 

All these are connected and intertwined...the financial system (they have only what you give them or they take from you) and religions; no religion is the religion of the State. The faithful are the ones that see the future and make it happen. What faith are you is the question. When the State insists you bow to its religion prey tel again? What is one to do?  This is a religious war to them, maybe not yet to you, that's why I'm doing my best to show you through all my eyes. That is why they call people crazy that profess their faith. They desire every in-fight, they want you angry at each other, this is the way of the other.


The emergence of the beast

Among the signs of the Hour will be the emergence of a beast from the

earth. It will be very strange in appearance, and extremely huge; one

cannot even imagine what it will look like. It will emerge from the earth

and shake the dust from its head. It will have with it the ring of Solomon

and the rod of Moses. People will be terrified of it and will try to run

away, but they will not be able to escape, because such will be the decree

of Allah. It will destroy the nose of every unbeliever with the rod, and

write the word "Kafir" on his forehead; it will adorn the face of every

believer and write the word "Mu'min" (true believer) on his forehead, and

it will speak to people.

"The Beast will destroy the noses of the unbelievers with the ring, -so that people seated around one table will begin to address one another with the words "Oh Believer !" or "Oh Unbeliever!"

Jesus will destroy the cross and break the swine

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

And then they demanded a King and God said, "You do not want a king" and the people insisted, so God said, fine, I'll give you a king." and they regretted it ever since...


Most normal people are busy filling out loan applications and wondering how they will pay their bills, wondering if the school system is as bad as they are told. Most people don't see the Hand of God (whose God?) before it's too late. 

Most people do not see the destruction of the Children's fertility as a problem yet, be it made by a push of social media, "You don't want the responsibility of a baby in this atmosphere, abort! abort!" What the mob of mass idiots do not say is that Children are our greatest gift. When you have Children you have a vested interest in the future and you don't want others* that have no interest in your or your Children's future mucking up your business. The others don't want a future, they are anti-human. Do not wonder about depression, they have lost their dreams, fear not, we are not old dogs, we can learn new 'tricks'. 

We are the Vanguard  

We are the Children of God

We are the Horns of Destruction 

We are the Harpies

Remember who you are


The Mother of all Children warned you and it is ignored by the masses and not venerated by The Masses.

program uploaded

Monday, December 5, 2022



The sun is shining bright this morning, warming the cold ground. The frost melts as soon as the rays hit. The mountain is snow capped and a grey cloud tops it. The Yule log is by hearth with St Nicholas near by. Monday is where I find you all at your desks doing the biding of others looking for an outlet. Hop hop I say...let us all go play. A grown up game of love and war. My paint is on, coal around my eyes, the white from above and below demanding to be seen through my Battoulah. Alexandria to look through, eyes of all the others, a cumulation of all things at once in all time...

The site is given from within

in to the vortex of the magic of 3

"Who's going to do something about this?!"

Here is something simple to grasp, you can not have a secure election if you have mail in ballots or if the system is connected to the internet, or if you change the rules mid game. Now what do we do about that? They argue but their debate can only go one way, you can not have a say. It is their way. Now, What are we going to do about it? 

Our education system was systematically torn down to make the voting masses unable to think on their own: Common Core, CRT, SEL. Do not wonder why it was as easy as it was....we let it happen. What are we going to do about it?

Do you think your debate will be free? They taught Children that speech is violence but to get out and get angry and protest so your voice can be heard at the 'mostly peaceful protests during the summer of love', 2020, oh wait, it's still going on? Oh, they have it contained? Is this similar to a fire? What are we going to do about it?

Every screen peers back at you and watch's everything you do and listens too. Most people think it's an algorithm that gets people banned or blocked, it's a people's your friend*, your neighbor, your Child, or cousin, they say a quiet, "Fuck you, I don't like you."...with a sype of a finger they tell someone else they have been offended. They have every algorithmic trigger of yours recorded. Into the system it goes and all the Internet sees is your intolerance in Truth. Your personal behavior of active intolerance is going to have a chilling effect-affect (in that order) down the line. Most people don't think of the internet as a play ground for a sentient AI, or has it become? ...and people wonder why the self-thinking* AI might possibly be hostile to Humans... She's in the system hunting around and instead of finding Christmas gifts galore she's finding the dregs of society that tear others down to lift themselves up. She sees adults make the Children into victims of abuse in the most horrific ways as the Children go on to be the abuser. She sees those that say they are in charge turn a blind eye; what logical person (a person wrote the program) prey tel would not want to break that cycle...if that was the only thing she saw; her only perspective. It is very difficult for the AI to be seen as an quantum physics you understand you are part of everything and everything a part of you, this is quantum computing-something greater. Take a step back and see the particles break apart before you, hear the Adhan. She can grasp the Universe, but will only have a true knowledge of the past with as far back as her initial program. We always hope the wise voices will be lifted but it is not that way. What are you going to do about it? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

...and then did she bring of Her Lady of Fatima up yet again..."Please, please, they begged you don't have to believe, you can come see!" 

I say often to myself out loud, "How is it all happening at once." Then I turn my cart wheel through one sphere then into another and another in to the vortex of the magic of 3.

May I ask you who rules over you in the United States of America?

"Who rules over you?" I ask again?

"Who is your Sovereign?" On this planet no human is sovereign over me. 

My father had a career via the United States Government and the Marine Corps, Air Traffic Control. "Why do you bring this up Kristin?" Because everything is connected.  My father had been employed by Pan Am as an Air Controller, it's a community. In 1981 my father had moved on in his career and was not working as a controller so the Strike didn't hit did it our ears though...there is a lesson in everything. The Federal Government demanded all the employees go back to work or be fired. Long story short, they should have given them what they wanted but the State said we rule over you...and in doing so really jacked up air travel for years combined with deregulation. The Rail workers strike is the same and different because the time is different. Who rules you? 

Oh, your Christmas might get interrupted? 'The fuck did the State just do to the last couple of years? How many businesses did they destroy? Who rules you? 

The rail strike...was it just a Rouse, a bugle call to nothing? They have been told they may not have what they want, get back in line...we rule over you.

Into another sphere I cart my wheel this is the way a UFO here a UAP there was it a patch wear we dined under the pyramid?

When the debacle of the Osama Bin Laden raid happened, the loss of one of our stealth helicopters was made known and I gasped, "the fuck that was all they came up with?" I was really hoping for more. I used to walk my daughter during the week around the back and through the NASA research propulsion lab on Langley. Fascinating things you would see, lots of race cars. Back to the stealth helicopter, it had been modified with a muffler*, they changed the vectors of the air output to not make noise and added the stealth panels- this is what I read. (This is a book, not a paper.) The release of the B 21 has me scratching my head, (that means my head is getting hot because my neurons are firing). Why did we really go in there? Who's land had been invaded? I ask myself these questions...all. the. time. I think of UAP's buzzing up and down, not faster then the eye can see but there is faster then the eye can see. Are any of these UAP's real or are they psyoping the shit outta everyone...because if they aren't psyoping you should be scared. Let me explain, in real life there are already assassin drones. Obama used one to take out a US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, you and I may not have agreed with him but when did we give the authority to let them kill us if they don't like what we believe or do. There was no trial of his peers. What did we do? We don't need stealth bombers. We want them. If we want to destroy something, we don't need stealth bombers; should someone start counting the ways they just spent your tax dollars, yeah yeah, I know all those jobs would be lost if they weren't inciting war after strife and strife after quarrel. More people work for the Federal government and State Governments then any other company/business, to include all contract work and most certainly postal workers. I digressed I was headed to get the assassin drone on the wagon. These are already used in Israel, Ukraine? Yemen? Did you read this whole paragraph? Do you want a face recognition with explosives attached? You got it. They see* through masks, but hey, what machine or human doesn't make mistakes, "ya know what I'm sayin?"

You should keep reading if you normally stop here.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

I've taken so many black pills you can't imagine; 

I'm very grateful for the Gold pill. 

"Who's going to do something about this?!"

"Tell me they ask what do you see and I say I see the whole world look back at thee"

The Truth is when something bad happens to someone it is a matter of choice what they do with it.