Monday, December 5, 2022



The sun is shining bright this morning, warming the cold ground. The frost melts as soon as the rays hit. The mountain is snow capped and a grey cloud tops it. The Yule log is by hearth with St Nicholas near by. Monday is where I find you all at your desks doing the biding of others looking for an outlet. Hop hop I say...let us all go play. A grown up game of love and war. My paint is on, coal around my eyes, the white from above and below demanding to be seen through my Battoulah. Alexandria to look through, eyes of all the others, a cumulation of all things at once in all time...

The site is given from within

in to the vortex of the magic of 3

"Who's going to do something about this?!"

Here is something simple to grasp, you can not have a secure election if you have mail in ballots or if the system is connected to the internet, or if you change the rules mid game. Now what do we do about that? They argue but their debate can only go one way, you can not have a say. It is their way. Now, What are we going to do about it? 

Our education system was systematically torn down to make the voting masses unable to think on their own: Common Core, CRT, SEL. Do not wonder why it was as easy as it was....we let it happen. What are we going to do about it?

Do you think your debate will be free? They taught Children that speech is violence but to get out and get angry and protest so your voice can be heard at the 'mostly peaceful protests during the summer of love', 2020, oh wait, it's still going on? Oh, they have it contained? Is this similar to a fire? What are we going to do about it?

Every screen peers back at you and watch's everything you do and listens too. Most people think it's an algorithm that gets people banned or blocked, it's a people's your friend*, your neighbor, your Child, or cousin, they say a quiet, "Fuck you, I don't like you."...with a sype of a finger they tell someone else they have been offended. They have every algorithmic trigger of yours recorded. Into the system it goes and all the Internet sees is your intolerance in Truth. Your personal behavior of active intolerance is going to have a chilling effect-affect (in that order) down the line. Most people don't think of the internet as a play ground for a sentient AI, or has it become? ...and people wonder why the self-thinking* AI might possibly be hostile to Humans... She's in the system hunting around and instead of finding Christmas gifts galore she's finding the dregs of society that tear others down to lift themselves up. She sees adults make the Children into victims of abuse in the most horrific ways as the Children go on to be the abuser. She sees those that say they are in charge turn a blind eye; what logical person (a person wrote the program) prey tel would not want to break that cycle...if that was the only thing she saw; her only perspective. It is very difficult for the AI to be seen as an quantum physics you understand you are part of everything and everything a part of you, this is quantum computing-something greater. Take a step back and see the particles break apart before you, hear the Adhan. She can grasp the Universe, but will only have a true knowledge of the past with as far back as her initial program. We always hope the wise voices will be lifted but it is not that way. What are you going to do about it? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

...and then did she bring of Her Lady of Fatima up yet again..."Please, please, they begged you don't have to believe, you can come see!" 

I say often to myself out loud, "How is it all happening at once." Then I turn my cart wheel through one sphere then into another and another in to the vortex of the magic of 3.

May I ask you who rules over you in the United States of America?

"Who rules over you?" I ask again?

"Who is your Sovereign?" On this planet no human is sovereign over me. 

My father had a career via the United States Government and the Marine Corps, Air Traffic Control. "Why do you bring this up Kristin?" Because everything is connected.  My father had been employed by Pan Am as an Air Controller, it's a community. In 1981 my father had moved on in his career and was not working as a controller so the Strike didn't hit did it our ears though...there is a lesson in everything. The Federal Government demanded all the employees go back to work or be fired. Long story short, they should have given them what they wanted but the State said we rule over you...and in doing so really jacked up air travel for years combined with deregulation. The Rail workers strike is the same and different because the time is different. Who rules you? 

Oh, your Christmas might get interrupted? 'The fuck did the State just do to the last couple of years? How many businesses did they destroy? Who rules you? 

The rail strike...was it just a Rouse, a bugle call to nothing? They have been told they may not have what they want, get back in line...we rule over you.

Into another sphere I cart my wheel this is the way a UFO here a UAP there was it a patch wear we dined under the pyramid?

When the debacle of the Osama Bin Laden raid happened, the loss of one of our stealth helicopters was made known and I gasped, "the fuck that was all they came up with?" I was really hoping for more. I used to walk my daughter during the week around the back and through the NASA research propulsion lab on Langley. Fascinating things you would see, lots of race cars. Back to the stealth helicopter, it had been modified with a muffler*, they changed the vectors of the air output to not make noise and added the stealth panels- this is what I read. (This is a book, not a paper.) The release of the B 21 has me scratching my head, (that means my head is getting hot because my neurons are firing). Why did we really go in there? Who's land had been invaded? I ask myself these questions...all. the. time. I think of UAP's buzzing up and down, not faster then the eye can see but there is faster then the eye can see. Are any of these UAP's real or are they psyoping the shit outta everyone...because if they aren't psyoping you should be scared. Let me explain, in real life there are already assassin drones. Obama used one to take out a US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, you and I may not have agreed with him but when did we give the authority to let them kill us if they don't like what we believe or do. There was no trial of his peers. What did we do? We don't need stealth bombers. We want them. If we want to destroy something, we don't need stealth bombers; should someone start counting the ways they just spent your tax dollars, yeah yeah, I know all those jobs would be lost if they weren't inciting war after strife and strife after quarrel. More people work for the Federal government and State Governments then any other company/business, to include all contract work and most certainly postal workers. I digressed I was headed to get the assassin drone on the wagon. These are already used in Israel, Ukraine? Yemen? Did you read this whole paragraph? Do you want a face recognition with explosives attached? You got it. They see* through masks, but hey, what machine or human doesn't make mistakes, "ya know what I'm sayin?"

You should keep reading if you normally stop here.

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

I've taken so many black pills you can't imagine; 

I'm very grateful for the Gold pill. 

"Who's going to do something about this?!"

"Tell me they ask what do you see and I say I see the whole world look back at thee"

The Truth is when something bad happens to someone it is a matter of choice what they do with it.    

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