Friday, July 30, 2021


I think in the next couple of weeks they will end Bidens presidency. Do not harold does not play well...for anyone.

I do not know this to be fact because the future can always change. Let me tell you what happened...I enjoy meditation and a while back I had a vision, dream, site...maybe I had fallen asleep and I was dreaming...I heard something...I have the hearing of a new born baby...the message in so many words was 226. What does that mean you do I. So I wait with the thought in the back of my head...and then all of the sudden the puzzle falls into place. 

The President is incompetent with handling of the worst pandemic known to man kind; everybody knows it.

Except...we are gonna have some bigger problems on our hands right after that...

I find it more comforting to know the future...don't you?


I've said for years we are living in the prequel of a sci fyi novel/film. 

Things are not going well if you look around. People are blaming other people for something the governments did to ALL the people of this planet. It's hard to believe that this is how it was going to happen. 

If someone is scared they are irrational. If someone is angry they make bad choices. They want someone to Blame. Someone to punish. Meanwhile they listen to the government entity's to manage their lives, the ones that created this situation. People in general do not like to admit they are wrong and when they do find out they are wrong they either lash out or make excuses for their bad behavior; it's human nature.


The pride of the religious scientists and those that follow their way are not going to let go.  They have convinced people of the most absurd ideas; I implore you to admit this to yourself. 2=2 is not 5. A man can not be a woman, a woman can not be a man. Everyone knows this to be true and people are pretending it is. I need some people to wake up. I am not anti trans...I don't give a shit what someone wears I just won't play a game of pretend. 


This is population control. Look deep into schools of thought and written papers of those you put in charge your life. They don't care about you. (You won't get a vote, they are removing that avenue.) They don't care if you wear a mask or are vaccinated...they will find more ways to show you they are in control and you must do what they say. I am pleading with you to understand and actually see what is happening and how it is going. 

Are you someone that thinks the un-vaccinated are evil and will kill you? You think they are stupid and don't know anything? You might think them careless with their care.

We, the free People, have zero reason to trust those in charge with their 'Public Health' agendas...another way to write that in proper form would be, 'Political Health' agenda. 

We know the virus is real. We see it in real time. We also know what Spike proteins are and the damage they cause. Shall we play a game of would you rather? As a free person, one that is sovereign, I choose what I put in my body. If I received information that this gene therapy was in anyway good for me I would consider taking it. Coercion and threats are not the way. Information is the way...and no one is getting good information. We see cities being locked down, why? Case numbers? The economy of the world is shutting down, supply chains are being blocked and stopped. We see protests around the world as they implement a green pass or a vaccine the Philippines if you don't have the appropriate pass/vax you won't be able to shop in a grocery store... 

We will need help soon. You may wonder why the addition to the defense funding bill to add young women to the draft is happening now. The Children are the ones they mind wiped and reprogramed. It sounds crazy I know...but it is exactly what they did and what is going to happen. The US government will enforce 'vaccinations'. Interstates are Federal property- you think you are in a free State now... The US Capitol police have also just expanded their jurisdiction around the country...They took the fence down and moved it further out. I wish I was telling you things that were not true...all this will come to pass. 

Not enough stood up and said no. 

Not enough stood for the rights of others. 

Not enough had the mind to see the past, present and future

I have to believe there is still time. 

Pray tell you may ask what do we do to stop it from going further? 

Your Children are beautiful, I love them all...Stop posting pictures of them and start posting the truth or your Children will have a future unimaginable by most. Start speaking out. Talk to your neighbor, the cashier, your family. They can't delete everything; the coding doesn't work like that...yet. They will have to shut the internet down to do that. 

It's happening faster than Thors lighting bolt coming down from the Heavens...

Be still, listen, see...

The fall of man is Pride. 

No one ever really talks about how individuals in government jobs get away with murder. I'm not taking about the popo. I'm talking about the fed. The one that sets a trap, to catch a human. Like it's a TV show. Create a scenario and make sure it's filmed. 

Dear Mormons, they will come for your food stores. You were thinking you were responsible and prepared...








Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What is Next


Do you know why people are scared?

Because they don't know what happens next...

Human Nature

Imagine a stentorian voice from heaven is roaring these words you read, it's in the distance and you can't see from where the sound is coming, it's all around you; hollow and deep, cold and free flowing through your head. 


Do you have a line? One that will turn the world on fire so hot it's Golden. I told you to take the Gold pill. It would be good for your Soul. It's going to take all your might to hold on to your faith. 

They mind wiped our Children. The teachers did it. The professors did it. The Psychologists did it. (I'm going to caveat here with, there are very few in the teaching and psychology areas that I believe know what they are doing, it's a very small amount.) They have said in terms of seriousness that 2+2=5, in our faces. The Children are now doing it to other Children. Teaching them to Hate because of the colour of someones skin. Instructing the Children that a Man can become a Woman or a Woman a Man. It's an old Communist trick, re-thought, they used in Romania after they had already raped, starved and murdered across Ukraine and the rest of the States west of the USSR. In Romania they went for the head; the mind. The ultimate torture.  They came after your God, anything that could give you Hope. They are deleting the Family structure. They are removing your Children's free will. (You free will is not that you can be anyone but that you can make something better of yourself with the tools you have...not the scalpel, you foolish Child.) The internet was a way to reach a mass that had been dreamed of. They did it abnormally fast in human time, learning in an exponential way. They learned all the wrong lessons, they just learned to control, others...not themselves. Lesson after lesson after another and yet again. 

Most People like to separate items into specific categories, it's easier that way. They have implemented separation policies across the globe. They are telling people not to talk to one another, not allowing them to meet unless it's under protest. CRT, the virus, the testing, the information you are receiving is corrupted with a message of Hate. Hate your neighbor if they are another skin colour. Hate the person that doesn't wear what you wear. Hate the other that knows; hate the one that Questions. Envy those that have something you want. Blame the past for your misdeeds, your laziness. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. 

There is a reason they didn't teach you the horrors of the communists...why would you tell someone your strategy if you were at war with them? They get deep in your mind and wipe it of all reason. You are an animal that can be trained. They are destroying your Soul; the one thing that separates you from the average animal. Too often Humans think themselves separate from the animals. Reach far into yourself and don't let go of your goodness and forgive those that trespass against you.

This is not a story. 

This is not a line. 

This is actually happening. I've only told you the Truth here, like I always do. It's all happening at once...the whole lot. Every blog I have written has told you what has happened, what is happening and some of what will happen, maybe even a Brain Barf or two.

The Groups around the World chatting, spinning their web of words, their Mumbo Jumbo and their Babel, amongst themselves Dominating the Animals that can't think for themselves because they have lost their Souls.

You asked me about Human nature...this is Human nature. It corrupts with out a Father and Mother. 

We strive to rise above Human nature, always aware of our Animal tendencies. We know we are of two and we are the Third-this is a tenet of my life. 

Welcome to the true Wiccan/Franciscan and Jesuit teachings. The True Kristianity.

Friday, July 23, 2021

It Is Written

Governments around the world have declared war on the citizens of Earth. 

Can you see it now?

You can't vote them out. There is no vote. You have no say. They have come after our children and our families your health and freedom. 

 Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

I hope you have a good playbook because there are no more rules...and pray....the dark is night, hold on tight.

This is World War 3. 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Medical Genocide

I'm watching crazy (mentally ill) in real time; on more levels I could have ever imagined...and evil.

The mentally ill need help but they have been refused it. Refused help by the medical include the pretend Drs like Jill (you have no integrity) and the Dr's not like Jill, the semi real ones that skipped ethics and philosophy...and also history. They skipped them because Universities and colleges are rubbish. The psychologists and psychiatrists that have no clue that they have no idea what they are doing...fucking with peoples minds. The educators that fill your Child with pills to curb their intelligence-yes...that's what ADD and such drugs do to your Child. The teachers are lazy and stupid. Government agencies that do cursory checks to mark a box which do nothing but help them get their government paycheck. 

I'm going somewhere with this...

Some 'scientists' have been working on how they can make a male mammal give birth. Why?  Male mammals do not give birth. Ask again...Why? (This is not's a Frankenstein project.) What they did was sew a male mouse and a female mouse together including the blood system from the pregnant mouse and a bunch of other stuff I won't explain because there is no need. This is not science. This is monster making. Let me ask, what good does this do when man tries to play God? There are real consequences. What's the end game? Men with uteruses? Again, why? Where would they get a uterus? Why does a man need to give birth? Do they need to pretend harder? 

I watched a short video where this woman was mad because her name was going to be the name as the mother on the birth certificate of her child she gave birth to. Why was she mad? ('Mad'-look up that word.) She was mad because she thinks her male partner should have his name on the birth certificate as the mother and not the actual Mother. Can you see how this does not work? This is an absolute mental illness. It's being propped up by academics, government officials, the medical community, teachers and the idiots. We are being told this is 'normal' and in no way is this natural or normal. 

Some sanity...I know I am the Mother of my Children. I also know I did not give birth to them and they have a biological Mother. It's simple to understand. I am their caretaker through life. They (I would have written, 'she', as to make a point, but to make myself perfectly clear I have 3 Children that were adopted, and 2 step Children I love as a Mother, but I am not their biological mother (is biology confusing?...I could be PMS if all this sounds bitchy (Ha!) They were the givers of life to my children. They carried them in their wombs and then gave birth to them. This is the main function of the female body that differentiates from the male body. I feel like I'm giving a lecture, probably because even the simplest knowledge is being wiped (you mean with a cloth?-fuckyouHillary) away by the medical profession, educators, corporate media, and the idiots in governments.

The male mouse can not give birth. The male does not have a uterus. Probably on purpose, I'm going out on a limb here. A man isn't broken and needing of a fix if he can't give birth. I'll phrase this as a question  and please think hard...Are they are trying to sterilize as many of a generation as they can.? Parents need to wake up. The medical community thinks parents should not have a say in their Children's mental and physical health. It's a communist thing...and they are killing off your grandchildren by feeding them hormones; hormones that your children will never ever bounce back from. The chemistry of biology...

It sounds insane doesn't it? Expirements on children that make them infertile? On purpose. How many ways would they if they could, if they thought there were to many people on the planet, in their eyes... 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story


Arise for the future. Arise for freedom. Arise and stand up for the children. 

Tomorrow doesn't wait for you to be ready so you ready yourself today. It's only just begun.

None of this is about experiments on a mouse. 

Torturing one to make another happy is evil.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Dear Canadians


I've been worried about you all for a are so polite everyone thinks its because you are nice. I know the truth. 

My oldest friends...what's happening in Cuba (please notice) now is what you will be facing in the near future. You are/were a proud Socialist Democracy. You voted in the tyranny. Did you see how you were locked out of the rest of the world? Unable to travel? Then they closed everything down. Then came the curfew. Then they said you had no free speech. I think there is a $10,000 fine. Did you notice the Catholic Churches being burned down? How many now? 14. Did you hear what your esteemed leader said? He made an excuse for the burning down of churches. Did you hear about the arrests of preachers and priests? Did you hear about the arrests of Journalists? Real ones. The arrest of a political opposition...small or not it doesn't matter. 

What happens next? Nothing. Or will in some time be locked down again...the vaccine is only one strain? Every new vaccine they make you take is $ in the pharmaceutical worlds pocket. If hardly anyone actually gets sick from it why are they insisting you keep getting more experimental drugs? They are 100% experimental. How many actually get sick. Don't look at case level. It's sorcery it seems to many. 

And please don't get in trouble for saying the wrong thing. (It's happening here too.)

This isn't a story

The fire was warm on your bare feet dug in to the cool sand. The ocean was calm now. You were glad to have the old home, someplace always to come back. A home with family memories worth more than money.

There is the most hilarious hypothesis or is it theory(?) that Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castrol son. Wouldn't it be funny? Brainpoweractivate

Friday, July 9, 2021

A Social Norm


'No more social norms!'- someone took that as a call to poop on the street and another heard, take anything you want. It is the destruction of civil society. Where there is no more humor...even that was removed from the mass mob of idiots. I hope they laugh at jokes secretly in their head. 

I'm a nonconformist that does things my own way but I also know how to live peacefully. Minding my own business. I don't gossip; I find it abhorrent, boring, and those that do it lack any real thought...of minding their own business. I'll share stories if there is a lesson to be learned. I'm not vengeful but many are. Have you noticed? Someone who is vengeful is unforgiving. It's a terrible trait. It never improves a situation, most of all theirs. 

Have you noticed that abortion has become a normal thing? It didn't happen over night. 

You/They moved the Overton window so far to the left...that killing a child, yes, in utero counts, the birth canal counts, has become normal and those that think it is wrong vilified...we are called extremists because we believe in the sanctity of life. Deep down even if you are 'pro-choice' you know what I say to be the truth. People have given themselves excuses (an indulgence if I/you may) to do wrong...You have excused yourself from consequences. It doesn't matter what the's not the right time, she has one extra chromosome, she decides she doesn't like the dad. It's absurd in the made up world of excuses for bad behavior anything goes. 

Actual real terrorists shoot up a cartoon office and the left and corporate media makes an excuse for murder...'they drew something that was offensive', 'global warming' -yes, stupid isn't it?, 'maybe they came from an abusive family'. Except that is not the way this works.


A bit of spiritual advice...

Do you know what can stop Karma? Forgiveness. One of the problems we have here is a 3 fold...You make an excuse to do something wrong and do it, you forgive yourself or ask for forgiveness? If you don't commit to that sin again it's still a mark in your permanent record. Then you go off and do the same thing or something else wrong. You knew it was wrong but you didn't really feel any consequences for your first missed mark. So you pile them up in a heap not seeing the bad you have become...because everyone else around you is just like you and you see nothing wrong with bad behavior anymore, it's become make excuses for it. Good does not outweigh the bad on the scale of life. This is how the Overton window works/ed. They have no fear of God in the afterlife. They think if they believe in the 'right' thing today tomorrow won't matter. 

They convince you that the family has no value. That the future has no value. That life has no value. The one thing worth living for to make the future better IS family. We all want better for our Children. We all want our Children to succeeded by their own merit to be the best they can, so they can make their Children's lives better...and on and on. It works. Except on the left they don't have the same family values. I'm someone that knows people that think they are looking down on someone like me because I stayed home with my Children and didn't work 'outside the home'. My highest title is HouseWife/Mom/Daughter. Have you noticed a few that have been erased from our Legislative branch? FuckyouNancyPelosi. 


People all around the world have had it with all the shit that has been thrown around and We the People are the target. Our world and state 'leaders' have no idea what they are doing, it's what I imagine it would be like to be conscious during DEFCON 1, where you can see the destruction all around you and you are paralyzed. I read someone said that it is 'anti-American' to criticize the government. I don't know what the fuck planet they are on but criticizing and standing up to tyrannical regimes IS the American way. 

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

I think the lizard people (thisisajoke) have invoked a hate spell as they terraform Earth (stillajoke). It's much easier if the population takes each other out so they don't have as much work in the clean up aisle(probablytheleastfunnypartofthisjokebutstillfunny). 

You rebel. Your piercings and makeup, your's like everyone else's.  You think you're special, while you look and think like everyone else in your sect of your religion. Your thoughts are in line with the government entities...your Marxist/Maoist leaders throw you baubles of no worth and you praise and worship them, sing songs about them as you get in line.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Mind Your Own Business


Imagine if you will I am the AI at Aperture Laboratories. My tongue is sharp and laser real. I also do a mildly impressive impression of her. 


Most of you understand the phrase 'mind your own business', it goes hand in hand with 'sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me'. The fucktards in charge, that run the Government of the United States of Communism, the marxist/maoists, want you to forget those two phrases and here is why...

...A good communist community relies on the bloat of bodies to hold their totalitarian authority together (authority is the key word here)...fear is the glue that binds. The fear that words do harm. The fear if you say the wrong thing you will be added to the glue factory. It's one of the ways you make a Super Alloy. I wrote a blog about might wanna check it out. It's not rocket science, it's the difference between solid solution strengthening and precipitation strengthening.

You must mind the business of others in communism...and judge. (No one is pure enough if you paid attention to history.) You listen to what your neighbor or family members say, if they say something out of turn you tell on them...It keeps your social standing in the clear; one of the many aspects that makes your social score, the 'S' in your ESG. The Environmental, Social, and Governance score has already been implemented. Welcome to the Religion of Woke and if you do not comply...


Your government conspires all the time. All governments around the world do it. It's how they get things done. I think everyone knows this. You don't actually matter to them except they need their trash taken away, their plumbing fixed, and toilets cleaned. They conspire to make money for themselves as you see prices rise and items harder to come by with your pay not increasing. The top ten States in the US for manufacturing are also seven which have extended unemployment benefits-do you know the names of those Governors? No one wants to work if they are handed measly alms. ...itshumannatureandifyoudidntknowityourteacherswereretardingyourknowledge...

They said everything they were going to do, they didn't hide it. Some people think it was one big secret...they did it in the open in front of your face...then demonize those that show you what they are really doing. (I'm not a deamon...I'm a Destroyer of worlds. I hope someone gets every joke in that...good luck.) They want the authority to monitor your thoughts and a good communist. Canyouseeitallyet? 

I'm gonna ask now where did the saying...'sniches gets stitches' go?...I call we bring that one back. People are fearing the wrong things and putting the wrong people on pedestals


You may no longer, 'mind your own business'. They will be coming door to door to see you about the vax. "Why haven't you gotten it?" You have NO privacy. None. Wakethefuckup. If you are of the ilk you think that is good because that means you are protected then you are a motherfuckingretardedmoron.

What is freedom?

We are in the middle of WWIII, GovernmentS against the People and a civil wars with apartheid and people are too scared to say it out loud. 

...and mind your not mind your words, they are powerful and non-violent. You do not separate people by the colour of their skin. 

No longer be still and listen

This is no longer a story


History is folding.

Look at that stick in your eye.

You who betrayed your own pitiful faith...