Friday, July 9, 2021

A Social Norm


'No more social norms!'- someone took that as a call to poop on the street and another heard, take anything you want. It is the destruction of civil society. Where there is no more humor...even that was removed from the mass mob of idiots. I hope they laugh at jokes secretly in their head. 

I'm a nonconformist that does things my own way but I also know how to live peacefully. Minding my own business. I don't gossip; I find it abhorrent, boring, and those that do it lack any real thought...of minding their own business. I'll share stories if there is a lesson to be learned. I'm not vengeful but many are. Have you noticed? Someone who is vengeful is unforgiving. It's a terrible trait. It never improves a situation, most of all theirs. 

Have you noticed that abortion has become a normal thing? It didn't happen over night. 

You/They moved the Overton window so far to the left...that killing a child, yes, in utero counts, the birth canal counts, has become normal and those that think it is wrong vilified...we are called extremists because we believe in the sanctity of life. Deep down even if you are 'pro-choice' you know what I say to be the truth. People have given themselves excuses (an indulgence if I/you may) to do wrong...You have excused yourself from consequences. It doesn't matter what the's not the right time, she has one extra chromosome, she decides she doesn't like the dad. It's absurd in the made up world of excuses for bad behavior anything goes. 

Actual real terrorists shoot up a cartoon office and the left and corporate media makes an excuse for murder...'they drew something that was offensive', 'global warming' -yes, stupid isn't it?, 'maybe they came from an abusive family'. Except that is not the way this works.


A bit of spiritual advice...

Do you know what can stop Karma? Forgiveness. One of the problems we have here is a 3 fold...You make an excuse to do something wrong and do it, you forgive yourself or ask for forgiveness? If you don't commit to that sin again it's still a mark in your permanent record. Then you go off and do the same thing or something else wrong. You knew it was wrong but you didn't really feel any consequences for your first missed mark. So you pile them up in a heap not seeing the bad you have become...because everyone else around you is just like you and you see nothing wrong with bad behavior anymore, it's become make excuses for it. Good does not outweigh the bad on the scale of life. This is how the Overton window works/ed. They have no fear of God in the afterlife. They think if they believe in the 'right' thing today tomorrow won't matter. 

They convince you that the family has no value. That the future has no value. That life has no value. The one thing worth living for to make the future better IS family. We all want better for our Children. We all want our Children to succeeded by their own merit to be the best they can, so they can make their Children's lives better...and on and on. It works. Except on the left they don't have the same family values. I'm someone that knows people that think they are looking down on someone like me because I stayed home with my Children and didn't work 'outside the home'. My highest title is HouseWife/Mom/Daughter. Have you noticed a few that have been erased from our Legislative branch? FuckyouNancyPelosi. 


People all around the world have had it with all the shit that has been thrown around and We the People are the target. Our world and state 'leaders' have no idea what they are doing, it's what I imagine it would be like to be conscious during DEFCON 1, where you can see the destruction all around you and you are paralyzed. I read someone said that it is 'anti-American' to criticize the government. I don't know what the fuck planet they are on but criticizing and standing up to tyrannical regimes IS the American way. 

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

I think the lizard people (thisisajoke) have invoked a hate spell as they terraform Earth (stillajoke). It's much easier if the population takes each other out so they don't have as much work in the clean up aisle(probablytheleastfunnypartofthisjokebutstillfunny). 

You rebel. Your piercings and makeup, your's like everyone else's.  You think you're special, while you look and think like everyone else in your sect of your religion. Your thoughts are in line with the government entities...your Marxist/Maoist leaders throw you baubles of no worth and you praise and worship them, sing songs about them as you get in line.

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