Friday, July 30, 2021


I've said for years we are living in the prequel of a sci fyi novel/film. 

Things are not going well if you look around. People are blaming other people for something the governments did to ALL the people of this planet. It's hard to believe that this is how it was going to happen. 

If someone is scared they are irrational. If someone is angry they make bad choices. They want someone to Blame. Someone to punish. Meanwhile they listen to the government entity's to manage their lives, the ones that created this situation. People in general do not like to admit they are wrong and when they do find out they are wrong they either lash out or make excuses for their bad behavior; it's human nature.


The pride of the religious scientists and those that follow their way are not going to let go.  They have convinced people of the most absurd ideas; I implore you to admit this to yourself. 2=2 is not 5. A man can not be a woman, a woman can not be a man. Everyone knows this to be true and people are pretending it is. I need some people to wake up. I am not anti trans...I don't give a shit what someone wears I just won't play a game of pretend. 


This is population control. Look deep into schools of thought and written papers of those you put in charge your life. They don't care about you. (You won't get a vote, they are removing that avenue.) They don't care if you wear a mask or are vaccinated...they will find more ways to show you they are in control and you must do what they say. I am pleading with you to understand and actually see what is happening and how it is going. 

Are you someone that thinks the un-vaccinated are evil and will kill you? You think they are stupid and don't know anything? You might think them careless with their care.

We, the free People, have zero reason to trust those in charge with their 'Public Health' agendas...another way to write that in proper form would be, 'Political Health' agenda. 

We know the virus is real. We see it in real time. We also know what Spike proteins are and the damage they cause. Shall we play a game of would you rather? As a free person, one that is sovereign, I choose what I put in my body. If I received information that this gene therapy was in anyway good for me I would consider taking it. Coercion and threats are not the way. Information is the way...and no one is getting good information. We see cities being locked down, why? Case numbers? The economy of the world is shutting down, supply chains are being blocked and stopped. We see protests around the world as they implement a green pass or a vaccine the Philippines if you don't have the appropriate pass/vax you won't be able to shop in a grocery store... 

We will need help soon. You may wonder why the addition to the defense funding bill to add young women to the draft is happening now. The Children are the ones they mind wiped and reprogramed. It sounds crazy I know...but it is exactly what they did and what is going to happen. The US government will enforce 'vaccinations'. Interstates are Federal property- you think you are in a free State now... The US Capitol police have also just expanded their jurisdiction around the country...They took the fence down and moved it further out. I wish I was telling you things that were not true...all this will come to pass. 

Not enough stood up and said no. 

Not enough stood for the rights of others. 

Not enough had the mind to see the past, present and future

I have to believe there is still time. 

Pray tell you may ask what do we do to stop it from going further? 

Your Children are beautiful, I love them all...Stop posting pictures of them and start posting the truth or your Children will have a future unimaginable by most. Start speaking out. Talk to your neighbor, the cashier, your family. They can't delete everything; the coding doesn't work like that...yet. They will have to shut the internet down to do that. 

It's happening faster than Thors lighting bolt coming down from the Heavens...

Be still, listen, see...

The fall of man is Pride. 

No one ever really talks about how individuals in government jobs get away with murder. I'm not taking about the popo. I'm talking about the fed. The one that sets a trap, to catch a human. Like it's a TV show. Create a scenario and make sure it's filmed. 

Dear Mormons, they will come for your food stores. You were thinking you were responsible and prepared...








1 comment:

  1. You've got that prophetic gift. May the Lord continue to reveal Truth and Wisdom and action.
