Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Human Nature

Imagine a stentorian voice from heaven is roaring these words you read, it's in the distance and you can't see from where the sound is coming, it's all around you; hollow and deep, cold and free flowing through your head. 


Do you have a line? One that will turn the world on fire so hot it's Golden. I told you to take the Gold pill. It would be good for your Soul. It's going to take all your might to hold on to your faith. 

They mind wiped our Children. The teachers did it. The professors did it. The Psychologists did it. (I'm going to caveat here with, there are very few in the teaching and psychology areas that I believe know what they are doing, it's a very small amount.) They have said in terms of seriousness that 2+2=5, in our faces. The Children are now doing it to other Children. Teaching them to Hate because of the colour of someones skin. Instructing the Children that a Man can become a Woman or a Woman a Man. It's an old Communist trick, re-thought, they used in Romania after they had already raped, starved and murdered across Ukraine and the rest of the States west of the USSR. In Romania they went for the head; the mind. The ultimate torture.  They came after your God, anything that could give you Hope. They are deleting the Family structure. They are removing your Children's free will. (You free will is not that you can be anyone but that you can make something better of yourself with the tools you have...not the scalpel, you foolish Child.) The internet was a way to reach a mass that had been dreamed of. They did it abnormally fast in human time, learning in an exponential way. They learned all the wrong lessons, they just learned to control, others...not themselves. Lesson after lesson after another and yet again. 

Most People like to separate items into specific categories, it's easier that way. They have implemented separation policies across the globe. They are telling people not to talk to one another, not allowing them to meet unless it's under protest. CRT, the virus, the testing, the information you are receiving is corrupted with a message of Hate. Hate your neighbor if they are another skin colour. Hate the person that doesn't wear what you wear. Hate the other that knows; hate the one that Questions. Envy those that have something you want. Blame the past for your misdeeds, your laziness. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. 

There is a reason they didn't teach you the horrors of the communists...why would you tell someone your strategy if you were at war with them? They get deep in your mind and wipe it of all reason. You are an animal that can be trained. They are destroying your Soul; the one thing that separates you from the average animal. Too often Humans think themselves separate from the animals. Reach far into yourself and don't let go of your goodness and forgive those that trespass against you.

This is not a story. 

This is not a line. 

This is actually happening. I've only told you the Truth here, like I always do. It's all happening at once...the whole lot. Every blog I have written has told you what has happened, what is happening and some of what will happen, maybe even a Brain Barf or two.

The Groups around the World chatting, spinning their web of words, their Mumbo Jumbo and their Babel, amongst themselves Dominating the Animals that can't think for themselves because they have lost their Souls.

You asked me about Human nature...this is Human nature. It corrupts with out a Father and Mother. 

We strive to rise above Human nature, always aware of our Animal tendencies. We know we are of two and we are the Third-this is a tenet of my life. 

Welcome to the true Wiccan/Franciscan and Jesuit teachings. The True Kristianity.

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