Thursday, April 29, 2021

We The People

People of America,

President Biden stood up last night and said, We the Government are We the People. That is a lie. The State is the few, We the People are the many more.

National Guardsmen, you protected the State from the People, but it was just an illusion, a very big planned party...That negates President Joe Biden saying, We the Government are We the People. 

Federal and State workers, you are being used to prosecute anyone that speaks different of the Government while Attorneys general are not prosecuting the ones that have done harm to you. The ones that threw Molotov cocktails at Federal buildings and apartments, while you were in them...while you were doing what they told you to do they are telling all the criminals to go and do what they wish with impunity because they work unknowingly for the State, until the State decides otherwise. The FBI is investigating any individual that was at the Capitol on January 6th with the help of corporations: Youtube, Twitter, FaceBook, and Banks. They are prosecuting State and Federal workers for the deeds of the Government wants. 

Eric Garner died because the State wanted its tax dollars. If Mayor de Blasio didn't get enough tax dollars he wouldn't have been able to shut down time square as he danced with his wife...while everyone else was ordered per the State to stay home.

Veterans, you are living in a world where you were told a lie, and now you have to live with that pain for the rest of your life. I lost good friends too, while the State filled it's pockets with gold. 

The State takes from We the People as it desires handing out worthless trinkets sold as good things while they fill their own coffers. 0,000,000,000,000. How many of those have they told you they will spend? How many of you will actually see something meaningful from it? 0,000,000,000,000. How many 0's are in your bank account? How ever many zeros you have in your bank account they have just transferred to theirs. They control all of your zeros, the Banks work with the State. 

There is no systematic racism, there is only the State. The State that tax ALL the people and only protects themselves. 

The United States of America was built on a foundation of Freedom. Freedom to live ones life unhindered by the State. A foundation of Freedom of Religion. A foundation of Freedom to Speech, all of it. A foundation away from a tyrannical State. We are an Ideology, not just a place.

I am left. I am right. I am center. I am black, white, yellow and brown. I am from here and I am an immigrant. I am Catholic. I am Jewish. I am a Christian. I am Wiccan. I am an Atheist that believes in them self. 

I am an American. 


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Shiva The Anointed

Justice has cometh...

The Storm Witch, Daughter of the Lion. Mother of All Children. Lover of Men, The Holy Trinity of Her Self. Sovereign above all others. She is Shiva The Anointed reborn. 

She lived her life under the cover of openness. To hide the greatest Being away would do the world in justice...and that was not the plan. There were World Leaders she would have to meet, special teachers for all the ways of men, science, earth and beyond. The personal levels, social levels and military levels. There were layers and heights most didn't know exist. She went to military academies and no one even noticed. She would walk in, sit down at a chair and no one questioned why she was there. If they did she would reply, "I'm supposed to be here." She was to get in anyway how. She understood war and all it is and how it moved, like it was written in her code. Everything was to be made out in the open so no one would question it. Her job was to learn how to destroy the world as you know it. 

Be still and listen

I'm telling a story built on the foundation of truth

No matter how much you tend to your crop, with the best most loving ways, thoughtful and hands on, watered well, you talk to and listened to.  You removed pests from their lives to help them grow fruitful. There is always a chance your crop will be rotten. That moment that all the ugly starts to show, you must remove the rot. She is the Destroyer. 

Fyi kids...Brilliant, deep, and hilarious in the same sentence is the secret to good writing. I mean for everyone to take what they need from what I say...Hold on tight and I'll fly you away

What you see as one drop, see Infiniti

Do you know what Jesus wrote in the sand? She will come for you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Power of The Word

Something wicked has begun

Life and light has been shunned

Rapture love is spun

Evil the eye turned upside down

Covet two meanings

Hold on to The One

Whriling in the storm

Witches galore take control

Light a flame

Water of life

Earth is delight

Heavens voyage

Hold thy name to be true

All the past from here to you

As the now falls to debris 

Show me a future as bright as can be

As I will it, so mote it be by the power of all three

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Control of The Self

There is room for everyone. There is beauty in the design.

This is how I know what I know. I was taught the Jesuit (the ward of the mind and science) way with a Franciscan (the ward of the earth and all it's inhabitance) mother. It was free form learning with hands in the dirt and books, lots of books that we were tested on. You should know this so you know where I get my foundation. 

The jab in the arm communicates with part of your original code, your immune system. When you get sick after your second jab it is because the code in your vaccination shot has turned off your immune system. They are hoping it kicks back on with instructions on how to stop the virus. It's an experiment. 

It's a code virus that turns off your immune system. You have to understand what we have used in the past as traditional vaccines, I call them the chicken kind and if you know how they make the flu vaccine then you know why I call them that. If you don't know how they are made and introduced into your 'culture' your system of being you should learn. I'm hoping I just used the correct words to convey a bigger picture...all the information is out there. I'm showing you where to look because you have to see it for yourself to believe it. I believe in vaccines. I do not believe in turning off my immune system, no matter what they call it. 

Sidenote, most people do not know that all deaths involving pneumonia are classified as flu's another way they index numbers. 

Governments lie. I know this because it's Human nature and governments are made up of Humans. This is why I do not trust them. I do not trust them with my original matter what their religion says. In their religion it is acceptable to cloak a lie with the truth. There is, is that there is always more information then they are telling you. I also do not trust in the code of man, they prove over and over they do not know what they are doing and can not see the consequences of their actions...and if they can then they are evil. It's so uncomfortable to say and think of someone else as evil. 

Words are just code. Codes are information. I love information. The vaccine is entry level cyber security.

The more information you have the better you can navigate. Everyone knows this. 

Humans in general have a hard time admitting the whole truth, let alone admitting they are wrong.  

The PCR test. Do you know how it works? You should. Do you know who invented it? You should. His name was Kary Mullis. Find a video of him talking about how his invention works and how it can be mismanaged. Fyi...simply put it indexes numbers and you can manipulate them to show a particle...but that particle does not make everyone ill. If someone would like they may adjust the particle variance accommodation to increase case levels to their desired affect. The effects are the ones you feel with the lock downs. 

This is what absolute reason looks like given everything known. 

I know in Western countries with socialized medicine people are not to leave their homes, they are under house arrest. I know that covid 19 dies under UV light. So do you. Then why would they tell you not to go outside? Variants? I see news of an up tick of cases and deaths in India but whole picture, China would like a civil war there. I know this to be a fact. Civil, World, and Religious wars are People movers. 

We are original code of the self. Our DNA is code. All humans have the same code except the tiny differences that have been written in with time that make us Individuals, separate from one another. That code was written. Do you understand that? A computer does not write code. Intelligence writes code. We write intelligence into computers. They would not exist without the coders. Our DNA is a CodeX. Something writes the code. This is what we know. You do not know what you do not know until you know it.  

'Beginning of time' is a difficult concept for most to grasp. Is it the first gasp of air? Is it the moment two cells meet and grow? Is it an explosion where life bursts forth? Is it the moment before life? What does that moment look like to you? Can you imagine that the two questions, 'Is it an explosion where life bursts forth? Is it the moment before life?' scientifically you also ask...where does life come from? Everything has an origination. What is the origin of life? Where dos the message in bottle come from?

We learned in every language a tree is still a tree no matter how it is said; it is still the same thing. 

We carry in us the codeX, this is what we were taught. We are all the Children of the Creator that created the Self, the Holy Trinity of the Individual of the Me, Myself, and I and when all three, the trinity that has been since the beginning of all time, when it burst forth anything can happen, it is absolute and mind blowing. That we have been given an opportunity to grow and discover. We are the Children of God the Creator unleashed on planet Earth. If you do not know how this is true then think of a parent and a child, think logically and with reason. A good parent guides their children with stories to teach lessons and consequences of action. Then when it is time you let the human that is still a child discover and grow on their own...because they are an Individual...and hope they were listening and comprehending everything you told them. You repeated yourself often enough, you believe, that they will make good choices in Life. We are just Children still. 

Two concepts can exist at the same time. Eden is real, Eden was real. Eden is a philosophy of the birth of intelligence...when we could finally read the code. And you can not unsee that which you have seen. Eden is also a place where humans started writing and communicating through the written word. So we wouldn't forget things.  

Who I am is written in my DNA. Who you are is written in your DNA. That does not mean we do not have choices. Two concepts can exist at the same time. 

Do you know how I know aliens exist? Do you know why God was created in the image of man? Because we lack the imagination. We saw the Angels and wrote it down so we would not forget.

Man built the pyramids (I know people are smart enough to do this), we also came from some thing. Everything comes from some thing.  

Be still and Listen

One day I will tell you a story

I want you to look around the world...I am showing you a tel tell sign...I can spot them. I was taught how. No matter it politics or religion or human behavior or the crust of the earth or the ultimate universe you can not control it; you can control your Self. 

Do you often wonder if you are an alien living amongst an irrational population of idiots (two year olds that have no clue the harm they are getting into)? too. 

Martyrdom and persecution is not the lesson. It is the consequence of not learning the lesson. 

The butterfly effect is a real thing. When something happens, let's say time stood still for about half an hour, you would know that something bad is about to happen. It would be like everything turned off then back on with emergency lights. There was user error because the code was wrong. Time moves slower when something bad happens. Your brain can slow down time so you can see everything clearly. The past, the present and the future consequences of the actions you take in the weigh all this. 

When the world population lives a lie cloaked in the truth or an Individual lives a lie cloaked in the truth it will always be found out and those that spun their web of lies don't know their is an apex predator watching what they are doing from above. You can apply this concept (original idea) to all that is happening now. 

The New Covenant is a book of political history; intrigue, lies and innuendos based on truth but twisted. That was the fight at Antioch between Peter, he was apostle of the anointed, he was Jesus the Peter, Christ means The Anointed, it is a title, and Paul, a man of a different faith. Paul misinterpreted the old ways like so many others, be they Martin Luther or those that believe themselves to stand in judgment of others, good intentions and bad assumptions. That is the butterfly effect in real time. 

Just like you might not understand that someone can afford a $1704.00 purse you also might not understand that time moves different for those in a different realm. I joke that I went to princess schools but I actually did. We were instructed to see the world as a whole while managing the day to day life, getting ready, just in case because we understood there is always more. The emergency lights went off and I don't know if you know what you have done. The actions are comparable to tsunamis and one is coming. Something bad this way comes because something wicked was done. So mote it by the Holy Trinity of Me, MySelf, and I, by God the Father, the Mother and The Holy Spirit, that is my soul, my life force. It is the harmony I know will always be there, because it has been before you can imagine a time before the beginning. There is no chaos, only order...but we chose the order. 

Sometimes we chose the order wrong, time and time again, eventually that ripple engulfs everything you know and takes it away and starts again.

Think beyond the word. There is always more.

My birth place is, Monrovia, Liberia. In 1990 there was a massacre at the Church of St Peter, 600 Children of God were struck down because of tribalism. Most Americans don't understand tribalism because it never truly hit their homeland, they just think they understand it, it is a cursor glance. When someone says to me, "Oh! You are my Tribe!", I become scared for them because they know not what they say. How much Hate do you wish before something is done? It's the Jin, it is the Angels, it is the Spirits from beyond that watch over, like 12 Citizens of a Republic, 12 Apostles. Our fore Fathers understood the old ways, that 1+1=2, a couple. 1+1= 3 the joining of the Man and Woman equals to another one more therefore one plus one equals 3. #howisthatforsomeleftistmathturnedrightsideup   

The little white rabbit leaped from place to place....knowing the terrain...if you follow it you will find the truth. 

Just because you did not hear the siren does not make what happened not so. It's the ripple effect...the butterfly effect. 

12 is the hanged man that takes you into the realm of the otherworld. 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Greatest Title

Someone just stole something from me. My options are greater then Envy can imagine....because they can not imagine. They only steal. 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

There once lived a man a long time ago. He was a good man that knew practice was the way to a good life. I was his wife. I am saying something completely different then you think I am. No title.

WWG1WGA- it's older then I told day you will understand; I hope.

The Religion of Sin

You missed the mark and you shall be punished! 

A Sin is an archery term. When you miss your mark you have sinned. In archery there is no punishment...there is only practice. 

What is the aim of life? 

A practice of a good life is where we should aim. We practice religion. We practice medicine. We practice being good. None of us are Masters. 

Many seem to think of medicine as being all knowing but they are just practicing. They don't know everything and they are still learning always trying to hit the mark; they are practicing on you. That's why we get second and third opinions from others that also practice medicine...some are better then others. Some hit the mark more often then others. Aren't we lucky to have choices in our medical opinion world where they are just practicing...or do we any more? I saw somewhere the other day that there was a consensus of Scientists regarding some matter...except that would not be science...that would be something completely different then science. That would be a religion, a dogma where it is a sin not to think like others; literally modern day heretics. 

We can see with our own eyes those that hit the mark and those that don't...those being doctors, or preachers or the archer. I just realized as I reread this that most people actually don't know when a doctor or preacher misses their mark, they do not know what they do not know.  

What is a sin these days to some? Not doing what someone else says is 'right'? Oh, you didn't wear your mask right let me point to you and call you out for your sin. Meanwhile I have no intention of hitting your mark. I'm not even at the same match as you. 

It is a sin to not know life is hard work. All the time. You should take a break once a week but even on that day some things must get done. (This is for my Old Testament friends.)

Envy and Blame are a sin. It was Cain and Abel. It's a story to teach you the dangers of Envy and Blame, of those that are ABLE to do something you expect for yourself without hard work and knowledge that life is full of challenges, some unforeseeable. Expect hardships, that is life. It is hard. That is why we have rules to live by that can help us in the bad times. The heavy rains that flood the ground...You can start just takes work and you should prepare. That is the story of all People; the floods that come, that always have. We are supposed to learn from both the story of Cain and Abel and from is a parable of human behavior. The other is something that always happens on this planet.  

It is a sin to mark others because you have bad aim at the goodness in life and the knowledge that life is hard work.

There is no cure for sin, only practice- that is a tenet of my life. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Ableist...they call people that name in a derogatory way, you should pay attention these things because they are a tel tell sign. People that are Abel to do for themselves are the Blame for anothers misfortune when that is not true. 

The Art of Kintsugi. It is the art of taking a bowl that is broken and making it more beautiful then it ever had been with all it's flaws glued together....with the Gold pill

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A Tel Tell Sign

A Tel is an archeological sign. 'Tel' is the Hebrew word meaning mound or hill. When you see one in the desert sands there is often something beneath the surface that will tell you more of the story. That's why we say, 'tel tell sign'. There is something that mound- Tel- will Tell- say. There is something below the surface. 

The State vs Derick Chauvin (the State that trained him and told him what to do and said he was allowed to do and put him on trial for THEIR misdoings...The State is the enemy, not the People.

He was found guilty by 12 Citizens of our Constitutional Republic;12 We the People as they watched their town being burned down pushed on by the State and Corporate Media

holyshitballspaythefuckattentionandspeakupbecausesomeseriousbadshitcomesourway. Please fucking grasp all of this...

Have you ever seen a traffic stop gone bad for a police officer?...they are people just like you, they also do not want to die. They have different colour skins, beliefs and families. Do you know who gives them orders? The STATE, except they are people just like you until they become the State. Look past the uniform. Look past the skin colour. Look to the State that make the laws; not the Individuals... the State. 

Corporate that...Corporate Media works with the State to sell you a story. A lie cloaked in the truth hoping you won't see through. The Corporate Media, the State and the Educators work in tandem to tear the family structure and peace apart. 

This is a State issue. The State that said George Floyd's monies were not legal tender. That is how this all 

The devaluation of the dollar, crypto coins, the State and George Floyds death...Let me show you the future no matter what colour your skin is because it doesn't matter the colour of your skin when the State comes for you.

Your cash is worth nothing but the state doesn't like the crypto coin you chose after they crashed our currency. So we came up with a new plan...except they aren't in charge and the State being the State always has to be in charge. What happens when you trade your coin with someone else for goods and services and the State declares that illegal? It's not the Laws of We the is the laws of the State. It is the Laws of corporate entities that are being enforced.  

If you are Sovereign that means no man rules over you. No State. We are We the People; Individuals and Sovereign over our own lives because we do not believe in the power of the State. We have rights not given by the State but by God. We are an Ideology not a race. 

When they replace the local police (your neighbors, the ones they want to disband)...who will they replace them with? The State always wills its control. 

Have you asked...? What do they want? The rioters? They want a head. They literaly want someones head on the block and want ahead given no merit where merit is deserved because the fucking #communistteachersunion. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the reddit kids working on unveiling the truth of Wall Street through their GameStop play took on a pension fund? I would find that fascinating to about cruuuuuush. What if it is the State that does it to your pension fund? They are doing that right now.

We are a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy. A Democracy is mob rule. 

Unalienable mean to not be taken away...Life, Liberty-Freedom, and The Pursuit of Happiness-anything you wish to believe, in God or your's the American way. 

Be still and listen

Let me tell you a true story

One of my Children is Peruvian by birth. To be my daughter by the Grace of God and hard work. I was born a Woman to/by Mary of Bethlehem. That is my daughters name, She is Mary of Bethlehem. It's an old family name. Her name was given to her by the Nuns that kept her safe for us until we could arrive. She made me a Mother. Isn't that a beautiful story? It's true. A beautiful story should be pondered over to take you away from the madness all around. Grasp on to the goodness in life.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Alternate Realities...

People are insisting others are something they are not and terrorize them as they project their feelings on to you. It's insanity. Everybody knows it...except it seems they don't.

Teachers insisting you drug your children because the teachers are to lazy or don't know how to teach...both are scary options. It's wrong on every level....Everybody knows this...except it seems they don't.

Teachers not actually teaching important lessons on how to think but what to think. Not teaching history in all it's context as not only the who, what, how and why...and the important lessons of what not to do, that which is wrong or right. Teaching children they do not need to be accountable in life as a whole and will have to show up on time or they will lose the race. Giving everyone trophies for nothing; everybody knows this...except they seem to have lied themselves into a corner.

An alternate reality where men think they can be women but they can never be but people insist they can. Everybody knows it...except it seems everybody doesn't.

An alternate reality where consensus is science...

An alternate reality where they make men weak so they won't fight back...the low testosterone level is added to the water system through all the plastic. Petroleum, you are not supposed to ingest harmful additives. Everybody knows this...except no one seems to fully understand this. 

An alternate reality where a few citizens wake early in the morning to clean up and scrub graffiti off walls like autotrons, pretending the night before that a group of people didn't come out the night before setting buildings on fire and destroying others property in the name of stupidity, miseducation, and lies...they are one in the same.

Where the people you are supposed to get your news that show dumpsters, cars, and buildings on fire but insist it's peaceful, pretending you can't see with your own eyes. Everybody knows it...don't they?

An alternate reality where instead of getting your information from MSM you get it from comic book followers, rappers, musicians, historians and skateboarders; a Romanian with a cat and evolutionary biologists. A dank vampire running for office against the Scottish National party. Some guys in Swindon are your regular morning show. Cut the cord away...

An alternate reality where someone yells at you or threatens you with bodily harm because you aren't WEARING a niqaab, a face mask. It masks your face so you become no one. Where everyone is the same when we all know we are each individuals. Everybody knows it...except it seems everybody doesn't. 

An alternate reality where you gamble on digital coins created from 'whole cloth' (it means infinite universe, most people don't know this...this is not a case of 'everybody knows it') with a face of a dog because it will be the currency of the actual real space travel we will be doing and inhabiting others planets. We are the aliens. 

An alternate reality where you have to show your 'papers' before you can do business. If you can't show that you follow along blindly and can think for yourself you are the bad guy. Everybody knows this...except it seems everybody doesn't know this.

An alternate reality where the government changes laws and pretends we don't have a system in place on how to make laws and they just go ahead and do it anyway as the mass population either turns its head pretending it's not happening or is just so uneducated they have no idea how our system works. Everybody knows it...or perhaps they don't know what they don't know.

An alternate reality that is if you do not look at the world as they have prescribed you are shunned. They insist you be stunted, retarding human nature. The government officials insist on this. The teachers insist on this. The media insists on this. The corporations insist on this. The mass mob of useful idiots (the person cannot guard themselves against common physical dangers) insist on this. 

Everybody knows this...except it seems they don't...

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil and evil shall come for you.

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

An alternate reality where those that preach forgiveness have no idea how to forgive. A religion with a great foundation that was cracked and infiltrated early on then permeated by the children of Hate, Envy and Blame. You are going to have to go back to the original texts...the really old seems the one you think is 'new' was a great idea but great ideas don't always work. You have to practice to be great at something. So you get up and rise and try again.  

When you emulate that which is bad and put it on a pedestal that is a false idol. 

"Tho shalt have no other gods before me" 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Bitcoin Pachinko Parlor

"You probably shouldn't call them 'normies'." I laugh, I know it's true. I don't mean it in a mean way. Normal means adhering to, conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. It's most excellent if you're normal. Normies are the people that grease the cog and make the world go around; day after day you take care of business. Coming home tired just wanting to put your feet up. So I sit here and write and try and help you see and understand what's happening around us in simple terms. If you know what's happening then you can plan for your future. I know you are a planer because you are a doer. You are Atlas. You hold up the world on your shoulders knowing the burden doing it anyway because you understand your purpose in life. Thank you, you are appreciated. You aren't told thank you enough and that you are appreciated. 

Bitcoin mining is the infinite Pachinko game and your prize is nothing of value unless you take your token to the 'underground', the token changers aren't the underground, they are next to the Pachinko parlor in the open. A treasure hunt for nothing of value but land that goes on forever. This is heresy to some in my world. Everyone watch closely to see if x marks the spot. Computers do all the work. A human wrote the code. They will tell you it can't be hacked. Everything can be hacked. Who controls bitcoin? Now? The intention of the creator was what? We don't know who the creator was yet. So we do not know the intention. Even if the intention was for good...everything can be used for bad. It's human nature. It's the jhiad in all of us, the struggle to do the right thing. 

They are removing the dollar from circulation. The one that says 'legal tender for all debts public and private'. It's worth absolutely nothing. Backed by nothing of value anymore. There is no proof of a tangible asset; goods or services. Dutch Brothers has a sign they do not take cash. At the Rockies game they have machines that take your cash and in turn spit out a debt card a plastic card made from petroleum, with the amount you put in. They do not take cash. The banks, like Bank of America that released all the information to the federal government on their own because they do not agree with you and control banking, how you make transactions, control your life. Pay Pal turns peoples service off if they don't agree with something said or done. It's the same as YouTube. That's demonetization.  

Facebook has it's own banking system, a monetary one and a data one.

We are in the beginning of the Great Reset where you will own nothing. This is the future. You will own...nothing. This is a sign of the time as they say...

ESG Environmental, SOCIAL, and corporate governance. It's your social score. They use it on cooperation's as collateral now. It's what they say, not what they do. It's based on nothing tangible. Thank you B of A-sarcasm-idots can't read sarcasm so you have to tell them. I do not appreciate you. You all should check on the status between BofA, The World Economic Forum, Bitcoin, and John Kerry...your climate Tsar. No man rules over me. I'm a free person of Planet Earth. Aren't you? 

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's an ideology. You can have it anywhere as long as there is not tyranny from another. 

This is the future...right now. It's the normal- the not questioned, it's routine. Except we have a problem. Can you see it? Can you see how this has gone sideways? Most normal people are in the mindset of 'Keep Calm and Carry On." It's a saying from Great Britain during WW2...while you are sheltering yourself from the harsh reality of what is actually happening they are nuking everything you built; our children's future. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story  

My name was Yehudis. I used every God given charm I had and infiltrated the adversary. I cut off their generals head and held it high to demoralized the people. It is the Book of Judith. Learn my story. It is true. 

Berisheet, the word has it's own meaning. It begins as follows..."In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Ones and Zeros with Purpose








Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story