Wednesday, September 28, 2022

System Check


Data collection is anecdotal collection. 

My daughter has a friend that was shot in the head (he's alive). 

My sister has a friend that was shot in the head (he's alive). 

These are not the same two people, and there is no connection, these incidents happened months apart. This is the city of Colorado Springs. 

If something happens locally I won't see until after I hear about it somewhere, then I have to hunt for detail. I hope you all are paying attention. The local* (I know it's a large network company*) news I do see on my feeds seems to focus on horrific happenings in other places and not on the horrific happening on our home turf. 

I was once in a Walgreens and someone walked in, grabbed a bunch of shit and walked out, it happens all the time. This is in Colorado Springs. 

There is an armed security guard at one of our Krogers (that I have noticed so far) but even the need for an armed security guard at a grocery store should not be acceptable in a civil society. I remember seeing all the shopping carts upside down as they put one special wheel on all the carts, that could stop the cart from leaving the store. I don't have sourced shrinkage data but if I was doing a system check this is not going to solve our problem.

This train has done gone off it's rails.

I've seen people pull their pants down on the side walk and take a fat load off. 

I've seen people pull down their pants and taken a poo right on the side walk. This is in nice conservative Colorado Springs. 

It's a people behavior problem. 

This is not just poor management, like our pot hole ridden roads. Do you ever wonder where all your tax dollars go? (I know the answer to this, State's that Kafka joke played on us.)

I can't get a tow truck from USAA right now because there is a "...labor shortage...and I might consider finding a provider of my own." I'm sitting at home now typing this but if I wasn't and I was out stranded with my vehicle...the company we pay to help us out when we have a problem just said..."you are on your own in this big bad world."- I'm pissed but super fucking calm. 

Some old lady in Michigan was going door to door urging people to vote 'no' on Proposal 3. She was shot in the back. Proposal 3 will codify abortion in Michigan. seems this man was such a religious zealot in his passion for killing babies in Utero that he had to stop this old lady from telling more people. That is not a story from here but I want you to see the level of violence some are willing to go to because you say you think killing is wrong. 


Meanwhile Europe is getting ready to blow up, and then I think we will feel the real sink. 

I keep putting my menopause blog to the back canning blog is on the front burner.

This is not doom and gloom. This is all the Truth.

I do not wish to complain. I wish to fix with one little gold pill.

They have driven the masses mad.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Holy Sees

Here is a collection of sentences.

The Holy See via a Rescript declared all moneies will now be directed to the Vatican bank and directed hence forth and such like that;) by the end of the month of September 2022.  

What people believe and what they practice are different. 

The Vatican isn't on most peoples radars except to point at it as an example of a corrupt institution...

...With a system managed from the bottom up it's difficult to control.

Central Bank Digital Currency

They need everyone in the world to have a digital ID. This is the vector; anyway they can. 

Back to the Catholic Church...the true believers are the problem. The ones at the bottom. Pope Francis is not the Pope. You can not have two Popes at once in they system they created. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

From deep with in her soul came white smoke drifting past her lips. A growl from beneath her feet as the earth moved. The air alive with the gift of Gods. The message was clear, written on the wall, numbered and divided.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 29


Michaelmas is September 29.

It is the day we celebrate the glory and power of the Archangel Micheal. 

It's not about food or's a reminder of the power of God and the sword that God our Father wills his Children. 

Have you been paying attention? 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Animal Behavior Human Nature



Fact and Truth meet here.

Human nature is something all of us study and we judge each other based on our knowledge of all (aware) past events; the how and why people acted the way they did and estimate what they will do in the future; hopefully with multiple discerning perspectives (awareness) and we act accordingly. This is model building 'one oh one'-this is a joke, it's said in English, one, zero, one, O is a letter in your alphabet. Did I splain that right? Or do you only correct grammatical mistakes on paper? Fact and Truth

I should note that the study of all things 'as above, so below, that which is all around us and is us' (the Universe), helps in understanding and brings forth wisdom, or is supposed to. Fact and Truth

Humans have many natures*: 1st Nature, that which we describe as our reptilian brain, that which keeps us alive, our heart beat, our life blood here on Earth. 2nd Nature is our animal instinct, our fight or flight, anything to stay alive, this is different than 1st Nature; a chicken can live with its head cut off but only if someone feeds its neck hole. 3rd Nature is that which separates us from animals, we have a conscious that tells us right from wrong and we can look ahead. 3rd Nature takes practice. Fact and Truth

We use religions to help us navigate the world around us and in us, all that is chaos to relieve anxiety and stress. In our books we teach that which you can not control, other peoples actions and the Earth and Air and Water and Fire (DARPA-if I don't make a joke* of man playing god I would feel I was doing a disservice), we just have an illusion of 'can control'. Who controls your energy to heat your home in the winter? Fact and Truth

Behavioral sciences (the why people do what they do) are what people use to build models for behavior modification (similar to virus manipulation in virology) in modernity. The behavior manipulation of masses or of individuals in advertising/propaganda (a tree is a tree in any language) be it obscene or subtle uses behavior science to modify your thinking to make* you want to desire something or move your window of acceptance (your perspective), this with all things can be used for Good or bad, this isn't new information or rocket's people science-the why people do that which they do and how can we change* it. This is how we build a desired future and manipulate it as best we can. Fact and Truth

The study of history and current events, object origin, path way, object destination, then, now and what will be, with the understanding (understanding and knowing are not the same) that humans can change, it's in our nature, is a complicated model. The saying, "an old dog can't learn a new trick" may be true with an animal but we are 3rd Nature. 'We can learn till our mind stops'. History (this makes me laugh) has a history of telling us the Future as in a Tel Tell sign; "it rhymes or repeats I care not, it has been and will always be that way is said to be a copout and doesn't put pressure on people to be better, as we study ourselves to get where we need to go." In the true study of history there is not blame but that which was and how to not let somethings happen again. Fact and Truth

When existing in 2nd Nature, where you are surviving, perceived or real, we turn to animal instincts, where right and wrong are not important. In 2nd Nature things are more colourful, closer to the ground, like a grass roots revolution-but man made and they forgot to add free will to their model...and blame, and fire, or did they? "Shall we play a game?" said in my best computer voice from the 80's. We can accomplish nothing in the 2nd Nature of just survival because we can not plan the future properly. Fact and Truth

Truth. Trust. Truss. Should I explain this or do you understand by looking at these 3 words? 

That which is a Good model is built on the foundation of Truth; in Hebrew the word means support, a Truss. Trust is concrete in its epistemology. When you stand in a building and the architect that designed it didn't build it on the truth of Good Support or will, well, that in time will fall in. Historical note: In Ancient Egypt if a building fell in on it's inhabitants and someone died the architect would be put to death. 

Human nature is not an excuse for human behavior, human behavior is.

The fact is that people hit each other, the truth is they are not supposed to.

The fact is that people lie to each other, the truth is they are not supposed to.

The fact is that people commit atrocities, the truth is they are not supposed to.

Human Nature is Fact and Truth


Be still and listen

I'm going to tell you a story 

There I was searching for a word..."object ___ object destination"...and all I saw around me was space infinite no beginning no end that which rearranges its self. Here we are alive on a whim, a multiple celled organism made up of things we do not understand while still having intimate knowledge of our self. You can not live with out a heart but your heart can live with out you. That quark has a mind of it's own.  

What is the true purpose of modernity psychology that manipulates the mind?...

California has a bill going forth to out law misinformation. Read the bill here and see it erase informed consent and the Hippocratic oath not to mention reprisal from a State entity for saying something which they don't agree

Models are always built with what the architect understands (or wants) to hold up a structure. Some people think they should be allowed to punish you by the will and force of the State via hard power or soft power, for your ability to see the Truth and Fact of Reality.  

Models with concerns to humans are always fought with resistance from the freeform of the individual that always pushes back so they enact laws and straps to hold you down. You got me yet bro?

informed consent, your medical care is a consensus of those that have never met you, political health is mandated

The fact is when humans want to control others it's as easy as baking a pie, you just have to have the will to do it and where they know behavioral sciences fall short the State enact laws to tie down the individual, they neuter you.  

Have you ever looked down from a plane and seen all the lands below you, the mountains and the oceans, the farms and cities and the towns, a house here, a dot there, the vast deserts and jungles where below the ceiling was another world? Close your eyes and imagine the greens of patches and the grey of cities, where one sees life the other sees none. Have you ever been on a train and felt the world pass by you be it by night or day and you moved yet were still?  

Infinite choice of direction and all path ways clear, because you have more options of ways, you have free will.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Why is just Theory


Let us go over how many Potemkin villages you live.

The consequences for you not admitting to the Truth is holes full of maimed dead bodies that in life were tortured. Holes of dead bodies riddled with man made diseases of poxes and organs turned to dust. That is not what is going to happen...that has been happening since the clock started. 


Your money is not real; what we use is only agreed upon till it's not. 

The President of the United States is not real.

Your property is not real if the State can come and take it, by force or with a pen. 

Your freedom is not real. 

Our voting system is not real if we agree on terms and change them by decree or mandate mid game. 

The education system is not useful or Good.

The Pope is not real.

Our education system is a joke and in shambles. 

That man that says he is a woman is a man; they are ill because they have been fed lies. Lies lead to illness. Surgery is never an answer to a problem in the mind. Stop telling them lies.

That woman that says she is a man is a woman; she is scared of her true self and makes a mockery of God with the help of butchers and others that should know better. Surgery is never the answer to a problem in the mind. 

The need for chips is not real; be they salt and vinegar or computer, we just like them, the bad out weighs the good. At the other end of your convinance is someone that does not have your best interest at heart...they are the State and they desire your Tax money and compliance to a bad idea, while another hole full of dead bodies starts piling up again some more. This is how it goes down in the New World Order...they decide who gets to live and who doesn't. You will continue to have an illusion. We need this illusion broken if you want Peace...or maybe you don't. 

The almost* eradication of Down syndrome in Iceland is not real. Here is something you never hear about, that the tests are not as conclusive as they want you to know

Your religion is not real, you have not yet known 1000 years of Peace. 

There is so much violence I know you can see; will you keep lying to yourself?

Your sins have not been forgiven. When you die, your sin stays here like a bad energy, a festering wound rotting our psyches. Your sin stays here until you learn to forgive, you actually have to do the work. 

I'm not writing any of this to hurt your feelings and I certainly am not blaspheming when I call out the Truth. When I point out all that which you ignore as you focus yourself on some menial idea manipulated by man to serve his purpose and not God our Father the Almighty and our Mother. Be it, a philosophers new idea or a States new child care system so you can work more and pay your bills to a company that is managed through regulation via the State but they are 'helping you' not be with your own Children, "no, we insist" they say, "go work", "we have you covered"...we are your Daddy now. Have you noticed a great deal of Good Faith on the part of any State official or spokes people of late? 

The purpose in life is to live, not like corralled animals, our purpose is to be come* more as we build Gods trust. 

Science, real Science is the search for the answer that Gods question he has given us. Everything comes from something. Object origin Object destination. 

You say you want Peace but you refuse to say start with me, I give myself to God and do his biding. I'll follow these rules. How hard can it be? You can't control yourself? When you make the right choice the Heavens open for you. I believe in you. Swallow the Gold Pill and know true Freedom and Joy. When we all follow the rules you will trust all and understand everything. 

Break the perception and see reality.


I tell you how it breaks down towards the end...stick with it.

You don't get to pick God. You don't get to pick the rules. You can go out and about but those rules are the rules if you want Peace... not the illusion of Peace.  

God exists whether you believe it or not. This is one of those funny conundrums that some find in evolution theories, everything comes from something.   

No man needs to rule over you when you understand and accept God as your Sovereign.

You do not get to pick any of this. This is all the Truth.

We follow the rules.

or did you not mean it when you said you want Peace.

If you want Peace with your neighbor be they near or far then don't cheat or steal, certainly don't murder the people and don't do experiments on them either-or did you forget already?

I know...Peace through Strength...this is another dilemma for those that don't understand the Truth because they weren't taught all history. The God's (our brothers from other Mothers), not God our Father the Almighty (God allowed it), gave us the gift of fire when our kind was kicked from Eden, be it 100,000,000 years ago (time and space are not what the science you have learned actually is) or is ours to control and use as a tool in defense against animals. 


a freedom fighter in another time, object origin, object destination. Inshallah 


The Revolution Revelation Rings 

The bright of day was no site for the eye for this the light so bright you saw God. 

When you have lied to people for so long and they find out the Truth be it how members of a certain community made a disease on purpose, to see if they could, not to see if they could cure* it because they are worried it might happen in nature* with out the realization they are Nature. 

they made and released a bio weapon and no one talks about it

There is no Revolution without violence in their book. Our book says we are more than animals, we can look forward with our minds eye and have a view and knowledge with practice intent to know how to bring Peace.  

God is all forgiving, it's here on Earth we are not. You can not put the sins of one on another, you own your own, you can't stop lying and cheating others? you see how it harms, you know it does...but it keeps happening. God is not vengeful but humans certainly are. God is not here to solve your problems for you. God gave you everything you needed. God waits for you to figure this out. 


 If you had the power to stop a War would you? What if this war already was and the only way it ends is those that were the poison be held accountable? Which year do you want to go back to to compare? 1789? 1917? 1945? 1949? We can go for eternity in a backward direction. 


Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story of a time long ago where we tried and failed and with every failure we see where we went wrong and we try again. 


from the ground the Jihad swells

like a baby in the Mothers womb

You can't just must have intent.