Wednesday, September 28, 2022

System Check


Data collection is anecdotal collection. 

My daughter has a friend that was shot in the head (he's alive). 

My sister has a friend that was shot in the head (he's alive). 

These are not the same two people, and there is no connection, these incidents happened months apart. This is the city of Colorado Springs. 

If something happens locally I won't see until after I hear about it somewhere, then I have to hunt for detail. I hope you all are paying attention. The local* (I know it's a large network company*) news I do see on my feeds seems to focus on horrific happenings in other places and not on the horrific happening on our home turf. 

I was once in a Walgreens and someone walked in, grabbed a bunch of shit and walked out, it happens all the time. This is in Colorado Springs. 

There is an armed security guard at one of our Krogers (that I have noticed so far) but even the need for an armed security guard at a grocery store should not be acceptable in a civil society. I remember seeing all the shopping carts upside down as they put one special wheel on all the carts, that could stop the cart from leaving the store. I don't have sourced shrinkage data but if I was doing a system check this is not going to solve our problem.

This train has done gone off it's rails.

I've seen people pull their pants down on the side walk and take a fat load off. 

I've seen people pull down their pants and taken a poo right on the side walk. This is in nice conservative Colorado Springs. 

It's a people behavior problem. 

This is not just poor management, like our pot hole ridden roads. Do you ever wonder where all your tax dollars go? (I know the answer to this, State's that Kafka joke played on us.)

I can't get a tow truck from USAA right now because there is a "...labor shortage...and I might consider finding a provider of my own." I'm sitting at home now typing this but if I wasn't and I was out stranded with my vehicle...the company we pay to help us out when we have a problem just said..."you are on your own in this big bad world."- I'm pissed but super fucking calm. 

Some old lady in Michigan was going door to door urging people to vote 'no' on Proposal 3. She was shot in the back. Proposal 3 will codify abortion in Michigan. seems this man was such a religious zealot in his passion for killing babies in Utero that he had to stop this old lady from telling more people. That is not a story from here but I want you to see the level of violence some are willing to go to because you say you think killing is wrong. 


Meanwhile Europe is getting ready to blow up, and then I think we will feel the real sink. 

I keep putting my menopause blog to the back canning blog is on the front burner.

This is not doom and gloom. This is all the Truth.

I do not wish to complain. I wish to fix with one little gold pill.

They have driven the masses mad.

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