My real life Hadith

I didn't know what I was doing when I started writing this so many years ago. A cronical of my life in real time. 

Real lessons learned. ...And how I have, I hope with all the powers that be, have implemented in my life the lessons learned, in the best ways I can have with the tools given. 

Lessons of frustration with the path we've been given. Obstacles we thought we could have never overcome and even when we thought we were alone; we weren't. It was inside us the whole time. It sounds silly but it's true. To not be able to do the one thing for which you were put on this earth is a biggy.

Lessons of friendship: That which we can not find in just ourselves no matter how you try. I'm so very grateful for everyone of you. You are all my family. Some of you are more.

Lessons of forgiveness: How it sets our soul free to love completely. We have choices, drown in our sorrows or bask in some kind of glory. I choose the later. That is the smart path where there is light. 

Lessons of gratitude:

The Gift of Life; from other women I was given the gift of life not once. Three times. My Trinity of Children. Gifts from God because I would not be mother without those gifts. The gift of life is Sacred.

My daughter held and loved by Nuns until she would be bequeathed to us. That privilege is Great.

My Son a gift from God, named for his Father. We had to think out of the box and work outside of the normal network to get through red tape. Everything takes work but if you want it bad enough you work to that end goal.

...And one of the greatest Gifts. The Unexpected Gift of Life from another. And she was the one that was full of Grace. I love my LittleGuys story...still and forever will, he walks a path of Love. 

I have so much to show you. I have much more to tell you. And I need you to help hold me up sometimes. That's a whole lot of truth.

I'm standing naked in front of you trying a different path for mankind. The traditional ways weren't working. 

My name was Sarai. I always knew I would have children and then I received the great honor to be the Mother of All the Tribes of Israel. Learn my Truth. It's real. 

One day I'll tell you a story.

Be still and listen

These are the true stories and lessons of my life as I am today. In the body of work I present to you I wish for you to learn from me. It sucks when you have to keep reinventing the wheel. Maybe we can up date the wheel together ...not reinvent it.