Sunday, January 31, 2021


 "Well perhaps you are the devil?" he asked.

She replied, "Does my gayety retard your happiness?"


What feels like a life time ago I asked my sister on the first day we met, after she told me what she does for a 'living', "Yeah, that's what you do but what would you do if you could do anything in the world?" "That which makes you happiest?"

How big can you imagine? 

Do you ever wish to see the happiness in everyone? Except some just don't want happiness. Unhappiness of their own making. 'No one is in charge of another's happiness', this knowledge, just as crazy as it sounds...something so simple, is true. 

"Everyone can't be like you Kristin" I hear this one all the goes hand in hand with "Kristin, you can't do that." And off I go doing that which I was told I couldn't...and did it, knowledge of the future and its vastness unlimited. I was born of this way. That statement is a statement of limitation and an obvious truth, we are all individuals, 7.6 billion of them. More then one thing can be true at the same time. It's also a statement in limitation of their own happiness, what makes me happy does not have to make another happy. You might not like to paint, but love to fish, 'you do you'. 

Don't let others live in your mind, if you want to be happy. Don't worry about things they say you can't say, say them anyway. If they feel a certain way about it, that's up to the individuals interpretation. If said in humor and they don't find the truth and make it into a lie because they want to feel a certain way, fly over them...


"Some of us have to worry about the future?" he said.

She spun her words with a question, "Why do some think it's ok to defecate on the street when we all know the science of why we don't?" hoping he knew how to think on his own.

The long silence was deafening and she explained, "Problem solving is done in many ways. People ask questions without limitations and with those questions they found that truth of bacteria and disease, with room to learn more. A solution was found. Some people just don't pay attention to science...the ones that ask the questions and those that have more then one solution to a problem." "Are we not worried about the future?"


I once imagined the great winged Griffin, a mythical creature half lion, half eagle, would come to life and fly away that which was doing its best to make me unhappy; and it did come to life and flew that bitch away. It's in my story about the time I met the Queen of England. If you can see it, you can make it happen.

Do you take circumstances in life and bring a boring story, a sad story, ....or a happy story and give it life?


No one can take away another's belief in something if they believe it to their core...that is where the truth is. I believe in freedom, to my core. My back bone is strong and my wings vast. Limits are grounding, my happiness and dreams have no limits.

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

Look for the circles of light Atlas. 

Do you remember your dreams at night, your thoughts like bright comets coming to earth? I arose one day, and remembered everything. Time for lift off. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Spinners Web

Once a land where humans came from

Dark and wet

where spiders toxic to skin grew

A man full of lies defied the laws

hand to feed mouth eaten 

flesh disolved

banned by the truth of the word

his word was not truth

The spinner weaves, the spider eats

The Khanjar Club


* I'll be adding to this one and will repost as I do.

The End

    All civil society had come to a full stop a year ago. It had happened faster than expected by most. At night the others would come out and light fires and attack their own people, logic and reason seemed to be erased from their minds. The Hegemony was being run by a horde that seemed to be made of senseless drones. It was wielding the hammer on the free, one at a time they pounded individuals in to conformity of thought. During the day the sun shined brightly. The others had been told it was grey and the end was always near. The truth though was that they were in Eden. 

The Khanjar Club

    There was a thump in the back ground, the beat of a deep drum, noise of voices and discourse in tandem. Lamps lit, odorless smoke wafted through the dim lights, chairs filled with crossed feet and elbows on knees. Sometimes someone would play the piano in the corner. There was a faint smell of vinegar, char and magic in the air. This was the place to speak openly, free of the shunning. This was the Khunjar Club; where they learned to read minds and souls, the art of communication and war. 

There was a social aspect to the club but there was also providence. You also had to know how to speak Truth in the silent language. 

Members were looking for ways to waken the others. With hidden technology through space, air and speech they were able to revert attention to the light through conversion.

    People looking for the correct questions and reaching for the answers. Some said it was their free place, their free space, it was like a crystal beacon where words and thoughts streamed live. Members had a saying, 'never be the smartest person in the room, or you are in the wrong room'

    The Club was run by a short haired sprite, quickly moving to and fro. A scar on her left cheek, one of her many markings of days gone by, always back straight and head high. She asked questions and spoke in illusion to the past like she had lived every moment. She had a touch of honey badger and wasn't afraid of the snakes but a mouth that bit softly.


I shall continue...

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Siren Call

I went to bed with vex on my mind  

When morn came I saw all that was real

The babies were gone except by decree

The hex and the pox

lies over truth

Futures foretold by the word of old

The steed of the horses pounded the ground

An illusion not to speak

The charm spilled forth as told years ago

Skin marked of Hate

 a sea of blood tears

The blood of my blood weighing the scale

When the light shown down and burned their eyes

the Holy Spirit was shunned

The well of faith dry

Dilmuns streets crumbled

The silence in disbelief 

The Siren called out

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Herd Tyranny

Let's (I know I'm just having a conversation with Me, Myself, and I) discuss mob rule and mass hysteria, which seems all that is left of what used to be society.  I declare society is no longer civil. "Houston we have a problem."

In the beginning of the mask hysteria they used tyranny to scare people by threat of force (do you not recall?) At school sporting events out side they would use a taser on some mom...OUTSIDE; because she wasn't complying with the mask mandate. (A mandate is not a law). They said, it's because she was trespassing, not because of the mask. That is tyranny and they spread the bloat of non conformity so that even reasonable people were now must fall in line no matter what you know is truth. They do this shit all the time...saying you can't use this word or that. 

The mob of stupidity has made it impossible to have a discussion about science; logic and reason are not invited to the conversation.

Really smart people are afraid to go against the mob for the threat of being harassed and cancelled. REALLY SMART people know the truth but are scared because the communist bloat of the neighbor will tattle on them. 

They say even after the vaccine you can still spread the virus, so you have to continue to wear a mask...No. They literally changed the definition of herd immunity...but you are ignoring the herd tyranny.

Things are a little unreasonable. Wash your hands. Stop touching your face. We can't live in a bubble. Fauci knows, he's just a politician and a really bad one at that. You also know he's lied to you and you still take his word for the truth...that's not how this works. 

Consensus is not science, no matter how often they say doesn't make it true. 

This is not about masks. It's masked as that.

All they have done is show you they control all aspects of your lives; what you say, who you see, where you shop, what you wear. You aren't even allowed to say a man is a man and a woman is a woman and neither can be the other. You can't even discuss it for it shall be considered hate speech. ForFUCKINGreal. It's not hate. It's science and God's law. Isn't that ironic...the 2 go hand in hand, welcome to the Truth.

Holyshitsnowballs, we are gonna need a light from above to shine on this rubbish so more people can see what's really happening. 

Catatonic lazy fucks are the mob of mass hysteria (please look up the root word for hysteria, I choose words for meaning, all of them) and we need herd immunity. It's like a zombie apocalypse and the dead have risen and not just to vote. We remember like elephants. We also know how to eat bite at a time. It can be done. Thy will be done. So mote it be, by the power of all three.

No more Charity. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen.

The Oracle of The Diwan

Atlas, welcome to the Kunjar club. See what I know Atlas, hold tight.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Stones Throw

Your words are like the rotten food that the malicious would throw at the gallowed...this time there was no trial. 

Those that have been censored you think it's ok and celebrate such things...because they don't believe in your religion? Your religion of Hate. You are the children, Envy and Blame. You think it's ok to rip the others tongue out on the premiss of lies; not the lies of the tongueless for they told no lie, the lies of your Hate.

I wonder how to get through to those that know not what they do. Or do they know what they do? That might be worse.

You think cancelling others that have a differing opinion than you is fine. What happens when it's your opinion with which others don't agree? Have you asked what happens then? Will you make sure your thoughts are in proper order of the religion you've been told to believe?...out of fear of cancelling, harassment, censorship, scholarship, work? 

I'll give you a bit of advice...You haven't asked for it...but hey, you probably wouldn't read this anyway. It's not approved reading.

That stone you throw at another will come back to you in a three fold. You won't have time to duck; it'll come for you hard and fast, unexpectedly.

There was a time when those that said they worshiped Christ would do to others just as was done to Him. Are you no better then them? The old men that twisted the words, censored the Truth and killed in the name of their lies.

I don't hate you if you are this person. I hope you become aware of your abhorrent behavior. I love you like it or not here I come. I'm 'It' now.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

I am the Daughter of the oldest of the old ways...the Truest of the True; holding the words up so all can see. They do not belong to some...they belong to All Human Kind.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 I was 3 years old. I actually remember. I remember very uncomfortable things, like most people. 

We were in central Illinois at my Grandparents house I mean trailer. We were staying there in the in-between. We had left Liberia, had lived in Rosedale NY already and were heading to the Middle East soon. 

There was a hill that looked like a mountain to me, above the hill was a tasty freeze or some such thing.

My Grandparents had a gigantic (remember, I was a kid) warehouse where my Grandpa worked on furniture and my Grandma cained chairs. She was a master cainer. It was full of antiques, like a labyrinth of old things; cut glass pitchers, chairs, tea cups, and desks. The smell was like old books, dust and stripper (not the glitter on your face kind). Behind the warehouse, which was really just an aluminum building, was their trailer. On the side of the warehouse, next to the big hill, things that couldn't go inside were piled against the sides...there was a large old wagon wheel propped against the aluminum siding.

A game for children, hide and seek, was on...

I was not It. I had to hide. 

Little children can fit in strange places...places where others inevitably look. Not me...not this time. I decided I was going to get on top of the wagon wheel on the side of the warehouse. People hardly ever look up, they look under. My bright idea was to climb up on the wagon wheel where no one would look. If I was quiet and still it might just work. 

As I climbed up on the wagon wheel...well, at that time I didn't understand weight distribution, I was 3. ...and down it all came upon not knowing and the wheel on to me and my little body. I fell and it crashed on me hitting my right leg below my hip.

I couldn't walk

I cried and the others found me. I guess I've been 'it' since;)

My poor Mother...

She took me to the doctor...he said I was fine. I still couldn't walk.

She took me to another Dr...he said I was fine. I still couldn't walk.

...a 3rd she went for some times it's the trinity that tells you the Truth. I had fractured my right femur right below my hip bone, high and hidden. I was put in a body cast. I only broke that body cast once, I could have been more...they hadn't made it strong enough to contain me and my almighty will;).

I was in long enough I had to learn to walk again, for the second time...and to balance like I had never done before...I would still fall...but I knew how to get up now...because I will always have my Mothers help every step of the way...and my Father fights for me. Even when they are not here. I know this...this is faith. I mean my actual parents and our Mother and Father.    

The others would pull me along in a red wagon...they took me everywhere...I wonder if they remember pushing me down the hill in that wagon...or just the vast amount of watermelon I ate...a half at time on my belly? 

My cast off I shredded my heels pulling my self here and there as I figured out how to get around, getting to know and learn my new self. I would have to be stronger, better, with more knowledge this time. I know...I was just a kid...

3 days before we would leave for Oman...The left side of my body ....well, my mother was woke to me with warts all under my arm and down my body. My poor Mother. They burnt them off me and away we went... to the oldest of old.

One day I'll tel you a story

Be still and listen 

From Eternal Life Winning Africa to the birth of civilization; born of the free, where free came alive and to make free again. To see enslavement and know it. To see war and to know it. To see freedom and to know it. To see the future and to know it. When you can see you can prepare. 

Hold on. We will catch you.'s more than just me. We are waiting for you to let the shackles go.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Time I Met The Queen of England

The little school I attended in Oman was called Royal Flight. I was there in it's first year. It was a simple bare cinder block building and the corner inside on the left is where I would sit in time out, probably because I was moving or talking or in general not understanding. It was there would stare at the Griffen and imagining it coming alive and eating my teacher.

I had one very bad teacher. She thought she could beat me into submission. I'm not submissive, even when beaten. I guess you can say it's something I'm practiced in. She was removed...not from the school...she was removed from the country, Oman.

In 1979 the Queen was scheduled to make a visit to her Subjects. The lone never lonely American girl with stringy brown hair was excited. We learned a proper curtsy and practiced for days. There are rules for meeting royalty; ever touch, never speak unless asked a question...The other children were all Her Majesties children from her armed forces. 

We all stood in our proper queues at the designated time in our courtyard where we would also play our rounders. It was dusty and rocky...we didn't have grass. We were lucky to live with our parents and not have to go to boarding schools. The Sultan gave us that gift by his decree. 

A large black car, the dirt spewing from behind, pulled into our school center dirt patch. The door was opened by a man for her and feet first she exited the vehicle with the grace of Royalty. There is a grace of true Royalty. 

Her dress was dark earth brown and had large white polka dots, falling a minimum 3 inches below her knees. Her hat matched marvelously and her small brown purse strap was neatly tucked in the crook of her elbow. 

She shook hands with several of her Subjects and she was handed flowers as is custom. 

She spoke with our instructors and shook their hands. 

One day I'll tell you a story...

Sunday, January 17, 2021



Soundless. Unuttered words.

Heaven fell quiet, complete silence for about half an hour.

It is still, now listen

One day I'l tell you a story

The government is no longer The people. They are separate and on their own now. Turn your back on them.

Your freedom is in you and nobody can take that from you. Freedom is not given to you by man; it is God given...

Thursday, January 14, 2021


The Great World Amusement Center...I think that's a good description of DC these day...except if you know what you are talking about then it's not amusing. I laugh often but I'm not amused.

JCS sent out a reminder that all military members took an oath The Constitution of the United States of America.

Do you remember what happened at national parks during the sequestration?...That was a test run of control.

You took an Oath and you say the Pledge. You have them memorized.

Hold on to your faith please because an earthquake is coming.

How many friends and family members did we lose in Wars? In places we shouldn't have been fighting; not for a cause but for lies the government told us. That is a very uncomfortable Truth.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Monday, January 11, 2021

Aliens stm

Shit is weird right?

Like you are living in an alternate reality. You look around and are saying what the fuck? Did this seriously happen? What happened to reason?

It would all make sense if aliens came down from would fit in the timeline of events of the last years. Not just last year.....this started many, many years before that. Some of you know; you have always been the faithful.

Welcome to the Resurrection of awareness. You know it. I just say it in a weird way. I've always been weird...but always loving till I'm not. 

Question everything from here on out. Alphabet soup was infiltrated by Hate and it commands the Children...Envy and Blame. These kids are serious mind fuckers and are out sourcing info in sub source areas and you can even see it for what it is if you try your hardest. This is where I need you to do your best. They are trying to divide and concur. 

This is me almost 20 years ago. I didn't care what you thought of me then and I still don't. I live with Joy in my heart and I spread joy as I've picked up all my children of the Earth. I've always told the Truth.

Seriously...start Questioning things. They are playing mind games on you. It's a wheel house of mine. I learned at all my Princess schools, then practiced...I just use it for good.

...and grab hold to your faith what ever it be in. Grab hold as tight as you can and it will lift you off the ground so you don't feel it shake under you; because it's happening fast. I believe in you. You can do it.

...and can you imagine a gathering of All my Children that I've gathered from the ends of Earth? Not me silly...the second coming. That one should go down in history as the greatest move of all time. Oh is;)

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Sunday, January 10, 2021



14 The LORD has given a command concerning you, Nineveh: “You will have no descendants to bear your name. I will destroy the images and idols that are in the temple of your gods. I will prepare your grave, for you are vile.”

Assyria was wiped off the planet.

Do you know what happened next? ...and it happened relatively quickly; the rise of Persia. 

The writing is on the wall. Numbered. Weighed. Divided.

"You never step into the same river twice."

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

Too dramatic? Too soon?

Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Revelation

*if you need to read all the way to the end first that might help you understand.

We take our faiths as sacrosanct but are they?
What do you have faith in? 

We are the circle of life consciousness. We are the wheel that makes things turn and makes things happen, to not just exist...but to Be, to make, to find, to be more than we were yesterday. Reaching higher than you ever thought you could go; in to the soul. 

We are but a pea on a pillow of a hundred mattresses. We are not the princess bothered by the pea...she's just a bitch.

(forgive me Mom and Dad for I do know what I am saying and it is everything I was taught and the time is now.)

Will we as human animals of this Earth evolve as our sciences advance? 

It's not a conspiracy. It is a moment of vision. People all over the world have the same thoughts at the same time. We are all connected with our souls; everyone. 
I am the spirit of Christ consciousness. 

What are we doing? Our religions and belief systems are under attack, but by whom?

The Truth
For I am a child of this Earth
and to this Earth I go when done
the choice is not mine
the choice is not yours
We wash ourselves with the water 

It's time to stop
Be still and listen to the word. The word of truth our God in almighty. So mote it be by all three of me, myself and I. 
Inshallla and you made a mistake when you said..."A-men and A-woman for that is the Truth."
The jihad is again alive against the Taqiya

I am the sandwich maker in the background...from my hands to your lips I nourish you, mind, body, and soul... stm

You surface level bitch's, mamas home and she's gonna clean your house because it's not in order. That rotten apple under your bed you thought you were hiding? It's stinking up my house, we can all smell it. It's made mildew grow like a virus infecting everything in your room. I'm gonna have to throw the lot out. Rot begets rot.
You really should have eaten that apple when it was fresh. It was the nutrients you needed to make your life whole. It was the knowledge of life. 
I was born at the birth place of life. Grew up in the old worlds and the new. I traveled the world talking to all the Children of God. 

I'm a conservationist; of the oldest ways.

Aren't those some great lines? A little over the top perhaps but I do like hiding in plain site but always traveling above you, where you never thought to look.
That would be a kick ass story line for a book though...don't you? Some of you would have to stretch you imaginations...I know you can do it. I believe in you;)

I got the title 'A Revelation' from the meaning of the reveal something dramatic. Ya gotta say it's dramatic.
Seriously kids...I'm not crazy...these are thoughts for a book. It was just a brain storm of ideas.

The Pendulum

We need to stop the pendulum from swinging. 

When you change the Overton window of Civil Society what the fuck do you think will happen next?

Friday, January 8, 2021

The Rubicon

The Oracle and the Analyst both see the future the same way. They listen to everything with which they come in contact. It's a simple thing to do, just have to be still. They know all the different cultures and group thinking, how they think, why they think, and what they think. 

The Rubicon will be crossed on Jan 10. I think that's the date...I'm not 100% on said date...I'm 78%. I am 100% it will happen.

I use the phrase, "You never step in the same river twice." It's a small saying that has deep meaning. History always repeats its self but never in the same ways. The water particles of the river flow and are never the same, the river continues.

History is a funny thing. 

When Julius Caesar crossed the stream Rubicon the world changed. This is an illusion to tell you a bigger story.  Lex Cornelia Majestatis. 

I need you all to learn more history. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Golden Chalice

 Why are We the People pissed...

The relief bill was attached to a massive spending bill...We the People won't pay it. Stop giving our moneies away to the ungrateful.

Kavanagh who I'm not a supporter of was vilified in the open and lied about. Fuck Christine Ford and all of those people.

The indoctrination of Children telling them all white people are racists and 2+2=5. Nope. Fuck you

We watched our country burn for over a year and nobody did anything about it...they made excuses. Fuck you. If you make a comparison that it's the same as someone breaking in to a shoe store and stealing air Jordons is the same as we the people entering the Capitol building you might wanna do some civics lessons. That's Ours. The shoe store was someone else's.

Hunter Biden...seriously...are you shitting me? They literally censored the crap out of that. 

Massive censorship

Election malfeasance ... the left has been emboldened and it won't stop. There will not be a fair election for years to come....In two years it won't change. Who is control of the election? 

People are being assaulted for not wearing masks because they have been brainwashed and really think, that non mask wearers are going to kill grandma. They will take people from their houses by force. Everything the left projected for years on the 'right'...will now happen. It might not happen to you yet, but it will. How do you recognize the good guys from the bad guys. Easy peasy kids. They fucking did it again and you let them do it.

Businesses were destroyed by political policy makers with an agenda, a very big agenda.

Fuck the communistteachersunion. How many children didn't learn to read because the teachers were on strike. Yes, there is a virus...adapt or die bitches. There is a special virus coming next. You know how I know? I listened and my mind was still. They fucking said it out loud. 

There is a price for freedom.

I love to lighten it up...  

Simone Segouin, mostly known by her codename, Nicole Minet, was only 18-years-old when the Germans invaded. Her first act of rebellion was to steal a bicycle from a German military administration, and to slice the tires of all of the other bikes and motorcycles so they couldn't pursue her. She found a pocket of the Resistance and joined the fight, using the stolen bike to deliver messages between Resistance groups.

She was an extremely fast learner and quickly became an expert at tactics and explosives. She led teams of Resistance fighters to capture German troops, set traps, and sabotage German equipment. As the war dragged on, her deeds escalated to derailing German trains, blocking roads, blowing up bridges and helping to create a German-free path to help the Allied forces retake France from the inside. She was never caught.

Segouin was present at the liberation of Chartres on August 23, 1944, and then the liberation of Paris two days later. She was promoted to lieutenant and awarded several medals, including the Croix de Guerre.

Build a great underground while you live above ground.

"This is the blood of my blood. Drink it, all of you". Mathew 26:28 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Brain Barf

I had a brain barf and then looked around and saw what was in front of us...I'm completely laughing out loud as I type this...I think I put that in perfect order with the appropriate words. Don't you?

To make this all tie together you first have to believe that many of our elected officials, diplomats and titans of industry are in bed with China or have a deep mind set that they should do anything they can to propagate their agenda/ideology. It's called a conspiracy of minds. I really am winking;)

That said...what if the Republicans just tore out a page from the democrats play book and decided, "We will just use China like they did to us concerning Russia." I think that's part of critical thinking...question everything and acknowledge that you have to have a part of your brain that has space where you can be wrong and also have the ability to accept it. Except there is not just a paper trail but Air Force 2 logs. So that's out...?

Lets go deep in to this mess and throw some things out...

We are seeing video in China of another lock down and simultaneously we see big club parties going. The CCP controls everything that goes in to china and what comes out. 

We know the rona was here... in TN years ago...before gain of function was added, I'm being charitable thinking our own scientists would try 'gain of function'...I take that charity away...I know they have, they just don't tell you. 

The climate change (think of the phrase as not actual climate of terra but the climate they want us to believe in) + great reset = one world order...the destruction of the economy of the whole wide world...sts. Janet Yellen is Keynesian to her core that's just going to take us to hellish levels. Control the economy, control the people, inflation is upon us like a snowball and we need a ramp.

They have said there is only one solution to the problem to the boomer remover. A lock down-it's destroying peoples psyches...100%, only a vaccine will save us according to them...long term effects be damned...really it's like Mengele's disgusting with no thought to the future. Even though other solutions like therapies exist (if you mention this you are labeled ...only label something you want to separate from the other...fucking communists;). It's difficult to control a virus, it's like the weather. ( I blow through the air)

People wear masks outside...that's how scared they are. They've been trained to think they should have a safe space...away from the world. They really were trained to think that...Where do you think the phrase snow flake came from? Snow can't escape it's inevitable melting. Same as life. I like this one. I never use the phrase anymore, snowflake...everything dies. Sometimes it's the heat from above. Nobody can see other peoples faces so they have no feelings for them. I know this one well, it's a bi-product of the use of the niqab or burka in sharia. That's key for communication, seeing each other face to face. That's why its difficult to have a real meaningful conversation anymore. They have only allowed us to communicate via the nets they control...and they censor our town square. Comms down;)

We never saw bodies in streets like they proported. 

National guard troops deployed to Texas under the guise they 'were helping' with mortuary needs. There weren't extra deaths though...nothing is truly different in death rate. They were needed because one person had tested positive...that means everyone in contact with said technician had to be quarantined for 10 days (or how ever long they have decided at the time...everything seems to be quite arbitrary). They need help now because everyone has been quarantined. What is the biggest looking created event you could create with tools at hand. Make something they created into reality? Perception is reality, I learned this over and over in one of my princess school classes. Call in the National Guard. Plaster it all over the news. Make sure everyone knows the mortuary staff was over whelmed...because everyone but one person was quarantined per their orders via mandate so technically they aren't not telling the truth. I love event planning and so it seems does my evil twin;). I'm not 100% on this but given the opportunity it's what I would do...I really wouldn't do it but if I think it that means someone else is. 

We know our legislators are almost all corrupt ...Epstein didn't kill himself. Thank's Lin. I love this one. It'll keep alive in Elvis and JFK. I shit you not. Watch. It went to a whole new level.

Epstien does have something to do with this....But not just him....there are people all over the world that know things about others and they take it out just at the right moment. We see it all the time. Our government does this all the time...who doesn't love alphabet soup? 

Judges won't take cases concerning our election and say it was on procedural grounds...because their either scared for their lives or scared for their lives (yes, I said that twice). Or...fucking pussies...or Lazy. Lazy is so prevalent these days...true story. Keep your hands and minds busy-this is a tenet of my life.

Authority figures either know it's not bad because they see the data (some might not be smart enough to read it or just to damned lazy....Please see above.) ... Or they really are just tyrants that go on vacation when they say you shouldn't or can't. That's extensively clear...also their own personal use of face masks. Also true. 

They destroyed all western economies...from the outside a virus they made a gain of function so it could reach humans, they played God. It's a real virus, and all things adapt to stay 'alive' the longest they can and propagate. The new mutated version of the virus is more contagious, or so they say. Case counting, infection rate, indexing numbers with the slight of hand, doing a card trick...really how many times does someone call wolf? Asking for a friend. From the inside they reeked havoc with only one solution to a problem and anything said against that is censored. That's true. That is 100% undeniable. I hardly ever go to 100% if I'm not's a critical thinker kind of thing;) There were plenty of solutions but none are allowed to be uttered. 

I'm not saying the virus is not real. They say it does hang in the air. Kind of like words.

...But wait there's more...and it get's worse.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Ps The rules in Portland were not followed and things are gonna get out of hand. Keep your SA HIGH...up.


Monday, January 4, 2021

The Rule Book and The Play Book


Rule Book

To create a friendship you learn about the other that is different. You build something...You learn where they are from, their families, their history, all of you can understand "where they come from." You ask them questions. You learn and do not assume. This means their actual history and their thought processes which takes them in certain directions, paths you in your culture would never have even thought of. You educate yourself in their customs so to be's part of understanding. You appreciate the differences and accept them. You communicate, it is learning a different language. 

If you want to build something you work together, as a team. We are all Children of this OUR EARTH. We are all Mothers and Fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We are all one. Period. Let us have no misunderstandings. You will not separate the peoples for that is a mistake that will have repercussions that you can't even imagine. Your mind and hearts have become feeble.

I play bridge. I enjoy building bridges. Anticipating and communicating with your partner in unheard ways is fun. Bridge has rules you must abide by. I don't play by the written rules. I just know them. Then I go around them, or above them, sometimes under them. Distract. Eliminate the threat;). You have to read your opponents mind. Know how they think if you really want to win.

When Civil Societies rules are broken it becomes no longer Civil.
The word of goodness, self-respect, true love, and Freedom for others is gone. They fill that vacuum.
...and people feel they have no hope...because they have lost the word of Truth.

The Play Book

If you throw the rule book out, I grab the play book.

There are rule books for building things, there are play books for destroying them.

Pick your battles, know your war.

Have you ever seen a play book written so well thought out and encompassing it would last thousands of years?

There is a price for everything; even peace. There is always a sacrifice for the future. There alway has, is, and will be. You reap what you sow.

If we let rot beget rot we have nothing left for the future. 

We are the Spirit of the United States of America. A land of Free People and We the People stand before you showing no more charity.  We gave, all you did is take and complain. You lick the feet of Hate, Envy and Blame. We are your Freedom Fighters.

The Golden Chalice is above your heads and will be poured upon the Children of this earth. The future demands We the Chosen are not a blight on Earth but people of God. The God of you, Christ consciousness can be found inside you. There is no beautiful music except that which we sing.

What kind of rule books and play books are we leaving the Children to follow?                                          Ones with a foundation of Hate built up with Envy and Blame? 

States craft is a game. You build and destroy whole countries and peoples by the power of the word and action if need be. 

It's friendship or it's not, sometimes there are grey areas...sometimes there is no grey matter or areas. You can't reason with communism. You want to win against that which is un-reasonable and un-moving...How would you do that? Would you throw everything at it until it is wiped off the planet and can not return? Rot begets rot. You do not fertilize the ground with rot. You burn it to ashes. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 


The rain fell and flooded the lands in tears....again. They saw the ways and brought forth a new age. One built on a base of Freedom, Free thought, Free commerce, Free worship, Free lives, Free will. I love typing these things out.

I don't play many games. I don't care for them. There is nothing truly at stake...but the in the game of life...the future is though, the future of the Human race.

Shall we play a game?


The Storm Witch fans the flames with the wind of breath. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

You all think I'm weird now...wait for it.

The Whores

Last night while making dinner I listened to a panel stream from the University of Vermont. I like to hear that which is from the mouth of the Evil so I can get a straight story...not the game of telephone other bitches play

The whores are full steam ahead and their trajectory is our Children and Freedom.

I heard one man say race is not a biological construct (what the fuck?) and another answered a question, 'should races be separated?'. The fucking answer he gave was "yes". These were two different people on the same 'panel'. Holyshitballs, or dingle berries? This is just one of the many examples of the race whoring going on at Universities and schools. The people on the panel ARE racists. They are projecting their beliefs and dogma on others and have infiltrated the education system...all the way down to your little sweet cherubic elementary school babes. They aren't teaching Children HOW to think but WHAT to think. 

The race whores are in your work places. Critical race theory and intersectionality pushers are whores.

I believe in legal prostitution but you fuckers should start wearing rubbers because they are infecting the population with some vile disease...

...Meanwhile some asswipe in New York put forward a proposal... 

"AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health."

This is a proposal to remove you from your home on an assumption based on what someone else thinks. Someone sees you not wearing a mask...Do you think they won't tell on you to the 'authorities'?" Then you better start waking the fuck up because some are already. Live and in person.

The fuckingRona didn't close down any business. 

The fuckingChinaVirus didn't tell you to stay home for a year. 

The fuckingWuFlu didn't say you couldn't see your family for Christmas and then go on holiday. 

The fuckingBatPox didn't ruin the economy.

The fuckingVirus is your elected officials. 

...Meanwhile fuckingJosefMengeleFauci is doing the greatest scientific experiment on the population of the United States. I'm not being hyperbolic. They have ZERO long term studies on their mRNA 'vaccine'...unless they know something I don't...remember when Covid was here years ago? And then China took their toy and went home...or did they? How could we possibly be sure? They have already proven themselves public. On Pravda. ...the shit is not hitting the preverbal fan any more. They threw it up in the air and it has spread far and wide.

Great Reset anyone?...New World Order? No...that's a conspiracy you are told...what the fuck?'s right there...their plan in ink...on video...

In Spain they will be keeping a list of everyone that doesn't get the 'vaccine'. I thought they were gonna come through a window and they strolled right through the front door. 

Bidens Harris's climate Tsar is the almighty John Kerry. Fuck that...they will use the  fuckingBoomerRemover to push their agenda under the guise of Climate Change...Fuck the UN and the EU.

Concurrently the Federal reserve prints money backed by nothing. Learn some economics and what the gold standard actually's not a sound bit. Free capitalism makes the world go around in peace. 

...Meanwhile Pravda is telling people our election was fine. It was not 'fine'; in anyway. Governors signed mandates out side their purview. Social medias are censoring anything they think tells the truth. They are tearing down pamphlets from telephone poles and burning the truth in the town square.

Take off your fucking masks and show them your Star of David. Show them who you are. 

Killing babies up till birth...that's not 'pro-choice'...that's someones life. You are killing another person and they can feel it. You fuckers are gonna burn in hell. 

Transforming Children's minds to think a man can be a woman or a woman a man. You can''t change that...that shit is at the gamete level. I don't care if you wanna dress differently or pervert your body. I don't give a shit but stop filling our Children's heads with lies. 


I want to yell as loud as I can, "Jesus, Wake up!"

My name is Kristin. My Children are the Children of the Earth. (When I say something like this I'm literally talking about MY Children that do come from all ends of the Earth and they are of many races, my BrownNut, LoveBug, and LittleGuy. I'm just their African-American Mom that wants to feed them all that is good and great.)

This is the Passion of Kristin;) Learn my truth, it's real.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Friday, January 1, 2021

Plague theory !01

 Plague theory 

The 1918 plague killed teenagers. Those loosing faith. Parents prayed hard for their children's lives and were brought back to the word and in turn saved the world from horrors of Evil and Hate. A second chance.

When does the parent sit down the child and say there are consequences for your actions and you will live with them now?

We must accept we DO have the power in us all as individuals and it is our choice as individuals to make good choices in the lives we had no choice but to accept. We are a path of choices in life. Some rocky, some smooth. Barriers all around impeding our way; we need to fly over them...that's how you do it;)

We live with the consequences and adapt because our Father and Mother love us all and want more and better. Clear of thought and mind. Shine the light of knowledge and you have the power in you to do anything. Good or Bad, please make it for good. Rewards or consequences we have choices. Long term, short term, wants and needs. 

This plague kills the old people and infirm, the true believers that had to think of the beyond; bringing them to their Heaven. Leaving those who believe in the false gods of lies to their own. We will leave some of you to spread the word. The tears will be shed and you will drown if you don't learn to swim. The current is swift and you must swim up stream. It's a difficult swim. 

The Truth is ours. We share the Truth.

Man played god and now will reap the sowing. This is truly what many people think.

"But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story