Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 I was 3 years old. I actually remember. I remember very uncomfortable things, like most people. 

We were in central Illinois at my Grandparents house I mean trailer. We were staying there in the in-between. We had left Liberia, had lived in Rosedale NY already and were heading to the Middle East soon. 

There was a hill that looked like a mountain to me, above the hill was a tasty freeze or some such thing.

My Grandparents had a gigantic (remember, I was a kid) warehouse where my Grandpa worked on furniture and my Grandma cained chairs. She was a master cainer. It was full of antiques, like a labyrinth of old things; cut glass pitchers, chairs, tea cups, and desks. The smell was like old books, dust and stripper (not the glitter on your face kind). Behind the warehouse, which was really just an aluminum building, was their trailer. On the side of the warehouse, next to the big hill, things that couldn't go inside were piled against the sides...there was a large old wagon wheel propped against the aluminum siding.

A game for children, hide and seek, was on...

I was not It. I had to hide. 

Little children can fit in strange places...places where others inevitably look. Not me...not this time. I decided I was going to get on top of the wagon wheel on the side of the warehouse. People hardly ever look up, they look under. My bright idea was to climb up on the wagon wheel where no one would look. If I was quiet and still it might just work. 

As I climbed up on the wagon wheel...well, at that time I didn't understand weight distribution, I was 3. ...and down it all came upon not knowing and the wheel on to me and my little body. I fell and it crashed on me hitting my right leg below my hip.

I couldn't walk

I cried and the others found me. I guess I've been 'it' since;)

My poor Mother...

She took me to the doctor...he said I was fine. I still couldn't walk.

She took me to another Dr...he said I was fine. I still couldn't walk.

...a 3rd she went for some times it's the trinity that tells you the Truth. I had fractured my right femur right below my hip bone, high and hidden. I was put in a body cast. I only broke that body cast once, I could have been more...they hadn't made it strong enough to contain me and my almighty will;).

I was in long enough I had to learn to walk again, for the second time...and to balance like I had never done before...I would still fall...but I knew how to get up now...because I will always have my Mothers help every step of the way...and my Father fights for me. Even when they are not here. I know this...this is faith. I mean my actual parents and our Mother and Father.    

The others would pull me along in a red wagon...they took me everywhere...I wonder if they remember pushing me down the hill in that wagon...or just the vast amount of watermelon I ate...a half at time on my belly? 

My cast off I shredded my heels pulling my self here and there as I figured out how to get around, getting to know and learn my new self. I would have to be stronger, better, with more knowledge this time. I know...I was just a kid...

3 days before we would leave for Oman...The left side of my body ....well, my mother was woke to me with warts all under my arm and down my body. My poor Mother. They burnt them off me and away we went... to the oldest of old.

One day I'll tel you a story

Be still and listen 

From Eternal Life Winning Africa to the birth of civilization; born of the free, where free came alive and to make free again. To see enslavement and know it. To see war and to know it. To see freedom and to know it. To see the future and to know it. When you can see you can prepare. 

Hold on. We will catch you.'s more than just me. We are waiting for you to let the shackles go.

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