Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Herd Tyranny

Let's (I know I'm just having a conversation with Me, Myself, and I) discuss mob rule and mass hysteria, which seems all that is left of what used to be society.  I declare society is no longer civil. "Houston we have a problem."

In the beginning of the mask hysteria they used tyranny to scare people by threat of force (do you not recall?) At school sporting events out side they would use a taser on some mom...OUTSIDE; because she wasn't complying with the mask mandate. (A mandate is not a law). They said, it's because she was trespassing, not because of the mask. That is tyranny and they spread the bloat of non conformity so that even reasonable people were now must fall in line no matter what you know is truth. They do this shit all the time...saying you can't use this word or that. 

The mob of stupidity has made it impossible to have a discussion about science; logic and reason are not invited to the conversation.

Really smart people are afraid to go against the mob for the threat of being harassed and cancelled. REALLY SMART people know the truth but are scared because the communist bloat of the neighbor will tattle on them. 

They say even after the vaccine you can still spread the virus, so you have to continue to wear a mask...No. They literally changed the definition of herd immunity...but you are ignoring the herd tyranny.

Things are a little unreasonable. Wash your hands. Stop touching your face. We can't live in a bubble. Fauci knows, he's just a politician and a really bad one at that. You also know he's lied to you and you still take his word for the truth...that's not how this works. 

Consensus is not science, no matter how often they say doesn't make it true. 

This is not about masks. It's masked as that.

All they have done is show you they control all aspects of your lives; what you say, who you see, where you shop, what you wear. You aren't even allowed to say a man is a man and a woman is a woman and neither can be the other. You can't even discuss it for it shall be considered hate speech. ForFUCKINGreal. It's not hate. It's science and God's law. Isn't that ironic...the 2 go hand in hand, welcome to the Truth.

Holyshitsnowballs, we are gonna need a light from above to shine on this rubbish so more people can see what's really happening. 

Catatonic lazy fucks are the mob of mass hysteria (please look up the root word for hysteria, I choose words for meaning, all of them) and we need herd immunity. It's like a zombie apocalypse and the dead have risen and not just to vote. We remember like elephants. We also know how to eat bite at a time. It can be done. Thy will be done. So mote it be, by the power of all three.

No more Charity. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen.

The Oracle of The Diwan

Atlas, welcome to the Kunjar club. See what I know Atlas, hold tight.

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