Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Stones Throw

Your words are like the rotten food that the malicious would throw at the gallowed...this time there was no trial. 

Those that have been censored you think it's ok and celebrate such things...because they don't believe in your religion? Your religion of Hate. You are the children, Envy and Blame. You think it's ok to rip the others tongue out on the premiss of lies; not the lies of the tongueless for they told no lie, the lies of your Hate.

I wonder how to get through to those that know not what they do. Or do they know what they do? That might be worse.

You think cancelling others that have a differing opinion than you is fine. What happens when it's your opinion with which others don't agree? Have you asked what happens then? Will you make sure your thoughts are in proper order of the religion you've been told to believe?...out of fear of cancelling, harassment, censorship, scholarship, work? 

I'll give you a bit of advice...You haven't asked for it...but hey, you probably wouldn't read this anyway. It's not approved reading.

That stone you throw at another will come back to you in a three fold. You won't have time to duck; it'll come for you hard and fast, unexpectedly.

There was a time when those that said they worshiped Christ would do to others just as was done to Him. Are you no better then them? The old men that twisted the words, censored the Truth and killed in the name of their lies.

I don't hate you if you are this person. I hope you become aware of your abhorrent behavior. I love you like it or not here I come. I'm 'It' now.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

I am the Daughter of the oldest of the old ways...the Truest of the True; holding the words up so all can see. They do not belong to some...they belong to All Human Kind.

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