Thursday, December 31, 2020

A New Years Resolution

We are entering a new year...2000 years later...

With a positive mind growth (growth mindset) I'm looking forward. That should scare the shit out of all you bitches, me, mind growth...I add gain of function all the the use of synthetic aperture radar...yeah...I said that and it's hilarious to me.

I'm looking for some one to lead the world. Aren't you? You sure as shit better be.


Cultures of all types

Knowledge of International relations

Clear understanding of what Freedom means

Someone that does not lie...we've had enough of fucking liars

A person that respects other people's beliefs

A great communicator

Some one that can think differently than we have reach greater heights.

Some one that is not a politician but knows how governments work

Skilled with military knowledge 

Genuinely a good person

I'm looking for the greatest Narcissist of all times.

Sort of like the second coming of Christ but bigger...brighter.

Every person I meet has entered a job interview whether they know it or not; because I believe in you and I need to know how much you believe in your self. You should be interviewing people too.

They've made Narcism a bad word because in a communist ideology you can't have people believe in the self. It destroys them from the outside in. That's why they destroy small business owners and tell people, "you can't do this"...and I need you to do it. I believe in you.

The last 2 Presidents of the USA came out of no where. 

A community organizer. 

A man that had never run for any office.

Think about that and start applying your self, because we need you.

...and if you think you can't do it won't be. We the People will build you up and catapult you through the heavens. ...and we will have achieved that, the greatest Freedom for all man kind through all the ages to come;).

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Short and Sweet CRT

 If I could do anything in the world...right now.  I would find a way to do a mass information drop on EVERY platform on every device in service at the exact same time.


Is that too much? I sure as fuck don't think so. Or something of the sort. 

We need short and sweet.

An emergency signal sts. 

People need a little nudge to wake from their sleep.

The world is about to turn and it's the most peaceful thing I can think of to help. 

If we don't find a cure for the virus we are in big trouble. Sausage making is not fun. 

We are all Children of this Earth. Separating people must stop. Separating people into groups is not what you do. If you want to build something you work together, as a team. We are all Children of this OUR EARTH. We are all brothers and sisters. We are all one. Period.

I feel like I should end this with...We have spoken. (The royal 'We'...'cause it makes me laugh as the trinity, of me, myself and I, the maiden, the mother, and the crone, barbie, the one everyone wants to be, anyone and everyone. I think perhaps it might be a bit over the top, so I'll cross it out and I still get my way.)

Monday, December 28, 2020


The epiphany is January 6th. 

January 6 is observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles.

You never step in the same river twice.

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something

: an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking

: an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure

: a revealing scene or moment

We the People will be gathering 

My name was Miriam, I was a prophetess, my brothers Moses and Aaron lead the slaves from Egypt. The sea parted and we were free. Learn our stories. They are real.

“I brought you up out of Egypt

and redeemed you from the land of slavery.

I sent Moses to lead you,

also Aaron and Miriam.” –Michah 6:4

Do not let the well of Freedom, Forgiveness, Love, and Faith dry out. Learn the lessons quickly.

Atlas how high are you flying?

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

World Domination

Here in the US there is talk of Civil war or a divorce of the States. 
It's too late. It's too late for the World. It's too late for Civil Society and Freedom. 

What do you think is really happening? Out in the real world? While they have your mouths covered and yelling lies in your ears. Did they pull the wool over your eyes too? You are the sheep, it's True.
The media isn't just lying to you, you are lying to you because the information is all there. 

You know if someone sets something on fire because they are mad...then that is not ok. Behave your self. Don't do that. That's wrong and you know it. What action do you take in response? Let them light the fire in the name of Envy or Blame? This is your Freedom they are setting on fire because they don't want you to have it. They are acting like petulant children.  

It's not just here in the US, it's all over the World. Do you pay attention to what's going on in International news? no one asking these questions? Or are we ignoring them because it's uncomfortable? Wake up. Life is uncomfortable...and hard work, and purpose.

A deer in headlights stares in disbelief as the truck comes barreling down on it; impending death, maybe for both. 

Human nature and history have showed us through actions what Humans are capable of. Vial and in truth Hate of themselves with the lack of intelligent reasoning to acknowledge that there are consequences for their actions. What they are doing is wrong. We have also done great things as Human kind, as Individuals, stop pretending we haven't. 

To the Religious...

This plague kills the old people and infirm, the true believers that had to think of the beyond; bringing them to their Heaven. The tears will be shed and you will drown or you will swim. The current is swift and you must swim up stream. It's a difficult swim.                      

Man played god and now will reap the sowing. This is where God's hand unleashes all it's forces upon mankind. 

*Have you ever had a vision of the future? 

I'm playing the long game, they wrote the rules and I'm having the audacity to break them, to say the unthinkable.

I have a proposal for World Peace to put in front of you. 

The other side of The New World Order; The World of the Free People of Earth. Laugh at least I think big...We need to think bigger than we have.

It's easier to get behind something if you want the same end result, Peace and Freedom.

A Destination for the World...for future Worlds and we are well on our way to Worlds...Thank you Elon, for Kicking the Box to the curb. How we get to our Destination is something different. Nothing is ever Free.

Restriction of thought, freedom, their hand and the power of the word, we gave them that power through our charity. 

My fight is for your Freedom. For our Children's future, for 1000's of years into the future we must build a model that's strong. No longer put the idea of the dystopian view forward. 

To have a purpose in life, to discover and to make, create and live. To have life is not just enough for man kind. The shackles that others put us in restricting thought and movement is dangerous to the soul. Real Peace is the ability to move with Freedom and to do commerce with out fear and restriction. 

A future for Freedom not free things...We leave the children of Hate, Envy and Blame. 

Faithfully Indisputably We make a precedent here and now so there is understanding that The We the People of the United States the greatest nation to have ever existed will survive in perpetuity. 

We put the positive thought forward of Freedom. We can allow nothing other than the success of what we put forth. Literally the whole World of planet Earth depends on what happens next. The whole Earth. 

The people of France, Free, so the French can be French. The Iranians, Free, so they can be Free again; a great people of free thought, shackled by the Mullahs and their insane need to put themselves above the People.  The Venezuelans so they can have their Freedom back. I think they have learned their lesson. Let the English be English and the Welsh the Welsh. Let the Irish be Free. Don't interrupt others cultures. If we respect one respect them all. Freedom is Freedom. A Constitutional Republic of Earth not corrupted by the communist infiltration of The Children of Hate, Envy and Blame. 

I have the courage to put thought on paper and show it to you. What idea do you have? Do you have a vision? Can it be accomplished? My idea can be accomplished...because I believe in the Human race as a whole as we Individuals of the Free Planet Earth. I know the power that we as Individuals hold at our fingertips. 

Do the ones who want to control what you wear win? They are precisely doing just that so they can see who is the enemy with a glance, all over the world. 

Do the ones that wish to control what you think win? 

The gift of communication...



Governmental corruption and control...

Give no charity to their ideas any more.

You can think I'm crazy...

or I'm telling you the truth that I have always put to you.  

or I'm a Witch and seerer of the future. 

or I'm a great analyst and can see the patterns where you don't.

or I'm a good writer.

or I'm a word smith that made a "You can't do this Kristin." And I did it like I always have. I practice everything I do. I've been practicing for this my whole life. None of this can happen over night. The people have to want better for themselves.

Atlas, the weight of the world is heavy. I'm here to lift your burden, go be Free, you will feel so light you will lift off the ground and nothing will be able to stop you.

Do you know where I'm from? My parents made sure I was a Child of the whole Earth. From there God guided me to all the ends as I picked up his children...the Future. 

I have a prequel, a beginning, a middle, a grand ending with site of the future in My Book, I've let you see behind its cover. I have books of the people that shaped my life and all the lessons learned. I have the greatest story of all time, and I'm writing it down. It's not fiction. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Enti Omri

"They brought me back, your eyes, to the days they taught me to regret, the past and it's wounds

What I have seen before, have you, my eye

In a lost life, counting it, all on me

You are my life that started this morning with you

Has much from of my life before you has gone by, oh my love

Neither has he seen the heart, before you, one joy

Neither has he tasted in life besides the taste of sow

I started now only to love my life

I started now to fear, to fear that life would run

Every joy that longed for it before you

It has found it in the light of your eyes, my heart and soul

Oh you, the light of my soul

Oh you, the light of my heart, oh you, the dearest than my life

Why it didn't meet me, your love earlier

The beautiful night and the longing and the love

From a long time, and the heart is heaping for them 

Taste with me the love, taste, little by little

From the tenderness of my heart, that longed for your tenderness

Oh my love come, it's enough that we missed 

Is what we missed oh the love, of my soul a little

Oh dearer than my days

Oh more beautiful than my dreams

Take me to your tenderness, take me from my existence and far away

Far away, me and you, above

Oh love our days and we will wake up, sleeping out nights missing each other 

Reconsider because of you my day

I forgave because of you, the past times

You made me forget my pains

And I forgot with you bitterness"

Me here...I probably got some of that wrong. It's an English translation of an Egyptian song... it's a beautiful bit of poetry you might not have ever seen. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Prophecy of Models


A great model starts with a solid foundation. The artist/prophet sits down with a vision of their desired future. They build a road map to get where they are going, the structure they will have in the end is the goal. Starting with small sticks they bind them knowing they might have to move them around to better positions, stronger, more creative ones to hold the structure and create the art; building a society, individuals with purpose. Communication and understanding of where we stand in the structure is key to the strength of a great model.  

Bad models are built with a foundation of lies and chosen material to fit a certain criteria that you may not question. They have an outcome they have envisioned. The architects use carefully picked deceitful information of manipulated data and sell it to the faithful. All prophets know how to do this. The communist utopia where everyone is the same discounts the strength of the individual few sticks holding everything up...A few blows to some of the sticks and the whole structure falls.

The religious faithful believe the prophecy of models to be true and unquestionable. The prophecy never comes true because it's built on false data presented to the faithful. 

They call you names and tell you, you may not question their the religious devoted. Any data referencing Truth is shunned and rejected as the blind zealot closes their eyes to the Truth.

"The Truth and the Lie meet on the road one day. The Lie says to the Truth: “It’s a marvelous day today”!The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was truly beautiful. They walk together for a while, until they reach a beautiful well. The Lie tells the Truth: “The water in the well is very nice, let’s take a swim together!” The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed, is very nice. They undress and start the bathe. Suddenly, the Lie jumps out of the well, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs off towards a nearby village. The furious Truth leaps out of the well and runs to find the Lie and get her clothes back. The Villagers, seeing the Naked Truth, are horrified and look away with contempt and rage. The poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared, forever hiding her shame.And since that day, the lie travels the world, clothed as the Truth". The Truth is the Truth and I'm standing naked in front of you.

They yell "science!" at you but all the while they are the same that preach we can be anybody we want. You are the model of You. We don't get a choice of what, where or who we are born. Real science is that a man is man and a woman can not be a man and a man can not be a woman. You can not rewrite that. 

The people in authority telling us we can't do something and then flaunt it in our faces. They prophesies their models lying to the people living above everyone else. The model of The New World Order takes one of our greatest gifts from us, communication; the power of Free speech. The New World Order has a doctrine that restricts and erases words and hides, clothed as the Truth.


    His Mother and I came to an unspoken understanding that all the people needed help and hope. A message of love and understanding. Self-worth and freedom of thought. We were at a cross roads and the path in the direction of Envy and Blame was easy and comfortable. The other path of Knowledge and Truth was uncomfortable. We were given the site to see what could happen if we made it so.  

We used the power of the word and those of the faith to create an outcome we thought the people needed.  

The greatest foundation to be built upon is Forgiveness, Peace, and Love.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Sultan Qaboos Bin Said

November was always a fun month growing up on the coast of Oman. The weather was a little cooler but the sun still blazed everyday. The delights of Halloween were finished and delights they were. Everyone came out to the Pan Am Compound for our Halloween celebration from all around. That is an understatement if I've ever written one^.

Then we moved on to the burning of the effigy of Guy Fawkes on a mountain of incendiary rubble. That's probably where the cia and mi6 burned it's papers and if they didn't should have. That was just a joke. Of course everything was on the up and up...I'm totally making alphabet soup jokes and of course they are jokes silly. The gathering of things to burn in the middle of the compound was fun as were the events, lots of volleyball, sand, 'cause that's all we had. 

...and then as time dictates Yule and the Christmas celebrations were coming on us quickly. We weren't in a Western Country though. We had to abide by the laws and rules dictated to the people through the word of Sultan, in an Islamic Country. 

November 19 just so happens to had been the Sultans birthday and he was a very smart man. He was probably one of the greatest diplomats of our time. In a big world and tribal management sense.

He had invited the British, Americans, Canadians, and Australians to live in his country and asked for help to move it forward; pivoting a backward country and propelling it as fast as he could into the future, with out disturbing the peace of the people, mostly. I'll go in to the Dhofar Rebellion another time but it's fascinating and you will once again understand my anti communist stance. 

Omanies loved the Sultan for good reason, he had improved their life standards by 100 fold. They would draw expert murals of lights in his image on hillsides and on ancient forts for his birthday ...the lights were so bright you could have seen them from space. I don't actually think you could see them from space, that just looks good typed out. On fantastic lucky evenings we would get to sit under the lights of Koot Muttrah and eat Naan from a tandor oven, and one of my favorites, samosa. I also like goat.

Christmas upon us the Sultan used his birthday as a backdoor for us Westerners and our Christmas festivities so we could string up our own lights. He had taken his cue from the likes of the Pagans and Christians, and many other religions of the past. Have you ever had to hide your faith? We didn't have to hide it but when Father Barnabas, our Jesuit priest, his career field was architecture (priests have career fields) brown robe and all was commissioned by the Sultan to build a church for us; the caveat was that the windows had to be high enough so the people couldn't see in. 

"Be unassuming and assuming at the same time" is a good way to explain it...hiding in plain sight.

Tribalism is difficult to navigate but it is possible. It takes thought, understanding, respect no matter how much you disagree, love, and knowledge of thought process. That last one is a doozy. It's possible though to speak a culture and not a language. Some people have been practicing this their whole lives. 

He built a school for the children of those he had welcomed so we could stay with our parents and have real family lives and not be sent off to boarding schools. He knew families, if they can, should try to stay together; if it's a good relationship build it. Bonding is key to great team work.

Someone asked what I learned at Royal Flight once...I replied, "The pence, the pound and how I suck at rounders." and then I winked.

We shouldn't dismiss the great things man kind has accomplished and what we can do. I was able to watch in real time the Sultan of Oman change the preverbal landscape of his country and how he did it. 

The call to prayer is called the Adhan. The root word in Arabic is adhina, it means to listen and be informed. We learned that too. 

You can learn anything if you read and listen but you also have to practice.

My name was Deborah, I was a prophetess of war and judge of the Israelites guided by the Angels Uriel and Hamalial. My finishing move was played by Jael. Learn our stories. They are true.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Sunday, November 15, 2020


The fine grains of sand flew through the air curling around in circles, eruptions of tornados scattered as far as the eye could see. 

We walked closely holding hands, I leaned on him and he on me. He was unhindered and unafraid as we moved as one being. The sun was coming over the horizon, golden and bright. Ours eyes burned as we moved toward it together. Our vision was becoming more clear with every step, getting closer to what we knew would await us.

The air changed to a salty flavor. The terrain was transfigured to boulders and rocks jetting out of the earth. Our feet had turned muddy as we plowed through with a duty we didn't understand yet. The water had receded for us to pass but left pools of clear sea we couldn't drink with little fish swimming about.

As we came closer to a new land, fields of tall reeds swayed in a free flowing, gentle breeze.

When we reached the earth above water, soft moss ground cover cleaned our feet and we were free of the dust and sludge. The trees grew tall over our heads until we could no longer see above them. The sun snuck through in beams radiating down showing us the way. We could hear life around us where we had not before. It smelled fresh and pure. Wings of small creatures flew about us gingerly brushing our skin with their softness. 

Terraced steps greeted our arrival. We had to help one another up, they were higher than we could climb by ourselves. They were made for a Goliath. 

The doors were white, speckled with gold and tall made for the Titans to move through. The handles suspended in the middle of the heavy doors were made of the largest stag antlers curved and wrapped in vines of stinging nettle.  

I mounted his broad strong shoulders so I could reach and grab the handle. The nettle burned like thousands of stingers imbedded in my skin. I pulled with all my might to open the door for us...screaming in pain as my skin felt seared. His hands around my waist, he lifted me off him.

With the door opened the threshold beckoned us. We walked through to a place not meant for one man but all men. 

We knew we would be more free than we had ever been but the burden was heavy and we were tired.

The walls were stone and water cascaded down them for us to drink. Bowls of fire kept us warm and the moon full in its glory shown down through the open air above. We could hear howling in the distance and the air hummed enlightenment.  

The pillows were clouds of soft fur that when we fell into them we sank to a place of bright glory that caressed us. The light didn't hurt. It shrouded us with the things we would have to know. To move the future.

My name was Lilith. My job is to hold the Truth uncorrupted and share it for all time. I stand on the shoulders of man kind and guide the way as I was told to do.

The Truth not told anymore is that we left the not knowing and came to Eden and here we are all now. Do you drink of the flowing waters of life? Do you eat the fruits that grow from the ground?

This, today, here, and now we live in Eden if you can see it. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Monday, November 9, 2020

I'll just leave this here for you

I wish for you to be thoughtful for a moment. 

Step out of yourself and put all your dogma behind. 

You are your own person with your individual thoughts. 

I believe that you are able to do that. 

I believe you do it all the time actually...

Now I'd like to tell you something that frightened me to my core (not really, I'm not worried about me...I'm worried about you.)

I saw rage in someones eyes. Actual real rage...because someone didn't believe in the killing of another Human.

Would you please re-read that? 

There is no reason on this Earth that someone should feel rage over something so vital and important.

Not like this is my idol or book let's burn it. 

A fucking Human being.

This is not a question of Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice. 

Some will think it is and get angry. But...but...but...


If you have rage over the thought that someone would believe that NOT killing another Human is bad...that shit might be on you.

I don't actually care if you are Pro-Choice or Pro-life. Welcome to fucking 2020;) 

Is it appropriate behavior in a Civil Society to get angry that someone else believes in the sanctity of life?

Or is that a very scary thought?

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Church of Responsibility


I seriously can't believe it's come to this.

The people that belong to the Church of Responsibility will by their namesake be the first to pay the price.

They lied to you and you ate the rotten fruit and it festered in you. Envy and blame are what you have left. 

When the golden chalice is poured down from heaven what do you think it will look like? For you?

This is me. Kristin

You will find me in Athens, where we know things and if we don't we learn and grow.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Please Stop the Babel

Babbling into The Peoples heads is dangerous. 

Do you know the capacity with which you can control the mind with the Word? or a Picture? 

Everything is being manipulated, most of all You.  

All the Medias hold a power with their lies and false confessions spitting at you with their forked tongue. They have perverted the Truth, spewing Hate and Envy across The Seas.

Humans are following the deception being propagated by All the Medias and Authority figures (politicians, athletes, film figures, and teachers alike) it's their religion.

The Media is proselytizing everyday, all day. Loading the air waves with lies like ammunition; the sites, the sounds with everything they want you to believe. 


One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters."

You can not hide from the Truth. Giving Individuals authority over others is a dark place. Human Nature does not like this and will fight it. Shine the light bright. The seven lamps are on a guided tour into the most repugnant spaces.  

"No justice, no peace", is the same as "peace through submission". Why are you wearing a mask?

Yes, I understand what I'm saying and I'm saying it in total. If you don't understand ask...the shame comes from not asking when you don't know or understand. Knowledge truly is a power.

1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.” 5 Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. 
6 And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay! 7 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.” 8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” 9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’ ” 10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11 Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.”

You would be confused too if you had been told so many lies... With out the ability to discern the lie from the Truth it removes the ability of Individual thought. Ignorance is bliss until you find out you have been eating Soylent Green. You should make a space where you question what others tell you. I'm so fucking serious about this, holy shit people are believing the most absurd things...I know you are smarter than that. I actually believe in YOU. You can no longer go to one left 'news' source and one right 'news' source hoping to find the middle. There is no longer a middle they have declared...
Your Independent thought is their enemy. Like many religions...and Dogmas. 

The Resist movement has concerned themselves with resisting free thought...

"You must obey or we will take your Life, Liberty, and Freedom". By all means they will do just that and have taken the livelihood from others. It hasn't happened to you?...Yet. Your turn will come. They eat their own. Your aren't safe from this disease. None of us are safe from this the True pandemic.

The social shun is real. 

Your commerce is one of their methods. If you don't BELIEVE and REGURGITATE what they have told you, you are the invader into their lies with the Truth. Independent. Free.  

In China, you trust no one. Like it was in the USSR or East Germany before 1989. You know the Wall...that they don't teach about except a sentence here or there? An actual contemporary moment to show mass amounts of people Imprisoned behind a Great Wall. Shot if they tried to escape....To FREEDOM. 

Grace for others is no longer acceptable in their eyes. "They are the Captain now!"-some Somali pirate in that Somali pirate movie. 

We need teachers and thought leaders to guide us. In all my life times I've never seen more unscholarly teachers and figures in authority. It doesn't matter the amount of education you think you have. The Knowing is the key to survival of the Human species and you are retarding Knowledge. That is Evil to me. 

The hand of God is you really want that?...Are they your God? They seem to want to hand out justice...Justice for what exactly?  Something you did? Or a perception on their part? Dig a little deeper on that one. Equality and Equity are not the same, no matter how often they lie about it. 
I suppose that 'What is God to you?" is a good question here...the Creator of all? Or the life force in you that makes you, YOU, independent from others, self-will, determination, ideas, and the Freedom of commerce?

Everyone believes in a God in the dark of Night.

Don't worry. My Voice can get louder. I'm stentorian. I'll roar if I have to. I'll have my Brother bring Thunderbolts down upon you to get your attention. His name IS Thor. 

(I'm joking Thor, if you read this. I really won't call you into this Battle, or is it War now? But how awesome is it that my brothers name Truly is THOR? Also my Father truly is 'the Lion' and I haven't told one lie in all my stories. Look deep into a parable to relate it to you, please. They've been told through time because of the hazards with which we should heed attention are right in front of us...but it's too bothersome to Know...)

I am Me, Myself and I. I am my Trinity and I see it in You as well. Let that light shine...they will see.

You may read what ever story line you like in my tellings. That is a reflection of you. 

Be still and listen

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


I woke up slowly. I had forgotten my new life...
I had to hide my True self.

    The ground was covered in a ruby coloured carpets with golden strings woven throughout. The sun was glistening through the windows, the gold threads reflecting light across the room bouncing here and there, magically illuminating the darkest shadows. 
The curtains carried the current of the breeze like the breath of life, beginning something big.

    I was the chosen one, hand picked for the King because of my beauty. 
My large almond shaped eyes that the King would fall into for days, lined with a thick black coal. Skin taught and flawless. I smelled of Muhrr, from the farthest regions south ruled by a Sultan, not a King. 
I was just for him. 

    My skirts were made of sheer ivory fabrics loosely attached to a chain that fell low on hips, with little bells that praised my movement. 
    My naked back to him he would have me begin my dance. My arms raised and body still, I picked my hip and the sound of a waterfall filled the room, one side at a time until he was drowning in me and couldn't escape. Then still. One shoulder up and down in circles, arms high and loose, hands dancing with the rest of me. I moved how I wanted. To a rhythm of all my own.
The clinking of my gold bracelets around my ankles vibrated through space and time.
My navel moved separate for my hips, untroubled by what the rest of me was concerned with. 
My belly and hips moved as I controlled them separately and in total. An instrument of mine own.

He feasted at my feet.
    He would kiss drops of honey from my belly, suckling at my skin. I knew the way to his heart and soul. I always had something different on the table to feed him. 
A special banquet. 
I was where he could let go and let me have all the control and...

...and he was still and he listened

 My name was Esther. My Tribe called me Hadassah. When I found out the Truth of the harm that would happen to my Family I told the King and saved them to fight another day. Learn my Truth. The story is real.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Destroyer

*Before you start reading this I must tell you my Mind is something not to get lost in. So pay close attention as you the read the Words.

The Destroyer the 'Book' Series

'The Destroyer' was the first book series my Father gave me to start reading. He wanted me to be engulfed in the written Word. He trained me to stop moving and listen. Listen to what others are saying... listen. My interests as a female are unusual and my Father knows this. I didn't care for the books my mom read. All that romance makes someone imagine that life is something it is not. It's an aggregate mind of mine. Reading is a great way to listen...there is no babel jumbling up thought and getting in the way of the Word. It took a lot of training and teaching to get me to heed. I'm wild aniamal here and I'm still practicing. That's what I say, "I'm practicing something" when someone doesn't understand my motives. I'm over here like a dog seeing a squirrel...I'll run after that shit;). I know I have to focus.  

Chiun: Chiun was from Korea, a Master of Sinanju; The Sun Source. An ancient line of Assassins. He was very old and frail looking. Looks can be deceiving. His method of death was his hands. He was the tool. I also think if he was a real man today he would love the Real Housewives of any city... He was a wise, clean living man.

Remo: He was a cop from Newark, framed for something he didn't do and 'executed'. Remo was brought back from death to save the world.  I shit you not...that is the story in a nut shell but I shall continue anyway...repetition is the key to learning. 

Smith: He wanted something better for the world and had figured out how to fight Evil. The director of Chaos, knowing where to put what, when, and only when it is time. I like to say that watching the sausage being made is not pretty. That's a Truth... The resolve of Good is what Smith was made of.

CURE: A super secret squirrel agency comprising of the three men. The composer, The conductor, and The instrument. If you don't have cogs(?) you don't need to worry about slowing the process of sausage making.

It was all a ploy to work outside of the system. It was a plan for the Good of all. Remo was a smart man with many flaws. No Human is perfect, that's our secret power if you know how to use it, for Good or Evil. Please use it for Good. We have a lot of Evil running amok. He was Shiva reborn. Can you imagine being Shiva..whoooo...thats some heavy shit. You should learn other religions. There are good lessons in everything if you are open to it. 

Master Chiun would train and teach Remo the ropes, as they say. Smith was the giver of assignments. Remo was a man of Human wants and desires...they always get in the way it's our nature, we are part of Nature. The body and mind are incredible specimens when trained correctly and put purpose behind that power and you can be unstoppable. Super Human if you will. They struck down Evil to propagate Good. Rot begets Rot 

 My Father

My Father is a man of Peace, because he knows War. He's seen a lot of stuff.

"Pick your battles", my Father tells me. 

"You can not win every battle." 

"Sometimes you have to go with the flow." 

Not every battle is worth fighting and you have to know that you will lose sometimes. You just have to get back up and fight for what you believe in or know when to let go, walk will learn to fight another day and smarter for attention to your lessons. 

The everyday battles we choose are often not important. Usually they are misinterpreted moments of feelings we act on. Things we think are injustices, but really not. You can't see the forest because all you can see is the tree. Take a step back. Look at the whole. These sayings exist for a purpose. 

Our Human nature is to struggle when we feel bound. Inside of us all, the Jihad that word is so encompassing and beautiful when used in the correct ways. The outward meaning is different, know when to get up and fight...and what to fight for and when. Which battles we must either engage, or not; know the different tools with which to strike. You fight for Life. You fight for Civil Society against those that want its destruction. 

My Mother and Fathers Garden

My Mother and Father have a big Garden. It takes a lot of work to propagate a Garden and make it fruitful. Hours tending and loving each plant. Making sure they have what they need. Fertilizer, sun, water, dirt. You have to be patient to reap the rewards of what you work on. Things take time to grow. 

Tomato plants and my Fathers philosophy

 When the plants are mature enough he starts pruning.  He knows the fruit will not be nutritious if he doesn't. He is well known in the Family to cut something so far back my Mother worries that nothing will be left. Some of the plants don't survive. They weren't strong enough to know that the challenge of nutrition is that its up to the individual plant to use that what it's been given to use on its own. The nutrition is knowledge, practice, fortitude and the will and the drive to succeed. 

Some will get more sun then others, bugs will live on one plant and not another. Meanwhile my Mother will not accept this bug infestation situation and goes through each plant picking those bugs off. I'm not making this up. It sounds funny but it's very sweet, but not to the bugs. She rubs those bitches out.

My Mothers always gets frustrated pissed off at my dad when he starts pruning the plants. He is a Master pruner culler

As they harvest their crop they place all the tomatoes on a large table. They pick them ripe sometimes and others green. It's a fruit than can ripen off the vine. You must be careful and watch them though as they ripen. Some of the tomatoes might get rot it spreads yo, like lies. They throw the rotten ones away asap or they will contaminate the whole bunch. Rot begets rot

Be still and listen

My Father is the Lion that herds the sheep 

Inshallah he keeps napping during the news of the days because my Voice carries. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Athens Needs YOU

Why is all this happening?
What kind of Pandemic are we really drowning in?
Who is making the rules to contain you? 
Is it big government?
Is it small government?
How many households can meet at once under one roof in your area? (We are at of yesterday....start looking forward in time...snitches be all around) 
What's the reasoning for that restriction? Don't say particles or I'll punch you in the fucking throat.
15 days to flatten the curve still?
Why does the goal post keep moving?
Also who? what? is Athens?

Are they playing a game with your freedom?

Don't sign up here? 

(I really hope Sargon doesn't mind me borrowing this...)

Be still and listen 

Oh...and fuck your mask. My mask is off...what does that even mean?

Friday, October 23, 2020

Superalloys: Communism vs Freedom

An analogy can be used to teach those that learn differently to grasp a concept...

Superalloys: Communism vs Freedom

Problem: Our Country is on fire bitches!

We the People = Atoms

Civil Society = Crystal Structure

Your Country = Alloy

Your County on fire bitches = Heat

Freedom (USA) = Solid Solution

Communism = Precipitation Hardening 

How do you bond a Civil Society when the Country is on fire and you need to withhold the heat? = How do you keep the inter-atomic bonds from breaking apart when individual Atoms are exploding and breaking apart the Crystal Structure and destroying the Alloy?  
How do you stop Civil Society from breaking apart and destroying our Country? = How do you make an Alloy a Superalloy?
We need to super size this Superalloy kids.

Solid Solution or Precipitation Hardening


Communism = Precipitation Hardening 

Precipitation Hardening is the virus of Communism = different phases, slow infiltration of Communism into Civil Society is like a virus. The virus of Communism = Precipitates, the 'thought control', everything is ordered by rank because they, the virus, said so. We the People, Atoms, are scared to do anything accept what told because Civil Society = Crystal Structure has been burned to the ground by the heat. We the People, Atoms, become bloated when heated filling the vacuum created by the destruction of Civil Society. Bloated Atoms make the structure stronger to withhold the heat without a Crystal Structure = No Civil Society...bonded by the ultimate authority of a virus, a mob of thought control = A Superalloy

Different analogy : I'm a mom..."Why?",  "Because I said so. That's why."...then all the little sheep get in line. I have the shirt, my son gave it to me, "Because I said so" -Mom. I might have an inside track on this.

Freedom (USA) = Solid Solution

Solid Solution is bringing in more Atoms to make the bond stronger. You have a group of We the People, Atoms, moving around the Crystal Structure, the rules that keeps them bonded = Civil Society; things in order and going about their business. Think of an invasion into your Civil Society lighting everything on fire and if you don't do something it will burn to the ground. You need all the help you can get from individuals, We the People, Atoms, with different skill sets. Similar to a military formation covering all angles; digital, air, space, sea, and ground, but more. It's a different age, the heat is different then what We the People have ever combated ...think bigger...schools, civic leaders, artists, thinkers, sandwich makers, logistics, scientists, towers and comms. Atoms, We the People, ARE the Civil Society. We must move in tandem to strengthen the bond of Civil Society. All the Atoms, We the People, new and old bond to the Crystal Structure filling in gaps where needed, like a swarm, quashing the fire; making the Alloy, Country, impervious to the heat. The attack on Civil Society will fail =  A Superalloy

Different analogy: Imagine a wolf pack formation on a hunt or on a trek... Weakest goes second to last. Where we go one We go all (I don't mean that in the way you might think. Or do I? That's a funny joke). Strength in numbers. Know your objective. It's Civil Society but it must have teeth and know when to strike...and where. 

Prevent, trap, and divert 

I think that is a shit good time of an analogy.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Judas and The Whore

     I was so young and very beautiful. My hair long and full, brilliant brown; it flowed through the air as I walked like deep waves in the ocean, my hips dancing with the flow. My skin was smooth to the touch, the finish of marble that had been touched so often, almost golden like when you look up in the night sky and blend all the galaxies. My eyes were grey, green, a storm off the horizon with lashes that made camels jealous. 


    Judas hated me. His envy always ate at his soul. It was his to control but hadn't listened hard enough and focused all his strength on this. Only one thing would be able to help him, self control. He grabbed me like he owned me that last night. Nobody owned me. I was the owner. I was the owner of all the truth, I was conscious. Conscious to speak with the leaders and love them, not judge them but guide them. He hated the power he thought I had. It wasn't a power I yielded except in his head. Because if he had my knowledge he would have carried it like a sword falling on the neck of another. I was taught to keep the secrets, to keep the soul safe. He looked on me with disgust, sometimes he would kick sand on me when he walked by. I remember his feet. His left big toe nail was cracked and the yellow of diseased piss.  


    He enjoyed it when others saw me come and go. He didn't mind the gawking eyes. If Caesar wouldn't be ashamed then why should he. That strength was comforting, not caring what others thought. His soul was tortured with dashed hopes. It never made sense to me. He had everything he needed and more; he had things he wanted. 

    He knew I loved dates, big, thick juicy and sweet ones. I could only eat one though. There was inevitably a bowl there for me to have, he got them in ways I hated at times. I always knew. I always heard of the sacrifices. They were just for me to do with as I desired. I never let that bowl go to waste. I took them all. Every. Time. He knew I didn't take them for myself. My pockets would flow over with treats for the children as I left. I waited till I was out of town to hand them out.  

    He wasn't how history portrayed him. His truth was pain of not having the ability to hold the mob back because he played by the rules. Command and rules managed Pilate. The women that didn't know me hated me. They were the mob. They were full of spite and self loathing. They projected their ugliness on me. 

    ...He liked me in the afternoon when people would hide under fronds from the heat of the sun. A mid-afternoon taste sometimes and others we lay making sure our skin touched, his fingers traced my waist and hip, back and forth. Slow, methodically, with purpose. His touch lighting a fire deep in me. He would confide in me his worries and ask for the thoughts of the people. When he held me it was disciplined and tame. He would take my hair and his fingers ran through it. He held my head back and kissed my neck letting his tongue savor my salty skin, with tenderness you wouldn't have expected. He was never forceful but he was always determined. Pilate's virility was always at stake either on top of me or with the sword. It was in him. He was a warrior; a fighter, and a thoughtful. 

    Men were different then. The hierarchy was basal at times. The blood guard strolled down the stone streets like they owned them. Their job was to have a purpose like the rest of the people around me. Let them be weavers, beggars, or scribes...everyone needs a purpose. There was an understanding with some of us. There were deliberate and sensitive conversations we had huddled, we were always wary. 

    Pilate knew what we were doing the whole time and believed in our message. He welcomed it. He just didn't have the steadfastness we would need. Or he had the amount he was supposed too.


    That last night when Judas grabbed me...I wasn't physically strong, that's what the men are for...the strength of physical. He said he wanted to talk alone and I agreed. We walked away from the light of the fire and safety. He put his anemic hands on my shoulders and pushed me into the dirt. I landed on my hands. Bits of rocks cut in to my palms. He drove my face into the earth. Sand in my mouth, I tasted metal. It was just blood. He came behind me, heaved my hair towards him. I was his dog. He pulled my skirt and injected himself into me with ever molecule of hate he could muster. I fought him as much as I could. I yelled and screamed for help. It was just physical, that I could over come, the humility though...I thought that was bad. I was only human. We were all only human. All of us. One of the Sanhedrin were near by, heard me and came trotting as fast as his legs would move. I wish he hadn't. He saw what Judas was doing. There could be no denial. There were no thirty pieces of silver. 

The price would be my Love. My true Love. 

None of us imagined what would come next...


    My name was Mary then. I'm called many names through time. I was a whore in their church and I was their true love. Their love was power over others.

One day I'll tell you a story. 

Be still and listen

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Dupery that is Multiculturalism

*I wrote this a few years ago when Obama was President. 

There is out cry from the left about being inclusive and respecting other peoples culture...and don't say America is a melting pot because that's mean...and takes away individualism(?).

Unintended offensive behavior is what you should be scared of- no joke.
The leftist agenda 'hate' speech police are looking for you. '1984' anyone?
I'm not sure what I consider hate speech. I'm quite frightened what a leftist would consider 'hate speech'. This blog could be considered hateful because I tell the truth.

The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." is more of what we need.
'We need more Walker Texas Ranger and less Dr Quinn Medicine Woman.'- Step Brothers
Teaching your children to have some intestinal fortitude and know that if someone calls them a name it actually doesn't mean anything unless they want it to. Don't do the ol' 'break a plate on the say sorry to all the pieces. Did it magically fix itself? No...see sorry doesn't help. It's a fucking plate. Stop raising pussies. Yeah that's right...I said it and I mean it.
Did it hurt your feelings?
YOU choose your feelings.
YOU get to choose to be happy, sad, pissed..all of them. That is a choice. Feelings are choices.
You don't have to like it. The truth is never comfortable for those in denial.
You choose how you react to external situations...even internal ones. (I'm not talking about people with mental disorders or suffering from depression.)
Anywho...that was a rant and has a bit to do with you being duped about the greatness (and also the hypocrisy the left advocates) that is multiculturalism . for your feelings..I don't care about your feelings.

As an American and child of this world I love the USA. I also love things that are Moroccan. I love 'Persian' (that's what Iranians that are embarrassed of Iran call themselves) things and Japanese.
One of the most fabulous things about this planet is that we are all not the same. We come from different backgrounds and cultures. That is beautiful to me...just as long as your culture doesn't want to in-slave me, kill me (or you). (Capitalism frees you to succeed, or fail. Socialism in-slaves and takes your freedom.)
It's also one of the beauties that makes the USA so great...because our forefathers created a country that people of other cultures could integrate into society and in turn society vacuumed up their wonderful culture and made it their own.

Food is a perfect example of the USA absorbing LEGAL immigrants culture...
Pizza, 'American' Chinese food, tacos..see what I'm saying? Those are American to Americans. Yeah, yeah...originally they came from somewhere else but we made them our own.
An alluring melting pot. With that melting pot takes integration and ...assimilation! That's such a mean word. Don't worry I still see you as a special individual...just that for society to work well you have to have some kind of assimilation or you have anarchy.

The left doesn't like the big bad USA. I'm not sure why. Our own President (Obama) apologized for us being so awesome. I'm not sorry we are incredible. Our melting pot is one of the main reasons we are so incredible.
I also think Germany is great. ...and Japan. ...and England. -all three countries have atrocious pasts. You don't hear the left slamming them at every chance. Think about that hypocrisy.
 I also love that their culture is different...
...and theirs.
Hear what I'm saying? It's ok that we are different except the left wants us all to be different and the same at the same time...

There has been a mass migration of refugees from the Middle East. The majority of immigrants which are Muslims. The left would have you believe they are all peaceful and all refugees. They aren't. Please also don't point out that which I know to be true and factual as false for I will bury you.

Respect others opinions

The Storm Witch

Do you wonder if the human race is redeemable? 

I'm searching. 

I'm watching in live time the destruction of families and individuality all in the name of collectivism. We all know that collectivism does not work. It's been proven over and over. How many lessons are needed? Human nature will not allow it. You were not made in the image of a group. You were made an individual with free thoughts and free will in our Mother and Fathers image.  

You all thought it was one thing, one idea; One truth. 

The truth is YOU. It's right there by what ever name you give it.

I stand in front of you as the truth and I feel despair for all of you. 

The old men picked at the words of the wise and changed them to fit themselves. 

I am the trinity of Me, Myself and I. The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone. The Truth, The Light and The Dark.

I am the Storm Witch.

I travel through the heavens above and have since the beginning of all time. I see all you do.

You will not control me.

You will not control the Earth as it was made.

The Sea is mine and you will drown in my tears I have shed for you.

When I put war paint on; it will be Your war. 

It will be for the World. 

It will be for everyone to see. 

For I am the Standard. 

They will burn the Standard down and I will rise from the depths of death and bring you home. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

My Finnish Grandfathers Death

My Grandpa was a typical low income American from immigrants living in New England. I'm under the impression they were from the Finnish/Russian border area. You can do the math on that one concerning my anti communism stance, "for I know evil when it is before me". 

They called him Patchy because he was from The Patch. His birth name was Berthel Ragnar. He was a very handsome man. I look almost exactly like him but a female, and I hope a way more attractive version. The jaw, the beady eyes, the pretty good skin, and the most excellent strong cheek bones. All of which I did not choose. That is not a proposition of life.

My father grew up in a tenet house in a factory town in Massachusetts (thank you spell check). The town had a grey tint to it, the grass, the sky...all the time. I think it was despair. His father was an alcoholic that would disappear for days and weeks...I've even heard months. My father didn't tell me this...I was just listening when everyone else thought I was talking. I didn't hear much bad talk, it was mostly how much he loved his grandchildren, particularly my older sister with her locks of golden hair. Mine was always dirt brown and stringy. I don't remember this grandpa well. I remember when he died though...or was very sick and looking through to deaths door. He died of have to whisper that word in a factory town

We were living in Seeb, Oman. I think it was around 1978...?

The phone wasn't used often; and my mom was on the phone a lot I had noticed. It wasn't cheap to call long distance back in the day. (Holy shit I have to say back in the day and actually mean it.) You didn't have a chance to talk to your family wrote letters bitches. There was a desk to the right of the door to the hallway outside, on our very shiny terrazzo floors . They were ivory white with bits of black, and grey with tiny sand colour sprinkled throughout (that terrazzo floor is a story unto itself). The phone was on the right of the desk and to the left was a stack of air plane tickets to be filed out. We were different then normal people...because my father worked for Pan Am and Pan Am was kick ass

When we would go back to the States it was always an event. Traveling always meant, best manners, best behavior and a lovely hop to Bahrain on Gulf Air. Gulf Air hops were always worrisome for me more so than the 727's and on an awesome trip...the 747's. Their aircraft were small and always felt rickety. The siding inside would shake and rattle and not just during take off and landings. The orange juice was really tang and I hate tang. You also had to know where all the exits were, how to open the plane door and what to do in case of a hijacking. We always had to be aware of our surroundings. There were wars literally to the left and to right of us, Dofar and, well all that Iran shizzle and all the other lovely events that seem to have happened since the beginning of time...and never, ever, wear polyester because it will melt to your skin in a fire. 

To add on to travel fun for parents of 4 lovely children, when we arrived in New York, before deregulation, you had to switch airports coming and going. One for International travel (Newark?) and the other for domestic (LaGuardia?). 

"Taxi!" My dad would yell as we all lined up with suitcases inside suitcases. On the way home they would be filled to the brim with hubba bubba and new clothes...and anything else someone might have needed for us to pick up. My dad hated/hates New York and worse the drivers, he didn't swear in front of us girls and if ever did he still says, "Excuse my French." My mom on the other hand swears like a sailor thats been out to sea too long. Oh wait that's me, I just get it from her. I liked it when we would get one of the old taxies with the doors that opened in opposite directions. I still feel at home most amongst old things. I think it's in my blood.  

My first ex husband wrote a paper for his Masters on air line deregulation so I know almost everything from every angle on it to an absurd point. I'm hearing while you all think I'm talking yo;). 

I don't recall where we always stayed when we would go back east, if it was Mrs. Balls house or not, but I do remember something of the sort. Mrs. Balls house was an old wine coloured Victorian on Chestnut Street, the light shined a bit brighter there. She was nice to me. She rented out rooms, like the Forrest Gump story but completely different. There were stairs when you came in the house, nothing grand and palatial, but had a great sliding rail. Up the stairs was a hallway and three doors; heavy, dark wood sturdy doors. We would go to the one on the right, I think. I spent most my time outside playing super heroes, I was always Storm or Wonder Woman, or in the kitchens. Inside stuff was boring. We weren't allowed to be bored. Only uninteresting people allow themselves listlessness.

This would be a different time though. There was no travel for the 4 of us kids. My brothers went to The Rodgers, Carol and Mr. Rodgers and my sister and I packed a small bag each and headed to the Batstones. It was like a vacation to me. I didn't care if I slept on the floor. I loved staying with them. Mr. Batstone was the 'Weather' man, he would call me his little white witch. White witches control the storms. Mrs. Batstone had to stitch me up a few times, she was a legit nurse. She was one of my moms best friends in the whole wide world. ( I think there are only two for my mom. She's blessed to have had them and I am too because I got to have them in my life for a time as well). I think she was one of the Sultans nurses, maybe that's a story I made up though. They had two kids, Charles and Rachel. I looked up to Charles, he was good friends with my older brother. Rachel was way cooler and a year or two older than me and friends with my sister. I was just a little kid that was always climbing and falling and spying and talking. I've had so many stitches I've lost count. They used to called me scarface. The scars have faded with time. 

I didn't miss my grandfather after he left us, I didn't really know him.

"Every thing dies."

...and I was young and busy.


This is an adults perspective of a child's life events. Memories morph from a child's perspective to an adults perspective. Some of my accounting is wrong. I'm sure of it...memories blend with memories and we create that which we want to see so the past will fit our today. This is a tenet of my life.


Saturday, October 17, 2020


A while back the earth shook beneath my feet and not just once. 
I was fat and happy as they say and then I wasn't. Or maybe I just thought I had been.

(As you read know I'm fine now.)
I became ill. 
I have vertigo and fall to the right. Always to the right; it can be disconcerting.
I forgot how to cook and organize. I forgot how to time manage.
I lost 50lbs in 3 months. 
My eyes couldn't handle the light. No, it wasn't a migraine. It was just my eyes.
I can hear the electricity and sometimes have to unplug things because it's such an irritating sound. I have super hearing, always have it just got worse...or better.
I was very frightened. 
It was my stress and anxiety manifesting physically in me.
I had been tip toeing around shards of glass unsure of every step.

Chaos manages me whether I like it or not. With all the grace I can muster I must manage my chaos. I'm lacking in the grace department. (That is a joke.)

When I stand naked in front of you for you to see my flaws I am most free; in turn I hope to free you from being alone. We are only human. To be human is great. It is also a great responsibility.

On a normal regular day I'm like a macro dose of Ayahuasca to those around me.
Fires should be stared at. Bowls of water for gazing. 
Introspection should take you to the deepest fathoms of your soul...and I hope I've transported others to places they could never have imagined, brought comfort when need and acceptance when others shun.
I can't hide my feelings if I'm sad, angry or happy. 
The truth of me is easy to see. 
I speak out loud. I live out loud. I question everything. I see the beauty in all. I also see the pain. There is no light if there is no darkness.
I believe in the grounding and the spirit flight. Call me crazy but I know I'm blessed even when my life is out of control. I control me.

Why do I worry? Because somebody has too. The future matters. The Authorities on Earth aren't doing a good job. I don't know if you've noticed. I'm talking about the WHOLE world. People are hysterical and need real guidance not control.
I did not use the word Leaders, I specifically use the word Authorities.
We need leaders not manipulators. 

I'm a believer in Chaos theory and it works for me. For in chaos there is order. 
If you are Atlas, and I know you are, please don't shrug.

I'm not rebellious but man will not govern me for I am conscious. This is a tenet of my life

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Gift of Forgiveness

One of the blessings of humanity is the gift of forgiveness. Forgiveness is hardest for ourselves because we often can't move beyond our own doings. 

The soldier that has to deal with the death... whom do they blame? 
The addict that fought their way out of an abyss, but after they see the light, then they look back and say, "Oh no what have I done?" Who do they blame? 
Convicted felons live forever with their crimes, literally, just as the victims. How long do you continue to be a victim? 

The border lines between many countries have often been drawn by those with no interests other than their own. It was done so long ago it's only remembered in stories from our Fathers. The people that live on one side are mad at the other, for things neither had anything to do. 
The Children of Earth shoulder the blame of the past and carry falsely the burdens of others long dead.

Responsibility for ones actions is key to forgiveness; actual real personal responsibility, but to know it you must accept it in yourself first. None of us is perfect. 

We must leave room for learning and forgiveness...for ourselves and others. 

Some people are stuck in an eternal loop of a hell of their own making. 
Where do you put the blame? 
All the while the answer was inside themselves.  
Personal responsibility for one's own actions is often the hardest to accept. 
To blame no one...but to just love. 

Blame is one of the children of hate. 
What kind of future are you making for the children of love and peace?
It's only your true self that can forgive and not blame.  

The swaths of humans on this planet Earth have not been here long. 
We have only begun. 
To understand, and most importantly accept we are just animals that must coincide together in a symbiotic relationship with all this dirt, metal, bears, and virus. 
We have no choice. We do have a choice how we walk forward in to the future. Only the past you can't control.
The good and bad is in all of us. 
I know this to be true, this is part of my tenet of life. 
We choose to be good. 
We choose to be bad. 
We choose to be happy. 
We choose to be sad.
Our life is under our control, even if just bits of it. 
We must as a people (humans as a whole) forgive. 

When the tribes of the people can stand up and say no the petulant blame we have the best chance to move forward. 
The truth of horror that happened to someones grandfather is real. 
Forgiveness lives in each one of us; it's you that are in charge of it. 

Ownership of individual choices is key to your personal happiness but to get there you must forgive.
It's a beautiful feeling when we can own the good things. 
In the depths of the hell of our own bad choices.
God lives in us. When we ask God for forgiveness if we aren't truthful God knows it. 
God lives in all of us. 
We our own God, or devil of our choices.

We've lost religion and with it guidance.
It's right here 
Waiting for you 
Be still and listen

Friday, September 18, 2020

So long Joe Rogan and thanks for all the fish

 I've just managed to untangle myself from the fetal position after hours of lady cramps. I'm fucking 48 and still dealing with this trash blessing. Seriously though, while reeling in pain as I curse my ancestors a glimmer of light shown through into my dark unforgiving soul. 

Joe Rogan's new pod cast!

His guest is, Douglas Murray. I know nada about him. (Sometimes it's more fun to jump into the water to figure out the temp... figuratively. If I don't say figuratively someone inevitably will harm themselves with their own stupidity but blame someone else 'cause how can someone be actually responsible for their own actions. That's just retarded.)

Brilliant conversations...thought provoking. Idea sharing.

Idea sharing; it used to be a normal thing. I think. I read about philosophers and that's what Universities were supposed to be but I think we can all agree that Universities are not about Idea sharing. If you don't believe that please reach out and ask questions. A simple goggle search will help. You have to stop listening to what people say is happening and actually see it yourselves. Which has been made even harder these days. 


There is a difference between male and female and it's manifesting itself right now. It's fucking tangible bitchs! 

I'm a woman. Am I different then men? Hells yeah I am. Am I better because I'm a woman? No. Am I less? Who the fuck would put that thought in anyones mind literally retarded civil society. Depends on what we are talking about. That answer is bothersome to 'the left(?)' because it asks questions that are opposed to their thought programing. 

But we haven't been able to talk about it. I have 'cause apparently I stopped giving any fucks since birth much to my parents dismay and dare I say civil society that I have unapolgetcly also been a part of the decay of the aforementioned and what have you. I'm sorry not sorry mom and dad.

I love talk radio. I always have. We didn't have a T.V. and when we did get one it was only Star Trek and some arabic Sesame St. For real. No Lie.  I'll listen to sports talk, car talk but my favorite is political talk. Not real conversations in that I think they should be.

Then walks in Covid and Joe Rogan into my world. Real conversations between real people. Some really smart people discussing intelligent thoughts and ideas in a genuine manner. I arrived late to the party.

The party of Ideas not dogma.

Bret Weinstein's Dark Horse with Ben Shapiro and ton's of others you should be listening too. Not necessarily agreeing with but listen. And still your mind and hear as well. 

Since the infection of Covid on society in the US we have a problem that is larger than is comfortable to talk about. Out loud. Without being called a kook or conspiracy theorist or a Karen. And seriously fuck you all with your Karen shit. Here is another fucking label for you, you pansy ass bitch. If you had an ounce of knowledge from neurons actually firing I'd be surprised let alone a pico amount of actual pretend sympathy you say you have of which I've seen none. I'd like to be the Woody Harrelson of words, smashing garbage tourist glass that who the hell buys in a break between killing zombies? but your dumb ass word terrorists won't let me say the truth.  What people should be saying is fucking grow up and start thinking about your great grandchildren and what kind of actual real world with thought police shit and we have to start managing it now.  It sounds crazy but it's true. You have to pay attention to what world leaders are actually saying not one of the media or a tweet or a headline. Do you have the time to watch the cue of your Facebook account? We need to pay attention to people with authentic ideas, in historical context, and most important how people think and why they are thinking about the trash critical theory or feelings. And still your mind and hear as well . What are your local civil leaders doing and saying? Are you reading their proposed ideas on how to re engineer our communities. I want you, personally, to look up your city council members proposals or talk to them if you can. While looking this up keep in mind world management. The UN? The EU? The Lizard people from Venus?!!! Joking aside you need to pay attention and the internet isn't the real world. 

I'm not sure if my digression there was helpful or not but it's a way... 

Like many people out there looking for some sanity in a very chaotic time....Don't you sometimes just wish you were one of the dolphins that got to escape? You aren't though so be grateful for the fish. That totally makes sense to me and if you didn't read the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy well...that's just dumb. (The fish is knowledge silly and we need to feed our minds.) Or maybe you aren't high enough...holy shit that was a joke and it wouldn't matter anyway.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Welcome Home

We do not get a choice that we have life.

We do get to choose what we do with our life.

Welcome home.