Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Prophecy of Models


A great model starts with a solid foundation. The artist/prophet sits down with a vision of their desired future. They build a road map to get where they are going, the structure they will have in the end is the goal. Starting with small sticks they bind them knowing they might have to move them around to better positions, stronger, more creative ones to hold the structure and create the art; building a society, individuals with purpose. Communication and understanding of where we stand in the structure is key to the strength of a great model.  

Bad models are built with a foundation of lies and chosen material to fit a certain criteria that you may not question. They have an outcome they have envisioned. The architects use carefully picked deceitful information of manipulated data and sell it to the faithful. All prophets know how to do this. The communist utopia where everyone is the same discounts the strength of the individual few sticks holding everything up...A few blows to some of the sticks and the whole structure falls.

The religious faithful believe the prophecy of models to be true and unquestionable. The prophecy never comes true because it's built on false data presented to the faithful. 

They call you names and tell you, you may not question their truth...like the religious devoted. Any data referencing Truth is shunned and rejected as the blind zealot closes their eyes to the Truth.

"The Truth and the Lie meet on the road one day. The Lie says to the Truth: “It’s a marvelous day today”!The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was truly beautiful. They walk together for a while, until they reach a beautiful well. The Lie tells the Truth: “The water in the well is very nice, let’s take a swim together!” The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed, is very nice. They undress and start the bathe. Suddenly, the Lie jumps out of the well, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs off towards a nearby village. The furious Truth leaps out of the well and runs to find the Lie and get her clothes back. The Villagers, seeing the Naked Truth, are horrified and look away with contempt and rage. The poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared, forever hiding her shame.And since that day, the lie travels the world, clothed as the Truth". The Truth is the Truth and I'm standing naked in front of you.

They yell "science!" at you but all the while they are the same that preach we can be anybody we want. You are the model of You. We don't get a choice of what, where or who we are born. Real science is that a man is man and a woman can not be a man and a man can not be a woman. You can not rewrite that. 

The people in authority telling us we can't do something and then flaunt it in our faces. They prophesies their models lying to the people living above everyone else. The model of The New World Order takes one of our greatest gifts from us, communication; the power of Free speech. The New World Order has a doctrine that restricts and erases words and hides, clothed as the Truth.


    His Mother and I came to an unspoken understanding that all the people needed help and hope. A message of love and understanding. Self-worth and freedom of thought. We were at a cross roads and the path in the direction of Envy and Blame was easy and comfortable. The other path of Knowledge and Truth was uncomfortable. We were given the site to see what could happen if we made it so.  

We used the power of the word and those of the faith to create an outcome we thought the people needed.  

The greatest foundation to be built upon is Forgiveness, Peace, and Love.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

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