Thursday, December 31, 2020

A New Years Resolution

We are entering a new year...2000 years later...

With a positive mind growth (growth mindset) I'm looking forward. That should scare the shit out of all you bitches, me, mind growth...I add gain of function all the the use of synthetic aperture radar...yeah...I said that and it's hilarious to me.

I'm looking for some one to lead the world. Aren't you? You sure as shit better be.


Cultures of all types

Knowledge of International relations

Clear understanding of what Freedom means

Someone that does not lie...we've had enough of fucking liars

A person that respects other people's beliefs

A great communicator

Some one that can think differently than we have reach greater heights.

Some one that is not a politician but knows how governments work

Skilled with military knowledge 

Genuinely a good person

I'm looking for the greatest Narcissist of all times.

Sort of like the second coming of Christ but bigger...brighter.

Every person I meet has entered a job interview whether they know it or not; because I believe in you and I need to know how much you believe in your self. You should be interviewing people too.

They've made Narcism a bad word because in a communist ideology you can't have people believe in the self. It destroys them from the outside in. That's why they destroy small business owners and tell people, "you can't do this"...and I need you to do it. I believe in you.

The last 2 Presidents of the USA came out of no where. 

A community organizer. 

A man that had never run for any office.

Think about that and start applying your self, because we need you.

...and if you think you can't do it won't be. We the People will build you up and catapult you through the heavens. ...and we will have achieved that, the greatest Freedom for all man kind through all the ages to come;).

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