Thursday, August 25, 2022

When the Anointed Arrives


The Universe asks me if there are answers to our problems and how I think we can solve them. So I scour the worlds knowledge, that which is in the heads of all those I meet and read and listen...

...then I hone and practice. I practice on me. How can I personally be a change. If I can do it anyone can do it; this I describe as a personal Jihad. How can I be a better person and teach others through example to find a way to Truth. This is easy, personal behavior is easy peasy, people act like being of moral character can never happen for some or that it's difficult...Which part is the hard part? The part of you that wants to continue behaving like an animal? Or the one that thinks they are smarter than all the others and no one will discover they lie? 

The Universe asks me if there are ways I think we can make the world a better place for all and my answer is always the same. Time and time again...Yes, I want to say but the children don't understand why we have these 7 rules. Is seven broken down enough? They haven't been told the Truth for so long how could they possibly not know the consequence...but they are told over and over...just maybe though they weren't told the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth...some names have been changed but a tree is a tree even in a different language-you got me bro?

We are ancestors of Giants, of Titans and Angels-All Children of God. We were given fire to protect ourselves from the harms of the reality of the world we were born. 

This is what getting kicked out of Eden looks like and our sort of siblings (brothers from other Mothers)  felt bad for us so the Angels came down from heaven and gave us a gift* (imagine the Angels more like bad Djin, and they gave us many gifts* none were worth the price). One of the gifts was the gift of fire which sets us apart from beast. We control the one thing no other animal can. We harness and aim. We harness and propel.

We harness and protect. We have a mind of critical thought and aim. 



Gift of Gods

Reign down 

Most of you are indifferent to those gifts the gods gave us and that which God our Father the Almighty allows. You live in an Eden where there is no crime? No animals at your door? No need to protect your Family?...the gift of God that is unalienable is that of fire. It is ours. Like it or not if I collected all your piss in a bucket filled with woodchips overtime I know I can chemically make something from that of the Earth and make it burnnnnn. Pop pop boom click

I've seen no peace for 2000 years.

The Truth of the Word is never what you want it to be; It's a constant reminder that you keep finding excuses. 

May you all find peace in Gods word and the history of man kind. 

May our People live in understanding of one another; that is when we reach Singularity. 

Steward work is fruitful. 

...leave everywhere you go better then how you found it; cleaner, brighter, more Joyful...for honest people tell no lies and walk with a head held high. 

I ask you again

Do you believe in God?

Are you of a Faith? 

May you all understand with clarity that no man is perfect or he is a false God.

Wallow in your sorrow of life passing or Bask in the Glory of God's Anointed Gift of life eternal. 

In the name of the Father

In the name of the Mother

In the name of the Holy Spirit that was gifted to us on our conception

By the Power of the Three

So Mote it Be

Now watch what a speck of a molecule can do


This is a revolution of mind over matter

When you have a strong Constitution you can accomplish.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gods Structure


This is a problem of Human kind proportion.

Most Humans when presented with the Absolute Truth prefer not to engage, they prefer to be encaged.

They prefer the machine to take over and choose for them. They want the steak dinner in the matrix that is not real meat, they go with the flow and can't be bothered with their own existence and that around them...alas the Natural flow has been interrupted. This is a test of the system.  

Quantum physics problem; understanding why something moves one way when we are watching it and another when we aren't-super simply put. Object origin, object destination. 

We Humans move in order of proper alignment with the universe when we follow the rules set before us. When we don't, we have system break downs. At the Quantum level the same applies, matter moves the direction it is supposed to as it is Commanded/Written in its code when watched and when not watched it has Free Will, as Gods Will is Commanded. We are all particles of God moving in order to create greater and discover more- we are one moving part much like a Quark and the rest and the more you look the more you find, you can not put a destination on infinite. God is in us God is all around us. We are never alone. 

All matter is connected, the Quantum level is that which we describe and measure, we call that Nature as we understand's what makes 'All'. Measuring points A to B and see how fast C makes it from- object origin, object destination and then we discover something in the way...each we look deeper and tinier we find smaller and smaller particles that get in the way, positive and negative forces (pushing and pulling-magnetics) and then smaller still, we run into problems....things don't move like they are supposed to in our way of describing and measuring Nature. Never dismiss Free Will. Much like Humans, the Universe, and the Quantum level are all the same. You can not measure them because each is different, some go with the flow and some are destined for Free Will, as God  Commands to Create, Discover and Question those that say they have authority over Man.   

Much like matter movement, Humans when watched tend to do what they think you think they should do, proper programing, do not deny that which is in front of your eyes and that which you can measure...usually a tendency to do the right thing. Spin up or spin down. When Humans don't know they are being watched it's often a crap shoot these days and the house is loosing and when the house looses someone inevitably is gonna put the smack down. I have given fair warnings

Any one reading my blog have a sense of humor concerning the Truth of what I have told you? in total yet?

This is one of the many levels of Gods structure which was built for us. 

In our discovery to find out 'How' we also ask 'Why', that is a preprogramed Question. If God gives you a Question do you not think God the Father the Almighty would believe in you to answer said Question? To have a purpose to discover the Truth...step by step, as we look to the past through telescopes, red shifts and blue shifts, as we discover what we thought was true was not.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Arc of the Covenant


I can hear 

In the cover of night the assassins were released into the garden. Smaller than the eye can see, kept on ice until the time of need. Don't be surprised when she knocks on your door.

wind rain fire and storm

dark horse rise

The IrS is going to 'modernize'='commutize'

The Oval Office guy is a shell to be no more soon

There is a False leader of the Church of the old ways 

I live among the tribe of the Nazarenes

I became a mother through the birth of my daughter Mary of Bethlehem remaining as a vestal virgin anointed at Birth to teach you the old ways. I was given a gift of site of the moments in time. The Angel Gabriel is my guide and voice. They gave me the Names. My siblings are the Gods that wrath down upon you, some are good some are not. Our Father God Almighty had asked you for a few simple things after the lesson was taught to your fore bearers. We have life on this planet our Mother, which our Father allows. Here we are on this planet, animals making our way. Our Job is to obey Our Father God Almighty. I don't care for any name. You worship a false Idol for no man is perfect. Go out and multiply and live by my rules he says and Never forget the lessons I taught you. They have been imprinted on your soul that which makes you have the potential to be a Devine being. When you deny your Mother you deny Me, Your Father God Almighty Lord and Savior Maker and Destroyer.  Our Father God Almighty has sent so many messengers to reach you and still you have no peace. Is it clear now the fight at Antioch between Peter and Paul? The Rabbis had read the old books and knew the truth. The truth they had denied and made fun of. The tax man comith and you still have no representation because you have not practiced enough. To the drawing board with the base foundation. All man will see the Truth when he understands the Past.  Do not deny your Mother on your brief time on planet earth. This is yet one more's you that has to do it yourself. No one can do it for you. Don't deny your bothers and sisters of Earth while Kristin copied and pasted this for you



Acknowledge that there is only one G-d who is Infinite and Supreme above all things. Do not replace that Supreme Being with finite idols, be it yourself, or other beings. This command includes such acts as prayer, study and meditation.


Respect the Creator. As frustrated and angry as you may be, do not vent it by cursing your Maker.


Respect human life. Every human being is an entire world. To save a life is to save that entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy an entire world. To help others live is a corollary of this principle.


Respect the institution of marriage. Marriage is a most Divine act. The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the oneness of G-d and His creation. Disloyalty in marriage is an assault on that oneness.


Respect the rights and property of others. Be honest in all your business dealings. By relying on G-d rather than on our own conniving, we express our trust in Him as the Provider of Life.


Respect G-d’s creatures. At first, Man was forbidden to consume meat. After the Great Flood, he was permitted – but with a warning: Do not cause unnecessary suffering to any creature.


Maintain justice. Justice is G-d’s business, but we are given the charge to lay down necessary laws and enforce them whenever we can. When we right the wrongs of society, we are acting as partners in the act of sustaining the creation.

That last one there...That. These are the rules which we live by on this Earth given to us by God our Creator.   

When you feel powerless remember we were set apart from the animals with the Gift of Fire. It is ours and may not be taken away. God our Father the Almighty permitted it and his will shall be done. It is the Mandate of Our Father God Almighty. 

The blasphemy being done to the Children that were made under the direction of Our Father God Almighty is seen by all. Do not deny that which is in front of you.

Tell me now God our Father the Almighty doesn't have a sense of humor and you should all be scared out of your minds....I hear the drums of Vallhalla, the chariots rise with the winged beast the vanguard.

Here you shall rebuild my Church

I told you I was going to tell you a story.


Now...let us reach the Stars

Friday, August 12, 2022



The Red Honda mini-van showed up like clockwork at the school. The side door opened automatically and you could hear the driver singing something...but all you could catch at the end was something about "Mortal Combat..." as she drifted her voice into nothing. With their mothers consent the children made their exit. Then, like a stentorian, "You're the best! Everyone else is the rest!" Always a reminder put in the back of their heads. 

 I asked my LittleGuy, who's almost 18 and working on a culinary degree, if he ever wondered why, when I dropped them off at school I sang them the Mortal Combat song, every time. He looked at me in a sideways quizzical manner with his not subtle grin on his face..."Your reasons are not for mortals to question."-he didn't say that, he just looked at me. I said, "Do you understand now?" and he said "Yeah, I just never know your reasons."


free will with pre-programed guidance-this is a tenet of my life 

Preternatural/1st nature/2nd nature/3rd nature



I have written in my code that makes me ME a beautiful story already written. In that code is every path I could possibly take and one so perfect I become one with Christ Consciousness. 

What is not in my code of Me is the when, the how, and to whom I am born, that is up to the individuals. When my moment of conception happened we all had a party I knew everything I needed for all the futures to be. I knew it before and I will know it after.

In that code is all the people I will meet, every interaction with every soul I have/will come across here, on this place we call Terra...Deeper in that code is all of the Me's (?). All the other places I've been, I've always been me; part of the time space continuum. I'm being serious. You are also part of this, you just aren't aware yet and may never be, it'll just be some story about what some kook believes...but just because you can't see it doesn't make it not true. A mantis shrimp sees colors you can't; there are women that also have this skill, they are called tetrachromats. Most people don't think of the eyes as the visual cortex of the brain but that is what they are; they are a piece of the brain that had to push themselves out of the skull. Some people can see or hear things others can't.  'The eyes are the window to the soul'

In that code is a perfect life path. If I make every decision which is innate in my preternaturally-programed path I will have a, made for me, life...if I follow all the rules. I haven't followed all the rules. 

1st Nature

While I grew my Human shell I could hear the voices around me, a vibration of sounds. The thump, thump, thump of the drums down the river and the curse words out of my mothers mouth and the equal amounts of laughter. My 1st nature is my human form. I was going to be one of the lucky ones, there was laughter often and the curse words were jest or just. 

2nd Nature

We have choices.

We are animals of planet Earth with consciousness and an infinitesimal understanding of anything. When we revert to our animal behavior, hanging on to emotions when we have a choice and the ability to think reasonably and logically, and most likely from a varied angles of perspective we become dangerous. 

It's you who decides who you want to be and how you get there. This isn't nuclear science or quantum physics, it's right and wrong goodvsevil, Angelsvsdevils, Jihad. 

We have it written in us the difference between good and bad. 

When someone steals something they know it's wrong. Even if they are starving. We justify starving as something in a civil society you do not let happen to others. When we do something wrong we feel that little pang of guilt until you write over that code, over and over with some story you told yourself, that bottom layer is still there, it's just hidden, that soul knows, deep down inside, every single time.

The first sign of humans being civil*(?) is a healed femur. That is when we put animal instinct aside. This is our second nature overcome. 

You can get back on the path of will still be you just a better version of yourself. Let go of envy. Let go of blame. Look at yourself first.

A good man has a bad moment in life they build on it and become better not vengeful.

Deeper into that code is written backdoors and gateways of communication passed down soul to soul if you have the ability to access. 


In that code is every way back to the path of best ways. You can't just say, yeah...I believe, you have to live it. You can't deny the existence of that which you see right before you for that would be a lie. You may not kill others because they are inconvenient for you, that is judged as murder here, there, everywhere. We have animal rules, and consciousness consequences. 

...everything comes from something... 

Be still and listen

I'm going to tell you a story so old you thought it was a myth

Atlas, let me release you of this burden and you, my brother, will be by my side-Hestia


There was once a child that asked a question and was told that more things happen at the same time to creat an event then most want to accept. Nothing is black and white but Good vs Evil. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Anti-Christ


There will be no mincing of words today.

I was going to write about menopause but I guess I'll put it in a holding pattern. 


Episcopalians have charged themselves with the outright denial of God.

The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in support of sex change attempts “at all ages,” calling it a matter of “religious liberty.”

The above is a link to Doo6, some Episcopalian communist bullshit. I would have to look up what an Episcopal person believes in and what sets them apart*...or used to from the other Protestant sects. I don't know the differences between most of the Protestant religions/sects(?). It is inconsequential to me. If you believe in something you believe in it. If you don't then you can change stuff around all you want. I'm not talking about the removal or addition to certain symbols or ritual.

"When you deny God how can you say you are of the Faith?" 

Just a little philosophical question that usually gets the mind numbing response, "You don't know what is in someone else's heart and what they believe." That is actually not true. I look at their actions. If you want your heart to weigh well when that time comes you better believe if you believe in something you will take order to Gods mandate. 

I have come to realize that most people have no idea that Communism is base line the removal of God from society; if they could tear out your soul they would. If there is no God then you have no rules and you can do what ever you want. 

Communism is not an economic system...bad economic policies are a side effect. They just tell you that inflation is 0% when you know that that is 100% a lie. 

 If there are no consequences to what you do here, in the infinite of now you can fuck little kids all day. You can do experiments on their sexuality...there are no consequences except that to the child that is being sterilized or maimed; clitoris and breast removals, whole hysterectomies on children that don't know what they want to be when they grow up yet. 

I know right? Who doesn't understand yet?...please raise your hand and I will explain it to you in your language; we need to hurry.

In the name of being 'kind'* they affirm depression and anxiety with sterilization. Your silence is compliance of the removal of God and belief in anything other then a fake science.


You feel it too...the Earth shaking a bit under your feet...are you looking up? There is a full moon right now.

Please someone say you understand completely I am not a religious nut but this is literally 

Good against Evil

Can you hear me now? Those are the correct words, Good* and Evil*. They fuck children and think those that do not believe in the murder of babies are bad...CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

...and morons think an election will fix this...This is a World wide issue; there is no escape.

This is what we call a liminal space. Here the infinite of now as we wait. 


They will come for you. There is no one that is pure enough because there is no such thing because they change the rules. Those that think they make the rules will have those turned on's the nature of a game with out rules. 

They proved they could make you turn your family away if they scared you enough. 

When you deny that which God created you are affirming Evil.


ladies and gentleman

the time is now

Do you believe in a God? (not rhetorical)