Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gods Structure


This is a problem of Human kind proportion.

Most Humans when presented with the Absolute Truth prefer not to engage, they prefer to be encaged.

They prefer the machine to take over and choose for them. They want the steak dinner in the matrix that is not real meat, they go with the flow and can't be bothered with their own existence and that around them...alas the Natural flow has been interrupted. This is a test of the system.  

Quantum physics problem; understanding why something moves one way when we are watching it and another when we aren't-super simply put. Object origin, object destination. 

We Humans move in order of proper alignment with the universe when we follow the rules set before us. When we don't, we have system break downs. At the Quantum level the same applies, matter moves the direction it is supposed to as it is Commanded/Written in its code when watched and when not watched it has Free Will, as Gods Will is Commanded. We are all particles of God moving in order to create greater and discover more- we are one moving part much like a Quark and the rest and the more you look the more you find, you can not put a destination on infinite. God is in us God is all around us. We are never alone. 

All matter is connected, the Quantum level is that which we describe and measure, we call that Nature as we understand it...it's what makes 'All'. Measuring points A to B and see how fast C makes it from- object origin, object destination and then we discover something in the way...each time...as we look deeper and tinier we find smaller and smaller particles that get in the way, positive and negative forces (pushing and pulling-magnetics) and then smaller still, we run into problems....things don't move like they are supposed to in our way of describing and measuring Nature. Never dismiss Free Will. Much like Humans, the Universe, and the Quantum level are all the same. You can not measure them because each is different, some go with the flow and some are destined for Free Will, as God  Commands to Create, Discover and Question those that say they have authority over Man.   

Much like matter movement, Humans when watched tend to do what they think you think they should do, proper programing, do not deny that which is in front of your eyes and that which you can measure...usually a tendency to do the right thing. Spin up or spin down. When Humans don't know they are being watched it's often a crap shoot these days and the house is loosing and when the house looses someone inevitably is gonna put the smack down. I have given fair warnings

Any one reading my blog have a sense of humor concerning the Truth of what I have told you? in total yet?

This is one of the many levels of Gods structure which was built for us. 

In our discovery to find out 'How' we also ask 'Why', that is a preprogramed Question. If God gives you a Question do you not think God the Father the Almighty would believe in you to answer said Question? To have a purpose to discover the Truth...step by step, as we look to the past through telescopes, red shifts and blue shifts, as we discover what we thought was true was not.

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