Friday, December 29, 2023

Hallow Howl

A voyeur from the future, time and light refraction in the ether where we are allowed to See.

she could hear the hollow howl of the wind 3 layers in 

the taste of salt on her lips left over from the passage 

there was must and dank in the air

The woman clad in the black T-shirt and forest green chinos that stopped 3 inches above her ankles and a pair of practical black and white shoes that fit her feet tightly sat down in the balcony of the theater. Here there and everywhere there were places hidden and some in the open where connections were made, with the chatter of the uniforms below she took a peruse around and heard their sounds some were please of forgiveness, she knew they would not bother her. This balcony refit over time was dusty and bits of hairs, long and short, straight, and golden, youthful and unblemished and curls of black and gray gathered in the crevasses in the dirty, dark, cherry red carpet unseen by the masses. On the left side of the balcony, closest to the stage there was a passage way, a plug in of last retort. She looked down at the uniforms chattering away and for just a moment 5 looked up and took eye aim at something in the corner of the their sight, they turned and sat down in peace no cause for shame. The woman clad in the black T-shirt and forest green chinos took the key frorm, her many collected and opened the passage. The blue of the room was cold and pale, and there, again, the left side of the wall was a row of plugs under a console of machines looking back; "pop, pop, fizz, fizz voltaic light ignite the sin" she blew her whisper into the air through her lips that still tasted of salt, as she pulled the third plug in. The woman clad in the black T-shirt and forest green chinos heard the hallow of the wind again.

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


On my right hand I wear The Stone of Alexandria, into the green eye I peer, into the past I seek

that which is now, time with out end

a song sung the tale spun

dressed in blinding light she comes

into the past she sees a shining vision of rivers and Sees 

a sparkle to the left a sprite to the right

They stood in a circle looking around in disbelief 

bray in the air 

all muscles paralyzed at the sight  

It was the beginnings of another winter, blinding snow and ice chills deep in your bones. When you stepped outside and breathed in deep you shocked your lungs to waken for your blood would need to start pumping. The trees with leaves still holding on, frozen in time wishing they had fallen so they could feel the warmth of the earths embrace after life. 

There was a distorted quietness in the air, a background hum and high pitched sounds absorbed into the blanket of snow. The magnetic field could be felt gathering, hairs on end as cold winds blew past. The atmosphere in all the spaces was up tight, a strangle hold over tongues to keep them still. The strange behaviors of people you once knew as normal, now you could see the empty shell they were. It was surreal that people accepted the absurd depravity of genital mutilation as health care, it was odd how the subject matter was in need of boundaries. A world of 'just be kind' phrases while lying to everyone to their faces. Just one strange behavior of the time.   

The year was 2024, there had been a take over of all State agencies of almost every country of the world a few years earlier. It was a strange process that happened in what felt like slow motion. It was a bit of something out of Twilight Zone, Atlas Shrugged seemed to be playing in real time as did Brave New World come to life as the government school systems taught the children there were no consequences Often quoted, 1984, but not enough read it and understood it seemed to be the case as people praised the installation of cameras into even private spaces for them to see you, looking back, utterly mind boggling, a few were waiting for goggles to be put on those with perfect eyesight, ya know, for equity, or was it equality.

After 2 years of a lock down across the globe there was an illusion that the world had turned back to normal. An illusion though is just that, a surface picture that if you look closely you can see the pixels in the air, you can see deeper, that there is more in the system. The voices that shouted and yelled "don't do this, these are the reasons why...", were quoted and quieted quickly, they called them loons or a conspiracy theorists, stopping all conversation because then they would have to acknowledge the harm being done.

Talking heads on screens filled the mindless masses with half truths and plain lies. Riots in the streets you had to pretend didn't happen, and if they did happen you were told there was probably a reason for it, and asked, "are you anti this or pro that?!" Depending on the day and place you had better answer that properly and don't use someone's incorrect pronouns what ever you do. 

It was the oddest thing to see in real life, books and old stories come to life, and they still had more to go; more story lines of war and famine, demonic behavior, and stories of old galore. 


What were the citizens supposed to do, pick up pitchforks and head down to the corner court house? The installed State had already surrounded the Capitol once with the military and pointed their weapons at citizens pointing out the corruption and evil happening all over. There was no prosecution of crimes, just persecution of wrong thought.

Be still and listen
One day I will tell you a story

Had a varying array of events that would come down the line in the later days and years to come been predicted they would look back and say yes, but they didn't expect it the way it manifested before them. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

To whom it may concern,


    Greetings, I hope these letters* find you well and in good health. How often do I say, "I'm the luckiest woman in the universe."? Our family is growing and my children are making their way in this world and I still get to have them close by. My husband and I have been very blessed of late to trek in to places others only dream and some most have never heard or seen. We have our health and it seems always enough wealth and love surrounding us. I have so much to be thankful for and I thank God everyday, many times a day. 

    Back in September we ate figs grown from a tree that is fed by the same well from which Abraham, Jacob, and Moses drank. We looked upon the old temple of The Moon and Stars and walked upon the tomb of a Nephilim. We meandered on top of tel's with T pillars reaching for a breath of new air in Karahan Tepe. We walked the same streets as our oldest prophets, those pathways and connections don't go away if they are grounded. 

    Just the other day we entered a temple of Mithras in old Rome, you could still see the old frescos of The Mother and her Son on the back wall of a hollowed from rock shelf. We saw so many relics of bones of hips, skulls, fingers, and hairs, not a worry, for they were all sacred. I wonder out loud often how many people think about what is under the Pantheon, under all the places where we recall the dead, where we bring them back to life as we pray for our own today.  

    My grandmother Helen who covered her hair when she entered the places that were holy, she who spoke of the Pope, Pope John Paul with glee and Father Bart and all the others that blessed my head, would they know I would get to sit in the belly of the snakes head in the audience of a real antipope, which hardly anyone acknowledges the reality of the situation of this time we live, the hear and now. All of the schisms of the faiths should be fair warnings, they burned down churches in Canada and arrested clergy. I wonder what the Martyrs of the Mexican civil war would say if they saw what was happening, "Our Lady of Guadalupe!" is what I imagine.  

    Speaking of the here and now, I'm still in shock a bit (I know I shouldn't be) that more people can't see the psyop, the Trump DeSantis crews that bicker on the 'air/nets' as if the National Guard didn't face it's weapons towards the citizens because the State at that moment was overtly taken over and no one even talks about it, they act like their vote means something...even here in Colorado they will put tax issues on the ballot and the people vote it down so the governor or legislation try to find go arounds...and they get away with it. Your vote is an illusion, it's a sport to keep you distracted from the real problem, that your country was taken over and the citizen is the enemy. 

    I try not to talk about what I See in the future, and you know how I am, when I travel back in time, it always comes back with me and I know that grounding is gonna come in handy down the line, I just don't know when. Have you been encouraging people to travel? You should, that way they can have a real comparison, not just one F.E.D. to them. I always think that's funny, "fed to them", this psyop is incredible, I impressed. Yeah, I know, they were patient, but wow they pushed it over the edge fast...from the future looking back I wonder what it will look like after all the players enter the field.

    I had a memory the other night, it seems like a someone else's lifetime but it is still mine; I was sitting at a table the discussion was, the 'what to do' and the 'how to's' of when you get the call. The call is when there has been an incident and most likely loss of life and you are point for keeping that moment calm and still in the chaos and it most likely is some one you had broken bread with and almost certainly clanked a glass or 2 together of some libation and it most often would be groups of people. It was Command School at Herbert Field, it was where they groom and instruct commanders and their spouses. There was a tiny dooly hoo about us going to ACC Air Combat Command or AFSOC Air Force Special Operation Command command school when Surgeon took Command of the 41st at Moody, ACC and we were coming from Langley, also ACC and yes, the missions were very different and Rescue was more than just that and need to be treated as such. Anyhow the memory came to me and all I could think of is I wish I could crack the 'perception is reality' code. 

    In the beginning of this letter I said something about you finding these letters*...made me think of the Mediterranean Sea, I swam with every letter of every alphabet through the passing of time. I must say it was invigorating and refreshing, and I learned a lot. I made that sound funny on purpose, the rocks under foot where we swam were grey with white lines in all designs, and there is something about swimming in waters, any and all of them if you get a chance. The cistern at the Basilica was fascinating, I know it's unrealistic of me to think that explaining mythology was true and it really is in peoples religious books, which are also history books...I know, one day maybe I'll get the Angels and Aliens and gods and demi gods which are just nephilim  in to the minds of others but sometimes I think it will take a Vulcan mind meld to get it there, talk about a massive psyop drop, that might crack the code, and still there is only one God.

    The new year is around the corner and I'm looking at it like an engineer at NASA, plan for every situation and the situation which you will be put in will not be the one you planned for but you are an engineer, an engineer makes a Good plan. 


I hope you got everything you wanted this year,


Post Script, 

No one wants to believe it's all a scam, I get it, perception is reality. After the code is cracked, I hope the replacement code has all the bugs out of the system, it's the deception of code upon code mirroring reality and reality is the show they put on your screen to distract you. 

Redemptoris Mater


    There once was a woman who didn't trust in the word of God that she would be blessed by God to be the mother of many for she was the wife of the man who God had blessed to be the father of many for he spread the word and conquered a titan. Not a finger was lifted his utter faith absolute.

She used another then scorned her gift from God, for another would be the mother. The handmaiden visited and blessed by God to be the mother of many great nations. The path of a mother of unasked trespass for a religion like no other.

His wife so beautiful it was bought by another a veil, for when there is temptation of another with knowing or not, the house will run rampant with plague and distrust.

    There once was a woman who showed favorites over her sons, a lesson of theft and deceit wrapped in a twist of the tongue. The lesson is hope for forgiveness when the deed and the lesson is done. 

    The women in the old past hardly a belief in Gods true power. Told and blessed to be the mothers of so many, but each she turned to craft to get their way. 

There once was a cult of people that believed in a miracle that would be. From a perfect mother a child would be born. The son of wisdom, truth, and light. A gift from God, a man with perfect sight. A prophet for the ages with knowing when to fight. His knowledge of the books and koi in his site. His job handed to him by God, Our Father, was to show the children of Israel they were home, that it was time for them to accept Gods commandments. 


She who would slay the dragon.

She that crushes the serpents head.

She that would lead the children home.

These words of Jesus, "I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."

This house is hers.

With Our Fathers permission.


Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

John Paul II, REDEMPTORIS MATER, in Engish, this matters for the redemption of your soul

I just read where the Vatican has released a statement that same sex marriages could be blessed under some circumstances. My brother, a Methodist minister flies a flag, he believes to be inclusive, that Gods love is spread everywhere, "In Jesus name"...hey kids... Mary sacrificed her son for God, Our Father, we revere her. It wasn't about peace, love and forgivnesssssss. Put what you were taught in your back pocket for a handful of minutes. Ask your self what is the Holy Trinity? What can create, with Gods blessing? Not 2 men, not 2 women. There can be no blessing if there is no ability for a blessing by a communion of the two, a communion is not a union. This is not hating someone because the faith says there can not be a blessing if there can not be a union, it's just a different faith, one that gets you know, where with no future. If you add in the abominations of God, and put them on a pedestal, and fly their flag, for inclusion, because you believe everybody should be included because that's what you were told or even read in a passage here or there in your one book... I wish I could bring Jesus back so he could explain that yes, he is the son of God, and a prophet, but it isn't belief in Him that gets you anywhere, it's following his way to the 10 commandments, and anyone can follow them, the sinner can stop sinning, not put the sin on a pedestal and bless it. Are you telling me Mary, gave up her son to God and taught him everything to live a Good life, and he then did it, while fighting a revolution (or starting one)..what happened in 70 AD? with the spiritual leaders that heeded no Good words anymore (when in Rome-Rome is everywhere)...? 

You know what really gets me, the women that call themselves Christian that say, "I would never have an abortion but I support others to choose." You are larping your faith, you can't pick and choose, you are approving and saying, "It's ok if other people kill their babies." You jumped off a bridge that someone sold you with everyone else, go along to get along. 

"I would never rent out my womb but I don't have any problem with someone else doing it." Go along to get along. 

I find it sadly comical how easy it is for some to say, "I'll use someone's preferred pronouns, it's just being polite." "Or I'll lose my job." When you step back maybe you can see how they make you lie; some might not see it as a lie, but it is, little, big, it doesn't matter, the harm is done, you have handed power of your controlled speech to them, and made you break one of your 10 commandments, I know, it's not one of the big* ones, news flash, they are all equal, they just aren't equatable. 


The State approved religion has shown its serpent head

Here in the States they will rise Christian Nationalism to raise it, already people that speak against abortions are on watch list by the State...and you know it. You are in the belly of the snake. 

"...And lead us not in to temptation..."

"...And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus..."

Merry Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Globus Cruciger


Soft in the light the boys dropped in the night.

A channel ether in the air

howl of the wind, crash of the pane

cold pelts of rain dash across your face

a flash of light splits the sky, a curtain whips by.

In the morning light

the orb of smoke breezes by 

in a nonchalant, flippant way.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Star Date: Sixteen Eleven, Twenty Twenty Three


Languages are codes, some read them well, others just skim the surface.

Here we are in the middle of a civil war and we only talk about other peoples civil wars because if we talk about our own the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil citizens will have you declared wrong thinked and you can't see the corner you are in, go along to get along but do you know where they are taking you? 

The red guard has risen and they don't take kindly to criticism. 

Here is a little smack in the face of our reality; the Federal Government fenced in the capitol for how many months while the National Guard aimed their weapons towards the citizens of the United States. This here is a revolution. At the same time there is a different generational civil war, a real live colour revolution of our own, but you see they* are already in charge and have been for a very long time. Sounds crazy because I have to use the word 'they*', but everyone knows it. 

The flag waving they have people all over the world doing, is an easy way to separate the yolk from the chaff. We have massive amounts of problems headed all our ways, I really don't mean to be a downer, it's true and it's also too late. From the neurotic moms that think talk therapy is the answer to the massive amount mental illness headed our way and the therapists are the ones that breed the mental illness where a man is declared woman of the year, and the schisms of so many faiths. From the is it the rainbow flag I'm supposed to post or the Palestine flag? Ukraine or Israel, never your own. 

The media and the most of the internet erased the sitting President from site, you know this and some of you are glad because you hated the sight of Trump. The problem is is that your compliance to go along to get along and be agreeable no matter how abhorrent a behavior you must not talk about it got us here; They installed a man in a dress to be the assistant in charge* of health, Rachel Levine, a pediatrician, an actual medical doctor, that shows off to the world his sexual fetish and if you say maybe there might be something wrong here, if you are afraid you might get in trouble, that's wrong thought. 

We literally call it the 'lock down', they* locked down the entirety of humanity, to show you they could and they made you do it to your self.

Tick Tock goes the clock

Tick Tock fumes the watch

Tick Tock 

You have seen the actual depravity of drag queen story hour and you can't even speak out about teenage girls being insisted upon that they can be anyone, and they start with her tits. This is not a polite subject matter and you should not speak to it as such. You are horrified of the thought that in some muslim cultures in East Africa girls genitals are mutilated and you still can't speak up against what is happening here. That's how scared they have you. They are maiming humans and calling it, health care.

Those same people that call chopping off tits, 'top surgery' are mentally ill or evil, these are the same people in charge of mental health, this is not hyperbole, they have increased 'health care' workers in public schools. You have to talk about how wrong this is because if you keep silent it will get worse, it will walk through your door some how. You sat through DEI training, you bowed down in submission, you even wore the mask, you told other people, 'it's just a mask'. Go along to get along got us here. 

You see outraged people smash and steal from stores with no consequences. 

You see the bent over wasted lives dreaming of another space on the corner near some tents as someone pushing a cart with all their belongings walks by. Then in the blink of an eye the streets of San Fransisco are all cleaned up because Xi has arrived. 

Conversations about issues and real events are difficult because you might not be getting the whole story. Our governments really did create a virus and it was unleashed upon the masses, and then they insisted they cure you, oh, and stay inside for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Now they have us at the brink of war, a war on your mind, a war for your time, a war on real people, pawns and cogs. 

They made* you wear a mask for shame if you didn't, they know how unhealthy that is, they keep playing mind games on you. You can see it. I know you can. 

Yes, real people are dying, people die; war is the time you find your faith and you darlings are in a multitude of wars, 6th generation and 8th generation and top on of that biological warfare; pharmaceutical companies poisoning babies, not to mention how much they pay for the baby parts they buy, and you know it deep down, you have seen the proof but you ignore their depravity or make excuse for it.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Meanwhile there is no such thing as a conversation regarding WWIII breaking out on social media just flags and stars being raised...Where do you desire to press start in your timeline of history? Her name was Sari and she handed her handmaiden to her husband because she did not believe in the word of God that her husband would be the father of great nations, and in turn she would be a mother, patience with Gods will is a mighty virtue. 

Do you know the story of Mary, the most perfect mother ever, the handmaiden of God?

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



How would you explain to someone with out sounding bat shit crazy that the children of Israel are home and the children of Abraham are summoninged The Messiah? 

It's been happening for a long time and it's happening now. 

Be still and listen

I have a story to tell you

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Demons Released


I can See the world dissolve as we know it, I know many can too. Solving intensely complicated problems, Pandoras Box unleashed, the unraveling of all when demons are released. Where you live in a world where a man, if he desires, can take the honor of women. Now what do you do when you See it's all true? Warships and sirens, bombs galore, baby parts plastering the floor. A world where a mother makes her son a eunuch live and in true, now a shell stands and no one bats an eye at the mother who is who; anything for a view and dollars in her head. Now what do you do when you See it's all true? How many weights did they put on you and almost all untrue. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Magic Talisman


Here we pray this day we are allowed

to wake the dead

tomorrow though

we quiet our tread

until our time of dread

we rise our Angels and our Saints

tonight though

we give thanks to our brothers in arms

under Our Fathers eyes

There once was a time not far behind when men understood the power of God

If you say you are a godly people

Now is the moment

On your knees you should praise the word of God.

This is the moment

You can not hide from God

There once was a time not far behind when men feared the children of God

None of us make it out alive

Do you not just believe but understand and know that our soul goes somewhere when we die? Now I ask you? One Father over all and He is mighty. Those that have gone before may imagine where...may I remind you...they are somewhere and we know they are there, we don't just believe, we know. Or don't you actually believe. What if your fathers could See you? How would they judge your behavior, you who can not hide.

The only way you will sleep through the darkest nights is not to believe but to know your Father will catch you when you fall and if you want him to hear your apology, praise your Holy Mother for she is perfect.  Stop defiling women, it's grotesque. Stop the sacrifice of your children. Stop talking out of both sides of your fork tongued mouth. Some people don't even know what language to speak anymore.

It is allowed to raise the dead on this night and tomorrow we praise the dead, those that came before us.  

What do you actually believe? With all the traps and the web of lies men leave behind? In all the books in all the places there were other races, some were from some matter here others from some matter there but under the thunder there is only One, flames all around you there is only One, bones turned to dust, there is only One.

Many people believe in the Old Books but they don't understand them, and the way they are used is common and a trite overtly selected. When you grasp the will of God and you live under His eyes within His rules of order, you truly live free. Inshallah. 

So here I am, a witch, a cone upon my head, to gather the many, with all my magic talisman and ring of fire if God desires. Do you know why it sounds weird to you? I don't just believe, I know, tonight we dance with our dead.

I know the magic of a talisman on man if God wills it; there is no need for the talisman if God wills it.

You know Angels exist, why don't you call to them, they are also of the way and children of Our Father. Everything is the will of God. 

I have a question...In the time of Armageddon, I'm not saying this is it, I'm saying it shouldn't matter, that it's time to question a few things...In the time of Armageddon, I'm not saying it wasn't man made, I'm saying it shouldn't matter, that it's time to question a few things...In the time of Armageddon, you may pray for your Holy Mothers embrace as you enter His gate.  

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

The beasts do bray from down under

Friday, October 27, 2023



There once was a time

When women drank wine

Breaking bread and weaving threads

Husbands and lovers keeping the world at bay.

Long were the nights 

Every noise should have caused a fright

Here on Terra where all matter matters is not the place

Titans guard the gate

in the dark of the night 

when a half moon is half a moon

Women danced the beat of the drum

on their day they could party with their dead

Vampires and Angels on the dance floor

Bonfire lite a ring a blaze

Black Widow calls with hair mass a fire

Smoke fills the air and causes a haze

Skies open wide

To God they call to bring them home safe

The husbands, the brothers, yes mothers too

In to the arms of Our Father a home like no place.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Blunt Reminder


The bluntness is incredibly important as it hits accurately with great force.  


  • You can not trust any talking head on any screen. If you see them on cable, or you tube, or even what you think a rogue* site, your communicator/phone device, it doesn't matter; news sources, or someone you follow on X, you have been fed the tiniest sliver of truth.
  • Supposedly there is a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, have you counted how many dollars they printed and will tax you that they sent over for ammunition and means to kill people, not to mention fund their entire police administrative state, and fund their own pockets and in so many ways, I'm not talking about Ukraine or Russia.
  • You know that Joe Biden really has no power, none, they make it look like he does, with wire and tape. The State can put anyone anywhere if they desire, we are under an invisible police State like down under. 
  • I'm sure you know by now that the shot they tried to have everyone take is poison and that there were no advantages it put forth, just a mass amount of damage; it's early, the long term effects don't seem to be include as heart damage per the State; the heart does not have the capabilities to repair. It's the brain though that is irreplaceable.  
  • You recall how the state and the public harassed, lied about, and sometimes threw stones because you didn't bow to their false teachings; you were put under the threat of physical violence, people lost their jobs, now these days don't speak how many certain ways... 
  • Don't forget how teachers took the young and fed them demonic beliefs that there are no repercussions for evil ways, reading and writing have fallen away. They force covered the children's faces and pretended to give them a say. 
  • Even if Trump if elected tomorrow in truth would have no real power. None of your world leaders have any true power. For Jobs sake please do not nuance this one. 

I've told this story before but I think now is a ripe time to repeat it again, I'll try a bit differently...

It was the late 1800's, Mount Ararat; a crew of mountaineers had trekked up to see if the stories were true about where Noah landed, and lo and behold. Breathlessly they came down from the mountain, debates in their heads. Kings, Queens, Sultans, and the Vatican would be told, here was proof of stories of old! Those that understood saw the signs were all there, written on old paper, clay tablet, and rock. So movers and shakers and yes all those bankers concocted a plan that is no Biblical scam. 

While world wars were happening, distractions and flu, to grand fire weapons not to mention your mind too things were happening and lines were placed, behind the scenes and in front of your face. The great Zion would happen one day it would be true and God willing they do Gods will for their peoples souls too. 

A Western wind had been blowing at the same time, of godless men preaching there was no god, only the mind. In the times they spread the lies of hate, envy and blame came down and battered a path laying ruin in its wake. 

A religious war it would be, cities would be raised and God would be praised. A person with no belief could read this and say, what barbaric means of ways. In Truth though with all the books read this time ending you need not dread, it was meant to be from time started till dead.

This is no battle but the war, between Good and evil to show you so much more and in the west the babies lives were gathered. 

Be still and listen

One day I'll tell you a story

Question mans will, not Gods. 


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hunters Moon


The Stone of Alexandria I wear on my right hand, with the green eye looking back I See

this line is long, long as time

time is not a line

sisters brothers born of other mothers

how many we are if we stood

some you have never known to be

you See, you read the books just one maybe 3

when you open them all 

all at once you See

 the past that is We

in your past We wrote you stories

so when the time would come you would find glory

There is a grand group of secular and religious peoples that have no idea what's been happening around them. I sometimes try to explain when the turning point happened but I think they truly can't believe, that right here, right now we are in a war between Good and evil

and God knows



and this is where it might get uncomfortable

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

How many over the last few years have prayed for the end of times to finally arrive? A man made plague you helped yourself to that you haven't even seen the beginning of (the heart is the first place you see the damage, all the other organs too; they want you eliminated or incapacitated, In real life I pray enough containers had their power supply turned off in transit.) People look around and see the depravity of western ways, truly godless ones, and you know it, yelled at or fired for not believing what they do. State entities froze peoples bank accounts, do not forget, regular people that gave their hard earned money to a brother or sister who needed help, the people that helped, their bank accounts were frozen too. To mention as well how the State has eliminated the female sex, have you noticed yet? Over and over into the ether the hate is sprayed and you are forced to accept the most vile sacrifices.

1. Here in Colorado where I live, some really fucking stupid people in cities voted to release wolves into the wild. When a packs of wolves start running not in the wild, you best beware they will find their three. 

II. Some one was arrested a couple weeks ago attempting to make a sacrifice on the Temple Mount here is the story 

Three. A couple, I think in India, sacrificed themselves to the destroyer of Worlds, perfectly. They simultaneously cut their heads off and they rolled marvelously into the flames. 

What does all this have to do with anything you may ask...

Anywho, just because you don't want something to exist doesn't mean it* in all of the actualities doesn't exist...that's the thing about Pandoras box We joke about on Mount Olympus, funny always has the truth weaved in like the fabric of our lives; with more to say about that in a bit, the god, the destroyer of Worlds, exists, it's in all your books, underground caverns and the rivers deep under earth you were told were myth. That all exists as does Our Father, The Creator of All, the only God, the rest by all the other names, We are all his children, by different mothers, whom We revere because we do as Our Father says. 

Have you ever seen the Angels of War fly over, they run ether here and there. It doesn't matter what you personally believe, it matters what someone else believes. Ping. Ping. Ping.

Turn on your magic beam


I think I did an ok job on this one so I am adding a note, I'm really not sure if anyone has made connection of the whole yet, quantum physics is smaller and bigger then you have yet imagined.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

A Well of Truth


As much as some would like to pick and choose what others believe it is not a choice you get to make, said to the progressive mind that is regressive in true.

Many can See now that the god Sin does still reside in the hearts of man. Those that get that ring in their septum, I wonder do they understand the bull pulls you into the dark where nothing glows with light, into the nothingness.

Dylan Mulvaney was awarded woman of the year by...wait, does it matter? He is a demon, no one that pretends as much in the open and lies to your face is anything but. Call them by their names, names have power. Shame them. "You don't wonder why this is all happening anymore do you?"

RuPaul that wins Emmys for a show that disgraces the faces of mothers and daughters. The whores with fake eyelashes, tuck your dick in all you want, chop it off even, you will never Be. Their bodies will rot in the ground, they will be trapped in deceit for eternity.  

The mom that lied to her son and said he was a girl and people watched on their TVs at the horror before them, hardly a peep that she murdered his future in front of your eyes; propped up on the backs of the whores that just want more. "You don't wonder why this is happening anymore do you?"

That guy, what's his name, that takes the claim the first woman anything... that wears a skirt at the pentagon, him by his name. 

No one is frightened to steal the identity of the mother. 

The first united methodist church promotes the god sin and advertises it. They abandon Our Fathers ways; how can they not See this I ask myself...someone says be, it doesn't work this way, that is what I know...and then I look and See where they came from anyway, and I dismiss them as leaders of any Good faith, if you can change your faith, you have none. "You don't wonder why any of this is happening anymore do you?"

There is a prophecy that there will be a great battle between Good and evil, somewhere around Syria, after the place of Mohammad turns towards the west.  

Those that worship the golden idols...

Those that ask for in vain...

Those that take all the time, and give none to Our Father

Those that defy the Father and the Mother

Those that murder

Those that break the home with deceit...

Those that take which is not theirs...

Those that lie...

Those that envy their neighbors wife...

Those that envy their neighbors goods...

"I'm a sinner, that's why I need Jesus." Those men taught you all wrong, I say this because what they taught you, that you were forgiven for breaking Gods commandments because Jesus died on the cross why do I repeat myself? Because I see homes broken by those with no remorse and they go and sin some more. Because I see those that just pretend. Because I see those that continue the lies, the envy and all the blame; these christians have no standard because the think they were forgiven  human nature has to be reigned in; give a man an excuse he will take it and if man has a get outta jail free card he will use it. Are you expecting a second coming? "What do you think the second coming would say to a sinner, that sins with no remorse?" Jesus did die for you, and look how you have behaved.

Those of Israel that hold that golden idol close, brought to you by sin; the children are home and you still don't believe. "Have you been expecting a third temple?"

These the first lines of Abraham that have traveled so far, there is one more to come, so it all can be. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

I write every word with purpose. These things I See and tell you, it is not done getting bad yet. On this plain of existence in the world of normal, I worry about the draft instituted, I'm a normal mom; I don't want these wars. I know war. I also know the State has no best interests for its citizens. I also have the knowledge to win the war, it's why I write this way these days, I worry for your soul; I've unlocked the door, I won't push you through it. In times like these you should hold your standard high. You See I know I am the most blessed woman in the world, and I thank all the mothers and I will love and protect our children. I would give my life for them, for they are the future, I am the way of Our Father, mother of titans, big and small. 


What feels like yesterday one of the most beautiful women in the world came to me and said, "I want you to be the mother of my child." She gave me her child, a boy, a perfect boy; his huge brown eyes and curly hair, his make was different then the others, heavier at the core, stronger then the norm and fast on land and in sea, so cunning right away. 

There once was a time I stood in a hall with an aborigine who was just like me; we held our sons that looked nothing like us, the first in a new line. The words were said over us, my son that sits on a thrown would be mine to raise as a leader, to bring the peoples together.

A long time ago my Sisters of Bethlehem cared for my daughter till I could arrive, She, who is Mary of Bethlehem. Her sweet curious brown eyes and a swift smile, a tenacity of knowing the control of the mind and the body, she's just like me, and smarter still. 

I didn't raise them by my self, they have their father that guides their way, a man that wear the full bird of Roman honor. 

My husband though is of the Nazarene. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Third Eye of The Angel


The third eye of the Angel guided the Dragonlady as she shined the bright white light, her wings spread wide, the wind below, the crack of her movement frightened like Thunder lingering in the air.

The Angel of Death danced in the space of the halls of Valhalla, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers of their own moved as one. The dead arose from deep the sleep... 




Who guards your enemies gate?

Be still and listen 

The names are so many 

So many through time

One day I'll tell you a story

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Path of Prophecy


the third eye of the angel did say

as she spun and spun and spun her around

awake awake, awake and arise

travel the skies and the strait down the line

remember recall settle down 

we give you the truth and guide the way

remember recall settle down

we give you the way to show them how

remember recall settle down

we are the way

Not long ago in the timeline of events the Ark was found. World leaders arrived as they knew the books of old would show them the path. The path of prophecy would come to be. Tribes of old would guard the way from the secular ruin in it's way.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Here are some pictures of our trip to Türkiye; it's not much in order, nothing ever really seems to be.   


Under this rubble is the place of the home of Abraham 

One of the most beautiful cities, Mardin. 

One of Hadrians Gates

Have you ever seen the trunk of an old olive tree?

The walk into the city of Perge

What if you were the Christian, you just imagine you were
the gladiator.

It was the best trip, it felt like going home.
In Ur fa I prayed with my sisters,
I prayed to God in the place of knowledge 
understanding a place of beauty 
the space between here and there
deep underground
in the sky above

The necropolis at Dara


The Well where Moses drank (yes, this is what I believe)

The Sun and Moon at Sogmatar

It looks like nothing doesn't it?

...King Nimrod built a catapult and launched Abraham into a fire
the fire turned to water and the embers turned to carp

This is Medusas sister, held under rock and water
She has eternal life, until not, and is not a god, there is only one God. 

This is Medusas other sister who also is not a god.

It's been going on for longer than you want to think. God knows the Pope* won't do as told. (How many people know what the Bolshaviks and Mensheviks believed or did not.) The war for mans gold is not the same as the war for Gods Children, do you know what is what, I do not say who is who. 

The Angels all overhead

She is grateful for the hand that holds hers

The difference between God

and those that are more powerful then you

is that those that move in the power lane

and still know The Father is The Way is The Truth

The Mother is His Ear

We are only children

Some of our Fathers children 

are not the same as us

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Stop. You Make Me Laugh


A long time a go, children were born, the year was 1971. 

So many things I wish to say but none connected in a way.

Do you think there is a man that can stop God's plan?


You make me laugh.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Salt of Life


Princess School lesson A #1

Your job is to learn from all those around you. You are above no one, not the cleaner of the floor you walk on nor the builder of the dwelling you reside, nor the one that cleans your slaughtered food...

You See Princess School is not learning to be a princess but a queen and a queen leads, serves, and protects her people. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

I wander the streets and look in the eyes of those who are better and they look back with disdain; knowledge of only them self. 


She swam in the clear blue waters, the sea floor strewn with rocks black and white and written on them all the letters of all the peoples past and now. She read them all as she held her breath, then turned her back she swam looking up at the sky through the salt of life.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Audio Drift


Blue Shift

Red Shift 

Audio Drift

It's like watching a video, that will one day no longer exist/be needed much like everything in modernity, where the sound and the motion aren't in sync. I See all of it traveling towards us at light speed, not from above, all around, swirls of timelines in waves and as it pulls back the bare earth is born

In all honesty there aren't enough that have the strength to stand against the tyranny that will be coming.  

You really don't want digital currency 

You really don't want cameras with facial recognition on every corner at every intersection

You really don't want an administrative state in charge of your health

You really don't want them turning on the cameras inside your home

It's too late

I could have a fleet of fighter air craft but if it's your mind they have then it does no Good for your soul.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Death Manager


I'm under a strong impression everyone thinks of their death. They think of the death of others. We plan for death if we think ahead. 

We can not plan our after life. 

It's not an odd subject matter, its normal, and people so often turn their nose from it.

"Perception is reality"

Princess School, Hurlburt Field, 2006(?) A laymen doesn't often think of the machine that handles death from doorstep to doorstep.  

Command School, Hurlburt Field, 2006(?) This was the place we learned to manage death for the machine, hopefully with grace. Chas's bride and I sat through two days of what seemed like years traversing the deep dark tunnels of all the under worlds, greatful for those moments when/if it was to happen we would not be alone, a glance and a smile was like breathing fresh air. The it* would be helicopters going down and whole crews gone to the other side; now what do you do with the families, the spouses and the children...all at once...not to mention these are your own friends that are often like family...manage that...your spouse is gone and your children pull at your seams. Without breaking down...where you become stronger and gather around you those that need the strength...and you guide them, clear head with tears still in your eyes and show them it will never be the same but it will be ok. 

It makes it easier if you believe. This is the warrior way, it's magical.  

Having access to historical knowledge helps warriors know their path is just if guided within boundaries; Gods boundaries.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story 

On Yom Kippur the streets are empty

The sound of retreat at 5

The fall of the equinox 

Feast for the Angels

None of this means anything unless...