Tuesday, December 19, 2023


On my right hand I wear The Stone of Alexandria, into the green eye I peer, into the past I seek

that which is now, time with out end

a song sung the tale spun

dressed in blinding light she comes

into the past she sees a shining vision of rivers and Sees 

a sparkle to the left a sprite to the right

They stood in a circle looking around in disbelief 

bray in the air 

all muscles paralyzed at the sight  

It was the beginnings of another winter, blinding snow and ice chills deep in your bones. When you stepped outside and breathed in deep you shocked your lungs to waken for your blood would need to start pumping. The trees with leaves still holding on, frozen in time wishing they had fallen so they could feel the warmth of the earths embrace after life. 

There was a distorted quietness in the air, a background hum and high pitched sounds absorbed into the blanket of snow. The magnetic field could be felt gathering, hairs on end as cold winds blew past. The atmosphere in all the spaces was up tight, a strangle hold over tongues to keep them still. The strange behaviors of people you once knew as normal, now you could see the empty shell they were. It was surreal that people accepted the absurd depravity of genital mutilation as health care, it was odd how the subject matter was in need of boundaries. A world of 'just be kind' phrases while lying to everyone to their faces. Just one strange behavior of the time.   

The year was 2024, there had been a take over of all State agencies of almost every country of the world a few years earlier. It was a strange process that happened in what felt like slow motion. It was a bit of something out of Twilight Zone, Atlas Shrugged seemed to be playing in real time as did Brave New World come to life as the government school systems taught the children there were no consequences Often quoted, 1984, but not enough read it and understood it seemed to be the case as people praised the installation of cameras into even private spaces for them to see you, looking back, utterly mind boggling, a few were waiting for goggles to be put on those with perfect eyesight, ya know, for equity, or was it equality.

After 2 years of a lock down across the globe there was an illusion that the world had turned back to normal. An illusion though is just that, a surface picture that if you look closely you can see the pixels in the air, you can see deeper, that there is more in the system. The voices that shouted and yelled "don't do this, these are the reasons why...", were quoted and quieted quickly, they called them loons or a conspiracy theorists, stopping all conversation because then they would have to acknowledge the harm being done.

Talking heads on screens filled the mindless masses with half truths and plain lies. Riots in the streets you had to pretend didn't happen, and if they did happen you were told there was probably a reason for it, and asked, "are you anti this or pro that?!" Depending on the day and place you had better answer that properly and don't use someone's incorrect pronouns what ever you do. 

It was the oddest thing to see in real life, books and old stories come to life, and they still had more to go; more story lines of war and famine, demonic behavior, and stories of old galore. 


What were the citizens supposed to do, pick up pitchforks and head down to the corner court house? The installed State had already surrounded the Capitol once with the military and pointed their weapons at citizens pointing out the corruption and evil happening all over. There was no prosecution of crimes, just persecution of wrong thought.

Be still and listen
One day I will tell you a story

Had a varying array of events that would come down the line in the later days and years to come been predicted they would look back and say yes, but they didn't expect it the way it manifested before them. 

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