Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Path of Prophecy


the third eye of the angel did say

as she spun and spun and spun her around

awake awake, awake and arise

travel the skies and the strait down the line

remember recall settle down 

we give you the truth and guide the way

remember recall settle down

we give you the way to show them how

remember recall settle down

we are the way

Not long ago in the timeline of events the Ark was found. World leaders arrived as they knew the books of old would show them the path. The path of prophecy would come to be. Tribes of old would guard the way from the secular ruin in it's way.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Here are some pictures of our trip to Türkiye; it's not much in order, nothing ever really seems to be.   


Under this rubble is the place of the home of Abraham 

One of the most beautiful cities, Mardin. 

One of Hadrians Gates

Have you ever seen the trunk of an old olive tree?

The walk into the city of Perge

What if you were the Christian, you just imagine you were
the gladiator.

It was the best trip, it felt like going home.
In Ur fa I prayed with my sisters,
I prayed to God in the place of knowledge 
understanding a place of beauty 
the space between here and there
deep underground
in the sky above

The necropolis at Dara


The Well where Moses drank (yes, this is what I believe)

The Sun and Moon at Sogmatar

It looks like nothing doesn't it?

...King Nimrod built a catapult and launched Abraham into a fire
the fire turned to water and the embers turned to carp

This is Medusas sister, held under rock and water
She has eternal life, until not, and is not a god, there is only one God. 

This is Medusas other sister who also is not a god.

It's been going on for longer than you want to think. God knows the Pope* won't do as told. (How many people know what the Bolshaviks and Mensheviks believed or did not.) The war for mans gold is not the same as the war for Gods Children, do you know what is what, I do not say who is who. 

The Angels all overhead

She is grateful for the hand that holds hers

The difference between God

and those that are more powerful then you

is that those that move in the power lane

and still know The Father is The Way is The Truth

The Mother is His Ear

We are only children

Some of our Fathers children 

are not the same as us

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