Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hunters Moon


The Stone of Alexandria I wear on my right hand, with the green eye looking back I See

this line is long, long as time

time is not a line

sisters brothers born of other mothers

how many we are if we stood

some you have never known to be

you See, you read the books just one maybe 3

when you open them all 

all at once you See

 the past that is We

in your past We wrote you stories

so when the time would come you would find glory

There is a grand group of secular and religious peoples that have no idea what's been happening around them. I sometimes try to explain when the turning point happened but I think they truly can't believe, that right here, right now we are in a war between Good and evil

and God knows



and this is where it might get uncomfortable

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you a story

How many over the last few years have prayed for the end of times to finally arrive? A man made plague you helped yourself to that you haven't even seen the beginning of (the heart is the first place you see the damage, all the other organs too; they want you eliminated or incapacitated, In real life I pray enough containers had their power supply turned off in transit.) People look around and see the depravity of western ways, truly godless ones, and you know it, yelled at or fired for not believing what they do. State entities froze peoples bank accounts, do not forget, regular people that gave their hard earned money to a brother or sister who needed help, the people that helped, their bank accounts were frozen too. To mention as well how the State has eliminated the female sex, have you noticed yet? Over and over into the ether the hate is sprayed and you are forced to accept the most vile sacrifices.

1. Here in Colorado where I live, some really fucking stupid people in cities voted to release wolves into the wild. When a packs of wolves start running not in the wild, you best beware they will find their three. 

II. Some one was arrested a couple weeks ago attempting to make a sacrifice on the Temple Mount here is the story 

Three. A couple, I think in India, sacrificed themselves to the destroyer of Worlds, perfectly. They simultaneously cut their heads off and they rolled marvelously into the flames. 

What does all this have to do with anything you may ask...

Anywho, just because you don't want something to exist doesn't mean it* in all of the actualities doesn't exist...that's the thing about Pandoras box We joke about on Mount Olympus, funny always has the truth weaved in like the fabric of our lives; with more to say about that in a bit, the god, the destroyer of Worlds, exists, it's in all your books, underground caverns and the rivers deep under earth you were told were myth. That all exists as does Our Father, The Creator of All, the only God, the rest by all the other names, We are all his children, by different mothers, whom We revere because we do as Our Father says. 

Have you ever seen the Angels of War fly over, they run ether here and there. It doesn't matter what you personally believe, it matters what someone else believes. Ping. Ping. Ping.

Turn on your magic beam


I think I did an ok job on this one so I am adding a note, I'm really not sure if anyone has made connection of the whole yet, quantum physics is smaller and bigger then you have yet imagined.

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