Thursday, November 16, 2023

Star Date: Sixteen Eleven, Twenty Twenty Three


Languages are codes, some read them well, others just skim the surface.

Here we are in the middle of a civil war and we only talk about other peoples civil wars because if we talk about our own the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil citizens will have you declared wrong thinked and you can't see the corner you are in, go along to get along but do you know where they are taking you? 

The red guard has risen and they don't take kindly to criticism. 

Here is a little smack in the face of our reality; the Federal Government fenced in the capitol for how many months while the National Guard aimed their weapons towards the citizens of the United States. This here is a revolution. At the same time there is a different generational civil war, a real live colour revolution of our own, but you see they* are already in charge and have been for a very long time. Sounds crazy because I have to use the word 'they*', but everyone knows it. 

The flag waving they have people all over the world doing, is an easy way to separate the yolk from the chaff. We have massive amounts of problems headed all our ways, I really don't mean to be a downer, it's true and it's also too late. From the neurotic moms that think talk therapy is the answer to the massive amount mental illness headed our way and the therapists are the ones that breed the mental illness where a man is declared woman of the year, and the schisms of so many faiths. From the is it the rainbow flag I'm supposed to post or the Palestine flag? Ukraine or Israel, never your own. 

The media and the most of the internet erased the sitting President from site, you know this and some of you are glad because you hated the sight of Trump. The problem is is that your compliance to go along to get along and be agreeable no matter how abhorrent a behavior you must not talk about it got us here; They installed a man in a dress to be the assistant in charge* of health, Rachel Levine, a pediatrician, an actual medical doctor, that shows off to the world his sexual fetish and if you say maybe there might be something wrong here, if you are afraid you might get in trouble, that's wrong thought. 

We literally call it the 'lock down', they* locked down the entirety of humanity, to show you they could and they made you do it to your self.

Tick Tock goes the clock

Tick Tock fumes the watch

Tick Tock 

You have seen the actual depravity of drag queen story hour and you can't even speak out about teenage girls being insisted upon that they can be anyone, and they start with her tits. This is not a polite subject matter and you should not speak to it as such. You are horrified of the thought that in some muslim cultures in East Africa girls genitals are mutilated and you still can't speak up against what is happening here. That's how scared they have you. They are maiming humans and calling it, health care.

Those same people that call chopping off tits, 'top surgery' are mentally ill or evil, these are the same people in charge of mental health, this is not hyperbole, they have increased 'health care' workers in public schools. You have to talk about how wrong this is because if you keep silent it will get worse, it will walk through your door some how. You sat through DEI training, you bowed down in submission, you even wore the mask, you told other people, 'it's just a mask'. Go along to get along got us here. 

You see outraged people smash and steal from stores with no consequences. 

You see the bent over wasted lives dreaming of another space on the corner near some tents as someone pushing a cart with all their belongings walks by. Then in the blink of an eye the streets of San Fransisco are all cleaned up because Xi has arrived. 

Conversations about issues and real events are difficult because you might not be getting the whole story. Our governments really did create a virus and it was unleashed upon the masses, and then they insisted they cure you, oh, and stay inside for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Now they have us at the brink of war, a war on your mind, a war for your time, a war on real people, pawns and cogs. 

They made* you wear a mask for shame if you didn't, they know how unhealthy that is, they keep playing mind games on you. You can see it. I know you can. 

Yes, real people are dying, people die; war is the time you find your faith and you darlings are in a multitude of wars, 6th generation and 8th generation and top on of that biological warfare; pharmaceutical companies poisoning babies, not to mention how much they pay for the baby parts they buy, and you know it deep down, you have seen the proof but you ignore their depravity or make excuse for it.

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Meanwhile there is no such thing as a conversation regarding WWIII breaking out on social media just flags and stars being raised...Where do you desire to press start in your timeline of history? Her name was Sari and she handed her handmaiden to her husband because she did not believe in the word of God that her husband would be the father of great nations, and in turn she would be a mother, patience with Gods will is a mighty virtue. 

Do you know the story of Mary, the most perfect mother ever, the handmaiden of God?

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