Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Sultan Qaboos Bin Said

November was always a fun month growing up on the coast of Oman. The weather was a little cooler but the sun still blazed everyday. The delights of Halloween were finished and delights they were. Everyone came out to the Pan Am Compound for our Halloween celebration from all around. That is an understatement if I've ever written one^.

Then we moved on to the burning of the effigy of Guy Fawkes on a mountain of incendiary rubble. That's probably where the cia and mi6 burned it's papers and if they didn't should have. That was just a joke. Of course everything was on the up and up...I'm totally making alphabet soup jokes and of course they are jokes silly. The gathering of things to burn in the middle of the compound was fun as were the events, lots of volleyball, sand, 'cause that's all we had. 

...and then as time dictates Yule and the Christmas celebrations were coming on us quickly. We weren't in a Western Country though. We had to abide by the laws and rules dictated to the people through the word of Sultan, in an Islamic Country. 

November 19 just so happens to had been the Sultans birthday and he was a very smart man. He was probably one of the greatest diplomats of our time. In a big world and tribal management sense.

He had invited the British, Americans, Canadians, and Australians to live in his country and asked for help to move it forward; pivoting a backward country and propelling it as fast as he could into the future, with out disturbing the peace of the people, mostly. I'll go in to the Dhofar Rebellion another time but it's fascinating and you will once again understand my anti communist stance. 

Omanies loved the Sultan for good reason, he had improved their life standards by 100 fold. They would draw expert murals of lights in his image on hillsides and on ancient forts for his birthday ...the lights were so bright you could have seen them from space. I don't actually think you could see them from space, that just looks good typed out. On fantastic lucky evenings we would get to sit under the lights of Koot Muttrah and eat Naan from a tandor oven, and one of my favorites, samosa. I also like goat.

Christmas upon us the Sultan used his birthday as a backdoor for us Westerners and our Christmas festivities so we could string up our own lights. He had taken his cue from the likes of the Pagans and Christians, and many other religions of the past. Have you ever had to hide your faith? We didn't have to hide it but when Father Barnabas, our Jesuit priest, his career field was architecture (priests have career fields) brown robe and all was commissioned by the Sultan to build a church for us; the caveat was that the windows had to be high enough so the people couldn't see in. 

"Be unassuming and assuming at the same time" is a good way to explain it...hiding in plain sight.

Tribalism is difficult to navigate but it is possible. It takes thought, understanding, respect no matter how much you disagree, love, and knowledge of thought process. That last one is a doozy. It's possible though to speak a culture and not a language. Some people have been practicing this their whole lives. 

He built a school for the children of those he had welcomed so we could stay with our parents and have real family lives and not be sent off to boarding schools. He knew families, if they can, should try to stay together; if it's a good relationship build it. Bonding is key to great team work.

Someone asked what I learned at Royal Flight once...I replied, "The pence, the pound and how I suck at rounders." and then I winked.

We shouldn't dismiss the great things man kind has accomplished and what we can do. I was able to watch in real time the Sultan of Oman change the preverbal landscape of his country and how he did it. 

The call to prayer is called the Adhan. The root word in Arabic is adhina, it means to listen and be informed. We learned that too. 

You can learn anything if you read and listen but you also have to practice.

My name was Deborah, I was a prophetess of war and judge of the Israelites guided by the Angels Uriel and Hamalial. My finishing move was played by Jael. Learn our stories. They are true.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

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