Friday, October 23, 2020

Superalloys: Communism vs Freedom

An analogy can be used to teach those that learn differently to grasp a concept...

Superalloys: Communism vs Freedom

Problem: Our Country is on fire bitches!

We the People = Atoms

Civil Society = Crystal Structure

Your Country = Alloy

Your County on fire bitches = Heat

Freedom (USA) = Solid Solution

Communism = Precipitation Hardening 

How do you bond a Civil Society when the Country is on fire and you need to withhold the heat? = How do you keep the inter-atomic bonds from breaking apart when individual Atoms are exploding and breaking apart the Crystal Structure and destroying the Alloy?  
How do you stop Civil Society from breaking apart and destroying our Country? = How do you make an Alloy a Superalloy?
We need to super size this Superalloy kids.

Solid Solution or Precipitation Hardening


Communism = Precipitation Hardening 

Precipitation Hardening is the virus of Communism = different phases, slow infiltration of Communism into Civil Society is like a virus. The virus of Communism = Precipitates, the 'thought control', everything is ordered by rank because they, the virus, said so. We the People, Atoms, are scared to do anything accept what told because Civil Society = Crystal Structure has been burned to the ground by the heat. We the People, Atoms, become bloated when heated filling the vacuum created by the destruction of Civil Society. Bloated Atoms make the structure stronger to withhold the heat without a Crystal Structure = No Civil Society...bonded by the ultimate authority of a virus, a mob of thought control = A Superalloy

Different analogy : I'm a mom..."Why?",  "Because I said so. That's why."...then all the little sheep get in line. I have the shirt, my son gave it to me, "Because I said so" -Mom. I might have an inside track on this.

Freedom (USA) = Solid Solution

Solid Solution is bringing in more Atoms to make the bond stronger. You have a group of We the People, Atoms, moving around the Crystal Structure, the rules that keeps them bonded = Civil Society; things in order and going about their business. Think of an invasion into your Civil Society lighting everything on fire and if you don't do something it will burn to the ground. You need all the help you can get from individuals, We the People, Atoms, with different skill sets. Similar to a military formation covering all angles; digital, air, space, sea, and ground, but more. It's a different age, the heat is different then what We the People have ever combated ...think bigger...schools, civic leaders, artists, thinkers, sandwich makers, logistics, scientists, towers and comms. Atoms, We the People, ARE the Civil Society. We must move in tandem to strengthen the bond of Civil Society. All the Atoms, We the People, new and old bond to the Crystal Structure filling in gaps where needed, like a swarm, quashing the fire; making the Alloy, Country, impervious to the heat. The attack on Civil Society will fail =  A Superalloy

Different analogy: Imagine a wolf pack formation on a hunt or on a trek... Weakest goes second to last. Where we go one We go all (I don't mean that in the way you might think. Or do I? That's a funny joke). Strength in numbers. Know your objective. It's Civil Society but it must have teeth and know when to strike...and where. 

Prevent, trap, and divert 

I think that is a shit good time of an analogy.

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