Monday, January 4, 2021

The Whores

Last night while making dinner I listened to a panel stream from the University of Vermont. I like to hear that which is from the mouth of the Evil so I can get a straight story...not the game of telephone other bitches play

The whores are full steam ahead and their trajectory is our Children and Freedom.

I heard one man say race is not a biological construct (what the fuck?) and another answered a question, 'should races be separated?'. The fucking answer he gave was "yes". These were two different people on the same 'panel'. Holyshitballs, or dingle berries? This is just one of the many examples of the race whoring going on at Universities and schools. The people on the panel ARE racists. They are projecting their beliefs and dogma on others and have infiltrated the education system...all the way down to your little sweet cherubic elementary school babes. They aren't teaching Children HOW to think but WHAT to think. 

The race whores are in your work places. Critical race theory and intersectionality pushers are whores.

I believe in legal prostitution but you fuckers should start wearing rubbers because they are infecting the population with some vile disease...

...Meanwhile some asswipe in New York put forward a proposal... 

"AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health."

This is a proposal to remove you from your home on an assumption based on what someone else thinks. Someone sees you not wearing a mask...Do you think they won't tell on you to the 'authorities'?" Then you better start waking the fuck up because some are already. Live and in person.

The fuckingRona didn't close down any business. 

The fuckingChinaVirus didn't tell you to stay home for a year. 

The fuckingWuFlu didn't say you couldn't see your family for Christmas and then go on holiday. 

The fuckingBatPox didn't ruin the economy.

The fuckingVirus is your elected officials. 

...Meanwhile fuckingJosefMengeleFauci is doing the greatest scientific experiment on the population of the United States. I'm not being hyperbolic. They have ZERO long term studies on their mRNA 'vaccine'...unless they know something I don't...remember when Covid was here years ago? And then China took their toy and went home...or did they? How could we possibly be sure? They have already proven themselves public. On Pravda. ...the shit is not hitting the preverbal fan any more. They threw it up in the air and it has spread far and wide.

Great Reset anyone?...New World Order? No...that's a conspiracy you are told...what the fuck?'s right there...their plan in ink...on video...

In Spain they will be keeping a list of everyone that doesn't get the 'vaccine'. I thought they were gonna come through a window and they strolled right through the front door. 

Bidens Harris's climate Tsar is the almighty John Kerry. Fuck that...they will use the  fuckingBoomerRemover to push their agenda under the guise of Climate Change...Fuck the UN and the EU.

Concurrently the Federal reserve prints money backed by nothing. Learn some economics and what the gold standard actually's not a sound bit. Free capitalism makes the world go around in peace. 

...Meanwhile Pravda is telling people our election was fine. It was not 'fine'; in anyway. Governors signed mandates out side their purview. Social medias are censoring anything they think tells the truth. They are tearing down pamphlets from telephone poles and burning the truth in the town square.

Take off your fucking masks and show them your Star of David. Show them who you are. 

Killing babies up till birth...that's not 'pro-choice'...that's someones life. You are killing another person and they can feel it. You fuckers are gonna burn in hell. 

Transforming Children's minds to think a man can be a woman or a woman a man. You can''t change that...that shit is at the gamete level. I don't care if you wanna dress differently or pervert your body. I don't give a shit but stop filling our Children's heads with lies. 


I want to yell as loud as I can, "Jesus, Wake up!"

My name is Kristin. My Children are the Children of the Earth. (When I say something like this I'm literally talking about MY Children that do come from all ends of the Earth and they are of many races, my BrownNut, LoveBug, and LittleGuy. I'm just their African-American Mom that wants to feed them all that is good and great.)

This is the Passion of Kristin;) Learn my truth, it's real.

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

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