Monday, January 4, 2021

The Rule Book and The Play Book


Rule Book

To create a friendship you learn about the other that is different. You build something...You learn where they are from, their families, their history, all of you can understand "where they come from." You ask them questions. You learn and do not assume. This means their actual history and their thought processes which takes them in certain directions, paths you in your culture would never have even thought of. You educate yourself in their customs so to be's part of understanding. You appreciate the differences and accept them. You communicate, it is learning a different language. 

If you want to build something you work together, as a team. We are all Children of this OUR EARTH. We are all Mothers and Fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We are all one. Period. Let us have no misunderstandings. You will not separate the peoples for that is a mistake that will have repercussions that you can't even imagine. Your mind and hearts have become feeble.

I play bridge. I enjoy building bridges. Anticipating and communicating with your partner in unheard ways is fun. Bridge has rules you must abide by. I don't play by the written rules. I just know them. Then I go around them, or above them, sometimes under them. Distract. Eliminate the threat;). You have to read your opponents mind. Know how they think if you really want to win.

When Civil Societies rules are broken it becomes no longer Civil.
The word of goodness, self-respect, true love, and Freedom for others is gone. They fill that vacuum.
...and people feel they have no hope...because they have lost the word of Truth.

The Play Book

If you throw the rule book out, I grab the play book.

There are rule books for building things, there are play books for destroying them.

Pick your battles, know your war.

Have you ever seen a play book written so well thought out and encompassing it would last thousands of years?

There is a price for everything; even peace. There is always a sacrifice for the future. There alway has, is, and will be. You reap what you sow.

If we let rot beget rot we have nothing left for the future. 

We are the Spirit of the United States of America. A land of Free People and We the People stand before you showing no more charity.  We gave, all you did is take and complain. You lick the feet of Hate, Envy and Blame. We are your Freedom Fighters.

The Golden Chalice is above your heads and will be poured upon the Children of this earth. The future demands We the Chosen are not a blight on Earth but people of God. The God of you, Christ consciousness can be found inside you. There is no beautiful music except that which we sing.

What kind of rule books and play books are we leaving the Children to follow?                                          Ones with a foundation of Hate built up with Envy and Blame? 

States craft is a game. You build and destroy whole countries and peoples by the power of the word and action if need be. 

It's friendship or it's not, sometimes there are grey areas...sometimes there is no grey matter or areas. You can't reason with communism. You want to win against that which is un-reasonable and un-moving...How would you do that? Would you throw everything at it until it is wiped off the planet and can not return? Rot begets rot. You do not fertilize the ground with rot. You burn it to ashes. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 


The rain fell and flooded the lands in tears....again. They saw the ways and brought forth a new age. One built on a base of Freedom, Free thought, Free commerce, Free worship, Free lives, Free will. I love typing these things out.

I don't play many games. I don't care for them. There is nothing truly at stake...but the in the game of life...the future is though, the future of the Human race.

Shall we play a game?


The Storm Witch fans the flames with the wind of breath. 

One day I'll tell you a story

Be still and listen

You all think I'm weird now...wait for it.

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