Thursday, April 29, 2021

We The People

People of America,

President Biden stood up last night and said, We the Government are We the People. That is a lie. The State is the few, We the People are the many more.

National Guardsmen, you protected the State from the People, but it was just an illusion, a very big planned party...That negates President Joe Biden saying, We the Government are We the People. 

Federal and State workers, you are being used to prosecute anyone that speaks different of the Government while Attorneys general are not prosecuting the ones that have done harm to you. The ones that threw Molotov cocktails at Federal buildings and apartments, while you were in them...while you were doing what they told you to do they are telling all the criminals to go and do what they wish with impunity because they work unknowingly for the State, until the State decides otherwise. The FBI is investigating any individual that was at the Capitol on January 6th with the help of corporations: Youtube, Twitter, FaceBook, and Banks. They are prosecuting State and Federal workers for the deeds of the Government wants. 

Eric Garner died because the State wanted its tax dollars. If Mayor de Blasio didn't get enough tax dollars he wouldn't have been able to shut down time square as he danced with his wife...while everyone else was ordered per the State to stay home.

Veterans, you are living in a world where you were told a lie, and now you have to live with that pain for the rest of your life. I lost good friends too, while the State filled it's pockets with gold. 

The State takes from We the People as it desires handing out worthless trinkets sold as good things while they fill their own coffers. 0,000,000,000,000. How many of those have they told you they will spend? How many of you will actually see something meaningful from it? 0,000,000,000,000. How many 0's are in your bank account? How ever many zeros you have in your bank account they have just transferred to theirs. They control all of your zeros, the Banks work with the State. 

There is no systematic racism, there is only the State. The State that tax ALL the people and only protects themselves. 

The United States of America was built on a foundation of Freedom. Freedom to live ones life unhindered by the State. A foundation of Freedom of Religion. A foundation of Freedom to Speech, all of it. A foundation away from a tyrannical State. We are an Ideology, not just a place.

I am left. I am right. I am center. I am black, white, yellow and brown. I am from here and I am an immigrant. I am Catholic. I am Jewish. I am a Christian. I am Wiccan. I am an Atheist that believes in them self. 

I am an American. 


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