Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Bitcoin Pachinko Parlor

"You probably shouldn't call them 'normies'." I laugh, I know it's true. I don't mean it in a mean way. Normal means adhering to, conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. It's most excellent if you're normal. Normies are the people that grease the cog and make the world go around; day after day you take care of business. Coming home tired just wanting to put your feet up. So I sit here and write and try and help you see and understand what's happening around us in simple terms. If you know what's happening then you can plan for your future. I know you are a planer because you are a doer. You are Atlas. You hold up the world on your shoulders knowing the burden doing it anyway because you understand your purpose in life. Thank you, you are appreciated. You aren't told thank you enough and that you are appreciated. 

Bitcoin mining is the infinite Pachinko game and your prize is nothing of value unless you take your token to the 'underground', the token changers aren't the underground, they are next to the Pachinko parlor in the open. A treasure hunt for nothing of value but land that goes on forever. This is heresy to some in my world. Everyone watch closely to see if x marks the spot. Computers do all the work. A human wrote the code. They will tell you it can't be hacked. Everything can be hacked. Who controls bitcoin? Now? The intention of the creator was what? We don't know who the creator was yet. So we do not know the intention. Even if the intention was for good...everything can be used for bad. It's human nature. It's the jhiad in all of us, the struggle to do the right thing. 

They are removing the dollar from circulation. The one that says 'legal tender for all debts public and private'. It's worth absolutely nothing. Backed by nothing of value anymore. There is no proof of a tangible asset; goods or services. Dutch Brothers has a sign they do not take cash. At the Rockies game they have machines that take your cash and in turn spit out a debt card a plastic card made from petroleum, with the amount you put in. They do not take cash. The banks, like Bank of America that released all the information to the federal government on their own because they do not agree with you and control banking, how you make transactions, control your life. Pay Pal turns peoples service off if they don't agree with something said or done. It's the same as YouTube. That's demonetization.  

Facebook has it's own banking system, a monetary one and a data one.

We are in the beginning of the Great Reset where you will own nothing. This is the future. You will own...nothing. This is a sign of the time as they say...

ESG Environmental, SOCIAL, and corporate governance. It's your social score. They use it on cooperation's as collateral now. It's what they say, not what they do. It's based on nothing tangible. Thank you B of A-sarcasm-idots can't read sarcasm so you have to tell them. I do not appreciate you. You all should check on the status between BofA, The World Economic Forum, Bitcoin, and John Kerry...your climate Tsar. No man rules over me. I'm a free person of Planet Earth. Aren't you? 

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's an ideology. You can have it anywhere as long as there is not tyranny from another. 

This is the future...right now. It's the normal- the not questioned, it's routine. Except we have a problem. Can you see it? Can you see how this has gone sideways? Most normal people are in the mindset of 'Keep Calm and Carry On." It's a saying from Great Britain during WW2...while you are sheltering yourself from the harsh reality of what is actually happening they are nuking everything you built; our children's future. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story  

My name was Yehudis. I used every God given charm I had and infiltrated the adversary. I cut off their generals head and held it high to demoralized the people. It is the Book of Judith. Learn my story. It is true. 

Berisheet, the word has it's own meaning. It begins as follows..."In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..."


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