Friday, July 16, 2021

Medical Genocide

I'm watching crazy (mentally ill) in real time; on more levels I could have ever imagined...and evil.

The mentally ill need help but they have been refused it. Refused help by the medical include the pretend Drs like Jill (you have no integrity) and the Dr's not like Jill, the semi real ones that skipped ethics and philosophy...and also history. They skipped them because Universities and colleges are rubbish. The psychologists and psychiatrists that have no clue that they have no idea what they are doing...fucking with peoples minds. The educators that fill your Child with pills to curb their intelligence-yes...that's what ADD and such drugs do to your Child. The teachers are lazy and stupid. Government agencies that do cursory checks to mark a box which do nothing but help them get their government paycheck. 

I'm going somewhere with this...

Some 'scientists' have been working on how they can make a male mammal give birth. Why?  Male mammals do not give birth. Ask again...Why? (This is not's a Frankenstein project.) What they did was sew a male mouse and a female mouse together including the blood system from the pregnant mouse and a bunch of other stuff I won't explain because there is no need. This is not science. This is monster making. Let me ask, what good does this do when man tries to play God? There are real consequences. What's the end game? Men with uteruses? Again, why? Where would they get a uterus? Why does a man need to give birth? Do they need to pretend harder? 

I watched a short video where this woman was mad because her name was going to be the name as the mother on the birth certificate of her child she gave birth to. Why was she mad? ('Mad'-look up that word.) She was mad because she thinks her male partner should have his name on the birth certificate as the mother and not the actual Mother. Can you see how this does not work? This is an absolute mental illness. It's being propped up by academics, government officials, the medical community, teachers and the idiots. We are being told this is 'normal' and in no way is this natural or normal. 

Some sanity...I know I am the Mother of my Children. I also know I did not give birth to them and they have a biological Mother. It's simple to understand. I am their caretaker through life. They (I would have written, 'she', as to make a point, but to make myself perfectly clear I have 3 Children that were adopted, and 2 step Children I love as a Mother, but I am not their biological mother (is biology confusing?...I could be PMS if all this sounds bitchy (Ha!) They were the givers of life to my children. They carried them in their wombs and then gave birth to them. This is the main function of the female body that differentiates from the male body. I feel like I'm giving a lecture, probably because even the simplest knowledge is being wiped (you mean with a cloth?-fuckyouHillary) away by the medical profession, educators, corporate media, and the idiots in governments.

The male mouse can not give birth. The male does not have a uterus. Probably on purpose, I'm going out on a limb here. A man isn't broken and needing of a fix if he can't give birth. I'll phrase this as a question  and please think hard...Are they are trying to sterilize as many of a generation as they can.? Parents need to wake up. The medical community thinks parents should not have a say in their Children's mental and physical health. It's a communist thing...and they are killing off your grandchildren by feeding them hormones; hormones that your children will never ever bounce back from. The chemistry of biology...

It sounds insane doesn't it? Expirements on children that make them infertile? On purpose. How many ways would they if they could, if they thought there were to many people on the planet, in their eyes... 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story


Arise for the future. Arise for freedom. Arise and stand up for the children. 

Tomorrow doesn't wait for you to be ready so you ready yourself today. It's only just begun.

None of this is about experiments on a mouse. 

Torturing one to make another happy is evil.

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