Monday, December 12, 2022

Quantum Entanglement


Every title has a purpose

if you don't stick with it

you will never know

In physics a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction; sub atomic.  

I listened to Sam Bankman Fried say "I, I, I..." making excuses for stealing peoples money in 'his' ponzi scheme while he was gaming on Twitter 2.o living freely in the Bahamas.

If he said he gave money to democrats and republicans why would it make you think any different of him? They are all corrupt, acting like an 'R' next to a name means something...stop with the jokes, I've had enough. Much like your vaccine* was an introduction of some auto immune disease, they turned off your immune system, you know that now, right? Not every vehicle start up is the same and when you introduce foreign information, well some bodies machines don't understand and get confused...much like that they introduce a system to regulate a system so they can control it how they want.   

Bernie Madoff was arrested in December of 2008, the housing market had just crashed in September. Who's fault was the housing market crash? You do know how all this went down right? Do a speed course if you don't and see that they are again doing the same things under different cloaks. Madoff had been under investigation by the SEC several times, so they knew what was going on...Someone says, "throw the people a bone!" This of course after his boys 'told' on him. Seriously...

I hear, "investigation on capitol hill", why do you think that will make a difference? Capitol Hill is where clowns are. They are not serious except for making money for themselves as they hoard power over citizens as they steal your Childs future (I'm not counting the ways and means today). What the fuck was all the shit that just happened and you think they will take anything serious? Wake up. The system is so big most citizens work for some kind of government entity in some form or fashion. How do you reach people when their livelihood depends on the master?...and you know that the master poisons your well daily and they tell you to vote, because it counts. Hahahahaha... Stop.

One of the richest men in the world that works with, in some capacity the US government, he gets our astronauts to and from the International Space station, just bought Twitter and we find out it was stacked with government employees or agenda driven zealots. I'm over here with a pile of black pills and Trust issues I have with Man you think maybe it's another bone? Have you noticed a trend? I want someone on ol' regular peoples side that has a lot of $$$ too...I know how that shit moves things in ways you only imagine in the darkest realms of human nature. I worship no human, it's bad form. Serious questions...Did they give you a hero or the illusion of one?...I'm pretty sure if Elon Musk wanted an army of drones he could build one so maybe he does have hard power I'm not privy too, better stealth too...? No one is going to get in trouble for deleting accounts on twitter or any of the other trashy things people do to others that only trashy people do. I am entertained though, cynicaly I must add. 

Quantum mechanics is the description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

"No, you are not nocturnal, you are a human. If you were nocturnal you would have great big eyes and pupils that could find light where a human can not with their bare eyes. Just because you keep late hours does not make you nocturnal-it means you like it for some reason. Shall I go one further? Just because you like to have sex with whom ever you like to have sex with does not mean you were born that way or we would not be here. It's actual simple biology-evolutionary. What you want to do is different then what we have to do as a species to survive. This is not judgment but plain fact. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is how I know you, 'were not born this way'. What you desire is not what you were made to do. Still no judgment from me, just stating base line at the root of the system who we are. Let me take it further down this road in my speedy little wagon because if you think I won't take it here, you don't know what I'm writing. One of the 10 Commandments is, 'honor thy Mother and Father'. I don't think the average person in modernity thinks of this because we have 'systems in place', your systems are broken. This is also for parents of Children, if you beat the child that is supposed to take care of you when you are old, how do you think they will treat you? ...and here we are the cycle of life but on a different scale. If a Child does not learn discipline though they have no ways and means of improvement-adult upgrades if I may be so bold. With out Children you have no future." 

Quantum field theory

Have you ever sang a song that made God cry? 

When we talk we vibrate the air around us. Our vocal cords do this for us. You know it, you do not think of it though or you haven't in a long while. When we sing we affect the space around us to create a feeling in someone or a group. This is Music Theory and in practice a how to. Have you ever seen a singer shatter glass? One octave above middle C, as loud as you can, that's the how but can you? You push as much vibration into the air at an exact frequency and it vibrates the glass and shatters. It was a party trick at the Pan Am compound, in Seeb, Oman circa 1979. That is moving vibration through the air that you can not see, much like your ear drums vibrate and you translate those frequencies, we can also destroy with them- I know you know all this, everyone knows we have sound weapons right? We can focus them. 

Quantum mechanics is the description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. It is the foundation of all quantum physics. Everything is connected when you can see all the connections and you can see how matter ebbs and flows and is pushed and pulled. This is the Spirit that moves us. 

Be still and listen 

One day I'll tell you a story

"You might could use a good systems analysts right about now." said in a perfect American accent from somewhere near Kentucky.  

I think entanglement is the wrong word, it conveys confusion, connection is better even though you personally might not see, it does not mean it's not all around you. It knows exactly what it's doing even if you don't. 

It's a hive you are connected to but you can not translate the frequencies. Much like Children can hear higher pitches then most adults, you knew that though right?   

I can feel the magnification of everything I touch, I can see the all that there is, here, there, everywhere. seethatwhichisbeforeyouandafteryouandyouhavenofear 

Do you understand it yet? 

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