Friday, December 30, 2022



The other day I watched Biden and Zalinski speak 'to the people'. I watched the whole day, I heard everything said and I saw their glee as I watched their pockets grow larger as they enriched themselves with your future. They are going to leave you with nothing if you don't do something. 

Into my head I go...into the matrix, it makes my skin itch, nettle all over; millions of ants biting me all at the same takes a bit for it to wear off... 10% to the big guy, some joke about centcom, the fbi and cia managing communist comms, when do people find out we are the communists? Nothing you see through a screen is real. I wish I could Vulcan mind meld everyone I come in contact so they understand not just the severity of the trouble we are in but the magnitude and the quickness with which it is coming down the line. No one is safe and no one will be free. 

We aren't a democracy, none of it is real. Anti democratic steps. #fdr #jfk #alphabet #dontquestiontheelection

For fucks sake how many billions of dollars were just signed away. How long can they do this? Indefinitely? Your central bank with it's digital currency that they control? Yeah...fucking morons. What are we going to do about it when they have all the hard power? Do they?

Ol' Joe-"To keep their democracy alive it takes money"=how to over throw a government is easy, just buy someone 'a cold drink' fucking pay them off...or bribe them...this is really how it is done...who's bribing whom and who has been payed off. Holy shitballs kids, when you grasp it is almost everyone of them that are utterly and uber corrupt. Is your Mayor, Governor, Sheriff, how long till equity, diversion diversity, inclusion come from them...your city council? 

I wonder sometimes how many people really know what is happening and how this system works and how many insane balls things are really happening at the same time.


"MRaps, missles...came together very quickly" 

Back drop of real hardship

Biden looks old

Look at the actor in the eye. 

"Thank you very much for this crime I mean money."- the Z man, word for word. 

Biden is literally reading his answer to the pretend question he just got. 

We are in a shit load of trouble

Its grotesque how the journalists grovel. 

Biden says we will punish Russia until Ukraine wins the way they want?

Later in the evening I'm sitting here with cookbooks before me as I make plans waiting for the Z man to speak before congress. 

Aid=patriot missiles 

People are getting killed for no reason. I really wish I could do that Vulcan mind meld. Ukraine is just a proving ground. Our foreign policy writers are fucktards that should be no where near diplomacy. 

We are in for some really big trouble


Why don't people push back and say the real stuff out loud. "What are we going to do about it?"

How? There is no leader. We have alpha males everywhere, they need a controller. This is the hard part. How do you trust? Who do you trust?

What do we do about the mining for your rechargeable batteries that make this world of tech we live in? What do we do about corporations and Countries that treat their citizens like less then slaves? Prey tel? 

What do you do when coups are happening all over the world?

Your countries leader was installed...all of them. Meanwhile they are all also fighting for control making alliances here and there, ones in the open and ones in secret. Which one of our Generals contacted his peer in China and told him in so many words that not to worry, Trump wouldn't hurt them? After he gave a 'reminder to the troops of their sworn oath'? Fuck you all. What do we do about that? 

It's a world wide problem and no one is coming to save you. 

Z-man is an actor playing a part in a war of projection. I'm not telling you something you don't know. 

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