Sunday, May 30, 2021

Event Horizon

Enlightenment; a new age of knowing. Knowing a religion has taken that what we call science and desecrated it. Where you can't ask questions or are called a heretic. For True. 

Look around and ask why those that are questioning are erased from the digital world...our modern day village square. How many will see this because I have a different thought, belief, idea...that I want to conserve science and question the methods the universities and governments are using. 

Where you can not question the ethics of the mrna vaccine. You are allowed a second opinion, even a third...they are just PRACTICING medicine. 

You may not question the lack of long term studies.

We just got the 'ok' that you can ask if Covid 19 came from a lab and it might not be zoological. How many were condemned because they asked just that question? There are more questions...


If you are White and western you are told you are a racist and if you do not agree you are shouted down, called names ...and erased. 

We are dealing with a large scale religion, bigger and scarier then we could have imagined. 

When did man shake his animal tendencies and start thinking and knowing? Did it happen gradually? (that darlings is a clue...)

What is the oldest structure man has built?

How old is the Earth?

Where is Earth in the big scheme of things...from its proximity in space as we know it to the daily happening of the ache of your arm, the birth of a child, the seed you just planted and the shade it will give another years down the road? 

How many cataclysmic events have erased time lines? Whole cultures wiped off...the face of the map.

We can not change the the way the UN and the World Economic forum have said we can...that is control of its inhabitance to work for them. This is a world wide problem and we are gonna have to call in our brothers and sisters to stand up with us

If I ask these questions and I don't follow what the scientists say today is true via consensus, a consensus is what put the Bible together over hundreds of years... I'm called a kook. In reality people do not like being wrong. In science this is dangerous. 

If you want to dig deeper and question the ideas of those that came before you...well...that is science denial. Also math is real...I actually think we have many more dimensions to learn from it. I'm only guessing as math is sorcery...Ha! Multiple level funny to me.

This is one of those Arenas that looks chaotic and all over the place...warriors battling in what looks like separate battles but is a war in front of you. Are the good guys or the bad guys going to win? Those that want to control what you do, where you go, how you live and burn your knowledge to the ground through censorship? Through a lack of real education this is happening now. To deny it is to not see what is front of your face.

A man can not be a woman and a woman can not be a man. We can not change gametes. Perhaps this is inconvenient for some...that is the truth. I'll probably be extra nice to you when I see you...I know life is hard and don't talk to me about science until you understand what it is. You can ask me;)...I'll show you some paths and maybe you can find a different one. A different one that makes things fit. 

It's ok to get new information like a puzzle piece that was hidden from you. Just accept it. It can be a hard pill to swallow but the other side knows what this is like. We get new information all the time and have to stop and reassess ...we just accept we were wrong and move forward (some of us enjoy warp speed capacity). Use the past as a lesson to build the future better. 

Be still and listen

They are telling a story that is false.

I saw a couple of newly birthed baby deer today in our yard. There legs were shaky as they took their first steps. I watched one baby drink from the Mother, her milk of life. 

Discover a new delight when we shift to the red. Redshift 

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