Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Valkyrie From Space


code coming in code going out

into the smoke we sing

onto the water we walk







BDSM women it's

DEI | a | has been 

you see our mother Mary was

a witch to them

she raised her son to be a sacrifice

to God

she had the audacity to listen

to the angels sent to thee

There was a time when it was under stood

you could not have one without the other

then the mother was bare

no less for the wear

 then the pan way

showed her a truce

threw the airways

she showed them the way

back to the our Father

that bound them

but was it to late

for them to listen

to still their minds

for a lesson

those who worship

gold statues have lost 

their way

a chance they were given

they through it away

a holy war is upon thee

much to my dismay

it will not be the one you thought of

the valkyrie from space

are on their way

One day I will tell you a story

When you are still you can listen

It's a story in true there are very few people that can do what I do to know what I see is what they want to be the matter in front of me need not take to seed for no matter the mother did warn her son would be back and their would be an end our science of old can show you the way there is the truth in the pan world way everything before you the angels and saints the dead that can raise and the stars in heaven the moon too have a power beside you the Father is the truth or we would not be for there is a special power when two become three.  

they knew in time

the demons would be released

from deep in the sea

there would come a marine

who would father the angel 

of death

for thee

Do I feel bad for people that don't take to heart when I warn them?


They know they shouldn't be living in unrepentant sin. I don't know if they really think they can keep using the son's name but it only gets you so far unless you follow the way. habitual sin is a no no this is not something difficult to understand. you don't worship gold statues only the Fathers way. it doesn't question the object it is just a matter of fact. we are viking romans true in fact we carry the key and guard our Fathers gate. when the hoards of the dead can't find their way into the ground they seep and they sway.

There she did walk in her garden of death at the top of the mountain the cricket she saw the storm ahead of her a power to see. Dawn on her coat from time eternal her Fathers arms wrapped around her gain of function external.

Don't come at me

I just read what I see


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