Thursday, April 11, 2024

Star Date: Four Eleven, Two Thousand Twenty Four


Streaming thought of consciousness 

Is it too much yet? 

The waiting I mean. 

You know something is going to happen. 

Was March a lion or lamb?

When I set that extra plate at our Easter table as done in the old ways,  I didn't know it was going to get used; I did make sure all the right offerings got on it though.

The ebb and flow of the electricity is magical at the moment. Magical doesn't have to be good or bad it just is.

 Streaming thought of consciousness

Our Colorado legislators decided they would pass a bill that said they could make laws (have conversations not on 'the book') behind closed doors and the, "Governor.", said my heightened received pronunciation of Our Queens English accent, signed it. 

They have made churches like the United Methodist Church bow down to the most absurd demonic trash, and there is no discernment except from those part way, because they have Good faith. So many have been played fools and in turn they accepted the abominable and have embraced it, under the watchful eye. How do they excuse the mutilation of a child for a lie? All the wrong neurons are firing.

Remember when they installed Joe Biden and they put fencing around the Capitol and the National Guard pointed their weapons at the citizens. Anyone that thinks their vote is going to count has to know by now it does not and as ol' Joe said something about needing, "F 16's and Nuke's." Funny story, I'll tell ya later...

They really do control everything you see and hear that comes from a machine.

China, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, much of England and Canada are dystopian nightmares for citizens that don't go along to get along. Ours is a few steps harder, but don't worry, they are determined, you should see the red flag laws being initiated?...and why all the mental health care in schools, you don't have red bells and whistles going off? - these are the same people that insist your child is a walking disease. Where is the discernment?   

Streaming thought of consciousness 

This is an interesting tidbit for fun as the Dyson Hoberman sphere net thing is initiated, USAF is getting ready to normalize an AI pilot, starting with the F-16. Can you imagine A 10's? I wouldn't wanna be under that. 

I understand the complexities of the above sentence and enormity of it, the capabilities, the issues that will arise, no oxygen or gravitational force concerns. Lockheed Martin will be able to produce 48 per year soon," imagine the possibilities." 

The Pentagon has a new group, Joint Production Accelerator Cell, or JPAC. This is our war machine hard at work, they oversee the expansion of weapon production and encourage and expedite the situation. "and don't forget to use each others preferred pronouns." In my eyes, those that, 'use other peoples preferred pronouns', are the weakest of all the mindsets, they are the mask wears, the lies before your eyes. I know our military isn't a joke but they make the members look like clowns. Veterans and the like should stand up and say so, and it's embarrassing how all I hear is the wind blow past my ears.

I love streaming thoughts of consciousness

We have this really amazing moment that happened 3000 years ago and we are possibly going to witness this event sometime between now and November. Look low on the Northern horizon I think it's 21 degrees at pre dawn and one morning you will wake and see what looks like the brightest star you have ever seen. Only those with no depth to their thought think it's just a celestial event. 

I just giggled to myself, "We had '2' Popes." everything is if fine and dandy, and yeah, I did go in to that belly of a serpent and sat in his audience.

Be still and listen 

One day I will tell you story

The seamstress thought to her self, cut the cloth.


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