…”HOLY SHIT! I can’t not believe this IS happening!”
Thursday/Friday this is what happened…I have to go backwards…and back in time too.
I’ll start with Friday morning.
Friday I turn on the news and the weather man on my local channel is staring back at me…Holy Crap...It’s my friend and favorite bartender who I thought had stopped that gig, he’s filling in.
I have to attend my Children’s assemblies…Holy Crap…In walks one of my Gym Guy friends…I didn’t know his son went to the same school as my Children?
(Normal…lets get to the abnormal now.)
My experiment with on line dating went awry. I met this really nice guy. No, seriously, NICE. He had nothing to offer me but, niceness. He’s good looking’, sweet, can hold a conversation…there are a few things that are bit difficult for me to take but I figure I can deal…he has a serious case of adHd…Capital HHHHHHHH.
Whatever. I know I’m a lot to handle and I think maybe he can handle me…
And yes, I will blog about it because I can’t make my life up. It’s fucked up fun and this planet is a small one…as is this town I live in, the second largest city in Colorado…and I just found out how small it really is.
Ok...I meet this guy on line, we click, we click well. I give him the low down on me and he seems to get it…I’m tough to take and I live out loud on-line….although we know I have to edit.
I call F3 who has since moved to fill her in on some stuff happen’ and I really miss her. I tell her about this on-line guy. I describe him and she asks me his last name…and HOLY SHIT…she tells me…
F4…”OMG, F10 totally went out with him and really liked him. He just stopped calling her…yada,yada, yada…”
Me…”Fuck! I can’t do this. I have to break it off with him.”
My friends are everything to me. I will not hurt one, on purpose, ever. I didn’t know they had dated…(more to this but I need to edit)
I hadn’t decided yet if I wanted this to be exclusive anyway…but I was pretty sure he liked me way to much and I was going to destroy and crush him.
This was sadly easy for me to do. To shut off all emotions for someone. Dude like tendencies are awesome to have in this situation. I also think there was a reason, deep down inside this was easy for me…as always something was missing and my soul is an empty abyss. Ok, it’s really not.
The best Wednesday ever. The girls and I head downtown on a whim
Fast forward to September 11th 2010…I’m out with the girls in a crowded bar. Someone slipped me a roofie. I have rules, I go home with who I came with. This strange occurrence that you hear about actually happened to me. I don’t know what happened it was like that Movie “The Hangover”…I was the star…but I didn’t get to see it.
I gathered as much information as I could from other people and my memory of events…
My memory...
I’m at a bar downtown, it’s really crowded.
I wake up the next morning in F11’s bed.
What I have gathered from others…
F10 and F11 are chilling and I am chatting with someone.
5 Min. later, they can’t find me.
They look all over for me. I’m nowhere to be found.
F11 gets a call from me around 12ish.
The Police it seems have picked me…
(I had called a friend of mine the next day who’s husband is a police officer to see if he could find out who had picked me…to no avail.)
F11 comes to pick me up and she brings me to her house.
I heard that I was saying…
Me…”Wow, he’s a really cute cop. I think he likes me.”
F11…”Be quiet and just get in the car.”
No, I didn’t get arrested. I have never been arrested and don’t want to be.
…I found out this Thursday, St. Patricks day…while F1, F2 and I were whooping’ it up again downtown in the middle of the day…and who do we see as soon as we walk in Super C!
We start talking...
…It was Super C that had picked me up…and had remembered me. He’s a Police Officer.
He’s now divorced.
He’s still adorable.
He has seen me at my worst…
He want’s my number.
Oh, I give him my number!
We had lunch yesterday.
Only a handful of my friends knew that I had been roofied. It was something I wasn’t really excited about…I’m sure you can imagine. I don’t think I was taken advantage of. I was found in tack if you will.
I told one of my Brothers last night. I hadn’t told ANYONE in my family. I didn’t want them to worry.
…and I live in a really SMALL town.
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