I’ve fed (do poptarts count?) my children, done 2 loads of laundry, made my bed, cleaned the kitchen floor and have taken my children to school while still wearing my pajamas and house shoes crossing my fingers that the cop I passed wouldn’t stop me for speeding cause I look
I need to turn my Mac off and get ready for the day…but I’m blogging instead.
I just learned how to do the cross out thing…I think I like it and you will see it more now.
I’ve had 3 crackers so far…5 more left.
I am thinking about going shopping today. I want a new black blouse and some slouchy trouser jeans. I’m going out tomorrow night. I have no idea what I am going to wear. I did go to DSW yesterday and picked up 2 new pairs of boots I can wear with my exoskeleton…one pair are cowboy boots…I’m excited about them.
I just eaten another cracker…4 to go.
Ann Curry just did the useless news bit on the Today show. I like Ann. One of my friends loaned her a flack jacket once in Sri Lanka.
Now they are showing a bit about Charlie 'the psychopath' Sheen. His children were taken away from him.
One more cracker down…3 to go
The psychopath and his
I had lunch with a secret squirrel yesterday and he said he felt bad for the psychopath…I don’t.
I need to finish my breakfast but I’m getting full.
Another cracker down the hatch.
It’s a lap top it can go anywhere with me…I’m peeing right now.
I’ve washed my hands and gazed in the mirror. I see toothpaste on my face tonight. I’m back on the couch.
On the Today show they are talking about sales…WaHoooo.
They are talking about deals. I have a theory about sales…buy it on sale before you NEED it ‘cause then you will most likely pay full price.
Both those boots I bought yesterday were on sale and I had $20.00 worth of DSW bucks…:)
Spend with cash…(Today show)…I only shop with cash.
I still have 2 crackers to go.
The women from “The Real Housewives Of Orange County’ are coming on next…how can they all be called house wives? Some of them are not even married!
A Lyrica commercial just came on…I’ve been working on a blog about side effects of drugs…I’m taking my time though cause I started it a while ago.
I’ll be back in a sec….
I’m back…laundry called…it wanted attention.
I need to wash my house shoes in the next load, they are starting to smell. My feet sweat a lot in them.
2 crackers left I’m so full though.
That song, "I want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world" by Rihanna is being played. That’s what people hear when they call me. It bothers the hell out of my Mother.
My Facebook status this am was…
“Blog or shop?”
I’m amazed that people care what I do.
Most of them want me to shop then blog about it.
S wants me to just blog ‘cause it’s free…boring. Sorry S!
Today show update…
The Royal Wedding…I would love to go. I think they are a beautiful couple.
Back to my FB status…
Shlogging, shlopping…I have whitty friemds…I mean witty friends.
Holy shit I really need to get up and go…still sitting here with my 2 crackers in front of me.
I’m gonna fill my coffee cup up.
I poured my cold coffee back into the pot and poured myself a ‘new’ cup. I’m the only one drinking it…it’s my spit. I like my coffee, black and boiling!
That’s some mother fucking hot coffee! Owwww!!!!

I have Re-hab for my leg at 11:30…I got all my hairs cut off yesterday so I just need to gel it after my shower…no blow drying needed…short hair shaves 1o min. off my routine.
Commercial about style snaps makes me think about jeggings and those types of
I added a pic of myself on here not to show you my new cut but ‘cause when ever I have a pic of me on here I get more hits! Yup, I’m not sure if it’s a sex sells thing because Jason knows marketing is not my thing…
I need to learn to Market my SELF!!!
Finally…the Housewives are on.
They are SO, SO, SO fake! I’m jealous of their beauty and hair…I can’t lie.
Are they required by contract to have long blond hair?
I don’t think I can finish my crackers.
I just went to see what all my FB friends are ‘doing’.
None of them are really up to much
That was the worst segment. Can I say Blechhhhh again?
I’m gonna post this mess, not check it for spelling, grammar or anything…
Living on the edge baby!
maybe later I’ll take the tags off ALL the mattress in my house and really get wild!
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