It was 7am when I walked outside and in the distance my ears were greeted with Revere being played over the sound system at Peterson Air Force Base. Home of USNORTHCOM/NORAD.
I live several miles from the HeadQuarters and I had never heard it before from my home. It made me smile.
I went inside sat on my sofa and turned on the local news and looked at my folded Newspaper.
Do you know what “Above the fold” is? It’s supposedly the most important story of the day and it is the headliner.
I opened the newspaper and “Below the fold”, on the very, very bottom was a small story about Libya…continued on page 6…PAGE 6!
I’m an international kinda gal.
The happenings across the globe concern me.
I wonder how many people in the United States even know where Libya is? I know it’s in the news, but do they know it’s not situated near Iraq or Iran…
IT’S ON THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA…maybe I shouldn’t have shouted that, maybe YOU DO know where it is.
Gas prices are rising because several countries that have been under the thumbs of omniscient tyrannical rulers are starting to fight back. It started in Tunsinia…the need for freedom. The fight for freedom moved to Egypt where the freedom fighters have relatively succeeded.
People are complaining about the cost of gas.
We live in this society that has more freedoms than you can shake a stick at. Our internet browsing is not monitored, we can rally and protest without the fear of the military firing on us…we can say what we want when we want.
Note…There are some people who thing our internet is monitored…whatever…Have you been to China? I have. I call Hong Kong counts.
The Westboro Baptist Assholes just won a Supreme Court case in regards to protesting outside funerals. I’m not very happy about it…I think they are Abusive…not peaceful.
<----This is my friend Carrie and me at a counter protest against the Assholes.
My sign says “I love Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby” A lot of people don’t get it. So I will explain…I’m a Wiccan who will stand up for other peoples religious beliefs as long as they do not impede with the freedom, rights and respect of others. They are good, Christian Companies…that are closed on Sundays.
Note…The “Above the fold" story in the newspaper was, “Lawmakers Try for Civil Union Route”. It’s about gay rights. I’m pro Gay marriage, as is Carrie. Carrie, many of my friends and I might be what a Muslim Man’s worst nightmare would be.
Freedom to be who you are.
A Rocket propelled grenade shot down his RESCUE helicopter on June 9th 2010. He died July 2, 2010. Four other Airman were killed as well.
Lt Joel Gentz
Staff Sgt David Smith (Baby Dave) I don’t have a picture of me and Baby Dave but I knew him as well.
Tech Sgt Michael Flores
Senior Airman Benjamin White
They were fighting…and please don’t get all political with me…for freedom.
I’m all over the place here, I’m sorry. I will pull it together so you can see my point…
Our military is supposed to be able to fight 2 wars at once and keep threats at bay. We are doing just that and more right now. Freedom fighters in Libya are dying because Gaddafi will not let go of his control. We could enforce a no fly zone so he can’t bomb “his” people anymore. That takes a great undertaking and military force. It would help the people of Libya gain the freedoms I believe ALL deserve. (I do hope that Sharia Law would not be the law of the land when they are free…’cause that is NOT freedom.)
Bahrain, Saudia Arabia, Yemen…even Oman…There are protests everywhere. These people are angry.
We live in a country that gained it’s freedom through fighting.
If we helped these people gain their freedom perhaps our gas prices might go down and they too MIGHT, it’s a big might friends, may gain the freedoms we take for granted.
We can claim freedom and all protest because of men like “Wiz”.
Even those fucking assholes.
Oh, and I am absolutely sick of hearing about Charlie Sheen who has contributed nothing to our society! He made $2,000,000 per episode for a show that was total SHIT….and now we hear he has money problems too?
…and my panties are in a wad!
Thank you all my Military Friends out there who let me be me. I will try not to take for granted the freedoms you protect for me on a daily basis.
(I really hope this made sense.)
I had something sooooo similar written on my fb status the other day but, dammit, face book "limited my speech" by saying I was too wordy!! Well written! It's sad that some days it takes me reading your blog to get in touch with what's going on outside of my own lil' colorful world.