Friday, February 28, 2025

Vulcan Mind Meld


She waded through the river of life, the refreshing current cold with abundant themes of time lines and places to become. Truth sat on to the soft moss covered bank, clean and refreshed she looked down and watched her smooth legs dangle apart from one another as the splash of the refreshing river water splashed and then came down with a plop back where it belonged with the rest.

She gathered her garments she had piled earlier, where lie could not go, a different time line all would know. 

Truth stepped her left foot through her sea blue, the colour of the ocean on a calm clear sky day and all matter had floated to the bottom and you could see all the way down with your bare eyes, pant leg and wiggled her perfect toes, then stepped her right foot through the other, looked down and wiggled her other set of toes that was not the same as the other set on the left, but worked fine and dandy, equal but not the same. She picked up her shirt and lifted it over her head to cover her self, as it wasn't any other bodies business what they saw of her but what she desired. Truth swung her golden cloak across the back of her shoulders, bits of grass and bark flung around her, Truth had a lot of work ahead of her.  

The smoke drifted through the air of the room, the sound of song birds near by, a blue bird landed near her and stared then sang her a song of perhaps a delight. 

How to move a complete set [X] but in a complete box where nothing can get in or out (ray)diation, and keep the complete set safe from letting anything in or out. (We*(in this instance I actually mean royalty) used to have skif, it was a gold colour box where secret communications could be had. 

Where are we trying to move it? farther.

How to contain a complete set and move it through space ~, but a mobius strip entertained with another, magnetic attraction. 2 equal sets with different parts working in in tandem but multi layer. 

We use crystals for stealth, laser, communication, to harness energy and the such...

A crystal chrysalis, it would have to be raw and come from the place where it came from. A complete set within a complete set. We start at perfection, then go from there. 

Abstract thinking is that you think you are perfecting something by making it reflect light the way you think it is desired, in reality if you would like to keep magnetic attraction to hold it has to be pure, completely pure. none of that' almost, with...(dot's) after it. 

It about complete and clear communication lines where nothing can get in the way. 

(Welcome to Dune, I'm your witch.)

The reason women are told to cover their heads (out side under the sun, moon, and stArs) is that so they (the sun, moon and stars, we are but like the Formics) would not be enamored by the beauty of the perfect women, and the only way to keep the sun moon and stars from seeing the beauty of the women of planet earth was to cover them completely, from head to toe. You See it's called magnetic attraction, a complete understanding and knowing, two equal sets, at the time of you birth where ever you are they watched you be born, the sun, the moon, and the stW(a)rs. They saw the beauty that we are, beings with free will to move about as we desire with the ability to become (more, with out breaking off a piece until the correct moment of which we would have no choosing and that we were to not be afraid) perfect here on earth. 

The viper raised her head from the ground arching her back, the sun rays absorbed through her elongated neck where she also had eyes that the sun let her see behind her when she went in for attack. 

Thought, the complete set in the perfect box is 3, but they have to be perfect...completely perfect with the ability to learn more, different. 

What is a human conduit. 

Some things* can not be measured, but we can learn and when you get it correct you will know it. 

I believe in the human race, that though we are not perfect on the out side to others we have the ability to see the individual uncut perfection that we are, and underneath all we are is grey matter with eyes posed out of the front of our skulls, and when you think you are an apex predator because you believe you see everything in front of you, some one out there has their eyes all over you. 

(edit-10:10 ish because it's important. it has to be three *perfect* people born at the exact correct time and places using the correlating crystals, no alterations to their DNA, no augmentations, marring can't be helped, no ability to become more than just the three, I'm unsure of the combination right now.) 

I'd love that paper clip necklace Dr Al (he was a family friend and bounced my youngest on his knee to see how the wolf mom could breed), if you attire is correct it doesn't pinch the skin.)


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