Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Eastern Star


It was the year of our Lord, two thousand, twenty five, the first month of the year. The bearded man had his head covered in a dark blue knit cap, keeping the warmth from escaping his body on that freezing morning. He had gotten both vehicles started and warmed up, all the horse power they could muster, packed discreetly to their limits. It was cold already and a winter storm was about to arrive, it was going to stick around for awhile and would soon hinder travel. The couple, the bearded man with the blue knit hat and the woman with short cropped hair around her tiny head, had been commanded to move. The country/State they were residing had enshrined in their constitution via vote of the people, that tax dollars would pay for the killing of children in utero up until the birth upon the desire of the mother, often guided by a person in a white coat telling the soon to be mother that something, 'might be wrong' with said child, or the mother has to work and can't take care of her child, or, just doesn't want discussion of where said child emanates. The couple, filled with the Holy Spirit, didn’t look back as they caravaned their horses power as the sun rose on that cold morning, they moved towards the Eastern Star. 


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