The little witch rabbit with silver tufts above her large pointy ears borrowed deep to find the roots that meet under the green grass meadows and oak trees that surround.
She spiraled down in circles below to find the truth so all would know.
A few things here and there the electricity is everywhere
There is a story along corridor 4.
There is a story under the golden dome in the air
When your life bread is about to be taken away because you kneeled to the god of the state, which is just a man at the end of the day, the door which you knock is not the one that made the promise, it's the neighbor down the street that told you the truth, that your bread would run out.
Facebook doesn't have a 'most recent' search instruction, or I should say it's been over written, not having interactions in real time makes a social platform retarded. Do we know why* they changed this node(?)...Censorship in plain site while they sell Zuckerberg as an all American. Meanwhile on my favorite news site where X marks the spot the comments are controlled, with that same node that makes censoring easier under the guise of the know.
[Less then 1 line not declassified]
Meanwhile the Vatican has cooked a perfect egg
Be still and listen
One day I will tell you a story
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