Monday, February 17, 2025

Alternative For


We are here, as I was saying, at a time on planet Earth at yet another turning point. 


This is called climate change, I spoke of this long ago, that 'climate' wasn't in regards to 'weather'. Climate is the now, as We shape the future, organically, and to some it's their vision of taxes, fees, and fines robbing your children's children's future of free thought, speech, and belief of God. 

The European Union is not a friend of the United States of America (America is Latin claimed and named). 

Dutchland, Nederlands, Belgium, The UK, Canada: <-do they believe in freedom for their people? Rhetorical question.

What do the citizens want? Not the ones that have been hoisted up as 'leaders' because they 'know' someone. The real people, the ones with pitchforks infuriated at what has been done to them.

People all over are warning that Europe and the Americas are ripe to repeat Weimar and you might want to sit back and ask how you got here.  

While you watch what the left hand has done you think you are seeing through the eyes of the right hand, it goes much deeper. "Hi"

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

This is something I do not view remotely; the ground shaking as I rise the blue smoke, Praise be to God. 

Who guards your gate and walls to keep the big bad wolf at bey? Did you clear the ground around to See the snakes slither towards you so you can step on it before it reaches your Childs sweet dreams of a Good future. 

The day was hot and humid, they almost always were on the small island where they were living amongst an interesting people of the Ryukyu island chain. It was the same island her father had also wandered when he was stationed as a young Marine in the 1960's, it was 2005 now and not mach had changed, even in the control tower. It was ground that had been cursed and no one had listened.

The mom of three little ones, a girl, 3, adopted in Peru, a boy, 1, adopted in Korea and another boy born on the island some months before, she had been chosen by the last boys biological mother to take care of her son and keep him safe, as she was to do with the others, it was her her life task. Her, J. O. B. gifts from God and His Angels always by her side. 

The mom of the three children had them down for their afternoon nap and went to walk the grounds of her Okinawan jungle where serpents hung from trees. As she walked she did spot a dead serpent at the base of the children's window... 


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