Sunday, February 16, 2025

Paula White


I was wondering how I was going to start this conversation and I'm not sure to whom this should be addressed so I suppose this is the way...

3vents of the world/national/local happenings of late I have concerns to the choice of Paula White as a serious choice for anything. We have a large problem of charlatans and prestige ministries that care more about them selves than the souls of the faithful, they think they do, they believe they know, they think they are better. If you see some one with the word, 'coach' in their name, be very wary if it has to do with your 'life design', snake oil pyramid sales people are what they are. In reality people need a drill sergeant and some magic too, God rules, Angel magic, have real faith, not that you were forgiven, don't you keep seeing your self staring back from the mirror when you look to blame.

The errant ways concerning...I would have to say all religions these days; that's why I'm here, in the end. The concerns we should have for the flock are not that they have been forgiven, it's the soul with which our concerns should be focused. As many have found out the last few years, the people with the papers that tell everyone they are experts, even the Bible ones my sweets, all of them, think they know and some still let the tranny that is making fun of them have any say. We should be serious with concerns to faith and say out loud Gods law. 

A few statements for view.

The Bible is a curated collection of books, Catholic, Orthodox, and all the Protestants, We call it a library.

Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea scrolls are libraries, probably curated but not for you. 

I believe we are in the midst of a pinnacle time that will be written down for years and my desire for the future is to teach our future to be better and that they can be better, Be Best. This is no joke to me, most parents think their children are special, I know mine are, some of yours too. The truth is, is that not everyone is good at what they sell you they are. I'm a serious person, I care that false teachers everywhere have massive flocks and the White House Faith Office, under Donald Trump chose Paula White, it makes me wonder, why her. It's not the money my focus is on, it's her teachings. 

I'd like to note that I'm no biblical scholar and when some one believes they have an 'answer' to their argument or point by calling out a number and chapter like a dewey decimal system, that doesn't tell me you know something, it shows me, you have dallied in a library, often only one, over and over you read the same books, searching.

This is an important moment in time, think out of the box if you really want to move forward, like Blue Angels in the sky. 

This is a side note, people like Candice Owens that reach their hand out asking for funds, she's married to a very wealthy man, question the women that think they are girl bosses and christians...

"Checkity, check, check you are servants of God," His hand reminds you. 

In reality you do the work they say they are doing by gift, not by subscription. 

Peace be with you,


Ava Maria


Take it with a grain of salt, Pan America looks nice too. 

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