Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mary Pop on ins


Sing it with me...

"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, 

the medicine go doooown, 

the medicine go down..."

11 Feb

The Department of Defense Education Activity

The encephalization Quotient is, in my best Trump voice, "wrong", I don't have an answer on a measurement for something so...in reality unfathanbabel, that means babel that's unfathomable. Somethings you can not measure, you can pretend to all you want but it's a bad idea to think you are measuring someone or some other beings capacity for intelligence via brain size, or some other measuring component or maybe even behaviour patterns (what is intelligence?)...and capacity to learn, not everyone learns the same, thinks the same, or cares about the same things.

A thing to take notice the 'experts' that talk about 'small brained' other species show them to you unclothed.

Also I'd say best practice would be to get 'mental health' officials, administrators, psychologist and psychiatrists out of 12 and under public schools...asap as a start to dismantling the horrors they have created. 


"How do you eat an elephant Kristin?"

One bite at a time is the answer I say to the lion in the sky but it's more complicated when you can't eat it all at once, sometimes we make jerky and sometimes we salt it. 

The Snow moon reflects a great deal of light 

split shifts are slavery

There is a language in old caucasus that was separate from those they ruled

Easter is going to rock

My brothers expect perfection and then We go from there. 

12 Feb

See Valantines day it's not a roll in the hey, the donkeys bray where the angels arrow vectors  

14 Feb

One foot on the Blue Mountains the other in the deep sea on the day of the Martyr of Saint Valentine, arrows fly across the sky hitting between the eye of the beast.

17 Feb

A song I often sing when making motion matter and a reminder of a time in a land far away in a time not long ago, “so long, farewell, auf weidershen goodnahight…"

18 Feb

There once was an expose, a scene to display for a view on a screen, a real horror scene of the truth of reality on display. and then they closed the mental institutions and Mengele went mainstream. 

27 Feb

Cardinal numbers are perfect sets on (a)nother level

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