2 3 12
2 to the third power equals infinite, it is the power of perfect replication of a true ice dancer. The ice dancer knows the float of the blade will stay in play as long as the heat stays at bey, but when two start to touch a whole is made.
The wraith matter, if bare eyes could see was in closeness to the colour of raw diamonds found in the rivers bend, moved amongst the crowd of people in their differently stylized class A uniforms, per custom to their war culture, worm words in their ears. The wraith matter, if bare eyes could see, had dressed for the affair for that moment in past time, white gloves for there, work gloves for the other, and hands free in the time that would be. Three places was she, 3 different times, 3 squared you might say a perfect angle, a cube can not get to a point after there is seven comes the perfect 8, with one eye on the might, the other eye on the dead, a process that took three days start to end as she floated black and sky blue over a jungle of many healthy grains with snow over head as a stable Dyson ball with 5 lite eyes spun stopped time, dinosaurs she could see through one or more windows with her eyes all over time and space.
Energy, the thing that makes things go faster then us on our own, stronger, more powerful and mighty the more energy we have, as a human , as a country, it is what makes a thing grow. Energy is the absorption of mass, but too much energy said item heats up, it spirals down, a piece broken off here or there and it doesn't stop until it becomes, energy for something else, as the spiral spins up, into cooler air, where the climate is just right for this life, when it get's colder, higher, in the spiral you no longer need the other energy from before, you absorb something else or you starve.
What do plants eat? Sun rays, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium to name a few.
How do plants eat? They absorb.
What are plants? Animal energy food and medicine
Are plants important? If animals don't have plants they don't have energy or air to breath, "check with a biologist maybe, because I'm not one", said no one ever with an ounce of intelligence or integrity.
What is a complex system? Dangerous with which to mess.
What is a model? Something an animal builds. Every angle matters for it to be a master build, so you model to perfection, then you go from there.
The Gold Standard
Who designed the model? No idea but I don't trust man.
Who is letting John Kerry have a say with concerns to the destruction of earth as he sells a dangerous incorrect model of the future that removes your ability to feed yourself?
While the European "leaders" tell their "citizens" they have to watch what they say and not have views they don't agree with so they need to make sure their education system 'teaches' their idea of correct thought to make people 'dumb' (not have a say and not be intelligent) and make compliant bureaucrats managing a welfare state that they can't afford because they have no ability to tax people because they are a welfare state and they are 'Daddy'. I wonder how the European 'leaders' fund their fruitful lifestyles while regular normal everyday people across Europe and Britain are worried a careening vehicle with a volunteer soldier behind the wheel with his foot on the peddle jump out of the way, or a knife wielding soldier, those little girls felt the knife wounds and wondered what they had done and why no one could save them, or a prosecutor that jails the person for saying what's happening out loud. They say democracy and Athens laughed out loud.
I over heard a chat of a study where noise cancelling ear buds were good for your hearing, I'm 100% it means you will hear everything you want them to tell you just fine until you wear out your complex delicate hearing abilities with sound target practice and the people factory that markets your earbuds on the screen is not going to tell you the bad side of their design. (Mark)eting (in marketing you 'target' to whom you are selling, I am marketing God's belief system through my voice to the future, that is my mark, * into ever dimension allowed. They break you, then fix you, but they don't know what matter you are made. Marketing sells you a future, you have to buy it though to get the spot on the mark.
What future is your plan and how will you attack or are you going to stroll on in thinking you don't have to exert any energy to get there?
"There is no such thing as a perfect square if everything is not even Steven", said the master builder.
Once the death process starts it spirals down negative energy potential, target anglesels
A replicator, by definition replicates.
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